Lance Wallnau - 7 Mountains Video H

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 8, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

      3. EDUCATION
      4. ECONOMY
      5. RELIGION

      • A man dropped dead for 40 minutes before he was resuscitated and had a vision of Eden in which God calls him to government. In the vision the man sees a great ocean, in the ocean 7 islands emerge and grow into mountains, behind the mountains emerges an even larger mountain and God says these are the 7 mountains of culture and behind it is the mountain of My Kingdom which is greater than all the kingdoms of this world. The Lord points to one of the mountains and says Michael, this is the Government Mountain and you are called to go into it.

      • Meanwhile the man’s wife begins to pray over Him and he comes back to life. • Lance hears about the message through Kim Clements Secretary, but when he interviews the man it turns out he didn’t see mountains at all. He saw Christian people in 7 spheres (7 mind-molders of culture), which he gathered, were spheres of influence in their chosen fields.

      • He calls Kim Clements Secretary again and asks why she talked about mountains, but she didn’t even remember having the conversation.


      • So he has Mike (the man who died) come meet him again. When Lance asks him about the mountains again, Mike says the Lord told him that he wouldn’t remember 90% of the vision that he had while he was dead.

      • So Lance thinks he spoke with an angel that told him all the details about the 7 mountains. (7m) Stands for the 7 mountains, 7 spheres of influence (or mind-molders of culture), gates of influence, or 7 mission fields to which the Church is called to occupy. SHEEP AND GOAT NATIONS “Every profound revelation from heaven always confuses people at first. When the spirit of god showed up in the upper room it’s the first time in the book of acts you see confused.” “[A profound revelation of God] messes with the religious programming of a previous move of God.” America is a “sheep nation.” “Christianity is the greatest system for securing domestic tranquility with the greatest possibility of personal prosperity.”

      • “Any nation in the world that has a Christian worldview in its foundation has prospered disproportionate to any other nation. Its freedoms, and its prosperity and its democratic developments have been proven scholastically (much to the chagrin of academia) that it’s conversionary protestant missionaries that went to nations for the purpose of revival and winning souls, that laid the foundation for reforms that produced the most prosperous democratic free nations in the world. Almost as though, ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.’ And eventually it works its way out to economics and political social expression.” SOURCE: Bob Woodbury and the “Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy.” (7m) Stands for the 7 mountains, 7 spheres of influence (or mind-molders of culture), or 7 mission fields to which the Church is called to occupy. “EVERY NATION IS EITHER A SHEEP OR GOAT NATION.” 3 Matthew 25:31-33 “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.” • The conversionary protestant missionaries laid the groundwork for nations to become “Sheep nations” in the end times. • Sheep nations represent the nations that live in obedience to God. Goat nations stand in opposition to God. HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL The Abrahamic blessing of obedience is “The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you only will be above and not beneath, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God…” • Lance: “Why is top important? Why is head important? Because the head directs the body! 90% of the nation is determined by the 5% that occupy the gates of influence as the mind-molders of culture.”

      • “The media and entertainment have done more to shape the culture than the Church.” “The Church has TV Shows and books, but we’re the only ones watching ourselves and reading each other. This is why we have a problem, we’re talking to ourselves.” The purpose of being the “Head” and “Above” was to bless all nations. The church is called to be the vehicle that blesses all the nations. Luke 4: 5-7 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. • Who would Satan give the nations of the world to? The kings of this world.

      • Kings are decision makers and influence shapers Satan gives authority to those who are antagonistic to Christ or Anti-Christ. Nations that function in this way are “Goat Nations.” 4 KINGS OF THE NATIONS Reformed theology writes that God puts those in authority, and man is so dysfunctional that without “Common Grace” we would all be destroyed. Through this grace, God prevents the world from being destroyed from crazy people. Some of the greatest political leaders (kings) were not overt Christians: Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, etc… “Influence shaping and decision making are done by the people in power, but oftentimes the people influence those people are more strategic than the decision maker.” • Joseph Daniel and Esther, all influenced the leaders of nations. Therefore it’s not always about being #1, but influence the person who’s #1. Because if the leader has common grace as not to destroy the world, if God has His hands on leaders (Even if we don’t theologically agree with them) we should come behind them and influence. The LGBT agenda has been perpetuated through the mountains of Media/entertainment along with Education. Even though so few American’s are actually LGBT, through the campaigns of Media and Education alongside the other mountains such as business and politics (whom he says get on board in order to receive some “spoils of war” although they aren’t actually interested in the campaign content) are able to completely shape the reality of the culture. Yet even though LGBT rights are emphasized right now, among American women, a whopping 95% say that infidelity is completely unacceptable in marriage. DEVELOPING MICRO-CHURCHES Microchurch- How you can create a bubble of anointing in a secular field to which you can enter into the atmosphere and presence of God with the activity of revival while you invade the culture.

      • Eden was the first mandate for dominion, in which God gave to a family, the ability to walk with God and influence the rest of the world from the inside out. Many people don’t realize but the mandate of Eden was to expand the borders, meaning there were places yet to be occupied even in the world in “Garden of Eden Mode.” They were the “Ecclesia” of the time; Adam and Eve were the Church. 5 “Where two or more are gathered, there I am in their midst”, anyplace you can bring two or more into agreement you can bring the presence of God and expand His influence wherever you go.

      • There are many nations of the world that are close to becoming Sheep nations. They need people to go to them and occupy the places of culture in order to reach them. Most of them aren’t going to be from the religion mountain, but they need people to occupy the places of culture.

      • Since we’re living in a “post-Christian” culture, you don’t need to go to another country in order to be a missionary. All you need to do is go down the street and talk to someone. THE GREAT AWAKENING George Whitfield and John Wesley were two influential leaders. They sparked a grass roots revival movement by creating societies with activists who started “Para church” organizations that focused on single issues, influenced by Christian principals, and effectively “agitated and awakened conscious”. “At the end of the day, a sheep nation is a nation who’s collective conscious is such that they’re not going to actively persecute the church.” “Wilberforce working through government was able because of the power of legislation and government, was able to work off the revival reformation activity of the societies reformers and revivalists to push the envelope of conscious on legislation to keep on legitimizing and making permanent the morality of a new nation so that it went from being the decadent land of England to the Victorian England in his lifetime.” “What is needed to disciple a nation is a sustained, pattern of public persuasion.” • We need believers who are preaching the word overtly! • “If you can’t get fired, run your mouth for Jesus. Anything else is political correctness gone amok.” • If you work in a professional environment it might be career suicide to talk about Jesus, if that’s the case then work covertly. Either way, at some point every Christian needs to be operating overtly. 6 People knew Wilberforce was a Christian, but his arguments for reforming the nation weren’t based on the bible. God gave him arguments that would resonate with the constituents he was entertaining. THE THUNDER ROAD GROUP (SHADOW PARTY) In 2004 a group of democrats formed an apostolic round table or “nerve center” in order to devise political strategy, message, and public relations in order to shift culture.

      • They devised a plan to choose 7 main areas where Christians and conservatives were strongest and they laid siege.

      • They identified previously existing liberal organizations that were able to combat each area and decided how much money, support, resources each group needed and which areas they needed to create new organizations. It was called the “Seven Sisters.”

      • They recruited 100 of the wealthiest marketplace leaders they knew could contribute 1 million dollars to the campaign, so they could apostolically control all the organizations they were putting in place to come against their opponents, in order to redefine American culture.

      Their ultimate premise was, “Whoever dominates the high places of culture has the power to define the meaning of reality.”

      • “The definition of reality is controlled by those that control cultural output.”

      • The alarming thing about this strategy is that all of these organizations have benevolent sounding names!

      • “Who doesn’t want to move on from whatever’s past?

      Who doesn’t want the vote to be true? Who doesn’t want Organize for America? • “It’s almost like they’re counterfeit Ecclesia’s. They’re organized entities that agree together for the accomplishment single objectives and agendas in discipling culture.” The country is in a time of serious economic peril, and the church can have a major role in helping the country. “70% of America’s employable business is small business, 1/3 of that are family-owned Christian businesses.”

      If we were to work together, we could make a huge difference in our culture.



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