Lakota Cosmology

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 5, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Lakota cosmology manifests itself in the design, construction, and functionality of the onikaghe (sweat shack) used in the Inipi, the purification rite.

    All the Powers of the Universe are used: the Earth and everything that arises from it; water, fire and air to build a sacred space. An igloo-shaped hut, covered in blankets that form the womb of the Cosmos and Mother Earth.

    The willows that form the frame are nailed to the ground so indicating the four directions of the Universe; thus in the whole cabin is the Universe in picture, and it covers the biped, quadruped and winged peoples and all s the things of the world.

    It is a place of prayer, therefore a Temple.

    The onikaghe is always built with the gate towards the East, for from there comes the light of Wisdom.. About ten steps is built a ritual home called Peta Owihankeshni, "Endless Fire", and there are heated the stones representing Grandmother Earth, from which all the fruits come and also to the indestructible and eternal Nature of the Great Spirit.

    The central altar of the cabin where the hot stones will be taken is the center of the Universe, in which the Great Spirit dwells with its Power, fire.

    It is carried out by digging a well in the center of the cabin, a circle with a leather strip is drawn around it. With the land collected like this, a trail that leads out of the cabin eastward and at the end of which a small mound rises.

    Aromatic herbs and water are placed on the stones, which produce abundant steam,
    causing the sweating of the people who are inside it.

    The word Inipi is derived from the Lakota "Iniunkajaktelo" meaning let's pray to the sweat shop.

    To sit around Grandmas and Grandpas Stones is to be in the womb of Mother Earth and at the

    center of the Cosmos, to receive healing and purification.

    The willow branches that form the structure of the hut, are armed forming two four-directional

    crosses that have an associated color, in turn representing the sixteen great mysteries of Wakan

    Tanka, the creator of the universe that governs tr birds of various deities,

    which are all the aspects of your Being.

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