Lélia Wanick And Sebastião Salgado ~ The Terra Institute

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 5, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    In Brazil, this couple planted 2 million trees in 18 years,
    returning 172 bird species, 33 mammals, 15 amphibians,
    15 reptiles and 293 plant species.

    The whole world should know them.

    This is Lélia Wanick and Sebastião Salgado

    The couple decided to start the Terra Institute,
    a small organization that planted 2 million plants and revived the forest.

    "There is only one creature that can convert
    carbon dioxide into oxygen, and that is a tree."

    We need to replant the forests.

    Using only local plants, the couple rebuilt the entire ecosystem
    from scratch and the area flourished significantly,
    allowing the fauna to return; thanks to their work,
    Lélia and Sebastião saved dozens of endangered species.

    "The earth was sad as I was, everything was destroyed.

    Then my wife got a fantastic idea to replant this forest:
    all the insects, fish and birds returned,
    and thanks to the new growth of the trees I was born again. " 1f333.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    In the early 2000s, famous Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado
    and his wife Lélia Wanick decided to rebuild their 600-hectare desert land in Aimorés.

    They have planted more than 2 million tree seedlings with employees and volunteers in 18 years.

    And the result is amazing!

    They created a new forest and now the site has 293 species of plants, 172 species of birds, and 33 species of animals,
    some of which were on the brink of extinction.

    In the early 2000s, famous Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado
    and his wife Lélia Wanick
    decided to rebuild their 600-hectare desert land in Aimorés.

    They have planted more than 2 million tree seedlings with employees and volunteers in 18 years.
    And the result is amazing! They created a new forest and now the site has 293 species of plants,
    172 species of birds, and 33 species of animals, some of which were on the brink of extinction

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Lélia Wanick Salgado

    "Eu não ando atrás de ninguém, ando ao lado"
    "I don't follow anyone, I walk beside them"​

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sebastião Salgado

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sebastião Salgado

    Maria Lagranha is in Genebra - Suíça.
    June 29, 2022 at 12:35 PM ·

    Sebastião Salgado is a Brazilian photographer I admire a lot. Born in Aimores - MG, 1944.
    Graduated in Economics from UFES He has a master's degree in USP
    and a doctor's degree from the University of Paris, both of which he has done in Economics.

    Is married to Lélia Wanick Salgado
    In the 70's, on his travels from work to Africa did his first photo shoot.

    In 1979 He worked for Syigma and Gamma photography agencies.

    He entered Magnum and was tasked with a series of photos about the first 100 days of Ronald Reagan's government.

    Salgado documented the shooting attack on the President in Washington.

    Selling photos allowed the Brazilian to finance his first personal project.

    The 1st book, Other Americas, was published in 1986 and shows the least favored in Latin America.

    Then came Sahel: The Man in Panic, 1986 – collaboration with Doctors Without Borders on the drought in North Africa.

    Between 1986 and 1992, he documented the work manual worldwide, the "Rural Workers" series,
    a monumental feat that confirmed his reputation as a documentary photo.

    From 1993 to 1999, he turned his look back on the global phenomenon of mass displacement,
    the internationally acclaimed "Exodus and Portraits of Exodus Children" series.

    In the introduction of Exodus Salgado narrates: “More than ever, I feel that there is only one human race.

    There is difference of colors, languages, cultures but people's feelings and reactions are similar.. “

    Create only photos in black and white.

    Salgado perpetuates the fundamental dignity of all humanity while recording the violation
    of this dignity through war, poverty, and other injustices.

    He has received almost all of the major photography awards in the world.

    For more than 20 years, he works on an environmental restoration project,
    recovering a forest in Brazil in partnership with his wife.

    I had the opportunity to see the exhibition Exodus - in Seville in 2002.

    It really is something unique, strong, exciting.

    Large photos in black and white show the pain of war, migration, extreme situations,
    incredible looks, which make you reflect a lot.


    His work has 12 very important books and should be admired.​

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Du 27 juin au 30 novembre 2022, se tiendra à Avignon, au Palais des Papes, l’exposition de Sebastião Salgado “Amazônia”. Organisée et conçue par Lélia Wanick Salgado, il s'agit d'une exposition photographique qui célèbre les peuples indigènes et les paysages variés de la forêt amazonienne brésilienne (la forêt, les fleuves, les montagnes).
    Le résultat est une série de 200 œuvres photographiques monochromes, qui dévoile la vision de l'Amazonie du photographe célèbre franco-brésilien, au moment même où la forêt approche d’un point de basculement critique.
    L'exposition se veut immersive, grâce à une bande son composée par le musicien électronique français Jean-Michel Jarre, à partir de bruits de l'Amazonie.
    Selon les mots de Salgado "cette exposition est le fruit de sept années d'expérience humaine et d'expéditions photographiques sur terre, dans les eaux et dans les airs. Ces images sont un témoignage de ce qui existe encore avant que davantage ne disparaisse. Pour que la vie et la nature surmontent l'extermination et la destruction, il est un devoir pour les êtres humains de la planète entière, de participer à sa protection.”
    Pour en savoir plus : https://cutt.ly/4GFUiQQ

    #PlanèteAmazone #SebastiãoSalgado #Amazônia #Avignon #PalaisdesPapes
    Crédits photo : Sarah Price | CC BY-NC 2.0


    “Amazônia”, l’exposition itinérante de Sebastião Salgado prochainement à Avignon - Planète Amazone

    Have you heard the testimonies of indigenous leadership from the "Amazon" exhibit? 1f33f. 1f332.
    In the "Amazon" exhibition, Lélia Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado make a visual and aesthetic presentation of the Amazon space, indigenous communities, but it is indigenous leadership that make the political and social presentation through videos inside the open air spread by the expo. Thus, the exhibition functions as a piece inside the gear of the awareness movement towards the Amazon.
    The exhibition brings the result of seven years of photographic immersions by Sebastião Salgado in the region, a dive into the heart of the Amazon and an invitation to see, listen and reflect on the future of biodiversity and the urgent need to protect the people indigenous people and ecosystem preserving is essential to the planet.
    1f4cc. Soon, cariocas will also be able to visit the exhibition and learn a little more about the Amazon at @museudoamanha!
    1f4f7. Matthew Joseph Maria
    1f4cc. Amazon - Sebastião Salgado (@expoamazoniabr @sebastiaosalgadooficial)
    1f5d3. Until 31/07
    23f0. Tuesday to Saturday, from 10h30 to 21h (with entry until 19h30) and on Sundays and holidays, from 10h to 18h (with entrance until 16h30).
    *Access subject to exhibition space capacity
    1f637. Wearing a mask covering mouth and nose is recommended. If you show symptoms related to Covid-19, seek healthcare and remain in social isolation.
    #SebastiaoSalgado #Amazonia #ProgramacaoSescSP #Sescpompeia #ArtesVisuais #Exposicao
    #Timelineaccessible #ForAllToSee: Image of one of the round spaces that contains images and testimonies of Indigenous leadership. The walls are earthy red, there is a screen in the middle with a video, and on the walls around it pictures.

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