KiwiBlokeDaza @KiwiBlokeDaza Feb 20, 2022 What if... Both the Allies & Germany LOST WW2, but secretly the 4th Reich Won – joining secretly with Clowns In America, [mockingbird media - MKUltra Propaganda] moving to Switzerland, Argentina & Antarctica + elsewhere... setting up the EU & UN & NATO / the Industrial Military Complex... to infiltrate governments & commerce globally. [to control EVERYTHING] [all tax payer funded too – wage slaves paying for their own enslavement] *Operation Paperclip *Operation High Jump + late 2019 Event201 “Global Virus Pandemic “Exercise” + early2020 – Novel Corona Virus Global Pandemic < Fast Forward to 2021 - Clot Shot Death Jabs + Digital Jail Passports = 2+2 = 1984 Devolution Plan the Warrior Patriots in the military are unfolding Now =#WINNINGWINNINGWINNING [Continuation of Government plan] DEVOLUTION [continuation of Government] Trump, the master strategist, shocked us all when he stepped aside on January 20, and handed the country over to communists and their puppet president. But was this all part of a much bigger plan? Did Trump ever truly relinquish control, or did he step aside just long enough for the enemies to expose themselves for all to see? Was this the only way to avoid massive civil war, while giving the American people time to wake up? And if so, what could we expect to see in the near future? Read Part 1/3 Watch View: Part 2/3 Watch View: Part 3/3 Watch View:
check out the comments KiwiBlokeDaza on Gab: 'What if...<br /><br />Both the Allies & German…'
There is no way that girl with Hitler is Merkel. Merkel wasn’t born until 1954, and it looks NOTHING like the real picture of Merkel at 3 years old. my impression to this: Merkel might be a clone today and; already dead ?
colonelusar @colonelusar “The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.” ”Truth will shock the WORLD.” ”Future will PROVE past.”
PamQ @PamQ It did happen, hw bush was brought over from Germany after WWl, his family are nazis! my impression: old bush, hw bush was born in germany under the last name of scherrf ??? george bush scherrf pictures from germany - google this The Nazis in The White House Story: Part 3 Hitler Associate Exposes Nazi Germany Born Bushes – The Truth is the LIGHT ( https://ronaldwederfoort.wordpress....r-associate-exposes-nazi-germany-born-bushes/
Q33443410 I'm trying to find a radio show that was broadcasted after Obama started his Presidential Campaign, the guest on the show said he worked in Russia. He said he was invited to a Professors house with a friend for dinner. As an American the subject came up about the first Black President of the United States. He said he didn't know, the wife said she knew it was going to happen. She was very insistent and said he's being groomed in the best schools, she mentioned the name Barack. The man said he didn't give any thought. He came back to America and when Barack Obama ran for Senate he contacted people about what he heard years before.... He was later on a radio station and repeated his story and said that his previous contacts could substantiate his story. ANSWER: Barack Obama: The Soviet Union's Chosen One Tom Fife interview with Jeff Nyquist View: Barack Obama: The Soviet Union's Chosen One (Interview with Tom Fife)
Conway Gritty @ConwayGritty First have to start by understanding nothing Biden says is true....then take it from there. 95
Cyndexia@AmericaTruther 54m· Hey Ya'll This is the Guy, John Podesta, who IN charge of Laundry for that $ 370 Billion in clean energy under a that bullshit new climate law. Keep Your Babies Close 8 13 reposts
WOW... PARTS OF MY FAMILY left poland/germany long b4 the war ~relatives that stayed behind lived thru horror stories (many when caught - gave their names different) perhaps, some hide they were JEWISH - and, STATE when immigrating they were lutherans ? (don't really know) know this, i was NOT raised in the church doctorines Remembering the 1160 people who had names of Schwenger, or Family names that "sound like" Schwenger that were lost in the holocaust... Schwenger or... (schenger, schgenager, schlaenger, Schlänger, schlanger, schlenger, schlenker, schlienger, schlinger, schrenger, schwanger, schweiger, schwender, schwengler, schwener, schwenter, schweger, schweiger, schwinger) however, it sure does make you wonder, if "schwenger" people gave out different spellings of their last name to save other ancestors asses ??? I know some 'schwenger' were definitely JEWISH... and, some where found to be catholic, and, many identified as 'lutheran' on census... -my great grandfather identified as a 'lutheran' & "hotel owner", he immigrated to Hamilton, Ontario in Canada, late 1800s, but, he didn;t seem to have a religion in canada, neither did my grandfather nor, my dad or great aunt and, i was NOT raised in any form of church practices !!! ("personally, i think there is a deep state israel ,and, a good one - that should be blended back with palestine, but, i'm no expert on this susan lynne schwenger - @13Linesofspirit" mdbussiere1 @Mdbussiere1 5h··Pro-Iran Pro-Syria Anti-Israel 02 sep 2022 .. 'They are rewriting the History books, If we don't take Not only Our Country but the Truth in History.' back.. then Trump will be Written as the New 'Hilter' and We MAGA First Patriots are the New 'Nazi's' 'So time to re-Examine History or repeat it... Adolf Hitler - The Last Leader in a World Full of Puppets