Part 1 Pan_Determined@Pan_Determined 3m· @13LiNESofSPiRiT @realdonaldtrump @ilDonaldoTrumpo @dacase History of the Khazarian Mafia (Part 1) History of the Khazarian Mafia (Part 1) Khazar history, particularly that of the Khazarian Mafia, the world’s largest organized crime syndicate, which the Khazarian oligarchy has made it through the use…
This is part 2 Pan_Determined @Pan_Determined 19m· @13LiNESofSPiRiT President Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump @ilDonaldoTrumpo @dacase ---- PLEASE SHARE –CHRISTIAN RUSSIA BATTLES LUCIFER TO SAVE HUMANITY --- THE GLOBALIST KIM (Kazarian Illuminati Mafia) ZIONIST JEWISH GLOBAL CONTROLLED MAINSTREAM MEDIA WILL NEVER SHOW THIS ! ==== CONTENT : 1. WHO\WHAT IS KIM ZIONIST JEWS 2. CHRISTIAN PUTIN MILITARY LIBERATED UKRAINE SUPPORT 3. RUBLE NOW GOLD BACKED CURRENCY 4. KIM TALMUD BIBLE 5. GLOBALIST KIM EARTH GOALS 2030-35 -- 7 BILLION DEPOPULATION ==== 1. WHO\WHAT IS KIM (Khazarian Illuminati Mafia) ZIONIST JEWS ? --TOP SECRET MONEY-MAGIC GLOBAL MAFIA WORLDWIDE CRIME MAFIA --has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 27 EU nations and most UN nations (207 nations) --perverted religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam 2.1----- RUSSIA MILITARY UKRAINE TRUTH, REMOVAL OF USA\EU KIM : 1. NAZI ARMY 2. MERCENERIES 2. EU\NATO ARMY 4. HUMAN TRAFICKING 5. CHILD HARVESTING SALES\ORGANS 6. 30 BIOWEAPON LABORATORIES 7. 1,500KM TUNNELS --creating peace, safety, food and stability --Kiev NAZI controlled areas HAVE murder, looting, rape and chaos 2.2---- RUSSIA MILITARY UKRAINE LIBERATED CITIZENS FOOD, MEDICINE SUPPLY DELIVERY Huge Convoys , tons of food and humanitarian aid 2.3--- 2/26/22 Christian Putin Unleashes FIERCE Chechen Forces On Ukraine! 3--- 3/3/22 RUSSIA HAS THE MOST STABLE CURRENCY IN THE WORLD ! ---USES GOLD STANDARD --The USA FED usury dollar totally eliminated --NEW GLOBAL TRADE CURRENCY - Russia and China have the world's two largest gold bullion reserves in the world. 2,000 tons and 4,000 tons, respectively and a network of BRICS bank nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) The USA dollar is backed by TRUST, has zero gold value, and nation has a $30 trillion debt, mostly to China. 4---- KIM LUCIFER WORSHIPPERS SINCE 200 BC (over 2220 years) 5 --- EVIL GOALS OF KIM KILLUMINATI MAFIA BY 2030 : 7 BILLION DEAD\DAMAGED SOURCE GOD HUMANS : 1. 3.5 billion using COVID Hoax 2025 2. 3.5 billion using COVID Hoax variants, illegal immigration, 5G Smart Tech products\services, war, and graphene oxide by 2030-35 3. NO NATIONS, NO RELIGION EXCEPT LUCIFER\SATAN, NO SOURCE GOD, NO CULTURES, NO FAMILIES, 1 BILLION HYBRID 5G/AI/DNA CONTROLLED LGBTQ++HYBRID TRANSHUMAN ---- The Khazarian Mafia (Part II)