Jew, Hebrew, Israelite Confusion ???

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 6, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Abraham was a Hebrew;
    he was neither an Israelite nor a Jew.
    Moses was both a Hebrew,
    and and Israelite;
    he also was NOT a Jew.

    The children of Israel,
    like Moses, where Hebrews and Israelites;
    in the Pentateuch
    (the first five books of The bible, attributed to Moses);
    they were NEVER TERMED JEWS !!!

    The term 'JEW' is a derivative of the word 'JUDAH'
    and applied to The Kingdom of Judah,
    the southern house of Israel.

    The First reference to a JEW
    as in 'JEWS' is in 2 king 16:6

    Throughout the whole of The bible,
    the world JEW never applied to the northern house.

    How is it then the minister and preachers
    refer to Abraham and Moses as Jews,
    and, even talk about The Jews coming out of Egypt ?

    How can we have Jews before Judah was even born;
    or the southern house of Israel established ???

    What has happened to our
    Christian educational system
    that would allow such error
    to remain unchecked ???

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