Jesus Luciferum Decoded please read article here: Jesus Luciferum Decoded | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban ( The Timeline of the Life of Jesus, Logos Universal in a 1980 and 76-year Time warp to Agenda 2030 for a Planetary and Universal Metamorphosis Introduction and Foreword This book tells the story of a time warp spanning 2 millennia ending in a present time frame of 38 years from 2012 to 2020 and 2030 to 2050. These 38 years are mirrored in the December solstice of 2012 to specify a 76-year cycle from December 21st, 1974 for a total day count of 19x1461=27,759 days. In overview, the 2000 years become descriptive for the change in reckoning of time for the present era from the BC=Before Christ or BCE=Before Common Era to the AD=Anno Domini or CE=Common Era calendrical time count conventions. This time warp allows an old world inhabited by galactic- and universal lifeforms of past historical endeavor to become transformed into a new world of futuristic potential in a great metamorphosis or ‘reset’. A Gregorian date of August 4th, 2050 becomes shifted in a day count of 38 years from August 4th, 70 AD to signify a symbol of universal destruction in the Hebrew calendar date of Saturday, 9Av3830. This Saturday and sabbath-mirror day for universal self-reflection describes a history of the destruction of the temple of Herod in Jerusalem by the Roman general Titus. Herod’s construction of this 2nd temple of Jerusalem followed a first historically obscured, but scripturally encoded construction of the 1st temple of Jerusalem by the Hebrew king Solomon in 962 BC. 38 Gregorian years comprise 2 metonic cycles of time calibrating the lunar cycles of the Hebrew-Babylonian calendar and reckoning of time in two 19-solar tropical years of 365.2422 days and so 6939.61 days for 19 years approximating 235 lunar cycles, each of 29.53 days in 6939.55 days. The 38 tropical years so define a timeframe of 6939+1+6939 = 13,879 days with a boundary day for the 13,780 day count.. December 21st, 2012 then becomes a present ‘end-date’ calendrical mirror date projecting 38 years into a future of 2012+38=2050 to image 38 years of the ‘end date’ into the self-relative present time past of 2012-38=1974. A very particular and unique encoding in the Masoretic texts of the Hebrew Torah and the King James Christian bible stipulates a dividing of times into two halves to enable a ‘shortening of times’ from the separation nexus; this focus date in time of October 8th, 13 AD/1993 extends the 76 year period of time by another 38 years from July 26th, 1974 to July 26th, 1936. A period of 6 19-year metonic cycles of 6x19=3x38=114 years so describes a period of time of universal reconfiguration in an evolution of physicalized mental consciousness and spacetime awareness. This date becomes the midway mirror point for the ‘Captivity’ of the old world decoded as the Babylonian captivity of Israel-Judah under the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar encoded in Jeremiah.52.28-31. The 37 years of the captivity encoded by Ezekiel and Jeremiah so are decoded in the twinned metonic cycle described in this book. The 4600 ‘captive’ persons become 4600 ‘sacrificed days’ and relate to Daniel’s ‘Cleansing of the Sanctuary’ with the ‘Blessing of the Anointed’ in Dan.8.13-14 with Dan.12.12 with Noah’s Covenant of 370 days {600.2.17+600.7.17+600.10.1+600.11.11+600.11.18+600.11.25++601.1+601.2.27=150+74+40+7+7+36+56=370} of Gen.7-9.17 by the calculation 2300+370=2670=1335+1335. Jeremiah 52:28-31 - King James Version 28 This is the people whom Nebuchadrezzar carried away captive: in the seventh year three thousand Jews and three and twenty: 29 In the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar he carried away captive from Jerusalem eight hundred thirty and two persons: 30 In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred. 31 And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison. Jesus the Anointed Universal Logos was conceived on July 26th, 7BC time warped onto July 26th, 1974 according to the scripture encodings and so defines the time warp period as 1980 years. A focused timeline for the 1980 year time warp super positioned unto the two metonic calendrical cycles of 38 years, then begins and ends in a 265 day gestation period from July 26th 7BC-Julian/1974 Gregorian to December 21st , 32AD-Julian/2012 Gregorian. This day count of 14,045=13,780+265 as 37 years with a leap year is bounded by a conception-birth nexus mirrored in a conception-rebirth nexus to define the resurrection-rebirth as March 31st-April 1st 32AD/2012 as the 1st rebirth anniversary of Jesus and 265 days from the December 21st, 2012 solstice and 148 days from the completion of the mirrored 19-year metonic cycle of 235+235=470 lunations for July 26th, 32AD/ 2012. Following a gestation period of 265 days as 38 weeks of 7 days 7x38=266, Jesus was born on Saturday, April 17th 6 BC-Julian on the Hebrew date 29Nisan 3755 (354) with particular astronomical configurations pertaining to conjunctions between the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn in a period of time defining a lunation, so fulfilling the Isaiah prophecy-code of Isa.66.23. The scriptural account of Jesus’ life in incarnated bodily form completes in a period of time, encompassing a galactic synchronization of the Milky Way galaxy with the annular transit of the Sun at the December solstice from the star sign of Sagittarius into Capricorn on or about December 21st . As the angular size of the Sun from the observation point of the Earth is about 0.53 degrees, it will take about 38 solar years for the solar journey across the galactic center of the Milky Way to enter and exit this galactic synchronization between the local solar system and its hosting galaxy of the Milky Way. It then is this galactic synchronization, which can define the beginning and the end of a precessional cycle of the seasons, commonly defined in equinoxes and solstices of a yearly solar cycle. 36 years of 365.25 days with 1 leap year of 366 days with 265 gestation days then stipulate a particular time of universal metamorphosis or planetary transformation in 365x36+366+265=13,780 (mean solar) days. 13,780 days/0.53 = 26,000 ‘synchronization days’, which therefore define a Great Platonic Cycle- or ‘prophetic’- or Degree year as 360 days for a Day-Kin calendar calibration of 360x26,000=9,360,000 so using a simple day count in the Mayan calendars, subsequently calibrated to solar and lunar reckoning of times in other calendrical systems. The scriptural account of Jesus’ life in incarnated bodily form completes in a period of time, encompassing a galactic synchronization of the Milky Way galaxy with the annular transit of the Sun at the December solstice from the star sign of Sagittarius into Capricorn on or about December 21st . As the angular size of the Sun from the observation point of the Earth is about 0.53 degrees, it will take about 38 solar years for the solar journey across the galactic center of the Milky Way to enter and exit this galactic synchronization between the local solar system and its hosting galaxy of the Milky Way. It then is this galactic synchronization, which can define the beginning and the end of a precessional cycle of the seasons, commonly defined in equinoxes and solstices of a yearly solar cycle. 36 years of 365.25 days with 1 leap year of 366 days with 265 gestation days then stipulate a particular time of universal metamorphosis or planetary transformation in 365x36+366+265=13,780 (mean solar) days. 13,780 days/0.53 = 26,000 ‘synchronization days’, which therefore define a Great Platonic Cycle- or ‘prophetic’- or Degree year as 360 days for a Day-Kin calendar calibration of 360x26,000=9,360,000 so using a simple day count in the Mayan calendars, subsequently calibrated to solar and lunar reckoning of times in other calendrical systems. A Mayan day count of 9,360,000 kin so becomes subdivided into 26,000 katun of 360 kin each and 5x13=65 Baktuns of 144,000 days each and relating many scripturally encoded numeracies and metaphors to a simple count of days as the Mayan kin count. A precessional cycle of the ‘wobbling of the Earth’ about its axis of rotation, so is given as 65 144,000 day cycles, each of 394.26 solar years in a total of 394.26x65 = 25,626.81 solar years. A degree of precession in the 360 degree precessional cycle of 26,000 degree years so defines 26,000/365.2425 = 71.185 solar years per precessional degree. The 144,000 ‘elect’ in Revelation.7.4; 14.1, the 185,000 ‘slain Assyrians’ in 2Kings.19.29-35 and the 7000 ‘slain men’ in Revelation 11.13 and the 153 fishes in an unbroken net upon the ‘sea of Tiberias’ in John.21.8-11, all relate to a simple count of days in a primary mode of decoding and relate to an overall ‘hidden’ code regarding the ‘daily sacrifices’ taken away in the ‘end of times’ describing periods of war and tribulation, before the dawning of a ‘new age’. {Dan.8.13; 9.24-27; 12.11; Matthew.24}. The ‘daily sacrifice’ as ‘days sacrificed for years’, so decodes as the end of times, measured in years in a ‘day for a year’ principle encoded in Ezekiel.4.1-7 in the context of an older time frame of preparation, gestations, sieges and captivities completing in a time of dispensations and universal judgements to manifest a new timeframe. The ‘millennium of peace and judgement’ in Rev.20.1-6 likewise relates to this shortening of times in conjunction with 2Pet.3.8, where 1 day is as 1000 years in the ‘hour’ of judgement and the ‘day of the Lord’ say as in Revelation 18 with 19 in the ‘judgement of the old world’ encoded as the ‘Harlot of Babylon’, riding the ‘beast of the apocalypse’. The ‘shortening of days, unless no flesh should be saved’ of Matthew.24 is decoded as a universally applicable ‘master code’ defining a ‘Time’ in various ways with 84 hours as 3½ days representing the ‘shortening’ of 3½ 360-day years of 42 30-day months as 7 half-years of 2 consecutive seasons as an equinox-solstice coupling in 180 days or 1260 days as half-time of 7x360=2520 days. This ‘master code’ then is specified in the proportionality between a 360 day degree year and a day of 24 hours in the ‘size of Noah’s flood’ in Genesis.7.20, where 15 cubit-days covered the mountains of the Earth. This encoding key is repeated in the ‘ransom’ of Hosea’s harlot wife of 15 silver pieces, as well as Jesus ransom money of 30 silver pieces doubled in the ‘judgement of Babylon’ {Hosea.3.1-3; Zech.11.7-17; Matt.27.1-10; Rev.18.6}. I hour in a day of 24 hours is in the same proportion as are 15 days in a year of 360 days as 24x15=360. This then sets 15 days as 7=1+7 days in 2 weeks of 7 days each divided and mirrored in the ‘Day of the Lord’ as the ‘Doubled Hour of Universal Judgement’. This ‘time of the end’, when years are shortened to days in both a historical and a jurisprudent manner then provides the subject matter for this book and story told from a universal and not a political - or otherwise human minded perspective. The life path of Jesus, decoded from the Masoretic scripture as primary reference, so encompasses his conception on July 26th, 7 BC, his birth on April 17th, 6 BC, his 12th birthday in 7AD, his baptism of August 4th, 28AD and his transfiguration on February 9th, 31AD to the first Easter-Passover week from Palm Sunday of March 25th, 31 AD to the ‘Last Supper’ on Full Moon Gethsemane of March 27th, 31 AD to Easter Sunday April 1st, 31 AD to the 40 ‘wilderness’ days to ascension on May 10th , 31AD to Pentecost on May 20th, 31 AD in 13,447 days of the Hebrew and Julian calendar day count. 13,780 – 333 = 13,447 and so the initializing Pentecost May 20th, 31AD is extended to Jesus’ 37th birthday of April 17th , 32AD to define the galactic synchronization of 13,780 days in additional apocryphal dispensations of Jesus in the ‘resurrected bodyform’ (see chapter four: The Resurrection of Jesus Universal Logos and Radiationmass). This extension relates to the discoveries of particular extra-biblical sources, like the Dead Sea scrolls of Qumran, Israel and the Nag Hammadi, texts of Egypt, 1945. In summary the life of Jesus from conception to birth in old human form to rebirth in starhuman form is revisited in the galactic synchronization in the present historical timeframe of the precession of the equinoxes beginning on March 1st, 23,615 BC and ending on December 21st, 2012 Gregorian -proleptic. This ‘calendrical reset’ of the December solstice of 2012, so becomes the birth of star humanity as a rebirth of an old human genomatrix beginning 25,627 years in the past from a present reckoning of time. The Mayan reset of its ‘ancient calendrical time count’ in Haab and Tzolkin, so defines December 16th, 2013 as 13Ahau 13 Mac and precisely 1 katun of 360 days following the end of the old calendar of December 21st, 2012 as 4Ahau 3Kankin. December 21st, 2013 and the December solstice of 2013 so became the 1st birthday of the universal starhuman child growing as a ‘collective starhuman archetypical genomatrix’. The 13,780 days or 38 years of the lifepath of Jesus so are superposed in a 1980 year time warp from December 21st, 2012 to December 21st, 2050 , warping the diaspora and destruction of the historical 2nd temple of Herod’s Jerusalem from 70 AD to 2050 AD and correlating any political old human mind conceived agenda devised in this timeframe onto a universal or inter-multidimensional jurisprudence. The starhuman cosmic-universal child will reach its teenager stage on December 21st, 2025 being its 13th birthday. Its relative maturity of 18 and 20 years at the December solstices of 2030 and 2032 respectively and its subsequent adulthood of its 38th birthday in the year 2050 corresponds to various political and old human mind conceived agendas, which omit the encompassing universal dispensation. Either aware or partially aware or incognizant, the political and scientifically and technologically manifested maneuvers of the planetary controllers and administrators for a 3x13= 39 year dispensation from 2011/31 AD to 2050/70 AD become super positioned onto the galactic synchronization and the lifepath of Jesus Universal Logos. A three tiered trisection for the years 2011+13=2024 and 2024+13=2037 and 2037+13=2050 then will universally define the metamorphosis of an old world human genomatrix into a new world starhuman genomatrix and the graduation of an old human planetary civilization into a starborn new civilization destined for the exploration of the galactic and intergalactic universe. As ambassadors for a civilization evolved in its consciousness and self-awareness and with the experience of the lowest form of planetary life expression in its destructive life destroying potential; the starhuman children and graduates will participate in the modus operandi of Jesus Universal Logos. As the period from 2012 to 2025 is focused on the time warp from 1974/7 BC to 2012/32 AD as the 38 year galactic Logos synchronization before the birth of the starhuman child in the resetting of the precessional calendar; the chapters and time charts in this book will detail the lower dimensional agenda of the old human stewardship upon planet Earth through the observation viewpoint of its higher dimensional auspices and (Universal Logos) jurisdiction. The Universal Gestation of John the Baptizer = 266=7x38 days for 38 Weeks beginning on New Moon of Wednesday, December 31st, 8BC {jB!Aj at 19:09UCT} and ending on New Moon of Wednesday, September 23rd , 7BC {fB!Af at 20:53UCT}. The 5th and 6th month in the Hebrew year encompass an embolismic leap-year of 383 days in a 13th month Veadar inserted between the months of Adar and Nisan in the ordinary counting as the 2nd and 3rd months respectively. As the encoded time for Elisabeth’s 1st month is Shevat with 1Shevat3754 corresponding to January 1st, 7BC on the Julian calendar {Lk.1.5-36}, the 6th month of Sivan for an embolismic year (383 or 384 or 385) becomes the 6th month of Tammuz for a common year (383 or 354 or 355). The combined timeline for the two 38 week gestations of Elisabeth and Mary is detailed in the following chart. John the Baptizer so was born Tuesday, September 22nd, 7BC on the Virgo-Libra cusp and within a full New Moon lunation from Tuesday, August 25th 7BC {eB!Ae at 11:14UCT} to Full Moon of Wednesday, September 9th, 7BC {lB<Af at 04:50UCT} to Wednesday, September 23rd, 7BC {fB!Af at 20:53UCT} for a decoded lunation of 30 days as 30 hours divided in the New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon 15 day half-lunation cyclicity. A synodic or lunar month is approximated and used as 29.5306 Days with 235 lunations approximating 19 solar years as a metonic cycle calibrating the movement of the moon with the transit of the sun. 235x29.5306 = 6939.691 Days as 19x365.2425 = 6939.6075 for the Civil-Gregorian Calendar Year. The encoded ‘Hour’ in the masoretic texts and particularly the apocalyptic Revelation accounts {Rev.17.12; 18.6-17} are decoded as 15 days between a new moon and a full moon in the Hebrew lunar calendar reckoning of time and further define the ‘shortening of times’ {Mat.24.22} as the proportionality between a day and a year in the counting of 24 hours in a day being equal to 15 days in a 360-day cycle- or degree year. 15 = 360/24 = 1260/84 = 2520/168 = 7x360 Hours/168 Hours = 7x360 Degree-Day Years/7x24 Hour Days The September equinox in the year 7BC was on Friday, September 25th {fAg at 15:04UCT} and the Leo-Virgo cusp of the solar transit was on Wednesday, August 26th {eAf at 07:42CT} The Universal Gestation of Jesus the Anointed = 266=7x38 days for 38 Weeks for Sunday, July 26th, 7BC to Sunday, April 18th, 6BC beginning at the day of Universal Conception of the Universal Logos as the day of Annunciation of Sunday, July 26th, 7BC {encoded in Lk.1.24-31}. This date is astronomically defined as the solar cusp between Cancer and Leo and so as the Sun’s entry into the sign of the Lion of Judea {encoded in Gen.49.8-12, 16-18; Deut.33.7,22 and Rev.5.5} for the Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary on Sunday, July 26th, 7BC {dAe at 11:20UCT}. The Cancer/Dan-Leo/Judah birthright breach as the ordering of the celestial star signs for the 12 tribes of Israel with the 4th son of Jacob and Leah being followed by the 1st son of Rachel’s handmaiden Bilhah exchanges the position between Judah and Dan in a parallel to the birthright breaches of Cain-Abel and Esau-Jacob and Manasseh-Ephraim in the Pharez-Zarah birthright birth right reset encoded in Gen.38 from {Gen.4; 27; 48.8-20}. Last edited: Apr 17, 2022 I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One! please read article here: Jesus Luciferum Decoded | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (