Jaz The Oracle - Humans Are Basically Blind To What Exists

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 15, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    7m ·


    View: https://www.facebook.com/100084353883181/videos/140431878690586

    Jaz TheOracle says:
    I understand that not many of my friends really understand
    what I am talking about most of the time...

    Few of them are uncomfortable by it
    and others are inconvenienced by it...

    But, anyway

    Truth is truth, it is here to stay,
    I am here to stay and will not stop speaking about it...

    if I am too direct and too blunt for you

    I am not sorry at all,

    it is just me being myself

    and I know you are not used to people being themselves,

    you would rather them smile at you you,

    look you in the eye and lie to you...

    hypocrisy of today's society that you prefer

    In the 1899 interview, Nikola Tesla said that and I quote:

    "Everything is the Light, I am part of a light,
    and it is the music.
    The Light fills my six senses:
    I see it, hear, feel, smell, touch and think.
    Thinking of it means my sixth sense.
    Particles of Light are written note”.

    He also goes on to say that
    "Light is the primary source of Creation,
    in one its ray is the fate of nations,
    each nation has its own ray in what great light source
    we see as the Sun."

    Imagine this was back when science at that time
    couldn't even begin to understand the atomic level of particles,
    let alone the sub-atomic levels.

    The hardest part about getting people to think outside the box
    & believe in the impossible, is getting them to understand the basics
    of EVERYTHING we're taught about the nature of Light, Energy & biology,
    is a complete fabricated lie to keep humanity in the dark on purpose.

    Ether = Light = Universal Consciousness = Creator = God, etc..

    Jaz TheOracle

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