Insane $1500/mo Rents , And People Making $15/hr

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 26, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    26 oct 2022·
    As I've stated before, under OBiden's policies and inflation,
    it appears that the family home will be passed down
    through the generations as it used to be, and never sold,
    as following generations cannot afford rent or purchase.

    I've watched as farmlands here are sprinkled with house-seeds
    as the kids sell the land before their parents body is cold,
    as they don't want the hard work of farming and are seeing the $$ signs
    for a fast buck.

    I've seen large apartment complexes appear
    and the rents are outrageous for inferior housing.

    $1500 a month for a STUDIO when the average wage is $15 an hour.

    My daughter and her 2 young children live in our family home on acreage
    as she can't afford to be on her own (and baby daddy is ghost)

    We will get through this.
    Adults are moving back in with their parents due to record-high rent
    Record high rent is forcing adults with kids to move back in with their parents as US rent increased by 7.8 percent last month.

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