hahaha- i'll bet he has a small package George Duross August 31, 2020 · Do you like me better with my beard?..........or just with my signature mustache....??? 3Irmgard Schwenger, George Duross and 1 other 21 Comments Share 21 Comments Most relevant Alfred Cota "Big Things Come in Small Packages"... Old Saying Like Reply 1y Hide 15 Replies Active Susan Lynne Schwenger i have a theory on 'packages' - i'll be sure to leave it to be published when i die !!! Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger there is NO doubt ; The Great Spirit of God, is NOT being 'fair' with 'everyone' Like Reply 1y Alfred Cota "It's Not The Size, But How You Use It". Another Old Saying... Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger at over 60, and, although i've NOT dated very many people, myself, i'd just 'rather NOT' - SADLY; i've found being a 200% person just leaves you really disappointed, esp; when others just abuse you, or use you !!! Like Reply 1y Edited Active Susan Lynne Schwenger i'd NOT believe in 'old sayings' - most men think they are legends, but, the legend is only 'in their minds' Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger NEVER AGAIN, taking any chances on ending up with a 'lunch bag' let down !!! Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger carrying around 'high vibrations' sadly does NOT run in sync with 99.9% of the rest of this world - thus; i'd rather just have my 'real' relationships in my dreams in dream-time 2 Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger the MORE i look around this world, the more disguisting men; and; even women are beginning to look - the models today; in men; are very very feminine and whimpy !!! Like Reply 1y Alfred Cota Depends on The Lunch... Even a Midnight Snack has it's benifits. Like Reply 1y Edited Active Susan Lynne Schwenger and; then i look at men; and; how stupid they are; and; how they get played by women - and; they don;t even see it; and; i wonder; why would i even bother with a guy who has slept around with those types of 'stupid energies' Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger and; then the guys who use pics online from the 80s; in 2018 - like 20+ years old Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger if they ask to borrow money - run !!! Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger there are so many people over 60 - that are completely broken (it sure is sad) Like Reply 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger people ripping off other people - so sad Like Reply 1y Alfred Cota I've had The Luck of The Irish with Women. I've had my close calls, but I'm still alive. Thank goodness for Intuition. Like Reply 1y Edited Active Write a reply… John DuPree Do a Google image search. You'll be surprised. 1y Irmgard Schwenger Huuuch Like Reply 1y Susan Anderson Dear,dear,sister,that was not very spiritual,my,my,I thought that I knew my friends,guess I do not truely! Love and Light to you always! General Starchild the Nordic 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger i am allowed a sense of humour - i do NOT partake in mortal men !!! Like 1y Active Susan Lynne Schwenger he is a little bit overdone in quite a few areas; those guys are almost always undone in others