"i Want You To Share This Message With The World"

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    1) This woman died and on the other side she was healed
    by a huge light being who swirled love energy around her.

    Later on, God swirled through her as light - entered her toes
    and like a cloak swirled up inside her.

    Both of these got my attention because this is a technique
    I sometimes use in my healing:

    swirling love-light energy very rapidly within the person.

    Energy moves in spirals, as a vortex
    and the energy is made of pure love. 1f90d. 1f32a. 1f90d. 1f32a. 1f90d. 1f32a.

    2) The woman in the NDE recognized this huge light
    being was very familiar and eventually saw
    that it was her grandmother.

    The woman: "Omg you're alive!?"

    Grandmother: "Of course I'm alive. There's no death.
    You learned this.

    You know this.

    Remember when you were little:

    Energy can't be created or destroyed, it just changes forms.

    That's God's law borrowed by man."

    The woman: "Of course! That makes perfect sense!" ..

    This was giving me assurance based on science,

    you do go on, you can't extinguish your light..

    3) The woman sensed God approaching as a much greater light.

    He said: "I am." She finally understood it
    • The Creator of everything was here.
    • "I'm the one who made you.
    • Everything exists as I will it so."

      He showed her an example of her past deed where she paid for someone's groceries who was in need.

      What the woman never knew was how 5 years from that point,
      that person who received ended up paying it forward the same way
      to someone else.

      "I didn't think it (that original small gesture) would impact
      them that way."

      The lesson: What your purpose in life is is in the moment you're in.

      It's not some big thing.

      Where are you right now?

      Who can you help? 1f495.

      4) The woman was shown her judgmental thoughts
      about a difficult colleague at work, and was shown
      the incredible hardship that colleague had grown up in.

      God said, "You have to control your thoughts.

      You're having all these negative thoughts about her

      and that has energy and you're putting it on her

      and you're making it harder for her to be

      who I intended her to be. You're chaining her."

      I felt so bad. I thought I was doing so well by not speaking
      those things and not gossiping and not being hateful to people.

      But if you're walking around harbouring it you're injuring them just the same. God continued,

      "You have to look for the good in her and capitalize on that."

      I felt so bad that I hadn't done that.

      5) The woman angrily asked her,

      "Where were you when we needed you and my kids needed you?"

      Such a moving answer and realization..

      The pain brought context and meaning to their lives..

      it was to break an intergeneration pattern.

      Explained in the video here:

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlPZ0hIGx90 1f496.

      As the woman concluded her final exchange with God
      he told her:

      "I want you to share this message with the world"

      - that he is God and he is The Creator

      and he knows us intimately because he made us

      (so we can't hide ourselves or our mistakes from Him)

      and we are made on purpose for a purpose.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Imagine being 75 and you’re sat thinking about your life
    and how you never went swimming in the sea on a warm night
    because your thighs jiggled.

    Imagine realizing you never laughed until you couldn’t breathe
    because your teeth weren’t straight or white enough.

    You never embraced the sun on the beach because of the stretch marks
    on your stomach and your hips.

    You never allowed yourself to let go and have fun
    because the pressure to look perfect consumed you.

    Imagine being 75 and realizing you’ve hidden yourself away
    for the fear of being real.

    Imagine realizing all the years you wasted hating yourself,
    but now it’s too late to go swim in the sea late at night.

    Now it hurts to laugh for more than a few seconds
    and you’re too weak to travel to the beach.

    Imagine realizing all this time you were perfect the way you were,
    but now it’s too late to do anything about it.

    Don’t let that happen.

    Live now, as you are.

    You deserve to realize you’re enough
    and always have been, before you’re 75.

    Credit: Lauren Dalton

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