How to know if something is crystal or glass !!! you can determine if it is glass or not if The Crystal magnifies text, just scroll the crystal over some writing, and see if the crystal magnifies or not (The Crystal will distort the text some but if it doesn't magnify it, NOR enlarge it then you have a natural quartz crystal... Also, look into the clear part of any crystal to locate any bubbles crystal will NEVER been 100% perfect, so, seeing 100% clear, would be a dead giveaway what you have is glass - also, crystal will NOT burn, but, acrylics will ~susan lynne schwenger @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark The Journey to #the13thbridge join a posting board : Forum of SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER - THE eXchanger | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban iF YOU CAN, PLEASE DONATE - THANK YOU & BLESSINGS to all