How To Save Your Life - Remember, To Cough !!!

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 8, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Stop 2 minutes and read:

    1. Suppose it is 7:45 pm and you're going home
    after an unusually hard day at work (alone, of course).

    2. You’re really tired, angry and frustrated.
    Suddenly, you start to feel great pain in the chest
    with an extension in the arm and jaw.
    You are about five kilometers from the nearest hospital to your home.

    4. Unfortunately you don't know if you can go this far.

    5. You were trained to give first aid but the guy teaching the course
    didn't tell you how to do it yourself.

    6. How can you survive a heart attack alone?
    Because many people are lonely when they have a heart attack,
    the person whose heart beats inadequately and feels unconscious
    has only 10 seconds before they lose consciousness.

    7. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing.
    Before every cough, you must take a deep breath,
    and the cough must be deep and prolonged,
    as in the production of saliva, from the deep of the chest.

    A breath and a cough must be repeated every two seconds
    without interruption, until we receive help or until the heart beats normally.

    8. Deep breaths bring oxygen to the lungs and cough-induced movements
    compress the heart and maintain blood circulation.

    Pressure on the heart also helps to restore normal rhythm.

    This way heart attack victims can go to a hospital.

    9. Tell as many ppl as possible It could save his life!

    10. A cardiologist says:
    if anyone who receives this message sends it to 10 people,
    you can bet we'll save at least one life.

    11. Instead of sending jokes, please send this mail that could save a person's life.

    12. If this message comes to you... more than once ...
    please don't be angry ...

    Instead, you should be happy that you have many friends
    who count on and remind you how to deal with a heart attack.

    Good health!

    13. explore living plant foods

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    April 8, 2018 ·
    · Elmvale, ON

    LiViNG PLANT FOODS is my secret in my 60th year
    of tossing over 72 lbs and losing 34% body fat,
    YUP...i used to be in the proverbial danger zone,
    BUT, not anymore, i'm back to a stealth 138lbs - 22% body fat,
    and, working toward my final goal
    to regain a very youthful type of 'dancer' body...
    and, get back into doing some marital arts,
    - i don;t need that much muscles !!!
    My tricks are simple, i've tossed over 34% body fat & 72 lbs since May 2016 -
    i cleaned my liver, with liver master
    (1 pill per day - and, $30/mo) - 3 months of that
    and, i drank boost about $40/mo - for 30 drinks
    simple - easy - affordable solutions
    at main street market bazaar !!!


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