Susan's Post SAFETY ALERT yesterday morning when i got in my vehicle i received a notification on my phone indicating there was a device that could see my location that did not belong to me. it turns out someone had planted apple AirTag tracking devices on my vehicle. This is now how predators are tracking women! if an AirTag is near a phone it is not paired to, it will send the notification after 12hrs. the police department said if the notification pops up DO NOT UNPAIR and contact the police immediately, as if you unpair it sends a notification to the person who placed it and they then know they are being sought. i wanna pass it on to as many females as i can because this is very scary, a terrifying experience that i thought would never happen to me. it literally showed my entire route, where i stopped, including my final home destination. which means whoever this is now knows where i live now. here are the screenshots of what it looks like. PLEASE MAKE SURE EVERYONE YOU KNOW IS AWARE OF THIS !!! Comments Most relevant Susan Lynne Schwenger i'll try to find out the name of the app - it should be on apple site Susan Lynne Schwenger you can now use the updated Find my app to look for and find unidentified Airtags on your person. This is a security feature that can help you find malicious Airtags that are being used to track you. Use the guide below to find unidentified Airtags on your person. Jemima Warrick So you don't uncouple it but you do call police. Drive to a police station? Do we have international laws against this? We should Susan Lynne Schwenger my guess; would be to drive to the police station ? Jemima Warrick This is scary You could get one anywhere and be followed How does it get paired if not someone you know has access to phone sposed to be good on security Nanette Crist How did her phone know about it or was it some app she downloaded? Leland Reibling Gangs in Toronto do this a lot. They wait at parking lots of high end malls. And any woman or man in sports cars gets tagged. So they can follow it home and rob the house. Thankfully apps that check for air tags do work. But the issues is if the crooks cant use the air tags anymore. They just go back to the old fashioned way of following someone home. WIRED.COM Are You Being Tracked by an AirTag? Here’s How to Check Are You Being Tracked by an AirTag? Here’s How to Check 31w Susan Lynne Schwenger you can now use the updated Find my app to look for and find unidentified Airtags on your person. This is a security feature that can help you find malicious Airtags that are being used to track you. Use the guide below to find unidentified Airtags on your person. Michel Tessier I watched a report from CBC of a man who sold his car in Quebec which end up months later in Ohio. His Onstar application was still operational. When he find out, he could track every moves it make and even was able to start it from a distance as the reporter met the new owner. Finally Onstar application was disable. The old owner lastly advise the guy he need to change oil in few hundred miles as schedule. Jemima Warrick Scary shite Have friends stay with you Wonder who it is Did you find out yet? Shirley Pottruff notify the police Lori Askins Does that only works if you have an I phone? Susan Lynne Schwenger i think now there is apps for all phones - but; i know it works on i phone