How To Make A Relationship Last ~ 60+ Years Of Marriage

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The secret that lasts a lifetime.

    I interviewed a couple last week that just had their 60th wedding anniversary
    and I asked them one question.

    '"How does a beautiful couple like yourself keep such a healthy marriage
    for over 60 years?"
    She told me, "Wait right here young man" and she went back to their bedroom
    and pulled something from a weathered roll top desk.

    It was an old worn out Bible.

    She said "This right here is what has got us through everything life
    has thrown at us for the past 60 years".

    She went on about how it completely changed their lives
    and it taught them numerous things that should be a staple
    in all relationships this day and age,
    no matter how long you and your significant other have been


    She said.....

    We learned how to forgive each other.

    We rebuilt trust when it was broken.

    We always listened to one another.

    We apologized for things when we were wrong.

    We always made time for each other.

    We learned how to communicate.

    We always put one another first no matter the circumstance.

    We never stopped dating each other.

    We always told each other "I love you" before we went to bed.

    We always prayed for each other daily.

    We never made permanent decisions based on our temporary emotions.

    She said... "This is just a few things the Bible has taught us".

    I decided to ask her one last question.

    I said, "After 60 years, are you worried about what tomorrow brings?"

    She said something I'll never forget.

    She said, "I trust the next chapter of our love story, because I know the author.

    ~ Cody Bret









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