How To Interact & Date People Over Age 55

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 3, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    July 19, 2017 ·
    Shared with Public
    This showed up in my feed: (words of someone else)

    "I am posting this on behalf of some female friends.
    I'm really sick and tired of men over the age of 55 who treat women badly.
    If you can't be respectful and treat a woman like a lady,
    then please crawl back under the rock from which you came from.
    It's really sad in this day-and age, when people hurt other people,
    with their words and actions.
    All you are doing is making yourself look bad.
    Plus, it's going to come-back to you 10 fold.
    Because how we treat each-other has a trickle effect.
    Basic bottom-line, grow up, grow a pair, and treat everyone with kindness. 1f60a. "

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    • Thunder Ruthven
      Having just turned 60, I find the post most amusing.
      It's very common for a group to be lambasted for the behavior
      of the most visible, whether they be the majority or not.
      I'd like to think that these men are in the minority
      and would also like to point out that young men who truely respect
      and appreciate woman aren't likely to change their spots with age.
      These misogynist old farts were probably always that way. An a****** is an a****** at any age.

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    • Tom Blount
      Wow, that was quite a read!!
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    • Bob Schwenger
      It sounds like one just had an adventure with such a creature!! We're not all this way!!
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      • Susan Lynne Schwenger
        no, not investing any time in any of those sorts of adventures with a man
        - and, no- i am NOT looking for a woman -either - i'm a straight shooter

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      AND, people wonder why i stay SINGLE

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      personally; as i see it; the toughest place to be, is NOT healthy !!!

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      and, personally; as i see it; is there is all kinds of people
      who have emotional, mental and physical problems
      who want someone without those problems,
      wanting what you are NOT is absolutely NOT going to happen

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      also another huge thing is people on prescription drugs
      - which cover up problems, pills do NOT eliminate problems
      - personally; i would NOT want to get involved in a 'coverup' relationship
      - i think, that would be a dangerous choice

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      also another huge thing is people who abuse substances
      - i would NOT want to get involved with a drinker,
      or a pothead etc., i think, for me, that would be a very poor choice

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      also another huge this is people who use dating sites,
      and, they are interacting with '55' woman at one time
      - i would NOT want to get involved with a 'serial' online dater
      - thanks but NO thanks
      - i think, there is a lot of people who have so much sliding in the shout,
      they would NOT know the difference between someone who is truly different
      - from anyone else !!!

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    • Susan Lynne Schwenger
      maybe it is best to go to the grocery store, and,
      watch how men handle tomatoes, and, melons etc.,
      before deciding to even engage a conversation LOL

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    • Shirley Pottruff
      allof the above should regarded with vaution

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    July 19, 2017 ·
    Shared with Public

    today, older woman are oft times with much younger men ...
    who normally appreciate, honour and value them
    - of course, younger women do NOT like that
    - and; then you have older men with younger woman
    - i am glad, a man in my life is an option, NOT a necessity !!!

    ohh; and; i am in my 59th year, and, do NOT think i likely look that old
    - however, at this point in my life

    - i don;t want to find a man; what if its good for just 6 months; and; he dies
    - or; i get turned into a nurse maid

    - so; i'd rather NOT bother

    ohh; and; this statement goes as much for men; as; it goes for women
    - quite frankly most people over the age of 55
    - have NOT looked after themselves !!!

    and, they want the moon, stars and the sun !!!
    but, they just do NOT have the sort of twinkle that attracts that,
    nor, do they offer the moon, stars and sun !!!

    iT iS a rat ass world
    - did you know that women abuse men, as, much as men abuse women !!!

    how many people really take a good look at others
    - the real truth is this: most people over the age of 40 are very sick puppies !!!

    long time ago; maybe 1999, i predicted there would come a time;
    approx 2020 - where great grandparents would outlive great grandchildren !!!

    in the past year, i've seen 4 great grandparents bury 4 great grandchildren
    -- today; if you were born in the 40's or 50's
    - you are going to NOT only bury your children, but, your children's children too
    - either you wake up and start looking after yourself
    - or; you will pay the consequences
    - this world is being designed for dis-ease NOT wellness !!!
    (and; the 4 kids that died, they died from what they ate
    - and; it was a silent type of death NO WARNING
    - or; REALLY no warnings
    - there were warning signs;
    but; under the age of 26, no ONE really paid attention, nor, saw them,
    OHH they are just a wee bit heavy, or, they are HUSKY, truth is, they were obese !!!
    - and, turned a blind eye to the problem................................

    and, the sad part - the money they got daily for 3 ice caps at timmies, and, 3 donuts,
    and, all the rest of the assorted crap they were eating came from you;
    the parents - and; the grandparents or; the great grandparents
    --YOU ARE THE ONES giving them this money to spend on garbage !!!

    BTW... its a monad called enabler
    - and; enabled
    - so; ask yourself who are you enabling to do things;
    they have NOT yet earned the right to do,
    when you give kids unlimited amounts of money
    - they buy CRAP !!!

    if you go back to when i was a kid, i didn;t get given anything,
    i have to earn my money, before i could spent it,
    at almost 60, i've NEVER drank a beer, or a coke, or a soda pop

    - why, i never had the money to do that

    - and, when i did have the money to make choices my system
    was NOT polluted with chemical carvings for stuff !!!

    FUNNY THING --- THIS ALL ADDS up to one thing...

    THE TRUTH is a hard swallow !!!

    ~ You might think you are all that and a bag of chips,

    but, MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT !!!
    i know, i must work at things daily,
    i must pay attention to what i allow myself to consume ...
    however, the only place success comes before work is in a dictionary !!!

    and, it is never too late to clean up your body - and; extend your life ...
    ohh; and; if you think i am lucky an i never got fat etc.,
    i did , i went up to 202 lbs in a bad relationship with a man
    who would NOT buy good food, just junk...
    and, finally i got smart enough to leave;
    and; i've lost 52lbs in less than a year !!!

    i think the world is full of a lot of prince charmings
    who are NOT prince charmings; an; a lot of cinderalla's who are NOT cinderella
    - ohh; and the online game
    - once i looked at ads on POF
    - and; that was about 2005, in 2013; i looked again
    - same people using the same pics ?

    8 years later ?

    NO WONDER WHY they have no luck
    - MOST LIE !!!

    average weight is NOT 40 lbs over !!!

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