How To Inform The Peoples Of The World Of Your / My National Standing, For The Record:

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 18, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Anthony Farley
    I'm informing the Peoples of the World of my National Standing, for the record.
    Wonderful day to You.
    for record:
    I Am
    yahwoofkah ali el-bey
    In full Life propia persona sui juris
    I make no claim with respect to the title (Anthony Deshawn Farley,ANTHONY DESHAWN FARLEY,552-67-0939) and I
    surrender and assign any and all ‘Reversionary Interest’ to the united states and
    subsidiaries for full ‘Acquittance Discharge Settlement’ and closure of my reliance
    Title 12 USC 95a, part 2; and I assume no liability and do not consent to stand as
    ‘Surety’ for any point, moment in time.
    The above affirmative statement (in concept or relative content) made by a
    conscious Asserter, may be used to ‘Rebut’ an injurious or wrongful
    assumption made by another, or to ‘Revert’ one’s rightful Legal Position,
    Status, (Estate) and Standing; especially when put into an unconscionably -
    assumed position of obligatory ‘Debt’ or ‘Subjection’ as imposed by ‘persons
    doing business as the foreign, Corporate United States, or by any other foreign
    person, agent, or agency. A Reversioner (in Law) is one who has a Reversion or
    right to receive an ‘ Estate in Reversion’. Reversion is derived from the Old
    Moorish Latin word, reversion, derived from reversus. See Reverse. Also see
    Revert which means “to go back in action, thought, speech, et cetera” to
    return, as to a former practice, opinion, state, or subject; or as in Law, to go
    back to a former owner or his heirs. Think of this as in the nature of
    ‘Restitution’ or in an action bringing about the return or the giving back of
    some property; some Estate; or in general, the giving back to the rightful
    Owner or Heir of something that has been lost or taken away; as in the word,
    For Example. . . . . . :
    In the case of United States vs. Arjona, 120 U.S. 479 (1887), the Supreme Court
    held that Congress had the authority under the ‘Define and Punish Clause’ to
    declare that “the counterfeiting within the United States of the ‘Notes’ of a foreign
    bank or corporation” was “an offense against the law of nations,” id. At 482-83,
    reasoning that “if the thing made punishable is one which the United States are required by their international obligations to use due diligence to
    prevent, it is an offense against the law of nations.”

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