How To Deal With Bad People, Or, Evil Beings... Simply, Poison Them With The End Result

Discussion in 'How To Forum' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 8, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    HOW to deal with bad people, or, evil beings...
    simply, poison them with the end result
    - The Powers of The Virtues of love"
    ~susan lynne schwenger

    (ps, i;ll find my link to that,
    and, post it, something i wrote about 25 years ago)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    · January 12, 2011
    over 12 years ago

    "Hate is everything, love is NOT
    - Love is, the end result
    - are you weaving the virtues of love ? "

    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    COMMENTS from 11 years ago:

    i am looking for a partner, in what i do ...
    iT iS bigger than i am,
    so-if someone is seriously interested
    in eXploring the possibilities
    - make contact with me via email
    NO - hate is, hate (it is NOT love, nor, the opposite of love)
    there are 7 ways to centre, thinking, and, feeling, are merely two of them 1f609.
    · 11y -- 11 years ago ???
    says: Susan Lynne Schwenger

    whatever you give out, you can get 1f609.
    · 11y

    Vera Skorupski Skor says:
    Thank you for spreading LOVE.
    · 11y
    Susan Lynne Schwenger says:
    do you think, we all need to really breathe deep into who we are,
    and, then eXpress that, out to this world ?

    - ironically NO ONE RESPONDED !!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    · June 10, 2017 (ALMOST 6 YEARS AGO)
    Shared with Public
    YtgUiynRkCb. after silently departing from TR

    Why am i single ?

    That is both an easy, and, a complicated answer !!!

    It took me a very long time to enter into my 59th year,

    and, i NOT only realize, but, i know, i will NOT live in a 3d sense forever...

    however, i know i am a timeless spark of good energy, that will live on forever !!!

    At this point in my life, i have NO desire to get involved with anyone...

    I've had an assortment of different types of relationships,

    and, proudly, i always PAID to PLAY !!!

    I played out a number of hopelessly loving - hopelessly loved monads,

    that is where you are crazy about someone, but, they are NOT crazy about you,

    or, someone is crazy about you, but, you are NOT crazy about them.

    Somewhere in the total mix,
    i successfully completed '3' love monads with '3' different souls,
    which is something significant,
    and, is something most souls take many many lifetimes to complete just one of them.

    This lifetime included '16' mating agreements, and, i've meet '14' of them,

    know who the 15th one is, and, have yet to encounter the 16th one.

    SO, why is the main reason i am single...

    Right now, i do NOT want to entertain the risk
    of getting involved with someone who is also the same age,
    as, that could hold the potential for me having to be a nurse-maid to someone else,
    and, what if they took 40 years to die ???

    I am NOT lonely, NOR do i feel alone...

    I am currently, completely and totally free from any encumbrances,

    and, quite frankly i consider myself lucky.

    I have NO parents, nor grandparents, and, I have no children.

    I do NOT need to worry about what i do, or, what i have to say...

    The risk at this point, of adding your life to my life with your complications

    is just something, i have absolutely NO desire to do,

    so, i am choosing to live out my life alone !!!

    since, i am respectful of others choices,

    i am NOT sure why a lot of people are just NOT respectful of mine...

    if you do NOT think its the right choice, you are entitled to your opinion !!!

    However, It is NOT going to alter or change my decision

    for an unencumbered life.

    You should instead be thankful, that i KNOW myself,

    and, that i KNOW my own limits,
    and, i am wise enough to NOT eXceed them.

    Relationships are just NOT for me...

    I'm NOT even looking for a friendship that might catch fire,

    i've had enough crash 'n burns to last me the duration of this lifetime.

    It is NOT that i am greedy or self-serving, etc.,

    I've worked hard,

    and, i've earned the right to make my own choice.

    My own will, is one that has to be free...

    free to do some 'good work' in this world,

    and, help to bring about changes...

    i also like to just be free enough to do NOTHING,

    or, simply escape (without having to explain my actions to others)

    WITHOUT having to feel obligated to another person

    or, without having to explain myself to others, NOR be responsible

    for another person !!!

    Staying single til age 51, allowed me a freedom, that i loved

    Being encumbered from age 51 to age 57, did NOT allow me freedom

    that i loved, and, i felt very unfulfilled, very unhappy, and, totally trapped !!!

    Everyone else in his life was a higher priority,
    whether it was his kids, his grandkids, his family, his work, his needs,
    his wants, his desires

    his ideas for vacations, etc.etc.etc.,

    he considered ONLY what he wanted,

    and, never what i might of wanted !!!

    SO, my choice is to be ALONE !!!

    This is my own choice...and, it is a choice i can make NOT you !!!

    Please do NOT keep telling me this is a 'wrong' choice...

    to me, there is NO right choices, or NO wrong choices,

    this choice will lead me to a set of consequences,

    i'm fully prepared to face !!!

    Instead, i would suggest you spend your energies looking for someone

    who will appreciate your fine qualities (see, i know you have them)

    however, i'm NOT looking for a relationship right now !!!

    Go find someone, who is willing to take 'the risk'
    to have so many months of happiness with you,
    and, that you will be willing to take 'the risk'

    to have so many months of happiness with them,

    and, that you both are willing to pay those consequences

    so, neither of you have to be alone, or be lonely...

    and, that you both will agree to look after each other for the rest of your lives

    (for the better, or for the worse)!!!

    Personally, i am NOT a good bet,

    because right NOW,

    i do NOT want to honour those types of contracts

    with another soul !!!

    i have NO time to devote to someone else

    and; if someone else got sick,
    i'm NOT going to use the benchmark of other relationships in my life
    where i gave 200% and, got NOTHING
    - and; then turn into being someones nurse maid on top of that

    - thanks but NO thanks

    - AGING PEOPLE are NOT a lot of fun !!!

    Please - leave me in peace, to live out my choices,

    and, right NOW, those choices are for a FREE LiFE

    devoid of responsibilities for other souls...

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    June 10, 2017 (ALMOST 6 YEARS AGO)

    this is why, it is a good idea, to have a space of time, between relationships
    (10 june 2017, was approx 1 year, from ending the relationship)
    and, ohh boy, i sure was NOT in a very committing type of mindset LOL

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The 22 Virtues of LOVE ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger 10-10-2008




    – magpie tail feathers are the original feather related

    tales of grandmothers or wise women,

    it is a great honour to be given one

    LOVE is NOT unconditional,

    LOVE is THE HiGHEST eXpression of TRUTH…

    love is a combination of energies

    and, when those energies are weaved

    into well-WELL eQUATIONS

    they are known as virtues:

    THE ViRTUES are as follows:

    The 22 Virtues of LOVE by Susan Lynne


    yes, this was the real 10/10/10 back in 2008

    now, we approach 12/12/2019 = a real 12/12/12

    The 25 Virtues of LOVE
    ~ of Living with LOVE in full action
    by Susan Lynne Schwenger

    1) appreciation
    2) compassion
    3) forgiveness
    4) humility
    5) understanding
    6) valor

    7) virtues
    8) nobility
    9) grace
    10) truth
    11) authority
    12) humility

    13) chivlary
    14) honor
    15) courage
    16) courtesy
    17) gallantry
    18) service

    and; then the oldest ones

    The 7 Grandfather Teachings of The Ojibway - Ojibwa - Ojibwe

    Nbwaakaawin (Wisdom)
    Naanaagodawendamowin kina gwaya ji-ayaang, ji-kinoomaage'angadwaa g'wiiji'bemaadiziinaanig, ji-aankenimaageyin gaa-zhi-waabanjigeyin.

    Minaadendamowin (Respect)
    Wii-minaadendaman g'wiiji'bemaadiz e-ayaang, miigwechiwendaman miinwaa wii-mino-daapinaman kina gegoo, gegwa majidoodawaake gwaya maage majidoodange gegoo.

    Aakwa'ode'ewin (Bravery)
    Mshkwawendamowin ji-ayaaman kina gegoo e-zanagag ji-mino'baashkazikaman, wii-aakwa'ode'eyin miinwaa wii-bzindawad ode pii wiindamaag gegoo, wii-kikendaman ge-ni-nishing g'bimaadiziwiniming.

    Debwewin (Truth)
    Ntam ji-debwe'endaman waa-zhichigeyin, ezhi-zhichigeyin wi miinwaa ge-kidoyin, kikendan e-gwekwawendaagwag, mnaaajitoon debwewin, kikendan e-debwemigag, weweni waabandan e-zhi-nishing kina gegoo.

    Dibaadendiziwin (Humility)
    Dibaadendaman mnik ge-waabandaweyin kiin ezhi-nishiyin, gegwa zaami-shpendizike, pane dibaadendizon.

    Gwekwaadiziwin (Honesty)
    Wii-kikendaman e-gwekwendaagwag bimaadiziwining, wii-debwetaagoyin ni-bimaadiziyin miinwaa gaa wiikaa ji-maji-doodawad g'wiiji'bemaadiz.
    24 = god / dog - an important number

    2+5 = 7
    aagi'idiwin (Love)
    Wii-mooshtooyin e-anenimad g'wiiji'bemaadiz, wii-nsostawad miinwaa wii-bezhigong ezhi-gnawaabandameg bimaadiziwin, debwe'inimad gwaya kiin wii-bwaa-zaami-shpendiziyin, kina gegoo e-nishing wii-miigweyin miinwaa wii-minodoodaman kina gegoo gaataayiing e-temigag e-bimaadiziimigag.
    also -always remember:
    "love is ...the end result"
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger #the13thbridge
    "the highest eXpression of love - is truth"
    - Susan Lynne Schwenger #the13thbridge
    JOIN US:
    A return to The Round...THE ORiGiNAL ROUND
    Yes but in general is the truth adhered to?..Bill
    Susan Lynne Schwenger says:

    “truth is just that Bill

    it knows NO equal,
    NOR any opposite

    it is how the 25 virtues are adhered to,
    and, how the 25 virtues are applied in your life.

    Virtues can be weaved in either in a negative pole,
    or virtues can be weaved in a positive pole...

    which is what will result in the sum total of all energies,
    with love being the end result.

    Lovable and loving are the two actions
    you will weave, that will lead you towards the end result

    And, yes, some people are lovable but NOT loving,
    or some people are loving but NOT lovable...

    The REAL GOAL is to apply the '25' virtues in ways
    that you can strive TO BE both !!!

    and; it is always done thru the application,
    and, utilization of the above mentioned virtues.
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    1) appreciation

    2) compassion

    3) forgiveness


    Humility is to know yourself as a sacred part of Creation.

    In the Anishinaabe language, this word can also mean “compassion.”

    You are equal to others, but you are not better.

    Some communities instead express this with Bekaadiziwin,

    which in addition to “humility” can also be translated as “calmness,”

    “meekness,” “gentility” or “patience.”

    5) understanding

    6) valour

    7) Virtues ... goodness of virtues – always weave your well,into well-WELL eQuations of eXchange,

    so, true goodness shows up in all your eXchanges

    8) nobility

    9) )Debwewin— Grace

    10) Truth

    11) authority

    12) chivalry

    13) honour

    14) courage

    15) courtesy

    16) gallantry

    17) service

    18) Nibwaakaawin—WisdomTo cherish knowledge is to know Wisdom.

    Wisdom is given by the Creator to be used for the good of the people.

    In the Anishinaabe language, this word expresses not only “wisdom,”

    but also means “prudence,” or “intelligence.”

    In some communities, Gikendaasowin is used; in addition to “wisdom,”

    this word can also mean “intelligence” or “knowledge.”

    19) Minaadendamowin—RespectTo honor all creation is to have Respect.

    All of creation should be treated with respect.

    You must give respect if you wish to be respected.

    Some communities instead use Ozhibwaadenindiwin or Manazoonidiwin.

    20) Aakode’ewin—BraveryBravery is to face the foe with integrity.

    In the Anishinaabe language, this word literally means “state of having a fearless heart.”

    To do what is right even when the consequences are unpleasant.

    communities instead use either Zoongadikiwin (“state of having a strong casing”)

    or Zoongide’ewin (“state of having a strong heart”).


    Honesty in facing a situation is to be brave. Always be honest in word and action.

    Be honest first with yourself, and you will more easily

    able to be honest with others. In the Anishinaabe language,

    word can also mean “righteousness.”and, they all add up to:

    22) aagi’idiwin (Love)

    To know peace is to know Love. Love must be unconditional. When people are weak they need love the most.

    In the Anishinaabe language, this word with the reciprocal theme /idi/ indicates that this form of love is mutual. In some communities, Gizhaawenidiwin is used, which in most context means “jealousy” but in this context is translated as either “love” or “zeal”.

    Again, the reciprocal theme /idi/ indicates that this form of love is mutual.Truth is to know all of these things.Speak the truth.

    Do not deceive yourself or others.also -always remember:

    “love is …the end result” so; you weave the virtues

    – Susan Lynne Schwenger#the13thbridge

    “the highest eXpression of love – is truth”– Susan Lynne Schwenger


    A return to The Round…THE ORiGiNAL ROUND‘LOVE iS THE END RESULT…

    the eQuation of eXpressing every emotion,
    every feeling, every sense, every thought,
    and, flowing it all through THE eXchange’

    ~WE ARE THE eXchangers we have all been waiting for !!!”

    – susan lynne schwenger

    i love questions…please if you desire to,

    eXchange with us

    HERE is a good question:

    Yes but in general is the truth adhered to?..Bill Simone

    Susan Lynne Schwenger says:“truth is just that Bill –

    TRUTHit knows NO equal,

    NOR any kind of opposite.

    iT iS HOW the 22 virtues are adhered to,and,

    how the 22 virtues are applied in your life.

    Virtues can be weaved in either in a negative pole,or virtues can be weaved in a positive pole…which is what will result in the sum total of all energies,with love being the end result.

    Loveable and loving are the two actionsyou will weave, that will lead you towards the end result

    And, yes, some people are loveable but NOT loving,or some people are loving but NOT loveable…

    The REAL GOAL is to apply the ’22’ virtues in waysthat you can strive TO BE both !!!

    (SEE BELOW - 25 is in additions) in posts

    and; it is always done thru the application,and, utilization of the above mentioned virtues.

    THiS iS THE GREAT eXCHANGE of life,

    and, of living to be A GREAT eXCHANGER !!!~ susan lynne schwenger


    The eXchanger

    Talks with Thunder with Thunders

    The 7 Grandfather Teachings ofThe Ojibway – Ojibwa – Ojibwe in original language Nibwaakaawin—WisdomNaanaagodawendamowin kina gwaya ji-ayaang, ji-kinoomaage’angadwaa g’wiiji’bemaadiziinaanig, ji-aankenimaageyin gaa-zhi-waabanjigeyin.Minaadendamowin—RespectWii-minaadendaman g’wiiji’bemaadiz e-ayaang, miigwechiwendaman miinwaa wii-mino-daapinaman kina gegoo, gegwa majidoodawaake gwaya maage majidoodange gegoo.Aakode’ewin—BraveryMshkwawendamowin ji-ayaaman kina gegoo e-zanagag ji-mino’baashkazikaman, wii-aakwa’ode’eyin miinwaa wii-bzindawad ode pii wiindamaag gegoo, wii-kikendaman ge-ni-nishing g’bimaadiziwiniming.Debwewin—TruthNtam ji-debwe’endaman waa-zhichigeyin, ezhi-zhichigeyin wi miinwaa ge-kidoyin, kikendan e-gwekwawendaagwag, mnaaajitoon debwewin, kikendan e-debwemigag, weweni waabandan e-zhi-nishing kina gegoo.Dabaadendiziwin—HumilityDibaadendaman mnik ge-waabandaweyin kiin ezhi-nishiyin, gegwa zaami-shpendizike, pane dibaadendizon.Gwayakwaadiziwin—HonestyWii-kikendaman e-gwekwendaagwag bimaadiziwining, wii-debwetaagoyin ni-bimaadiziyin miinwaa gaa wiikaa ji-maji-doodawad g’wiiji’bemaadiz.aagi’idiwin (Love)Wii-mooshtooyin e-anenimad g’wiiji’bemaadiz, wii-nsostawad miinwaa wii-bezhigong ezhi-gnawaabandameg bimaadiziwin, debwe’inimad gwaya kiin wii-bwaa-zaami-shpendiziyin, kina gegoo e-nishing wii-miigweyin miinwaa wii-minodoodaman kina gegoo gaataayiing e-temigag e-bimaadiziimigag.

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