Stephen Hunter @stephenhunter9 UPDATEs Feb 5, 2023 most of the vaccines were replaced with saline shots. At least 50% of the population have been vaccinated, if it was all poison, there would be 4 billion people dead. Without the "vaccine" we would still be locked down, and the economy would have been Devastated. We are at war, casualties are inevitable. The enemy wanted 90% of human life exterminated, and the remaining survivors enslaved. (As written on the Georgia guidestones) Good guys are winning. Here's a few examples... Plastic surgeon injected kids with saline instead of COVID . Jan 19, 2023 — The plastic surgery group allegedly squirted the 2,000 vaccine doses down the drain. Thousands In Germany Thought They Had Their Vaccine. It May Have Been Saline Instead Officials with Southwestern Public Health are sharing more details about how some people got injected with saline solution instead of a COVID-19 booster shot at a St. Thomas vaccine clinic last month. Patients at Minnesota clinic received saline instead of COVID-19 vaccine Aaaaand the militaries involvement in the distribution of the vaccines (where they were replaced with saline shots) DOD Identifies More Troops to Help Administer COVID-19 Vaccine Right now, about 6,235 active duty service members have been identified by the Defense Department to support COVID-19 vaccination centers Military's Role in Vaccine to Be Strictly Behind the Scenes Dec 2, 2020 — The military says it can use its airplanes and helicopters to deliver vaccines to remote locations Military COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration The Military Health System is responsible for the administration of the Covid vaccine to approximately 11.1 million beneficiaries Now, of course, the military cannot be every where at once. Some of the vaccines were real. We are at war, Casualties are inevitable. Everything we consume has been poisoned. Water, Food, Pharmaceutical drugs, Air we breathe(chemtrails), The space we occupy(5g), Your LED lights are poisoning you, The screen your looking at right now is poisoning you (blue light). But like I said, 50% of the population have been vaccinated and if it were all poison, there would be 4 billion people dead by now. We have been attacked from every possible angle. It will take a while to clean up this shit-show. That's why Military is the only way, and it is critical that we wake up as many people as we can, as soon as possible. 230
Moderna Chief Bragged to WEF Attendees About Predicting a 'Billion Dollar' Pandemic in 2019. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel boasted to a CNBC host that his pharmaceuticals company had begun working on a COVID-19 vaccine before the virus even had a name.