The COSMIC GOD SELF Activation ~ Every 11 ~ 33 minutes After each Hour The Blue Avians are with us during the HOURLY Divine Ascended Being Activation. The Pleiadians. The Elohim Creator Gods ~ Activating your Ascension! With the Divine Council of Overseers. And the Queen of Light. This post is about the Hourly Activation and the Changes on Planet Earth and Humanity, as it returns to its original Pure Being, its Ascended Self. For many years as a spiritual Teacher, 2001 onwards, I have appeared to many in my Light Form offering Healing and Love to those in need. Many have accessed my energy for healing, and for advancement along their spiritual journey. So although this post is about the new Hourly Activation, please also know, you can connect to my energy at any time of the day or night. Please share with others if you have experienced my appearing to you, in Light form, so that they too, can call upon my Eternal Light, for help. Since 2012 the Changes and Transformations have been Profound. The Increased Frequencies have awakened many on Planet Earth to the Ascension State of Being. The First Wave of Ascension. Since 2012 I offered to Humanity, a Daily Activation for Transformation. Many have joined a group, Frequency 5th Dimension, and received this Daily Activation of Light. The Momentum and Increase in Frequencies are now constantly changing and shifting (upgrading to Higher Frequencies) and this Changeover (to the Hourly Divine Ascended Being Activation) is reflective of this. At the Higher state of Pure Being, Already everyone is Ascended. Every Being is already Divine Ascended Beings. This transformation, is the maturing of the Divine Inner Child You, to the state of your Original Pure Light. Full Here, fully Now. Embodied in Form. September 2015 profound changes took place, and in January, 2016, New Levels, came through, as Frequency Downloads, from Higher Frequency Dimensions. Reflective of this Change and OF NEW PROFOUND CHANGES coming through, of the New Humanity, the previously named Queen of Light Activation, is being Changed in format, name and in Frequency. The New Transmission/Activation for the New Humanity, will be the New stepped up Frequencies (Higher Dimensional Frequencies) anywhere from 4th Dimensional Frequencies to 10th Dimensional Frequencies (depending on your antenna, the frequencies you are ready to receive) and titled: (not because it has a name, it doesn’t) “Divine Ascended Being Activation” ( This is a reference to the YOU that you are transforming into, and what this Activation is FOR.) The New FORMAT will BE HOURLY. EVERY HOUR at 11 minutes after the hour, the Activation for Humanity will begin. Every 33 minutes after the Hour the Transmission/Activation for Humanity ~ Divine Ascended Being ~ will be completed for that hour. This will take place every hour, 24 hours a day. BEGINNING at 11 after the hour and completing at 33 after the hour. This NEW Activation for the New Humanity ~ “Divine Ascended Being” will Begin at: 12:11 ~ 12:33 Saturday March 5th 2016. The CHANGEOVER has BEGUN. The Ascended Divine Being Hourly Activation has Started. Every 11 after the Hour (AST) Till 33 after the hour, You Receive the Activation/Transmission. You ~ As the Divine Ascended Being. The New Humanity. Focus on your intention, at the beginning and end of each day, and/or focus Hourly ~ Tuning in to your Heart Space to consciously Receive. This is Your Transformation. Your Original Light. Your Heart Opened. Your Healing. Your Abundance. For those of you following my Facebook posts, this will mean no weekly request posts, and no daily posts stating how many hours till the daily activation. I will POST a daily post, Titled ~ Divine Ascended Being Activation/Transmission, where you can add your Requests, as often as you like, if you would still like to do this. This Hourly Activation ~ Although given the title “Divine Ascended Being Activation” ~ for the New Humanity, LITERALLY has no Name. This is LIGHT Frequencies, for YOUR Ascension, for YOUR Transformation, For Your Healing, For Your Return to Light, for YOUR Abundance, Health, and for the Awakening of YOUR Heart, for YOU as the Divine Ascended Being, that you ARE. This is the NEW Divine Ascended Being ~ The New Humanity. It is YOU. You are consciously going through the Ascension Process and entering your New Existence, as the Divine Ascended Being that you are. These Hourly FREQUENCY Downloads, may be received by you anywhere (tapped into) even when you sleep, if YOUR Intention is SET TO RECEIVE, The Divine Ascended Being Activation. The Frequencies of Light Transmitted ( which are NAMELESS) received through your Etheric Body (subtle body ~ Antenna feed) into all levels of your Aura, connecting you to your Higher Ascended Being body, which is then downloaded into all of your energy bodies, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The process of integrating the Activation being received is then consciously experienced as Higher Light Frequencies, Higher Dimensional Frequencies, Greater HARMONY, Greater HEART Opening, and Greater PRESENCE of the PURE YOU. The Eternal You. The Divine Ascended Being ~ You. The YOU that is FREE. The You that is the Magical Inner Child YOU ~ Existing in Mastery. This is the Divine Ascended Being ~ You. YOU may focus on what your own personal intentions are, or they may be, simply, to BE ASCENDED. YOU choose, Your Soul is guiding YOU. You are the New Divine Ascended Being, You are the New Humanity, and this is FOR YOU. Welcome Home~ You are a Divine Ascended Being! Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU! To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation” You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour (1) Frequency 5th Dimension; The Age of Aquarius | Facebook AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation: To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity) To Follow me on Twitter :http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian To READ SOME TESTIMONIALS, Visit the Home Page copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.
(1) Frequency 5th Dimension; The Age of Aquarius | Facebook
report an error to website: You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour :!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts (1) Frequency 5th Dimension; The Age of Aquarius | Facebook
L'Aura Pleiadian updated her cover photo. · Please note this REQUEST List is For: YOUR INTENTIONS NEW! PLEASE ADD the MIRACLES also you experienced! During the Hourly "DIVINE ASCENDED BEING ACTIVATION" The HOURLY Activation is an energy transmission to YOU on all levels of your being, SHIFTING your Frequency. IT IS every 11 minutes after the Hour till 33 Minutes after the Hour. Every Hour ~ 24/7 The Blue Avians are NOW joined in the HOURLY Divine Ascended Being Activation. As well as the Divine Council of Overseers, in which I attend the Council Meetings at the HIGHER LEVELS and DIMENSIONS. FOR your INTENTIONS: Focus on your Intention hourly OR set your intention for the day at the beginning of every day and if possible at the end of every day. You will be guided to what your intention will be (and this may change) as you literally are your intention (your field of awareness that is united with matter at the subconscious level) this will include your next level SHIFTS in consciousness. Which includes the change in timelines and frequency. You do not need to be focus on your intention every hour, although you may notice you feel the frequencies in your field, during the hourly activation. This is Transmitted to you, Beyond Time and Space. Where there is NO Distance and NO Limitation. You may leave your intention, focus, changes and requests here as often as you would like. I feel you even if I do not respond, Please know that. To read more about this Hourly Activation: Eternal Love and Bliss! L'Aura Pleiadian
2/2/2023=11 seen (but, also 11 unseen) 22 in 2(23)=46/10/1 = new beginnings too and, also 2023 = 7 creation