HMR 17 - Being Fully Present

Discussion in 'Jorgelitos Corner' started by Jorgelito, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Being Fully Present
    and its relation to love and freedom

    Who its the true king of the realm?

    Arthur King Of The Britons Arthur King of the Britons

    The man on the right calls himself king and fills that role with ability. He is noble. The man on the left also plays the role but moves freely from center. He is a master and king of the realm.

    Being free is being able to be who we are. Who we are is our center. We need to be free, as well as we can, to move as it moves. Love greases the way for this and with every intention we may have. It’s a universal lubricant, I think, for every dimension there is.



    When we move to our center, we further invite a love infinite into our body and soul. To remain in this spot of self-mastery we are vigilant, as well as we can, of who we are and what we are not.

    When the inside us (the upstairs dept) enters, it enables us to be fully present at any time, anywhere, The feeling is familiar and one we know— a oneness with people and things for no reason — a thing we step into.


    Canine Master


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