The Fire the fire inside our soul Fire dreaming, Australian abroginal art This is trying something out -- to think in pictures -- a story without words -- what we do when we dream -- to help remember things where words get in the way. It's a story of the fire in our soul. Jorgelito Hagens This is a tryout to see if this works. There are 15 pictures & would be like talking with our Higher Power . . . Faun Fenderson Love it - where are the others? Jorgelito Hagens They follow as 15 individual posts -- some photos, some videos. Faun Fenderson Great, thanks Marsha McHenry Carroll fabulous! I'll have a go at it! PICTURE ONE PICTURE TWO PICTURE THREE PICTURE FOUR PICTURE FIVE PICTURE SIX PICTURE SEVEN Snake River PICTURE EIGHT PICTURE NINE PICTURE TEN PICTURE ELEVEN PICTURE TWELVE PICTURE THIRTEEN PICTURE FOURTEEN PICTURE FIFTEEN Observation After a day of staring at these pictures, they seem to work on me (maybe like the aborigines). They take on a life of their own it seems by setting in motion ways of seeing & feeling we may not have experienced before. Like a dream will. Like life does. Like an adventure will. Like Amelia Earhart. Evoking the fire within is evoking the Prometheus in us (the guy who brought fire to us) -- the light that shines through everything (if we could see it) -- that floods our heart with love -- even when we see nothing -- nourishes us -- even when we feel nothing -- this is Garden Space and is where we create who we are.