HMR 13 - The Sequence of Things

Discussion in 'Jorgelitos Corner' started by Jorgelito, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    The Sequence of Things


    The man within us wants to create that which is; the woman inside wants to move with the way and the sequence of life. We exist before all of these things, before divisions were made, before there were ways to do things.
    As the sequence of our experiences flow and move like water -- like a river moving to the moon, the planets and all the stars, the quiet forever inside becomes awake in us. Then what we need to know, we remember; what we need to feel, we feel; what we need to be, we are.



    It feels like empty space of infinite depth dwelling in my body and soul . . .


    I hear it touching certain things, remembering certain things. It wants to be. Out. And I’m fairly certain it's me! It sounds like sunrise moving over the land . . .

    It's a space of freedom, freedom to be who we are . . .


    Our life -- the sequence moving through us -- is much like a river . . .

    The Tetons and the Snake River, Ansel Adams

    Everything we do and and everything that happens to us is an embodiment of the whole (that's us) -- like an ocean -- infinite -- going forever -- moving -- as a thread -- through the land with tides rushing to and fro governed by the sun, moon and every energy that is . . .

    River is an aspect of who we are (that is, it's another person of who we are). It has considerable power to transform. It wants to share itself with us if we allow. River is our female aspect and embodies life . . .

    female figure

    Re talking with gods & goddesses
    aspects of who we are


    Talking to a god or goddess in the heavens somewhere creates additional layers through which to communicate. The communication can be made more direct and much simpler by speaking to the quiet spot of our heart — letting the proper translations take place as necessary.

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