Hidden Space Vessel In The Kuiper Belt? Mystery Object Called Arawn Gives Headaches To Researchers

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, May 23, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Hidden space vessel in the Kuiper belt?
    Mystery object called Arawn gives headaches to New Horizons researchers. The probe had been last researching the object MU69 "Arrokoth" (also "Ultima Thule") and then received a new mission. Having approached the Kuiper Belt, the probe twice recorded the trans-Neptunian “plutino” (15810) 1994 JR1 moving object, which was named (15810) "Arawn" in January 2017, the first time from a distance of 274 million km, the second “closer” – from 111 million km.
    Who's Hiding in the Kuiper Belt ... The New Horizons Case
    Arawn is the name given to the dark ruler of the underworld, the king of Annwn in Welsh mythology.
    New Horizons managed to capture the fact that the object is moving at a high speed of 4.713 km/s with a diameter of 145 km.
    This raises questions – according to calculations, when moving at such a speed, Arawn should have disintegrated long ago if it were an ordinary asteroid or a fragment of some cosmic body, but this does not happen. It was also recorded that Arawn’s glow changes, as if it was “disguised”, suddenly plunged into darkness, as if noticing that it was being watched.
    Based on the analysis of the transmitted data, scientists came to the conclusion that, unlike most other known bodies located in the Kuiper belt, Arawn is not made of rocks or ice. It is a much more durable substance, because at such a high speed with which it moves, the object remains safe and sound.
    Unexpected failure
    Once the probe recorded the strange object, it was discovered that Arawn does not rotate chaotically around its axis, by inertia, but as if adjusting its rotation.
    As it approached the strange object’s orbit, New Horizons suddenly broke down, ceasing to record and transmit information.
    The reason for the temporary breakdown still remains unclear, therefore, a variety of versions are being considered. The situation is extremely strange and has raised many questions. Did “someone” observe the movements of terrestrial technology and deliberately turned it off? If so, why did this “someone” interfere with the NASA mission?
    Unmanned spaceship?
    Scientists do not exclude the version that Arawn may not just be a natural space body, but an artificial research probe of unearthly origin, especially when you consider the strange things that happened to New Horizons.




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