Hemp Vs Plastic - Video

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 30, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The year is 1914.

    The years of WWI and farmers growing "hemp" in exchange for US dollars....

    Keep this in mind and keep reading.

    Industrial hemp is not just another agricultural plant.

    It is the antidote to oil and the dollar.


    1. One acre of hemp produces as much oxygen as 25 acres of forest.

    2. Again, one acre of hemp can produce as much paper as 4 acres of trees.

    3. While hemp can be turned into paper 8 times, wood can be made into paper 3 times.

    4. Hemp grows in 4 months, wood in 20-50 years.

    5. Cannabis is a real radiation trap.

    6. Cannabis can be grown anywhere in the world and needs little water. Because it can keep insects away, it doesn't need pesticides


    7. If textiles made with hemp are generalized, the pesticide industry could disappear completely

    8. The first jeans were made with hemp; even the word "KANVAS" is the name given to hemp products
    Hemp is also an ideal plant for containing ropes, laces, purses, shoes and hats.

    9. Reduces the effects of chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of cannabis, AIDS and cancer; it is used in at least 250 diseases such as rheumatism, heart, epilepsy, asthma, stomach, insomnia, psychology and for spinal stiffness.

    10. The protein value of hemp seeds is very high and the two fatty acids they contain are nowhere else in nature.

    11. Hemp is even cheaper to produce than soy.

    12. Animals fed by cannabis don't need hormonal supplements.

    13. All plastic products can be made with hemp, and hemp plastic is very easy to return to nature.

    14. If the body of a car is made of hemp, it will be 10 times stronger than steel.

    15. It can also be used to insulate buildings; it is durable, cheap and flexible.

    16. Soaps and cosmetics made with hemp do not pollute the water, so they are totally environmentally friendly.
    In 18th-century America, production was mandatory and farmers who didn't produce them were jailed. But now the situation has been turned on its head. WHY?

    -W. R. Hearst owned newspapers, magazines and media in the United States in the 1900s.
    They had forests and made paper.
    If paper was made with hemp, he could have lost millions.

    -Rockefeller was the richest man in the world; had an oil company.
    Biofuel, hemp oil, was of course his biggest enemy.

    -Mellon was one of the leading shareholders in the Dupont company
    and had a patent to manufacture plastics from oil products.
    And the cannabis industry threatened its market.

    Mellon later became President Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury.
    Those big names we were talking about decided in their meetings that cannabis was the enemy,
    and they removed it.

    Through the media, they engraved marijuana into people's brains as a toxic drug, along with the word marijuana.

    Cannabis drugs were taken off the market, replaced by the chemical drugs used today.

    Forests are cut down to produce paper.

    Plague poisoning and cancer are on the rise.

    And then we fill our world with plastic waste, harmful waste....

    Courtesy of Luc Luuc Vdf Christiaanse

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