Ghost Apples To Ice Spikes ~ Even A New Discovery !!!

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 11, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ghost Apples" in the Fruit Ridge area
    of Kent County, Michigan.
    An unusual phenomenon when freezing rain
    coats rotting apples before they fall,
    the apple turns mushy and eventually slips out,
    leaving the icy shell still hanging on the tree.
    Photographer: Woodtv8
    Photographer: Woodtv8
    Photographer: Woodtv8

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Exotic crystals of 'ice 19' discovered | Live Science

    WebMar. 9, 2021 · Scientists have identified the 19th form of water ice.
    The exotic, four-sided crystals of this rare ice variety, now dubbed ice XIX,
    form at ultra-low temperatures and ultra-high pressures.
    (Image credit: dataichi - Simon Dubreuil via Getty Images)

    Scientists have identified the 19th form of water ice.

    The exotic, four-sided crystals of this rare ice variety, now dubbed ice XIX,
    form at ultra-low temperatures and ultra-high pressures.

    It only exists in laboratory experiments, but researchers say it reveals
    more about other forms of ice, which can be found deep
    in the Earth’s mantle and on very cold planets and moons.

    "To name a new ice form, one needs to elucidate exactly what the crystal structure is,"
    said lead researcher Thomas Loerting,
    a professor of physical chemistry at the University of Innsbruck in Austria.

    That means figuring out the simplest repeating structure of the crystal,

    where all of the atoms are located within that structure,
    and what the symmetry of the crystal structure is, Loerting said.

    "Only if all of these are known, you are allowed to name your ice …
    Ice XIX is now the name for the new ice phase discovered in our work,"
    he told Live Science in an email.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Water ice in crater at Martian north pole

    ESA - Water ice in crater at Martian north pole

    Water ice in crater at Martian north pole

    28/07/200573011 VIEWS135 LIKES
    ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / Mars Express
    These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board
    ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, show a patch of water ice sitting on the floor
    of an unnamed crater near the Martian north pole.
    Map showing crater in context

    The HRSC obtained these images during orbit 1343 with a ground resolution of approximately 15 metres per pixel.
    The unnamed impact crater is located on Vastitas Borealis, a broad plain that covers much of Mars's
    far northern latitudes, at approximately 70.5° North and 103° East.

    The crater is 35 kilometres wide and has a maximum depth of approximately 2 kilometres beneath the crater rim.

    The circular patch of bright material located at the centre of the crater is residual water ice.
    Colour view of crater with water ice

    This white patch is present all year round, as the temperature and pressure conditions
    do not favour the sublimation of water ice.

    It cannot be frozen carbon dioxide since carbon dioxide ice had already disappeared
    from the north polar cap at the time the image was taken
    (late summer in the Martian northern hemisphere).
    Black and white view of crater with water ice

    There is a height difference of 200 metres between the crater floor and the surface of this bright material,
    which cannot be attributed solely to water ice.

    It is probably mostly due to a large dune field lying beneath this ice layer.

    Indeed, some of these dunes are exposed at the easternmost edge of the ice.

    Faint traces of water ice are also visible along the rim of the crater and on the crater walls.

    The absence of ice along the north-west rim and walls may occur because this area
    receives more sunlight due to the Sun’s orientation, as highlighted in the perspective view.
    3D anaglyph view of crater with water ice

    The colour images were processed using the HRSC nadir (vertical view) and three colour channels.

    The perspective views were calculated from the digital terrain model derived from the stereo channels.

    The 3D anaglyph images were created from the nadir channel and one of the stereo channels.

    Stereoscopic glasses are needed to view the 3D images Image resolution has been decreased for use on the internet.

    For more information on Mars Express HRSC images,
    you might like to read our updated 'Frequently Asked Questions'.

    ESA - Water ice in crater at Martian north pole

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Can the observer effect of quantum mechanics influence the probability of ice tray spike formation?

    I have been studying the observer effect in ice tray spikes since I became aware of this phenomenon in the late nineties.

    Recently, I proved to myself (and to others) that this phenomenon can occur
    beyond any statistical doubt and that other's could also create this effect.

    I have come to the conclusion that this is a real, objective event which can be tested and duplicated.

    I am asking the public's help to take part in an experiment to gather a database
    to encourage scientists to take a serious look at what could be macrocosmic proof
    of the observer effect in quantum mechanics - and all you have to do is fill your ice tray.
    What Are Ice Spikes?: ice_cube_spike.
    Ice spikes are a rare, natural occurrence in nature or in your ice tray due to the physics of freezing water.

    Most people have never seen one, but I have documented evidence that when one becomes aware of
    (observes) the possibility of its occurrence, it increases the probability of their occurrence.

    Furthermore, once one became aware of it, it reoccurred at a statistically higher rate than could be accounted for by coincidence.

    Working Hypothesis:

    My theory is that the conditions for ice spike formation rely on many physical factors,
    i.e.; the type of water, freezer temperature, humidity, water contaminants, etc.,
    which even under laboratory conditions are difficult to produce.

    I believe there is a delicate balance in the molecular (or atomic/subatomic?)

    level and the probability is very low that a spike will occur naturally.

    Through my observation and testing I've discovered that one can tip this 'quantum balance'
    in favor of ice spike formation simply by being aware of it.

    The Observer Effect:

    The observer effect was discovered when scientists attempted to measure (observe) the strange behavior
    of electrons when confronted by a double slit.

    On its own, the electron acted as a wave and created an interference pattern on a screen.

    However, when scientists recorded the electron before it entered the slit, the electron created
    a pattern associated with particles instead of a wave. (See double slit experiment.)

    This effect is evident on an extremely microscopic scale,
    but what if the ice spike effect is an amplification of

    Schrödinger's Cat:
    In the thought experiment created by Erwin Schrödinger,
    a cat in a sealed box could be dead or alive depending on whether or not a decaying radioactive particle
    set off a poisonous gas.

    Since one could not know the outcome unless the box was opened, the cat could be considered
    to be both alive and dead at the same time, but when you open the box you collapse the wave function
    and now the cat is either alive or dead. Ice spikes could be in this state, a spike could occur
    or not at the same time, but when you look at it (open the box) you increase the possibility of a spike occurring.
    (Note: This is not to say that spikes only occur if one observes it, only that you increase the probability of it's occurrence.)

    I first became aware of this over ten years ago when my girlfriend at the time found one in her freezer.

    We noted that neither one of us had seen one before. Ice spikes are very distinctive
    and is not something one would miss or discount as an everyday phenomenon.

    A week later to my surprise I saw an ice spike in my freezer.

    We talked about how strange the coincidence was, one manifested again in her freezer a short time later.

    It was obvious to me that somehow being aware of ice spikes made them reoccur.

    We experimented with it and found that they happened more often.

    To rule out environmental factors we used distilled, tap, filtered, and bottled water
    and even filled the ice tray with boiling water.

    We found that ice spike formation occurred regardless of water conditions.

    Over the years I saw them occasionally but recently (during the last six months)
    I began to put attention on them again.

    However, they manifested so frequently that I had to assume my freezer and water conditions
    were just right for ice spike formation.

    In order for me to prove this to myself I had to go to someone's house, use their water,
    ice tray and freezer and see if it would manifest there as an experiment control.

    The other condition was that a person who never saw an ice spike before in their freezer.

    I had an opportunity to test this, I told this person that I wanted to do an ice spike experiment.

    I emptied their ice tray and filled it with with tap water.

    When I checked the freezer later there were two ice spikes! Moreover, this person decided to try it herself
    and after two weeks she got her own ice spike, not only that but a few weeks after the first one she got another spike.

    Still, the scientist in me questioned whether this could be a coincidence.

    The test of any theory is if it could be duplicated.

    I told someone else about about and I was told that it was 'junk science' and not possible to duplicate.

    I told her that I was going to try one in her freezer but before I did I asked her if she had ever seen one before.

    I showed her a picture of an ice spike and she was emphatic that she had not seen one before.

    Later when I checked, there were two ice spikes in her ice cube tray.

    Needless to say she was surprised and convinced.
    I think there is something to here to look at, however there was one variable in these experiments which needed to be ruled out - and that was myself. Since I was in contact with my test subjects it could be argued that somehow I influenced the experiment.

    To rule that out (for skeptics) I devised a simple experiment: to have people who never met me try it and tabulate the results.

    Do the experiment:
    The experiment is simple
    - just fill your ice tray as you normally would
    - except when you do so visualize or think about ice spikes.

    Do not change anything except your thoughts about it.

    What this experiment is looking for is the increased probability of ice spike formation,
    in other words a change in the rate of production.

    The other requirement is simply your memory
    - how positive you are that you had never seen one before, or if you did, note how long ago.

    The first test is to see how long before you get your first spike (it could be months.)

    That occurrence is then tabulated against the period of time that you know for sure you had never seen one.

    The first spike you get is the bench mark.

    The second step is to note when it happens again.

    The length of time between the first and second event is then compared to the length of time before the first one.

    Any subsequent events are also recorded.

    The third stage is to produce a spike in a freezer other than your own,

    and finally tell someone else about it and they get an ice spike.
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