Gas Taxes - Tax $66.03 On $327.15 - That Is 17.04% = Insanity !!!

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 4, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    GAS TAXES - TAX $66.03 ON $327.15 - THAT IS 17.04% = insanity !!!

    2 tier tax system, tax on a tax
    2 types of tax
    carbon tax + HST -TAX
    $66.03 FOR THE CROOKS ON $327.15 OF GAS ?
    total bill is $387.48 of which
    6603/387.48=17.04% TAXES of 66.03 #insanity
    GAS TAXES - TAX $66.03 ON $327.15 - THAT IS 17.04% = insanity !!!

    2 tier tax system, tax on a tax
    2 types of tax
    carbon tax + HST -TAX
    $66.03 FOR THE CROOKS ON $327.15 OF GAS ?
    total bill is $387.48 of which
    6603/387.48=17.04% TAXES of 66.03 #insanity

    GAS TAXES - TAX $66.03 ON $327.15 - THAT IS 17.04% = insanity !!!

    this is #ontario #canada
    what are things like where you live ???
    curious, susan

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