Fifteen Reminders From Sparrow White Elk Raven, Elder

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 15, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    15 Reminders from Sparrow White Elk Raven, Elder :

    1- Get up with the sun to pray. Pray alone .

    2 - Be tolerant of those who have lost their way .
    Ignorance , presumption , anger , jealously
    and greed come from a lost soul .
    Pray for them to find guidance .

    3 - Find yourself , by your own means .
    Do not let others make your path , for you .
    It is your path and only yours .
    Others may walk with you ,
    but no one can make your way
    ( or walk your path ) for you .

    4 - Treat guests in your home with great consideration.
    Serve them the best food , give them the best bed
    and treat them with respect and honor .

    5 - Do not take what is not yours whether from a person ,
    a comunity from the jungle of from a culture .
    It was not given or won .
    It is not yours .

    6 - Respect all the things that are on this earth ,
    by they people , plants and animals .

    7 - Honor the thoughts , desired and words of all people .
    Never break them in , on make fun of them ,
    or imitate them rudely .
    It gives each person the right to their personal expression .

    8 - Never talk about others in a bad way .
    The negative energy you put into the universe
    will multiply when it returns to you .

    9 - All people make mistakes
    And all mistakes can be forgiven .

    10 - Bad thoughts cause ilness to the mind , body and spirit .
    Practice optimism .

    11 - Nature is not FOR us .
    It is PART of us .
    She's part of your family in the world .

    12 - Children are the seeds of our future .
    Show love in your hearts and water them with wisdom and life lessons .
    When they grow up , just give them space to grow up .

    13 - Avoid hurting the hearts of others.
    The poison of their suffering will return to you .

    14 - Be true ( transparent ) all the time .
    Honesty is the test of one 's will in this universe .

    15 - Keep yourself balanced .
    Your Mental person , your Spiritual person ,
    your Emotional person and your Physical person :
    they all have the need to be strong , pure and healthy .


    Sparrow White Elk Raven


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