Fbi Documents Confirm The Existence Of Giant Human Like Aliens In A Declassified Report From 1947

Discussion in 'UFOria CHRONICLES' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 19, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    70 + PAGES from FBI on UFOs from 1947

    The FBI has declassified documents that mention flying saucers and “multidimensional beings.”

    The nearly 70-page report was written by an anonymous professor
    and recently leaked online.

    According to the Daily Star and Sputnik News ,
    the documents called Memorandum 6751
    allude to the encounters with aliens dating back to 1947 ,
    mentioning “discs” with lightning bolt speed and other extraterrestrial objects.

    FBI Documents Confirm The Existence Of Giant Human Like Aliens In A Declassified Report From 1947

    FBI Documents Confirm The Existence Of Giant Human Like Aliens In A Declassified Report From 1947 - Infinity Explorers


    read article on link

    FBI Documents Confirm The Existence Of Giant Human Like Aliens In A Declassified Report From 1947 - Infinity Explorers

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The FBI has declassified documents that mention flying saucers and “multidimensional beings.”
    The nearly 70-page report was written by an anonymous professor and recently leaked online. According to the Daily Star and Sputnik News , the documents called Memorandum 6751 allude to the encounters with aliens dating back to 1947 , mentioning “discs” with lightning bolt speed and other extraterrestrial objects.
    “A very serious situation can develop at any time regarding the flying saucers,” the memo says, indicating that in people’s minds this could create “near panic” along with international mistrust.
    “If one of this attacked, the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed.”
    The anonymous author of the report goes on to describe the “flying saucers” and how they operate.
    “Part of the discs have crews, others are under remote control , ” says the author of the report, who also insists that their mission is nothing more than peaceful, but they have sufficient capacity to deal with human weapons.
    The memorandum alleges that the human-like but much larger visitors contemplate settling on this plane, traveling on disks that feature a type of radiant energy, or lightning, that will easily disintegrate any attacker.
    Noting the unmatched evasiveness of objects, he says that they re-enter from the etheric at will and simply disappear from our vision without a trace.
    Confusing information
    These are some of the details of Memorandum 6751 written on July 8, 1947, the same day as the first press release on the recovery of a crashed “flying disc” on a ranch near Roswell .
    As we have discussed previously, the author is anonymous, but says that he has several university degrees and was head of a university department.
    It should also be said that the memo was written for the FBI and is NOT an FBI investigative report .
    Unlike the early Roswell reports, this document refers to “living things.”much larger in size than humans, who visit us regularly, and occupy another dimension other than ours rather than another planet.
    It also doesn’t say how the anonymous researcher obtained all this information.
    From here the information on Memorandum 6751 is confusing. Unfortunately, the other 66 pages are not available.
    On the other hand, the Film Daily news portal offers another interesting revelation, although also undocumented.
    Apparently a decade ago the FBI declassified a 70-page document and put it in its database on the Internet called The Vault.
    Film Daily says Memorandum 6751 was declassified in 2010 and published in The Vault. He also says that ufologists frequently mention this report, but until now no one knew of its existence.
    Certainly this memo has everything we need, extraterrestrial revelations, controversy and confusing information.
    But regardless of its origin, what no one can deny is that this 2020 is being a really active year when it comes to aliens.
    More and more people consider that they are preparing us for the “Great Revelation” . And let’s face it, if they do come, 2020 is the perfect year for their arrival as unlikely events are occurring. From killer wasps to a global pandemic and an alien invasion… it sounds good.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    so, now to hunt for:
    Memorandum 6751
    declassified in 2010
    published in The Vault

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Memorandum 6751 is a US document dated 8 July 1947 that was declassified in year 2010, and disclosed to the public from the FBI archives. The memorandum acknowledges the existence of alien presence.
    Memorandum 6751 | UFO-Alien Database | Fandom


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Where can I find the FBI UFO memorandum 6751?
    On November 30, 2010, under Executive Order 13526,
    the US disclosed various UFO files onto the online file depository:
    FBI Records: The Vault, Unexplained Phenomenon,
    which includes Memorandum 6751.

    The memorandum can be viewed online at the FBI Records Vault, under UFO Part 1 of 16, p.
    Memorandum 6751 | The Conspiracy Wiki | Fandom

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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