Is A Fake Alien Invasion Slated Soon ??? Mar/apr/may 2023 ? Last One Was 28 Oct 1938

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 15, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Gonzalo Romero
    12h ·

    When Orson Welles aired the radial program based on H.G. Wells’ novel,
    War of the Worlds, on October 28, 1938,
    tens of thousands of Americans believed that an alien invasion
    was actually happening.

    The next day the New York Times published the front page:

    "Terrified radioactors take wartime play as real."

    Many flee their homes to escape the “Martian gas invasion.”

    Phone calls flood police during Welles fantasy broadcast.


    This episode demonstrated the power of social manipulation of mass media,
    its ability to determine what's true and what's false
    - how indistinguishable truth and fiction can be.

    Mass media correlates directly to the archetype of Aquarius,
    House XI, Uranus. By derivation, as the lower octave of Uranus,
    the media is also correlated with Mercury, Gemini, and House III.

    Manipulation and power are of course correlated
    with the archetype of Scorpio, House VIII and Pluto.

    We can see these archetypes in action on the radial transmission start car
    d that sparked panic about a Martian invasion.

    At that time, the Moon was transiting Aquarius in opposition to Pluto.

    The Moon's South Node was in House XI connected to Uranus.

    Jupiter, symbol of "truth" was squared at the Lunar Nodes,
    in House VIII, and Mercury was in Scorpio
    along with the Moon's North Node.

    It is also deduced directly from these symbols
    the importance of controlling the media
    in power agendas:

    who controls the media determines what is true and what is false.

    The nazis already knew that.

    By those years, Goebbels had long succumbed to Hitler's influence and charisma.

    Following Nazism's coming to power in 1933, Goebbels was placed at the head
    of the Ministry of Public Illustration and Propaganda,
    controlling the artistic and information news media,
    for purposes of propaganda and censorship of dissenting opinions,
    and turning with preference to new means that were beginning:
    the radio and the movies.

    The intention was to maintain a strong central control of cultural
    and intellectual life in Germany, and to promote anti-Semitism
    and the glorification and worship of Hitler’s personality.

    Once the War began, Goebbels was in charge of employing local news outlets
    of the invaded countries, using the same advertisers
    he always did to disperse pro-invaders propaganda.

    Goebbels had the Moon's North Node in Aquarius,
    governed by Uranus in Scorpio in House V,
    governed by Pluto rx joint to Neptune rx in Gemini in House XI,
    joint to Uranus North Node. P

    luto also rules Mercury in Scorpio together with the Sun,
    which square the Moon's Nodes.

    Throughout the 20th century the strategies of mass manipulatio
    n through the media came to constitute a primary weapon
    of the political arsenal, and in the first decades of the 21st century
    its power multiplied through new technological developments
    and the expansion of the social networks.

    In many countries, policies were established to impoverish school education
    and reduce subjects, contents and class hours, facilitating media manipulation,
    while we witness the emergence of new forms of populism and anarcho-capitalism.

    Along that line, corporate media, nationalist and conservative tycoon
    Steve Bannon was the campaign ideologist and strategist
    who allowed Trump to become his country’s presidency,
    and then also advised Bolsonaro in Brazil.

    A primary element of the campaign was the use of fake news,
    and incitement to hate through racist speech.

    Conscious manipulation algorithms were used that personalize
    the information they present to each internet user
    based on preference profiles through personal information
    "stolen" by Google and Facebook, as Shoshana Zuboff explains forcefully
    and valiantly when talking about "surveillance capitalism".

    It's the political model of this time. Bannon has established relations
    with the far-right in many countries around the world,
    including Kaiser and Kast in Chile, contributing to the design
    of its campaigns, appealing to traditional morality, national values,
    criticism of the political system, and the search for guilty
    or scapegoats in ethnic minorities and immigrants.

    Sign of passage that may be reasonable or valid agreeing
    with some of those values and stances - as it also was in Hitler's Germany
    and led many honest and well-meaning Germans to enrol in Nazism,
    especially away from the big cities where they were most visible the atrocities of the regime.

    The point is that in the far-right such arguments are part of strategies of subversion
    of social order, incitement to violence, and domination through repressive policies
    serving increasingly raw forms of capitalism.

    Similar strategies and the same tools have also been used by politicians
    not belonging to the far-right nor the populist right, such as Barack Obama.

    Bannon has Uranus joint to the Moon's South Node in triangle with Mercury in Scorpio
    which is squared with Pluto in Leo in sextile with Jupiter rx in Gemini,
    governed by Mercury, which is also unjoined to the North Node of Uranus
    rx in Geminis Neptune, whose South Node is in Aquarius,
    governed by Uranus attached to the South Node, is squared to the Moon's Nodes).

    That's one major form of policy-making that came to stay, in the hands
    of the populist right and also other sectors, including the American establishment
    in its continued interference and imperialist interventionism,
    albeit in the hands of democratic governments.

    This is how the constituent process emerged from the social explosion of 2019
    in Chile was deflated: through a campaign based on fake news.

    On March 23, 2023
    Pluto will enter Aquarius, marking a 40-year period
    in which mass manipulation through media will reach its full development.

    New technologies will fine-tune the techniques making the truth
    from the lie increasingly indistinguishable, and acquiring more power;
    the AI tools, in the hands of kleptocratic corporations promoted by corrupt legislators and governments copted by corporations, will also fulfill surveillance and control functions
    of the spread of dissident ways of thinking.

    Who controls the media, controls society.

    I'm not an alarmist, the future has arrived.

    It is necessary to assume that this is a crisis of democracy as such,
    since the current conditions produce an illusory democracy
    in which freedom is more restricted than ever.

    Many things will have to happen before real democracy exists.

    The ideals of the French Revolution and modern democracy
    were forged in the previous transit of Pluto through Aquarius,
    and now the time for radical reforms has come,
    but it is very likely that there will be no awareness
    of such necessary transformation before forms emerge
    and expand which are rather the denial of democracy and freedom

    . Why say Pluto in Aquarius literally says “social explosion”.

    Thanks to misinformation, many people will believe anything
    – even the day is likely to come when they scare us again,
    this time intentionally, with the threat of an alien invasion.

    (Note: I discuss these and other issues in the article
    I wrote about Pluto's Entry into Aquarius,
    which will be published March 24th, 2023).





    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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