Everyone Should Have A Friend, Like Norma Horn ~ An Eulogy From One Intj To Another

Discussion in 'SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER, Past, Present, Future & NOW' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 16, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    February 16, 2019 ·
    Shared with Public

    wow...MY last conversation with Norma Horn

    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    says: can you summarize it briefly ? hahaha

    Norma Horn
    No way. This post throttles me!!!


    My good friend Norma, is gone !!!

    WOW, i feel frozen in time

    i feel lost in space

    and, tears sprout from the corners of my eyes

    and, my face turns into a flood

    life without Norma

    is just something,

    i can NOT even begin to imagine

    let alone wrap my brain around it...

    just an online friend, some would say,

    but, i know, way different than that

    although i'd never even met her

    in a 3d sense, in this life time

    NORMA, and, i knew each other from other times...

    for me, she was about the closest thing

    i'd ever found that was walking around earth,

    that, was very similar to me

    -fortunately, i have quite a few of these amazing men, and women
    - as, friends, and, know, these types of
    men, and women, are like dragons, lions, thunderbirds and unicorns

    - exceedingly rare, and, well-done at the same time

    MOST PEOPLE are lucky

    to have ONE such friend

    - i started to make a list,
    and, went into overwhelm,

    what if i forget someone ...

    so, i realized almost all of you,

    are this sort of amazing...

    GOOD GOD, i thought

    how richly, i've been blessed

    my life has surely been

    one amazing journey

    ~with so much more to come

    got to love these people who give,

    and, who leave deep

    interesting & meaningful grooves in your life

    they make your higher mind expand

    and, your lower mind engage

    they make your higher heart grow

    and, your lower heart engage and enlarge

    and, they do it with weaving amazing things

    into your tapestry !!!

    energetically they all make life and living

    way beyond just fun, but, they keep it expanding

    and, they keep it growing, because,

    they stop to tend the garden !!!

    these are the people who are the real deals

    the spiritual explorers, the spiritual exemplars,

    the trail blazers, and, they are all here to create brand new horizons

    - what a gift it is to be here,

    in this journey !!!

    -wow, i might now have a chance to have

    a silent ice cap alone in the morning

    in peace, but, i will surely miss her playing her piece

    NORMA HORN, you were like playing on a in12d chess board

    she spanned the gambits from caring to kind

    from considerate to thoughtful

    yes, there were silly exchanges,

    and, deadly serious ones too

    from laugher to giggling to occasional tears,

    she was an eXchanger,

    and, she was in my exchange

    she was a sensitive woman

    and, a wise woman too

    she was highly empathic

    there were times,

    she and i exchanged with no words

    -and, then we laughed about it;
    in a video chat

    -yup, there was NO fooling NORMA HORN
    she played like me,

    honest, straight up and across the table

    she was direct,

    smart but NOT cocky,

    and, she was a very wise woman,

    she was straight as an arrow,

    and, knew how to hit a target

    (and, sometimes, she enjoyed a glass of wine,

    etc., to chill)

    she housed a special force,

    along with a special kind of power

    that i honoured, and, i respected

    she told you her truth,

    and, you'd be wise to listen

    sometimes, she did NOT like

    my "MiSS DEED"

    although normally,

    if she mined what i had posted

    -she found my humour in it

    and, laughed

    perhaps, i'm NOT supposed to have a sense of humour...

    and, she would reply...'ok, i'll loosen up, cut you some slack,

    it was actually pretty funny'

    i loved her, the whole her, just as, she was,

    and, i know she she loved me

    ~we both NOT perfect people

    but, definitely we were a purr-fect pair of friends

    our minds often melded,

    as, much as they meshed...

    two unique wild women

    with incredible, and, interesting ideas

    both on our own amazing paths

    there were many times,

    she was there for me,

    or, i was there for her

    i've had this funny sense

    she has been around me

    like in spirit form,

    a few funny things have occurred

    once, NOT long ago,

    the wind blew thru,

    then, another day,

    it happened again;

    and; then on my birthday,

    the wind blew thru like a cyclone

    and, i was presented with the vision

    of the most beautiful birthday cake

    - since i have a birthday

    between Christmas aka xmas and new years

    i notice that most people actually forget

    - a birthday cake for me, is a 'rare' event

    -so, NORMA, thanks for remembering me that day,

    as, it was a day of birthday cakes on THE WiND

    and, also birthday cakes and good wills and good wishes

    from my friends online

    my life is a rare one,

    i likely have as many good male friends,

    as, i do have good female friends

    - you all give me a good sense of balance

    along, with a lot of amazing ideas

    about what to dance with, or NOT dance with in life

    NORMA, as, well as quite a few others

    had to bare witness to my 3 nde's of 2018

    & she also had a few candid things

    to say about all of that !!!

    i'll spare you,

    her take on those matters...

    as, it will be much more interesting

    to watch her predictions unfold !!!

    NORMA had a sense of knowing ...

    a brilliance every few will ever know,

    yet have the honour and privilege to dance with,

    and, have first hand experiences,

    if you were her friend,

    and, she valued you,

    you knew it,

    she brightened the morning,

    as, much as she brightened the night

    ~once in awhile is danced into my dreams

    - she was funny, and, also serious

    yet, had an amazing sparkle and a glow

    someone that someone just never forgets !!!

    thanks for weaving wonderful things into

    the tapestry of my life,

    and, all of the lives of others you touched

    journey well NORMA,

    you my good friend

    i shall miss

    - until we cross paths again,

    may we both journey well

    - love, susan

    ps; i never watched this video, but, i will

    Norma Horn

    November 14, 2018 ·


    Well shit, this chick is talking about me.

    The INTJ personality type.

    Anyways, I guess she has some valid assumptions,,

    but she is really wordy.

    I mean it goes on and on and on.

    I really don't understand

    why people talk this shit to death....


    sadly i never answered her last message

    i miss you good buddy, my dear old friend

    but, i will watch this movie,

    and, i'll whisper back,

    what i felt, and, what i thought...

    feel free to drop in thru the aether/or ether

    as you know, the true value of all of our eXchanges !!!

    always, and, in all ways,
    journey the length, the width and the depth of the light"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger
    @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d
    #thefinalfree #theoriginalspark
    The Journey to #The13thBridge
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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