A grey/GRAY - pink rabbit, "remember, there is more colours/tones of grey/gray on earth than any other color / colour except A CLOSE second WOULD be RED/WHiTE which makes The hues OF PiNKs !!! - this is why black magic, or white magic are both pure, put 1 drop of anything else in either of them them; and; you can never again have pure black magic or; pure white magic again" ~susan lynne schwenger @13LiNESofSPiRiT @iN12d #TheFinalFire #TheOriginalSpark THE JOURNEY to #The13thBridge #followme - and; my posting boards: https://www.cosmosdawn.net/categories/forum-of-susan-lynne-schwenger-the-exchanger.144/ (22 boards) @realdonaldtrump @ilDonaldoTrumpo @Catturd @dacase @kiwiblozedaza #nz
CherylTheWriter@CherylTheWriter · 1 ·2h @FRANKQUOTES ...the white rabbit? and; @frankquotes; actually liked it !!! FQN | FRANK QUOTES NEWS on Gab: 'FOLLOW @FRANKQUOTES 'https://gab.com/FRANKQUOTES/posts/109504154463042226 to which i replied: TheFinalFire aka@13LiNESofSPiRiT ·2m @CherylTheWriter @FRANKQUOTES look close ; it is a grey (black/white) and; pink (red/white) rabbit - do NOT be so easily led, swayed NOR TRICKED - elon musk has his own ideas of 'core' goodies or 'seeds' for your brain @mischabi in AZ@mischabi Looks like Musk is doing some digging. Or, he's working patriots.. Laughed At MzMikayla@MzMikayla @FRANKQUOTES Distraction Saluted