Edenburgh ~ Edinburgh, Scotland ~ Wind Sor=ruach/spirit/breath And Great Dragon Sor/saurusem

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Steven JD Beattie Moffat

    How DID the NEW WORLD ORDER gain control?
    How did they use the 'bible narratives' to control all the earth?
    A comment that may be useful ....
    The Hanovarians are the ones who brought it all to fruition through Victoria.

    The entire earth is a colony of the Babylon, Assyrian and ancient Egyptian deities ,
    of whom queen Victoria and Elizabeth II are descendants of
    (Wind Sor=ruach/spirit/breath and Great Dragon sor/Saurus)
    - they are direct Draco bloodlines.

    They transposed the stories and reconstructed the middle east as a copy of the original.

    The Spine of Albion is absolute key to all this,
    it is the union Jacob, the 33 vertabrae,

    the aetherial/arthur sword. Edinburgh is the true Jerusalem
    and for nearly 1000 years
    they have deceived mankind into believing it all happened
    somewhere else other than
    the Isles Of B'ritain (The Lands of The Covenant)

    This is why we had wars in Scotland
    - with the fallen angels/engles/english,

    this is why we had uprisings in Wales, Scotland and Ireland

    - most of "Engerland" was under water after the flood, mining
    and quarrying
    removed the flood waters, they've hidden all this.

    This is why Scotland had the Jacobites,
    The Covenantors and why we have
    The Stone of Destiny (Jacob's pillow)
    we are the tribes of Jacob.

    There are many names for Jacob. Sheamus, Icabus, Hamish, James, Shamash Seamish, Seamen
    - we are all lost at sea to them and 'UNDER' maritime (water)
    because (they) were all lost
    under the flood waters (not us in the heights)

    Somewhere around the 1400's they managed to reset everything,
    there have been many resets to adjust the true narrative.

    Creating modern Hebrew from Yiddish,
    a bastardised Celtic/ High German and Slavic language
    then using the new 'biblical Hebrew' to retell Celtic tradition,
    history and culture which gave them the final push
    they needed to deceive all.

    They are the victors and they rewrite our history.

    One thing never changes - the story is A L W A Y S written in the stars,
    the entire druid/celtic faith is focused on The Great Tree
    and The Milky Way over Europa - all this knowledge was submerged
    and changed to rowman/Roman catholic practice.

    Druid practice is based on observing the heavens
    and that's exactly what the bible is when you get beyond the words
    and their seemingly meaningless narratives and genealogies ...

    it's a book of calendars .. about the heavens.

    When we know the heaven, and the order of the stars
    - how they rose and how they fell then we can see exactly
    where the True Jerusalem,

    The Car Leon, The City of The Great King sits. as it always has
    - over Edenburgh (Edinburgh) in Scotland.


    Most relevant


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1. Steven JD Beattie Moffat

      from facebook

      1h ·
      07 Aug 2022

      One more day _ uniting worlds in Edenburgh-Scotland.

      08 AUG 2022
      The Lion's Gate approaches August 8th, 2022
      “Kodosh, Kodosh, Kodosh Adonai Tsebayoth” ...
      is the measure of the cycle and beat or the resonance which is the common factor
      in uniting the lower vibratory levels with the higher levels of creation.

      Even as the human heart beat, with its biological clocks, is set according to the function of
      “Kodosh, Kodosh, Kodosh Adonai Tsebayoth.” (Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts)
      Kadosh literally means - "Set Apart"

      The Light energy created by this Holy code enables our body vehicle to experience the direct energy
      of The Creator's Light.

      Resonate this Holy Code frequently.

      On Lionsgate, the earth aligns with the cosmic center
      (highly charged energy point & spiritual heart of our existence),
      the middle point of our celestial system.

      There is also a cosmic connection with the star Sirius,
      which is said to be the brightest star in the sky,
      bigger and brighter even than the sun.

      In fact it is dubbed our 'Spiritual Sun,' as it contains much Divine wisdom.

      Sirius moves closer towards Earth on August 8th, when it will directly and powerfully align
      with Orion's Belt over Scotland and Edinburgh
      - as well as aligning with The Scottish capital it will also align
      with many ancient sites including the recently constructed Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

      Sirius represents a Transition Stage - Moving consciousness from one reality or frequency to another.

      The power to manifest is encoded within us, our Divine Nature, and is eternal as we are.

      The 8-8 alignment opens the infinity portal escorting us past all old patterns of limitation,
      with amplified, accelerated Divine Light.

      Quality and quantities of Trinitized Trinities of Light, through The Creator’s Grace, Celebration,
      Homecoming of Humanity.

      This vibration assists in going beyond prior boundaries.

      It is Divine Creational Energy, a pure power source, a threshold, ours for the choosing to cross.

      We are called to re-member our Divine Inheritance, The Covenant, Promise of our Holy Creator, to choose,
      let go of the old Earthly limitations of duality and step through the Gate/Portal in consciousness with open Heart
      and Hand to receive the Manna, Divine Bounty from Above.

      This is the “Father’s Song To His Children” in these days

      Time is quickened and in August the Time Matrix shifts into new unknown areas.

      In this timing we are opening up again to birth another Time transformation.

      Time, as we perceive it will shift. TIME known and unknown conjuncts itself,
      as the timing chain of the universe pauses to lick its past wounds, as all that is not of Divine Origin
      will continue to come to the surface for release.

      8:8 Quantum Christ Portal

      Sirius (over Arran) is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our world but also for the entire celestial system.

      Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for the Earth and played a vital role in Earth's early evolution.

      Spiritual energy streams forth from Sirius into the Heart chakra of our Mazzaroth and Mazzaloth.

      As Sirius moves into view, alignment with Earth, we celebrate our Cosmic New Year.

      The word “Christ” precedes the historical Jesus of Nazareth.

      The woman said to Him, “know that Messiah comes, who is called Christ:
      when he is come, he shall tell us all things”. Jesus said to her, “I who speaks to you am He”. - John 4:25, 26.

      The word “Christ” is Greek for “anointed”. The term “Christ-race” is used as a meta-language statement
      for self-realised, awakened humanity carrying the compassion of Christ, Christopheroi
      or Christ-bearers or the anointed ones, working pluralistically in Divine Love
      for the raising of consciousness, acknowledging all mystical traditions.

      Shirley Blackwell Lawrence writes: "Some people are aware that the number 8 88 or 888 refers to Jesus,
      but few know why.

      In Greek, the numerals that correspond to the letters of Jesus' name are 10, 8, 200, 70, 400, and 200.

      When added together, they total 888. Thus 8 is also the number of resurrection
      because Jesus arose on the eighth day. 8 is a picture of the below that rises to the above."

      As witnessed in The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch by J. J. Hurtak, Key 106: v39.

      “At that time, the liberated body of Gematria will go beyond the ‘777’ combination
      connecting the lower biological creation to become one with the Jesus Gematria of ‘888.’

      This liberated body, thus ascends into the higher Infinite throne worlds of the Father’s Many Mansions
      which are liberated to reign with the Christ.”

      In addition to Christ, there is an emphasis on the name Melchizedek.

      Used in both Judaic and Christian traditions, use the tools,
      communications, abundance, available NOW, to receive Divine Knowledge,
      God’s Higher Truths, always recognizable, when Truth/Wisdom/Sophia resonates with your Heart.

      Moreover, with the calling of the Order of Melchizedek (New Testament book of Hebrews)
      there is a theological understanding of the reality that the Spiritual/physical family on Earth
      is created for the experience of the many worlds and realities to come.

      The Lion’s Gate – “Ari Shemoth” – “The Lion that leads the Exodus”.

      The Order, Brotherhood and Priesthood of Melchizedek Heralding the people of the Earth.

      The Tribe of Judah, earthly spiritual leaders, the Davidic Lineage.

      Those Divinely Commissioned in the NOW, to lead, by example all people to the Heart Function
      - 33rd Degree Conferred.

      Today you have Divine Backing, Divine Inheritance, Divine Abundance to manifest Divine Inspirations
      that are within your Heart.

      Be fearless, follow your Heart. Become joined with others of Like-Heart/Mind
      and manifest Heaven on Earth. It is our choice and Destiny, Act NOW.

      In Oneness of Service,




      Steven JD Beattie Moffat

      Richard Roberts

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    6. CULCULCANThe Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8Staff Member

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Steven JD Beattie Moffat
    February 9
    Southern Scotland is the Real and Correct Location for the Region known as Mesopotamia that is where the Real Locations for the Ancient Kingdoms of Canaan, Assyria, Israel, Babylon and Ur are located.
    These "Biblical" areas all sit within the Borders and Boundaries of ''Southern Scotland''
    That is where the True Biblical Locations for these ''Ancient Kingdoms'' are Located at.
    Here is the Map of the ''12 Tribes of Israel'' all inside of the Borders an Boundaries of Scotland.
    "Judea'' this Map here shows the Sections and Divisions all laid out in Different Regions of Scotland.
    The ''Hyperborean Hebrew / Atlantean Israelite Tribes'' known as:
    +Joseph and
    All laid out in the ''Scottish Landscapes'' within the Mountains of Scotland and the Valleys of Scotland as well. All of the ''12 Tribes of Israel'' were all Located in Scotland right inside of the ''Scottish Territories, Mountains and Valleys'' themselves (''Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin'').
    I have been Trying to Tell people that the ''Real City of Jerusalem and the Hebrew / Israelite Kingdom'' was and is Located in ''Scotland''
    Edinburgh Scotland is the Real ''Prehistoric Ancient i.e. Biblical City of Jerusalem''
    The Entire Story of the Bible does not Originate from the Middle East, it Originates from ''Ancient Prehistoric Scotland''. Even the True Israelites ''Scottish Milesians'' are not from the ''Middle East''
    They are part of the ''Western Tribes of Aryans'' who Splintered off in to their own Group's and or Tribes but they to also Originated from the ''Kingdom of Thule i.e. Atlantis''.
    Both ''King David and his Son King Solomon'' were Red Haired. Red Hair it is Mentioned that in the Description of David and his Family that they were of Fair Haired and Fair Skinned
    That was even most of the Description of the rest of the ''Ancient Hebrew / Israelites'' themselves. The City that is So Called In The ''Middle East'' Is Not The Real City of Jerusalem that City is Not The Real Holy and Sacred City of Ancient Biblical Israel.
    This City is not the True Holy and Sacred City of the ''HEBREW SCRIPTURES'' This is none other then a FAKE FABRICATED CITY created by ROME and the ROMAN EMPIRE itself an Embodiment of Lies and Deceit over the Eyes of the WHOLE WORLD.
    Edinburgh, Scotland is the Real Location of the ''Holy and Sacred Biblical City of Jerusalem. The City that is in the Middle East was not a part of the ''Ancient Hebrew / Israelite Kingdom of Israel''.
    It is a Known ''Secret Fact'' a suppressed Fact the ''Ancient Biblical Edinburgh, Scotland'' is where the True Lands of the Bible is located at ''Southern Scotland'' is where the Real Ancient Biblical ie ''Ancient Hebrew / Israelite Kingdom of Israel'' was situated at.
    The City in the Middle East is NOT JERUSALEM. It is ALL FAKE - a Roman Fabrication of and a total
    copy of ''Edinburgh, Scotland'' where the Real Holy and Sacred City of Jerusalem is actually located at.
    Scotland, Ireland and England are the ''Ancient Biblical History of the British Isles'' where the TRUE STORY of the BIBLE took Place.
    Scotland IS the LAND OF CANAAN, ISRAEL, and MESOPOTAMIA. It is the real Location of the Kingdom of Israel.
    EDINBURGH IS the REAL CITY OF JERUSALEM and Southern Scotland is where the Land of Canaan is located. It is where the Promised Land is situated and where the ''Ancient Hebrew Israelite Kingdom and Civilization of Israel'' is at.
    ''Arthur's Seat is the Mount of Olives and. Edinburgh Castle and Its Moat is the Real Temple Mount'' Holyrood Palace is where the House and the Palace of ''King Solomon'' once stood.
    I am a Firm Believer that all of the Earthen Mounds that are dotted around Ireland, Britain and Scotland happens to be the REAL TOMBS of the Biblical Patriarchs and Biblical Matriarchs of the Bible.
    Both King David and King Solomon's Tombs, I believe, are in Edinburgh, Scotland that is where, I believe, they were Entombed.
    I will Find the Tombs of King David and his son King Solomon in Scotland because that is where I believe they have always been.
    All of the Massive Megalithic Earthen Mounds / Burial Mounds are in fact the Biblical Tombs of the Bible.
    From all of the Ancient Prophets of Israel to all of the Ancient Kings of Israel, they are Entombed in those Giant Burial Mounds in and around Ireland, Britain and Scotland.
    Btw the (fake) Stone has Recently return back home to Scotland. Scotland is currently without a ruling King and or Monarch right now. The Stone itself is still (waiting to be revealed) waiting for the King to Be Crowned upon it.
    It is therein suggested that the ancient Merovingians wandered the planet, but that the origins of the Jews may well be rooted in the Scottish Atlantean Mystery.
    After the deluge - the ruling tribe of Aryans returned. These people were known historically as the People of the Cat, the lion rampant their symbol -
    the popular flag of Caledonia Scotland and also of the King of Norway - also anciently countries & part of Atlantean Thule.
    Edinburgh, having a very sphinx like hill later called Arthur's Seat, which looks like a lion couchant was also known as the City of the Lion. The patron Saint of Edinburgh is David.
    It is pointed out by these authors that the biblical references to Jerusalem refer to a fertile land, full of mines and minerals and crops with a seaport called Joppa.
    That fits exactly the locality of Edinburgh - not the Jerusalem in Palestine - which has a very distant port called Jaffa and whose only extract in a barren land may be salt or potash.
    Given that history favors the victor - then something sure must have gone real wrong to make us all think the things we now think about Jerusalem.
    But the records show that Rome built a boundary chain around Jerusalem some 80 miles
    Indeed, there exists the chain of forts called the Catrail that is almost exactly 80 miles. The People of the Cat, or the Gadeni or the Gad were the ruling tribe of Jews, and the entire fertile area of Edinburgh and the Lothians was populated by some 1 million people -
    A place which was biblically recorded to be a hub of civilisation. Today, all the Roman signposts have been defaced and deleted - for something terrible happened in Edinburgh .
    At a time of serious instability in the Roman Empire, the Jews of the tribe of Gad, the Silurians, revolted and the retribution from Rome was terrible indeed.
    There was a massacre of some 80-100,000 people by the Legions and the Emperor ordered that not a stone remain standing and that salt be put on the Earth.
    Comyns Beaumont's book details the map of Edinburgh /Jerusalem as it was. The citadel being Edinburgh Castle on the impregnable rock of 3 precipitous sides - more ably conforms to biblical descriptions than our current understanding of the citadel in Jerusalem in Palestine.
    The Dung Gate corresponds with the Cowgate in Edinburgh, the Temple Mount on the way of God, Edinburgh's Royal Mile.
    At The Temple Mount there stands St Giles Cathedral and a commemorative Heart in the cobbles outside which signify the Heart of the Lothians.
    Opposite St Giles on the Temple Mount - the law courts. And one of the oldest Masonic Lodges also stands near the Royal Mile, whilst the Mount of Olives was Arthurs Seat, Golgotha was Gogar, and Holyrood Palace was the Palace of Cedars - and Joppa has always been a port of Edinburgh.
    The broad estuary upon which Edinburgh stands, City of the Lion, of the Gad, of the sovereign tribe of Jews, is called the Firth of Forth, translates as the way of ways -
    And, this crossing of a broad estuary at Jerusalem is noted in the Bible. With Pontius Pilate staying just North of the Roman Fort chain which fenced the area in like some ancient Ghetto comprised of one of the richest and most powerful hubs of civilisation in the ancient world with its lead and silver mines, fertile lands and rich people -
    Scottish Jerusalem was a powerful place, It is recorded that King David, on the run from Solomon consulted a seer of Gad. Edinburgh has had many names; Kaer Eden, Dun Gad, Giudi-ail-Guarth of the Jews of Gad, Chaonia - place of Chaos.
    In 134AD, the Jews proclaimed a new 'messiah', Bar-Cocheba, son of the star, and the chief rabbi anointed him King of the Jews.
    A coin was minted showing him horsed with a crown, and on the reverse side was a Thistle - the symbol of Scotland - the coin symbolised the first year of redemption.
    Richard Roberts
    If you don't mind me saying.. I see ireland/england/Scotland mentioned....not a whimper on the CYMRU/Welsh... yet a lot of the name places e.g starting with. caer etc are welsh words.. aswell as others.. or have we been /getting amalgamated into england now and forgotten.. never gonna happen
    Mic Mic
    Richard Roberts Ireland rules for 1200yrs, Scotland 800yrs England 600yrs then the lost Kingdom. WALES shall rule again.? Maybe
    Richard Roberts
    Mic Mic I'd be just happy to do away with the KINGDOM QUEENDOM TITLE over the people,for there is no higher sovereignty than that of the people... the WHOLE British isles has been divide for far to long... get rid of the illegal foreign corps... then we can all rebuild as one... equality a level playing field...
    Mic Mic
    Richard Roberts Hail Albion Cymru Alba and Eire.
    Steven JD Beattie Moffat
    Richard Roberts this is probably what B'ritain was like at the time of 'the christ family'
    May be an image of map

    Jerro Morris
    I have read that Jesus/ Holy family visited a Holy spot in the north of Scotland. ..perhaps Findhorn or not far.
    Steven JD Beattie Moffat
    Jerro Morris The "Jesus" whom you refer to was Scottish. Edinburgh Scotland IS the real Jerusalem.
    Jerro Morris
    Steven JD Beattie interesting. ...are there archaeological proofs?
    Lisa Simpson
    You NEED to see this ❤
    Beam me up Scotty
    Beam me up Scotty
    Beam me up Scotty
    Lisa Simpson
    The McLeods ❤
    Who dares to love forever?
    Who dares to love forever?
    Who dares to love forever?
    Lisa Simpson
    Our brother is exalted with Love and Light ❤
    With Love ❤
    With Love ❤
    With Love ❤
    Andy Combo
    Steven is Knowing n not Showing. Believing in steven will leave him Showing and you KNOWING... thaT BALL-leaving in the IN-poster ball is magic SPELLING magic lets turn to the ground witch we were found and be proud....... not with PRIDE n the stride..… See more
    Mic Mic
    So, the river Eden is in Cumbria. It goes to the SOLWAY, Sunway. Garden of Eden or EGYPT. Is Carlisle Cairo then.?
    Mic Mic
    Living Stone. MelRose.
    Alan Magill
    Iv always wonderd why edinburgh was built on top of the old city now ino why this why scotland is so important to freemasons
    AphratYah Yahuah Yahrushalaym
    Where are the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers in Scotland??? Where is Babylon and Tower of Babel in Scotland??? Even Egypt should be nearby Scotland!!!. Where is River Jordan and Sodom and Gomorrah in Scotland??? Where is the Red Sea in Scotland??? Where is the Dead Sea?? Where is the Sea of Galilee???
    Richard Roberts
    maybe the Galilee/tigres/golan/Nazareth is in Wales... seems to be overlays everywhere
    May be an image of map and text that says '33.003557, 35.735578 Directions Strategic Value fthe Golan Heights More Images https://mapcarta.com Golan_Heights Golan Heights Map Syria Mapcarta Heights The Golan Heights is rocky plateau the end Anti-Lebanon Mountains, and straddles borders Sy and srael.Israel about territory, which captured the 1967 Six-Day War and annexed 1981, while Syria holds the remaining one-third. ISRAEL Galilee LOC https://www.loc.gov maps ?fa=location:g... map, Golan Heights Library of ← ORDAN Society tudy (PASSIA) golan heights International Affairs Karmi'El Nasareth Nazareth Tiberias Ramot Bnei Yehuda Tavor Nawa erwin Maps Search this area M45 ÛwnPen 33.003557, 35.735578 Cennin Bryncir Directions YsgolGarndolbenmaen Ibenmaen Recentlyviewed Glan-Dwyfach Dolbenmaen Golan Cwm'
    Mic Mic
    AphratYah Yahuah Yahrushalaym BAAL Moral......
    Mic Mic
    AphratYah Yahuah Yahrushalaym The Thames was ISIS. All names have been corrupted or misplaced

    AphratYah Yahuah Yahrushalaym
    The whole England, Ireland and Scotland are the most haunted and creepy places on this earth..how can you defend your version of false propaganda brother???

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Irish FINNecians were where the fabricated Phonecians came from,FINN meaning "white" in Gaelic,so the Freemasons Phonecian Hiram Abbif becomes a lie based on the Finnecians master mason Goban Sour. So even the Masons have been lied to,,Lucifer came from Lugh the Light Bearer,,Satan came from Satanta/Cu Cullain,,Solomon is Sol O Mon or Sun on the Mound in Gaelic/Newgrange.
    ~Neil Bentley

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Christopher Matthew
    Interesting, What map is this taken from?

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