dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE - What you need NOW is a SUPPORT CIRCLE

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 13, 2015.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    this is a very important part of The Journey !!!


    on The Journey to The 13th Bridge...

    FiND, and,




    iF PEOPLE ARE interested...

    they will chase you !!!



    they will NOT want to leave you !!!



    they will NOT care if you give them things,

    they will want to earn things together,

    with you, like you were partners !!!








    anyone who tries

    to bring another person down in size,

    or anyone who tries to whittle

    another person down in size,

    is simply, trying to

    reduce you to their size !!!






    for THOSE PEOPLE who really matter !!!





    changing people or things

    is very recreational...

    and, sometimes,

    it is just a good idea

    to accept things

    as, they are

    and, NOT waste energy

    trying to change things !!!

    always, and, in all ways,

    LEARN HOW to love yourself !!!

    the more you can love,

    the more love you can attract !!!

    The process of


    iS NOT one

    where another soul completes you,

    YOU are always and, in all ways

    - already complete, and, already whole.





    and, THRU LiViNG...

    SO...iT iS A GOOD iDEA


    & FOREMOST !!!


    TO always and in all ways

    TO SiT STiLL


    iNTO ALL THE eXchanges

    that you will choose

    to eXchange with


    THiS iS iMPORTANT !!!


    Have you ever just slowed down,

    have you ever just stopped,

    and, spent some time

    reflecting over your life,

    and, then just allowed yourself to realize,

    that some people are there for a reason !!!

    that some people are there for a few days !!!

    that some people are there for a few weeks !!!

    that some people are there for a season !!!

    that some people are there for a year !!!

    that some people are there for a lifetime !!!

    and, that if you had NOT crossed paths

    and, that if you had NOT met a certain animal,

    that became a cherished pet,

    and, that if you had NOT met a certain person,

    who became an eXchanger in your life,

    perhaps, a comrade at arms, a confident, a fellow eXchanger,

    a friend, or, even a lover...

    that your entire life would be completely different ??? !!!


    When you cross paths with people,

    sometimes, the cross-roads happen ONLY once,

    sometimes, the cross-roads happen over and over again...

    so, it is so important,

    what you choose to energetically

    weave into each, and, each others lives !!!

    and, each and very moment you are given

    to share with them.

    Sometimes, it maybe the last chance

    you are given to connect !!!

    Give them the 'best' you got to give !!!

    REMEMBER, before you choose to utter

    the good, and, the strong words...

    be sure, you also can back them up

    with good, and, with strong actions

    to reinforce their tenements...

    because, the sum total

    in any eXchange equation...

    is, that if you put nothing of value in,

    you are simply a 'nobody'.

    And, this is something a good 'somebody'

    does NOT need upon their path...

    be a 'good' difference in the equations of life...

    or, just choose to eXcuse yourself !!!

    iN LiFE and iN LiViNG

    THERE iS this THiNG

    WE CALL iT,

    THE LiNE ...



    someone will leave this world behind...

    We are all in “THE LiNE”

    without even knowing iT...

    We never know

    how many people are before us ...

    We can NOT move to the back of 'THE LiNE' ...

    We can not step out of 'THE LiNE'...

    And, we can NOT avoid 'THE LiNE' !!!

    So while we wait in 'THE LiNE'...

    Make ALL the moments in your life count...

    Make priorities ...

    Make THE TiME ...

    Make your gifts be known ...

    Make a nobody feel like a somebody ...

    Make your voice be heard ...

    Make the small things BiG THiNGs ....

    Make someone GRiN, LAUGH OR SMiLE ...

    Make the change ...

    Make love ...

    iF you fight with others ...

    Make up ...

    Make peace ...

    Be a piece of peace ...

    War is NEVER the right answer ...

    Make sure to tell people they are appreciated ...

    Make sure to tell people they are honoured ...

    Make sure to tell people they are valued ...

    and, that they are loved !!!

    Make sure to have no regrets ...

    Make sure to settle your debts ...

    Make sure you are ready...

    when iT iS your TURN

    for the front of 'THE LiNE' ”

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

    sometimes we need someone
    to simply be there.

    NOT to fix anything,
    NOR, to do anything in particular,

    BUT, just to let us FEEL
    BUT, just to let us KNOW
    that we are cared for
    and, that we are supported
    and, just to let us know
    that we are appreciated
    and, just to let us know
    that we are valued
    by, weaving measures
    of being caring,
    of being kind.
    and, of being thoughtful
    that we choose to eXchange iN !!!"

    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "Always KNOW,
    and, always REMEMBER...

    that when something bad
    or, that when something horrible
    happens to you,
    those unexpected things
    that should NOT happen to good people !!!

    you always have choices:

    You can choose to let it define you,

    You can choose to let it refine you,

    You can choose to let it destroy you,


    You can choose to let it strengthen you...

    always, and, in all ways,

    The Choice rests with you,

    and, is always your choice to make !!!



    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "The person who dances with you in the rain
    will most likely walk with you in the storm"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "The person who dances with you in the rain
    will most likely walk you, thru the storm"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "the world is full of good people...
    if you can NOT find one, be one ."
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "karma is the great equalizer"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,
    iT iS about learning how to dance in the rain."
    ~ susan lynne schwenger


    The eXchanger aka White Lotus Star

    TRANSFERRED from old sites



    A friend of mine opened his wife's wardrobe

    and picked up a silk paper wrapped package.

    "This," he said, "isn't any ordinary package."

    He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper

    and the box and silk satin dresses inside.

    "She got this the first time we went to New York ,

    8 or 9 years ago.

    She has never put it on , was saving it for a special occasion.

    Well, I guess this is it."

    He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing

    he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died.

    He turned to me and said,

    "never save something for a 'special occasion'.

    Every day in your life is a *'Special occasion' "

    I still think those words changed my life.

    Now I read more and clean less.

    I sit on the porch without worrying about anything.

    I spend more time with my family, and less at work.

    I understood that life should be a source of experience

    to be lived up to, not survived through.

    I no longer keep anything.

    I use crystal glasses every day.

    I'll wear new clothes to go to the supermarket,

    if I feel like it.

    I don't save my special perfume for special occasions,

    I use it whenever I want to.

    The words *'Someday....' and ' One Day'

    are fading away from my dictionary.

    If it's worth seeing, listening or doing,

    I want to see, listen or do it now.

    I don't know what my friend's wife would have done

    if she knew she wouldn't be there the next morning,

    this nobody can tell.

    Each day, each hour, each minute, is special.

    Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no-one.

    If you're too busy to send this out to other people

    and you say to yourself that you will send it

    'One of these days',


    that 'One day' is far away...

    or might never come.....


    an e-MUSEn' MUSE

    "The most important lesson i've learned this year
    is do NOT let anyone make you cruel, or act mean !!!

    No matter how poorly other treat you...and,
    No matter how badly you want to give the world
    a taste of its own bitter medicine,
    do NOT do that...

    as, iT iS never worth losing yourself

    NEVER seek revenge...
    excuse the bad, invite in the good

    Be caring, be compassionate, be kind !!!

    KNOW, most of humanity is good...
    and, bad exchanges, are the exception to the rule !!!

    always be lovable, and, always be loving

    Bad things will sometimes happen,
    BUT, do NOT allow them to define you

    eXercise well-WELL into all eQuations
    you choose to eXchange in !!!

    ~ susan lynne schwenger


    There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong
    – wanting to always be right
    – even at the risk of ending great relationships
    or causing a great deal of stress and pain,
    for us and for others.

    It’s just not worth it.

    Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump
    into a fight over who is right and who is wrong,
    ask yourself this question:

    “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”~Wayne Dyer


    Be willing to give up your need to always control everything
    that happens to you and around you
    – situations, events, people, etc.

    Whether they are loved ones, coworkers,

    or just strangers you meet on the street

    – just allow them to be.

    Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are
    and you will see how much better will that make you feel.

    “By letting it go it all gets done.
    The world is won by those who let it go.
    But when you try and try, the world is beyond winning.”
    ~Lao Tzu


    Give up on your need to blame others for what you have
    or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel.
    Stop giving your powers away
    and start taking responsibility for your life.


    OH my.

    How many people are hurting themselves
    because of their negative, polluted
    and repetitive self-defeating mindset?

    Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you
    – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating.

    You are better than that.

    ...about what you can or cannot do,
    about what is possible or impossible.
    From now on, you are no longer going
    to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck
    in the wrong place.

    Spread your wings and fly!

    “A belief is not an idea held by the mind,
    it is an idea that holds the mind.”

    ~Elly Roselle


    Give up your constant need to complain about those many,
    many, many things
    – people, situations, events that make you unhappy,
    sad and depressed.

    Nobody can make you unhappy,
    no situation can make you sad or miserable
    unless you allow it to.

    It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in you,
    but how you choose to look at it.

    Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.


    Give up your need to criticize things, events
    or people that are different than you.

    We are all different, yet we are all the same.

    We all want to be happy, we all want to love
    and be loved and we all want to be understood.

    We all want something, and something is wished by us all.


    Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not
    just to make others like you.

    It doesn’t work this way.

    The moment you stop trying so hard to be something
    that you’re not, the moment you take off all your masks,
    the moment you accept and embrace the real you,
    you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.


    Change is good.

    Change will help you move from A to B.

    Change will help you make improvements in your life

    and also the lives of those around you.

    Follow your bliss, embrace change

    – don’t resist it.

    “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors
    for you where there were only walls.”~Joseph Campbell.


    Stop labeling those things,
    people or events that you don’t understand
    as being weird or different and try opening your mind,
    little by little.

    Minds only work when open.

    “The highest form of ignorance
    is when you reject something
    you don’t know anything about.”~Wayne Dyer


    Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist
    – you created it. It’s all in your mind.

    Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.

    “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”
    ~Franklin D. Roosevelt


    Send them packing and tell them they’re fired.
    You no longer need them.

    A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use.

    Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves
    and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves,
    using all kind of excuses
    – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.


    i know, i know.
    iT iS HARD.

    Especially when the past looks so much better
    than the present and the future looks so frightening,
    but you have to take into consideration the fact
    that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have.

    The past you are now longing for
    – the past that you are now dreaming about
    – was ignored by you when it was present.

    Stop deluding yourself.

    Be present in everything you do and enjoy life.

    After all life is a journey not a destination.

    Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself,
    BUT, always be present in the now.


    This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp
    and I have to tell you that it was for me too,
    but it’s not something impossible.

    You get better and better at with time and practice.

    The moment you detach yourself from all things,
    (and that doesn’t mean you give up your love for them
    – because love and attachment
    have nothing to do with one another...

    attachment comes from a place of fear,
    while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less...
    where there is love there can’t be fear,
    and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist)
    you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind,
    so serene you will get to a place
    where you will be able to understand
    all things without even trying.

    A state beyond words.


    Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live.

    They live their lives according to what others think is best for them,
    they live their lives according to what their parents
    think is best for them, to what their friends,
    their enemies and their teachers,
    their government and the media think is best for them.

    They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling.

    They are so busy with pleasing everybody,
    with living up to other people’s expectations,
    that they lose control over their lives.

    They forget what makes them happy,
    what they want, what they need…
    and eventually they forget about themselves.

    You have one life

    – this one right now

    – you must live it, own it,
    and especially don’t let
    other people’s opinions
    distract you from your path.

    ~susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE
    • - What the world needs NOW is SUPPORT CIRCLES !!! - Susan Lynne Schwenger

    • DYING ??? REGRETS ??? THE 7 PASSAGES of LIFE ~ photographs of soul leaving the body - agreements, monads & support circles

    • Top Five Regrets of The Dying
      December 1, 2011 By T Kelly

      For many years I worked in palliative care.
      My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared.
      I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.
      People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality.
      I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth.
      Some changes were phenomenal.
      Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance.
      Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

      When questioned about any regrets they had
      or anything they would do differently,
      common themes surfaced again and again.

      Here are the most common five:

      1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself,
      not the life others expected of me.
      This was the most common regret of all.
      When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it,
      it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled.
      Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams
      and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.
      It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way.
      From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late.
      Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

      2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
      This came from every male patient that I nursed.
      They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship.
      Women also spoke of this regret.
      But as most were from an older generation,
      many of the female patients had not been breadwinners.
      All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives
      on the treadmill of a work existence.
      By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way,
      it is possible to not need the income that you think you do
      . And by creating more space in your life,
      you become happier and more open to new opportunities,
      ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

      3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
      Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others.
      As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence
      and never became who they were truly capable of becoming.
      Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.
      We cannot control the reactions of others.
      However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are
      by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship
      to a whole new and healthier level.
      Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life.
      Either way, you win.

      4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
      Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends
      until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down.
      Many had become so caught up in their own lives
      that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years.
      There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time
      and effort that they deserved.
      Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.
      It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip.
      But when you are faced with your approaching death,
      the physical details of life fall away.
      People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible.
      But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them.
      They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love.
      Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task.
      It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end.
      That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

      5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
      This is a surprisingly common one.
      Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice.
      They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits.
      The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions,
      as well as their physical lives.
      Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves,
      that they were content.
      When deep within, they longed to laugh properly
      and have silliness in their life again.
      When you are on your deathbed,
      what others think of you is a long way from your mind.
      How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

      Life is a choice.

      It is YOUR life.

      Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly.

      Choose happiness.

      Source: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/11/top-5-regrets-of-dying.html


      mudra on Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:25 am
      This is a lovely thread Susan .
      Thank You


      Love for You

      On Growing Old

      By Madeline Clark

      There will be those who say there is no such thing as growing old in these lush days,
      when centenarians abound, and those past eighty often still preserve their sprightly hold on life.

    • And yet, of course, the end does come in sight; but we do not necessarily
      feel it as the end, because the sense of immortality is always with us, consciously
      or unconsciously to ourselves.

    • So all we see, when we are ripe in years, is the end of this one episode:
      we begin to see that it is drawing toward its close, but it does not trouble us.

    • On the contrary, a new serenity of outlook seems to come over us.
      We turn our heads, and there lies the road we have traveled,
      but under a revealing light,
      and we see that those years have not been in vain,
      but they have been rungs in the ladder of experience.
      It is a varied path that we have followed, learning all the way,
      leading at last to this point of vision where the meaning of it
      all begins to come clear.

      Where in youth and middle age we used to be concerned about the future,
      hoping this or that would happen to help us on our way in the material struggle,
      we now feel surprisingly carefree, as if a load had fallen from us,
      and the future holds only the grandeur, the certainty of freedom and fulfillment.

    • Also, small annoyances in the incidents of every day,
      cease to bother us as they once did,
      or would have done, because we see them in the context of a larger picture
      that is beginning to dawn upon our consciousness.

      When I was a little girl, not strong, and often unable to play
      with the other children,

      I used to spend much time in the company of the elders,
      and while they were teaching me to sew,
      putting together the pieces of a patch-quilt,
      we would talk about all sorts of things having to do with life
      as a field of experience.

      These dear and dignified ladies responded to my questions
      and passed down to me many wise observations upon life in general;

      and out of all this I gathered some inkling of what
      was the great inclusive goal of the onward march of humanity,
      and that from the very beginning of our life there is
      the real Self that understands the object of all experience,
      and there is the Soul, its child, that is learning.

      They even told me that it didn't matter whether I was born a boy or a girl,
      because in one life or another both kinds of experience came to human beings,
      to express the qualities that were already a part of our inner nature.

      Children and the old seem to take naturally to the idea of coming back
      and being born again as many times as we need to.

      They know it, just as they do the going to sleep at night
      and waking up in the morning.

      So we have grown old many times: it is a familiar and happy experience
      -- a "second childhood," in the sense of drawing nearer to the Real,
      which was so close to us in our early years.

      The oncoming of old age has been described as a gradual withdrawal
      from the interests of mundane life.

      And sure enough, there is a transition that takes place,
      like the change of key in the course of a Beethoven symphony:
      the tonal colors blend and alter as in a crucible of light,
      and beauty is born again as the harmonies resolve,
      bringing us into another chamber of awareness.
      We all know that experience when listening to music;
      but now it is really happening within ourselves,
      kindling the finer faculties in readiness
      for that moment of expanding perception which crowns a life
      with perfect understanding of what it has all meant.

      We gather from the Eastern teachings that as the soul departs,
      the whole panorama of the closing episode passes in review before the inner eye,
      and is seen in all its essential significance.

      But this insight into truth probably begins to dawn long before the parting moment comes.

      It is as though the light from the opening door reaches the still earthbound consciousness
      and finds expression in a new serenity and wisdom.

      Great minds have always concerned themselves with old age
      -- not in the sense of Shakespeare's "lean and slippered pantaloon,"
      but as in his glorious Sonnet 73:

      In me thou seest the twilight of such day
      As after sunset fadeth in the west,
      Which by and by black night doth take away
      Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
      In me thou seest the glowing of such fire,
      That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
      As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
      Consumed with that which it was nourished by.

      Cicero in his stately essay on Old Age, cites any number of eminent men,
      of his own or previous eras, Roman, Greek, and Persian,
      who had preserved the sharpness of their faculties
      and skills even into extreme old age, and has been able,
      through ripeness of experience,
      to pass on their spiritual substance to the younger generations.

      And Marco Cato, himself of venerable age, is made to say:
      "The fittest arms of old age . . . are the attainment and practice of the virtues;
      which, if cultivated at every period of life, produce wonderful fruits
      when you have lived to a great age."

      This practice of all-round culture is everywhere cited as the foundation
      of a competent and dignified old age.

      Hence Rabbi ben Ezra can say, "the last of life, for which the first was made"
      -- and can promise us, "the best is yet to be" in the so-called declining years.

      read on: http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/death/de-mclk.htm

      Love Always

      Beyond all this mind-made fragmentation and separation,
      who are you?
      The answer will not come in words…

      Jeff Foster

    • Carol on Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:42 am
      I have always thought of being old as a state of mind.
      As various relatives are long-lived in our family..my aunt is in her 90's
      and still goes out to garden every day..
      one does not get old until they stop engaging with life.

      It would be nice to be braver.

      Throw on a back pack and tour the planet.

      This earth is truly beautiful and it is not wonder how beauty
      is so enriching to the soul and spirit.

      Of course the biggest joy is being with others
      who are from around the planet here at Mists.

      I would think my biggest regret is not being able to see the faces
      of our members in person and sitting down around our campfire
      listening to everyone's life stories.

      Jonah on Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:54 am
      it is strange how death comes in many different forms...
      it can be different or similar from one death to the next
      but each one unique in its own way as well...
      each person knows when their time has come...
      even those with the most severe mental or physical conditions...
      the subconscious shifts into a knowing mode thats almost visible to a keen eye...
      changes in behavior begin to take place...
      mostly pleasant ...
      although common its always perplexing how these sudden increases
      of physical activity, appetite,
      and clarity of thought that seems to take place hours/days before death...
      as if a happiness/preparation/contentment of the soul has proactively
      made a choice to go forth with dignity...
      but there are some who become fearful as well..
      .that is always hard...
      no one should have to fear death
      but when your time seems to come out of no where
      its difficult to face
      how unprepared you might feel during your last moments....
      for those who have never considered themselves spiritual....
      assurances that there is more to life than this experience
      suddenly become a welcomed thought...
      but i would argue that just as some believe miracles take place during birth...
      the same miracles can happen at death in the realization/awareness
      of who and what we are at that particular moment.

    • Jonah on Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:38 pm
      and to the ghosts in the machine happy to see you as well....

      Ashera on Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:10 am

      "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


      - A Time in Hell -
      by Arthur Rimbaud


      Autumn already! - But why regret the everlasting sun, if we are sworn to
      a search for divine brightness, - far from those who die as seasons

      Autumn. Our boat, risen out of a hanging fog, turns toward poverty's
      harbor, the monstrous city, its sky stained with fire and mud. Ah! Those
      stinking rags, bread soaked with rain, drunkenness, and the thousands of
      loves who nailed me to the cross! Will there never, ever be an end to that
      ghoulish queen of a million dead souls and bodies and who will all be
      I can see myself again, my skin corroded by dirt and disease,
      hair and armpits crawling with worms, and worms still larger crawling in
      my heart, stretched out among ageless, heartless, unknown figures... I
      could easily have died there... What a horrible memory! I detest

      And I dread winter because it's so cozy!

      - Sometimes in the sky I see endless sandy shores covered with white
      rejoicing nations. A great golden ship, above me, flutters many-colored
      pennants in the morning breeze. I was the creator of every feast, every
      triumph, every drama. I tried to invent new flowers, new planets, new
      flesh, new languages. I thought I had acquired supernatural powers. Ha! I
      have to bury my imagination and my memories! What an end to a splendid
      career as an artist and storyteller!

      I! I called myself a magician, an angel, free from all moral
      constraint, I am sent back to the soil to seek some obligation, to wrap
      gnarled reality in my arms! A peasant!

      Am I deceived? Would Charity be the sister of death, for me?

      Well, I shall ask forgiveness for having lived on lies. And that's

      But not one friendly hand! and where can I look for help?

      True, the new era is nothing if not harsh.

      For I can say that I have gained a victory; the gnashing of teeth, the
      hissing of hellfire, the stinking sighs subside. All my monstrous memories
      are fading. My last longings depart, - jealousy of beggars, bandits,
      friends of death, all those that the world passed by. - Damned souls, if I
      were to take vengence!

      One must be absolutely modern.

      Never mind hymns of thanksgiving: hold on to a step once taken. A hard
      night! Dried blood smokes on my face, and nothing lies behind me but that
      repulsive little tree!... The battle for the soul is as brutal as the battles
      of men; but the sight of justice is the pleasure of God alone.

      Yet this is the watch by night. Let us all accept new strength, and real
      tenderness. And at dawn, armed with glowing patience, we will enter the
      cities of glory.

      Why did I talk about a friendly hand! My great advantage is that I can
      laugh at old love affairs full of falsehood, and stamp with shame such
      deceitful couples, - I went through women's Hell over there; - and I will be
      able now to possess the truth within one body and one soul.[/center] April-August, 1873.

      - As translated by Paul Schmidt, and published in 1976 by Harper Colophon Books, Harper & Row.

      Post last edited Sep 23rd 2012

    • THEeXchanger on Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:23 pm

    • we believe that the 6th one would be :

      knowing the real truth, and, NOT revealing it, and NOT telling it

      ~ susan lynne schwenger

    • THEeXchanger on Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:38 pm
      on that topic
      imagine if you worked for someone
      - and, you did horrible things
      all for a pay check

      in the end -
      you know you are going to face the consequences for your actions
      before you find your end in this world -
      it could be wise, to tell what you know,
      so, you might help others

      we are all really building this world, for our children and our grand children

      everyone meets a point in their life

      - of NO return to the current life you are leading

      we have always predicted, that many people

      - are going to sing like canaries, when they get to their end

      remember, most people do NOT even work 40-45-or 50 years

      in a whole lifetime

      only NOW, are people who served in the evil 1st and 2nd world wars dying

      hopefully they kept archives, or will contribute to archives
      prior to dying, or, after their death

      when their children discover 'the truths' of what their parents truly did

      "it is a time, the truth, it will be told" ~ susan lynne schwenger

      "in an information age...the truth, it is told" ~ susan lynne schwenger

    • THEeXchanger on Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:48 pm
      “It all comes down to love and relationships in the end.
      That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.”
      ~ susan lynne schwenger

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      The eXchanger on Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:48 pm
      "love is...
      the end result"
      - susan lynne schwenger


      THiS is REAL MAGPiE
      – magpie tail feathers are the original feather related to tales of grandmothers or wise women, it is a great honour to be given one
      LOVE is NOT unconditional,
      LOVE is THE HiGHEST eXpression of TRUTH…
      love is a combination of energies
      and, when those energies are weaved
      into well-WELL eQUATIONS
      they are known as virtues:
      THE ViRTUES are as follows:
      The 22 Virtues of LOVE

      by Susan Lynne Schwenger

      1) appreciation

      2) compassion

      3) forgiveness

      Humility is to know yourself as a sacred part of Creation. In the Anishinaabe language, this word can also mean “compassion.” You are equal to others, but you are not better. Some communities instead express this with Bekaadiziwin, which in addition to “humility” can also be translated as “calmness,” “meekness,” “gentility” or “patience.”

      5) understanding

      6) valour

      7) goodness of virtues – always weave your well,
      into well-WELL eQuations of eXchange,
      so, true goodness shows up in all your eXchanges

      8) nobility

      9) grace


      11) authority

      12) chivilary

      13) honour

      14) courage

      15) courtesy

      16) gallantry

      17) service

      18) Nibwaakaawin—Wisdom
      To cherish knowledge is to know Wisdom. Wisdom is given by the Creator to be used for the good of the people. In the Anishinaabe language, this word expresses not only “wisdom,” but also means “prudence,” or “intelligence.” In some communities, Gikendaasowin is used; in addition to “wisdom,” this word can also mean “intelligence” or “knowledge.”

      19) Minaadendamowin—Respect
      To honor all creation is to have Respect. All of creation should be treated with respect. You must give respect if you wish to be respected. Some communities instead use Ozhibwaadenindiwin or Manazoonidiwin.

      20) Aakode’ewin—Bravery
      Bravery is to face the foe with integrity. In the Anishinaabe language, this word literally means “state of having a fearless heart.” To do what is right even when the consequences are unpleasant. Some communities instead use either Zoongadikiwin (“state of having a strong casing”) or Zoongide’ewin (“state of having a strong heart”).

      Honesty in facing a situation is to be brave. Always be honest in word and action. Be honest first with yourself, and you will more easily be able to be honest with others. In the Anishinaabe language, this word can also mean “righteousness.”

      and, they all add up to:
      22) aagi’idiwin (Love)
      To know peace is to know Love. Love must be unconditional. When people are weak they need love the most. In the Anishinaabe language, this word with the reciprocal theme /idi/ indicates that this form of love is mutual. In some communities, Gizhaawenidiwin is used, which in most context means “jealousy” but in this context is translated as either “love” or “zeal”. Again, the reciprocal theme /idi/ indicates that this form of love is mutual.

      Truth is to know all of these things.

      Speak the truth.

      Do not deceive yourself or others.

      also -always remember:

      “love is …the end result”
      – Susan Lynne Schwenger

      “the highest eXpression of love – is truth”
      – Susan Lynne Schwenger

      YOUR BEiNG is more than just your PHYSICAL BODY which has an assortment of ENERGETiC eXchange centres there are 33 in each foot, so, 66 there are 33 in each hand, so, 66 +66 = 132 there are 7 main ones, that run thru your body 132+7=139 and, there are 4 triangles aka 4 whirling fireplaces, so, 139 +4 = 143
    and, a 144th one, that when you expand the 13 levels of spirit from 0 point aka zeropoint aka zero point aka zero-point aka 0-point, that create a spiritual framework to the WHOLE of you
    THAT MAKE UP THE ORiGiNAL SPARK ~ susan lynne schwenger 13


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • sayinghello on Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:31 pm

      You may not realize it, but your wisdom, Susan Lynne Schwenger
      is slowly going viral via Facebook

      I had to stop in to thank you for sharing your wisdom
      acquired in a rare view of life (for most of us).

      I did a gut check, and one of the points gave me pause....

      I wish you well and wanted to offer my thanks. Any chance you live near me? icon_wink.

    • Ashera on Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:32 am
      [21:04] Alienne Laval: i think the gender theories are crap
      [21:07] Alienne Laval: i do see almost any theory as crap meanwhile
      [21:07] Alienne Laval: one only can depart from experience
      [21:08] Alienne Laval: and that is a soul matter
      [21:09] Alienne Laval: logos does not get that
      [21:09] Alienne Laval: that is the error of belief and theory
      [21:10] Alienne Laval: to say that god is logos... and then to say in the beginning was the word
      ... is self-contradictory
      [21:11] Alienne Laval: it lacks psyche
      [21:11] Alienne Laval: it stays a construction
      [21:14] Alienne Laval: and the only "thing" that can measure logos is psyche
      [21:14] Alienne Laval: the vice verse is not true
      [21:14] Alienne Laval: there is no eternal reciprocity
      [21:15] Alienne Laval: therefore the witch hunts....
      [21:15] Alienne Laval: jealousy
      [21:16] Alienne Laval: i know that
      [21:20] Alienne Laval: i own nothing anymore.. they took all i ever had
      [21:21] Alienne Laval: but even the dirt under my finger nails seems of value
      [21:21] Alienne Laval: that is so sick
      [21:21] Alienne Laval: that means to be female
      [21:24] Alienne Laval: and guess what... i am always the culprit
      [21:24] Alienne Laval: even if i was the victim
      [21:26] Alienne Laval: my heroine is jeanne d*arc
      [21:27] Alienne Laval: and this time i will win
      [21:29] Alienne Laval: oh, i teased the masters in the slave girl forum so badly today
      [21:29] Alienne Laval: that was fun
      [21:30] Alienne Laval: a blade running anyway
      [21:30] Alienne Laval: but they shall start to think
      [21:31] Alienne Laval: then a tutchuk master took me with him, to his wagon
      [21:32] Alienne Laval: one of the caste of torturers
      [21:32] Alienne Laval: we talked very long
      [21:33] Alienne Laval: i am so unbelievable innocent... i sometimes cannot get it
      [21:36] Alienne Laval: i only did what my soul told me to do
      [21:36] Alienne Laval: against all resistance
      [21:36] Alienne Laval: and against the logos
      [21:36] Alienne Laval: so, i am the devil?
      [21:36] Alienne Laval: no....
      [21:37] Alienne Laval: i am soul
      [21:38] Alienne Laval: logos without soul, that is the devil
      [21:39] Alienne Laval: oki...
      [21:39] Alienne Laval: ni ni

      "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


      mudra on Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:56 am
      THEeXchanger wrote:

      "love is...the end result" - susan lynne schwenger

      Love is the beginning and Love is the end.
      In between a swaying back and forth from who we really are.
      From simplicity /Source we go into complexity .
      Love as Source is simple .

      Love from me

    • Carol on Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:13 am
      I learned a lot this past year having provided hospice care
      for my mother on this last journey of her life.

      Today she would have been 88.

      What surprised me is that one week before she died
      she said she had wasted her life.

      We didn't talk about what that meant as I already knew
      and she was already to ill to go into it.

      The important point here is that she realized she had not loved enough.

      She blocked the love of her grandchildren and held back.

      I often thought of how much she missed out on because of this personality flaw.

      Yet, here she was at age 87 just realizing that what she wasted
      was the love she could have freely given
      and received from her own family - tragic, a lifetime wasted.

      When I got back our 15 year old daughter asked me what
      were the last words grandma had to say.

      I replied that each evening I would give grandma a hug
      and let her know I loved her.

      Her last words were "I love you too."

      There is nothing more precious then the experience of [​IMG]

      JapA013. What is life?
      It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.

      It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
      With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • Jonah on Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:35 am
      Ashera wrote:[21:04] Alienne Laval: i think the gender theories are crap
      [21:07] Alienne Laval: i do see almost any theory as crap meanwhile
      [21:07] Alienne Laval: one only can depart from experience
      [21:08] Alienne Laval: and that is a soul matter
      [21:09] Alienne Laval: logos does not get that
      [21:09] Alienne Laval: that is the error of belief and theory
      [21:10] Alienne Laval: to say that god is logos...
    • and then to say in the beginning was the word... is self-contradictory

      I would say that logos originates from soul...

      Ashera wrote:
      [21:11] Alienne Laval: it lacks psyche
      [21:11] Alienne Laval: it stays a construction
      [21:14] Alienne Laval: and the only "thing" that can measure logos is psyche
      [21:14] Alienne Laval: the vice verse is not true
      [21:14] Alienne Laval: there is no eternal reciprocity
      [21:15] Alienne Laval: therefore the witch hunts....

      intresting point!

      It seems to touch on a few points about death...
      often times when the fear of death no longer resides in the psyche..
      .what may seem "sick" to some...
      certain behaviors perhaps...are no longer uncomfortable
    • to someone who has become comfortable with death...
      and in fact may welcome it....

      for those who have lost all fear and ventured off into another journey...
      farewell...and we'll see you all on the other side...

    • Ashera on Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:29 pm
      Jonah wrote:
      It seems to touch on a few points about death...
      often times when the fear of death no longer resides in the psyche...
      what may seem "sick" to some... certain behaviors perhaps...
      are no longer uncomfortable to someone who has become comfortable
    • with death
      ...and in fact may welcome it....

      for those who have lost all fear and ventured off into another journey..
      .farewell...and we'll see you all on the other side...

      Death does not want anyone to die, Death wants to dance.

    • Mercuriel on Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:02 pm
      Ashera wrote:[21:10] Alienne Laval: to say that god is logos...
    • and then to say in the beginning was the word... is self-contradictory


      One misses the Esoterica of this statement
    • by seeking the meaning of It as being literal.
    • It was not meant to be taken this way but rather that
    • "in the beginning was the word"
      Infers that Prime Creator was and is Sound.
      To Utter a Word requires Sound and so the Esoteric
    • meaning was that Sound was and is Prime Creator...

      » Please see Cymatica...



      Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    • devakas on Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:42 pm
      Infinity and Illusion of Death


    • Ashera on Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:55 pm
      Mercuriel wrote:
      Ashera wrote:[21:10] Alienne Laval: to say that god is logos... and then to say in the beginning was the word... is self-contradictory


      One misses the Esoterica of this statement by seeking the meaning of It as being literal.
      It was not meant to be taken this way but rather that "in the beginning was the word"
      Infers that Prime Creator was and is Sound.
      To Utter a Word requires Sound and so the Esoteric
      meaning was that Sound was and is Prime Creator...

      » Please see Cymatica...



    • Ashera on Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:03 pm
      I do not care your beliefs...

      "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • Carol on Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:17 pm
      Well there are beliefs and then there is reality.

      Only our perspectives grow and change as we grow and change.
      This is what reality is to me.

      What a 5 year old knows is very different than a child of 10...
      or even compared to a youth who is 15.

      Each person's reality is totally true - yet limited by life experience.

      Many here have lots of life experience so it's somewhat common
      to run across an expended perspective that may appear unfamiliar.

      JapA013. What is life?
      It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
      It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

      With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • giovonni on Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:33 pm
      THEeXchanger wrote:"love is...the end result" - susan lynne schwenger

      Thanks Susan for this 374937.

      ~ who are here now
      ~ can truly gain from these reflective and insightful sentiments
      coming from others life regrets...
      if only
      ~ in always remembering your above statement...
      and may i just add the rest here
      ~ to this beautiful statement
      ~ susan lynne schwenger - The eXchanger


      "i would like to thank a friend for this Fable,

      it is one that I love, I feel this story may help people
      to see that which they need to see.

      Thank you Wind.

      I have changed it slightly from the original story that was told to me by Wind,

      though Wind knows me well, and anyone who knows me,
      knows I have to add just that little bit more,

      I see just that little bit more that needs to be said or expressed.

      So here you have the fable told to me by the wind.

      This is a fable....
      Anger, Joy, Sadness, Frustration, Despair and more…

      they need to listen to Love......

      and Time comes to love as a stranger...

      and your emotions will lead you to your destiny.

      There was an enchanted island and on that island there lived a tribe of feelings.

      These Feelings had a leader called Wisdom…

      and he read a sign from the Gods,

      that the island was going to sink beneath the waves…

      so he commanded that everyone make a boat to save themselves.

      So everybody made their own boats…except Love…
      she wanted to stay with the island until its final moments.

      Frustration and Despair, said they would stay with her, we will help her,

      they both said as they stood next to her, doing nothing,

      but looking at the waves.

      The water began to rise up to her knees…

      and she saw Anger coming on a warship, she called out to him…

      “Anger…I have no boat of my own…

      can I get on your ship? And Anger scowled at her and said…

      “go away, you waste of time, you not have been so lazy,

      you should have built your own boat,

      the same as the rest of us, so go forget you and I hope you die!”

      and Anger just left her there to die.

      Next she saw Joy coming on a yacht…

      Joy was having so much fun, partying loud and hard,

      that he didn’t hear Love calling out to him…

      and so he passed her by.

      Next she saw Sadness coming on a junk…

      and she cried out to him (the water was up to her neck now)
      “Sadness please help me, I have no boat, let me get on your junk”…

      but sadness said “I just want to be alone right now”…

      So the water rose up and the tide came in and Love began to drown…

      Suddenly, there came a stranger on a raft and he reached down to her

      and pulled her out of the water,

      when he did, the raft began to fly…as the raft began to fly,

      Love spotted that he had not reached out to take Frustration

      and Despair with him.

      They both shouted, take us with you!

      The stranger looked at both of them and told them to answer a question.

      He asked them…

      “What do you have to offer us where we are going?

      What good will you do all of us if I take you on board?

      they both looked at each other,

      and saw that they had been of no help to Love,

      with one last look at each other,

      Frustration and Despair disappeared under the waves,

      and so the stranger took Love with others, to a new island they called Destiny…

      But love wondered who it was that saved her and brought her there,

      so she asked wisdom

      And wisdom said that it was Time…

      And loved asked how he knew that …

      Wisdom said… “Because only Time remembers how important love truly is.”

      Posted by Susan Lynne Schwenger


      Hope you don't mind me re-posting this here...
      Blessing Love Always ~ Gio

      the greatest thing you ever learn ~ is to love ~ and to be loved in return.

    • Ashera on Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:36 pm
      Yes, I think that these holographic effects are the result of the oscillation
      between "reality" and belief (opinion, theory...).

      That causes the feelings of illusion or infinity that so many have, and this desorientation.

      The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
      -The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars showing: The End of The Macha (9,360,000 days) & Pacha (360 days) Grand Cycle which ends December 16th, 2013 at sunset - and, The Start of The Pacha iNTi (9,360,000 Days) Grand Cycle of December 17th, 2013 at sunrise. Susan Lynne Schwenger was the first person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984, as The Last Full Moon in 2013- 17 DEC 2013, in alignment with The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Ancient Year aka The Calendar Round aka The Thirteen(13) Moon Calendar aka The Six (6) Event Calendar aka The Eight (8) Event Calendar. The Aztec, Mayan, Maori, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis & Native American Tribes also have cycles of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 52, 60, 180, 260, 360, 360+5, 360+1+5, 23,400, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000, 180,000, 1,872,000 & 9,360,000 Days, along with yearly Cycles. She was also the first to align The Celtic Calendar, The Metonic Calendar, The Ancient Egyptian Calendar, The Chinese 60-year Calendar Cycle, and, an assortment of other chinese calendars etc., The Bermanseder Bible Codes & The Bermanseder Pyramid Formula (which closes the 12 pointed star) can also be aligned to these calendars:

      THE MAIN CODE of THE DRESDEN CODEX THROUGH THE MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger
      -- which mathematically proves we live in a 12 level universe http://www.thuban.spruz.com/forums/...01A0&fid=F3D0C39E-7270-4160-80DE-61A397C1A988

      Posts: 8887
      SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Susan Lynne Schwenger
    • Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      TRANCOSO on Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:23 am
      Susan, borrowed (nicked) your thread for GLP - 10.000+ views in 2 days

      Hope you forgive me...


      btw, it did make a lot of people very happy - here are some quotes

      Awesome reminder to LIVE while your ALIVE

      Great thread! Thank you for sharing your experiences - Emerald Glow

      Green Karma For pinning the Top Five Regrets thread. Good one. Inquiring Mind

      Thanks for the beautiful thread --- bAsem ---

      Love & Respect, darling!

    • INFO HERE: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1719839/pg1

    • susaneye.

      SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      i'm over there as: Anonymous Coward User ID: 833688 but can NOT sign in
      I POSTED stuff there - i can;t get a user id with aol ??? I CAN NOT EVEN SIGN IN ???

    • THEeXchanger on Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:09 am

      there is an old adage - you can not take it with you

      to which, i shall add

      " you can NOT take it with you
      - so, share it ALL in THE PIVOT of THE NOW"

    • THEeXchanger on Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:54 pm

      Troy / Michael - speaks live on death

    • THEeXchanger on Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:07 pm
      so, what are we really here to do

      this question, i queried Michael/Troy on
      - and, here is an very interesting answer from another Michael student - Geraldine

      "The slide from negative to positive poles happens through experiences
      Understanding the seven levels, stages, or circles of any of the evolutionary topics
      that Michael discusses is usually through the ego or false personality
      as a competition, rather than through the inclusiveness of positive poles.

      This is because it’s impossible to understand until one is actually IN the positive pole.

      It’s a vague measurement of “How am I doing?” until it’s actually achieved,
      and then it simply becomes part of one’s overall outlook and philosophy.

      A good parallel that most of us have been through is education.
      Most of us can remember our early days of learning our ABCs,
      either in mastering the sequence and order of the alphabet,
      or the laboriously repetitious printing of first the upper case version,
      then learning the lower case version,
      and then slowly applying the symbolism of meanings of sound to those letters, especially as a sound that begins words.

      A is for Apple, B is for Boy, C is for Cat and so on.

      Dick and Jane readers gave way to other readers,
      but they all were designed to do one thing:
      learn to apply the alphabet as words.
      Meanwhile, we continued to learn to write letters, then words,
      then sentences.

      It never occurred to us during our early years of mastering basic reading
      and writing that we’d be using it as a basic skill set for learning anything
      and everything that might catch our fancy,
      let alone would become a means for expressing our inner world.

      Similarly, we mastered numbers, basic mathematics,
      and some have graduated into advanced math
      that forms the basis for explaining science or engineering.

      Several years into our education, we started utilizing our tools
      for reading and writing in order to learn about the bigger world around us.

      Some of the most exciting classes we remember taking were those
      about the era of global exploration or dinosaurs.

      Every level of education added another layer of nuance and difficulty.
      For those who took college classes, they remember the 101 survey classes
      and chose particular curriculum to expand on more in depth
      and specific mastery of some subjects.

      Most of the time, the first day of class had its own excitement
      as you caught a glimmer of what you were going to be learning.

      You opened up the textbooks, flipped through pages,
      and inwardly groaned, “I’ll NEVER learn all this stuff.”
      Yet, most of us did–at least enough to pass the class.

      For me, a question was asked in a Michael Speaks Live Chat
      on June 14, 2009 that didn’t even raise an eyebrow of interest to me:

      [Question] abandonment – we all do this alot , we come together,
      we go apart , that is life, as we know it…
      so, what can you tell me, that would help all of us,
      with this type of issue involved with our passages through our lives

      — i am sure, it is a theme for many
      — how deeply rooted is ABANDONMENT/does it have 7 levels;
      and; how do each of the 7 chief dragons affect it,
      like impatience, arrogance, self depreciation; self destruction,
      greed, stubborn, or being a martyr etc.

      There are 7 Circles of Abandonment that one can initiate or experience:

      Survival Abandonment:
      which is the abandonment of a position that is necessary
      for the survival of another, such as a mother abandoning a baby in a ditch.

      Sexual Abandonment: which is the abandonment of a position
      that nurtures another in an intimate way, either literally sexually,
      or simply as embracing the Other as Oneself.

      Physical Abandonment: which is the abandonment of a position
      that was necessary for the mobility and productivity of another fragment.

      Emotional Abandonment: which is the abandonment of a position
      that embraces another fragment with room to Be without explanation or apology.

      Intellectual Abandonment: which is the abandonment of a position
      of communication and exchange with another.

      Intuitive Abandonment: which is the abandonment of a position
      of encouragement for upholding the fulfillment of visions, dreams, and wishes.

      Spiritual Abandonment: which is the abandonment of a position
      of guidance and clarity for the bigger picture and pattern of the life.

      Yet, I was to ask a question quite recently that gave me a lengthy answer
      of having spent most of my life doing Abandonment/Abandoning Monads
      — three of them to be exact, plus several of the other levels or circles.

      In short, I spent my life “mastering” this particular subject,
      along with any number of other subjects.

      In turn, it’s allowed me to complete five of the Internal Monads in positive poles,
      or seven levels of First through Fifth Internal Monads.

      [MEntity] For every Internal Monad, the Stages are the same,
      though we would describe them with slightly more relevant contextual terms
      for the Poles. However, the Stages will always be:


      Yet, each level or stage was experienced differently for each of the monads
      as I was different ages,

      different life experience levels, and different people,
      even if I was in the same body.

      Each stage was an accumulation or accretion of all previous stages.

      So, while I may have done five Initiation Stages, each one had different negative/positive poles for achieving completion of it. For example:

      Third Internal Monad started with:

      Stage 1: INITIATION

      +exploration -rebellion

      Fourth Internal Monad started with:

      Stage 1: INITIATION

      +enthusiasm -indifference

      The true difference for completing ALL of the seven stages
      or levels of the 4th IM in positive poles
      is that it affects all of one’s overleaves.

      There is a profound settling in that happens and an acceptance of self.

      Chief Feature doesn’t go away, but it has greatly diminished power.

      It’s easier to put it onto the back burner of importance.

      Others lack the power to upset all that often or all that dramatically.

      Reaction is diminished. What is noticeable as a mindstyle change
      following the 4th IM becomes even more pronounced after the 5th IM.

      One is simply more content and less judgmental of others’ choices.

      Chief Feature is heeded even less often.

      It’s a pale imitation of what it once was.

      I’m coming to the conclusion that one doesn’t extinguish
      the Chief Feature as a conscious act nearly as much
      as it’s a cumulative affect of moving through so many levels
      of negative to positive poles, the sheer experience
      of becoming progressively more true self.

      Stuff just doesn’t bug you as much.

      I’m looking forward to the 6th Internal Monad and hope I’m conscious for the 7th."



    • FROM; The library section of WWW.truthloveenergy.com - troy / and, michael

      1st Internal Monad – description

      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] The successful completion of Birth is indicated by “staying alive.”
      For the most part, this is marked by good health.
      If a body dies before the age of 3, it did not successfully complete the Birth Monad.

      THEeXchanger on Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:45 am
      From The Libary section of www.truthloveenergy.com - troy & michael

      2nd Internal Monad – description
      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] The 2nd Rite of Passage [or Internal Monad],
      which is Autonomy and is initiated by the capacity to walk on one’s own,
      is often tied to one’s sense of Confidence.

      To the degree that one is Confident is the degree to which
      this Internal Monad was completed.

    • When we speak of “confidence” here, we are not speaking in terms
      of your being able to speak well in front of a crowd,
      but in terms how willing one is in trying anything at all that is unfamiliar.

      This is not a matter of trying what one has no interest in trying,
      but in anything unfamiliar to you that you may have even the slightest interest
      in trying.

      This would extend into even those areas one must do for oneself
      because it is known that it is Good Work,
      even when one does not want to do them.

      For instance,
      going to an interview for a job that is important to you,
      even as you hate the interview process.

      A successful 2nd Internal Monad would mean that you do it anyway,
      even as you acknowledge the discomfort.

      That is Confidence in this context.

      An unsuccessful completion of a 2nd Internal Monad
      is often marked by classic Co-dependence,
      the inability to do much of anything without a reference
      to someone else.

      It is the inability to walk on one’s own.
      We do not refer to those who have physical disabilities,
      but anyone, regardless of mobility.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • THEeXchanger on Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:47 am
      From the library section of www.truthloveenergy.com - troy & michael

      3rd Internal Monad – description
      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] The 3rd Rite of Passage [or Internal Monad],
      which is Independence,
      and is initiated by the process of separation of identity
      from one’s caretakers, and establishing the self as its own authority.

      The successful completion of the 3rd Internal Monad
      is marked by the capacity to provide for oneself.

      Providing for oneself does not mean isolating oneself as the only resource,
      but would include knowing when to ask for help, and how to receive that.

      The unsuccessful completion of this Internal Monad
      is marked by either having constant combat with anyone
      suggesting Authority, and/or resigning from the responsibility of caring for oneself.

    • From the library section of www.truthloveenergy.com - troy & michael

      4th Internal Monad – description
      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] The 4th Internal Monad, or Rite of Passage, which is Manifestation,
      is initiated by one’s mid-life assessment as a means to determine
      the meaning of the life lived so far,
      and then calibrating the life to an updated course or path
      so that Essence may manifest.

      Part of that process and assessment means looking into the past
      as far back as childhood, and in that looking,
      finding all of the things that you determined have defined you,
      made you happy, that have fulfilled you as a child or teen,
      and then nurturing that same innocence in your life as an adult.

      A successful completion means truly liking who you are,
      and embracing the playfulness of your life
      as you move deeper into it as an embodiment of your Essence,
      or core Being.

      An incompleted 4th Internal Monad is often marked by an attempt
      to replicate the life that was once seen as so innocent,
      locking the person into a state that desperately seeks meaning,
      importance, and purpose.

    • From the library section of www.truthloveenergy.com - troy & michael

      5th Internal Monad – description
      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] The 5th Internal Monad of Recreation is marked
      by a realization of relief from the need for purpose, meaning, and importance,
      but finds the emphasis being upon those little things that make the life
      worth living (on your terms).

      The life is literally “re-created” in a way that is a new paradigm,
      free from the burdens of navigation and direction,
      but entirely embracing of wandering, coasting,
      and “enjoying the view,” so to speak.

      The successful completion would often show up as a new enthusiasm
      for a layer of life that was once cluttered and clouded by over-eagerness
      and over-anticipation.

      There is a softness to the life in a way that was never experienced before,
      and a true joy in many things
      that would otherwise be dismissed.

      An incompleted 5th Rite of Passage might show up as bitterness,
      regret, anger, resentment, and disgust,
      sometimes concluding that life has no meaning or point,
      and therefore condemning anyone or anything to pointlessness
      and meaninglessness.

    • from The Library of www.truthloveenergy.com - troy & michael

      6th Internal Monad – description
      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] And finally, the 6th Rite of Passage, Comprehension,
      is marked by the onset of that which will be the cause of death.
      This is the only Rite of Passage that can most
      -often be processed in a matter of seconds.
      A successful completion would show up as a surrender
      to the reality of mortality, and a full review of the life
      in a way that brings comprehension to the fact
      that one has lived and one is now dying.

      This can happen in a car crash, or in a long-term illness, etc.

      Time takes on a completely new dimension in this Passage.

      The incomplete Internal Monad here would show up as anything representing a rejection of mortality, ranging between resignation, apathy, to delusion,
      dementia, and denial.

      In instances such as a car crash, the individual may actually “re-live”
      the entire life in new ways that account for corrections
      of betrayals, missed opportunities, etc. before actually exiting.

      That experience can be a means of review, or as a means of denial.

    • from The Library of www.truthloveenergy.com troy & michael

      7th Internal Monad – description
      [Excerpt from TT: 2010-09-12]

      [MEntity] The successful completion of Death is indicated
      by the impact one’s death has on those who remain physical.

      If those who remain are left devastated, deeply attached,
      and profoundly tied to the physical version of oneself,
      then one has not successfully “died.”

      The death, itself, is only the beginning,
      and the stages involved are done post-death,
      by working with those still incarnated in processing their grief.

    • from The Library of www.truthloveenergy.com - Troy & Michael

      Full Transcript: 2010-09-12 – Internal Monads
      September 12, 2010
      Troy Tolley, Channel
      Internal Monads

      [MEntity]Hello to each of you. We are here. We can begin now.

      We have been asked to speak about the processes we have named
      “The 7 Internal Monads.”

      We can define “Monad” in many ways, but here we will describe it|
      as “the natural process toward wholeness,”
      or “the structure provided for two parts of a whole
      to eventually manifest even greater than the sum of those parts.”

      A Monad will always have two parts that are vital to the whole,
      but are eventually resolved, or comprehended,
      so that those two parts ARE the whole, and not divided.

      There are Internal and External Monads: the External Monads
      are variations on relationships between fragments;

      whereas Internal Monads are variations on relationships with the self,
      or within the self.

      These Monads are ALWAYS about “manifesting,”
      or generating a material counterpart as representation for that structure,
      process, and eventual wholeness.

      The External Monads are obvious in that they deal with the space
      and time between two incarnated fragments,
      but the Internal Monads are not often understood as having physical/manifested counterparts or representations,
      because they are often more abstract.

      However, these Internal Monads’ physical/manifested counterparts
      are THE LIFE, ITSELF.

      As we describe each Monad, this may become more clarified and obvious.

      The 7 Internal Monads are processed and manifested
      by the Personalities across lifetimes,
      and these processes and manifestations
      then contribute to the higher processes of the Essence
      that must complete a set of 7 Internal Monads for each Level of each Soul Age.

      In every lifetime, the Personality starts “from scratch”
      in initiating and taking on these Internal Monads,
      but the Essence retains the benefit of each Personality’s effort
      and does not have to start from scratch.

      Therefore, in any given lifetime, the Essence may be at the 4th Internal Monad,
      while the current Personality is in the 3rd Internal Monad, for instance.

      If that same Personality progresses to a successfully process the 5th Internal Monad,
      then it progresses the Essence closer to completion of that particular Soul Level.

      If it helps one to differentiate between the Essence process of these,
      and the Personality process,
      it could be said that the Essence integrates Internal Monads,
      and the Personality contributes to that by processing
      as many of the 7 “Rites of Passages” as possible within a lifetime.

      “Internal Monads” and “Rites of Passages” are rather interchangeable here,
      but to make it easier to understand, this differentiation may help.

      It is rare that any Personality completes all 7 Internal Monads,
      or Rites of Passages within one lifetime.

      Even if a Personality lives to 80 years old,
      he or she may still have not completed any Rite of Passage
      beyond the 2nd, or 3rd,
      for instance.

      Using a very simple analogy: Imagine that the successful completion
      of a Rite of Passage is akin
      to a Personality filling a basket for Essence.

      Let us use Oranges as that which must fill the baskets.
      Personality One within a Soul Age Level will begin the process
      by fulfilling the First Rite of Passage in being successfully born.

      This fills the first basket of oranges for Essence.

      Personality One is also able to process Rite of Passages Two and Three,
      filling two more baskets with Oranges collected.

      Personality One takes on the beginning of the Fourth Rite of Passage
      and begins putting Oranges in the basket for Essence,
      but never really gets past this Rite of Passage,
      even though she lives to 90.

      She will remain locked in a mindset, behavior dynamic,
      and local perspective that is akin to having never evolved
      beyond a 30-something year old, despite her physical age.

      Personality One dies, and Essence now moves that row of baskets
      out of the way, sets up a new row of baskets for Personality Two,
      and Personality Two now begins his or her process of gathering Oranges
      for those baskets.

      Even though the new Personality must start from scratch in filling the baskets,
      it is easier now that there is precedence and experience that the new Personality
      would have access to, if open to Essence.

      In short, there must be AT LEAST one Personality/incarnation that can fill all the baskets successfully within one lifetime as a means to move Essence
      on to the next Level of Soul Age.

      In some rare instances when an Essence moves from one Soul Age Level
      into the next Level within the same lifetime,
      then that Personality not only filled the baskets
      enough to allow for Essence to move to the next Level,
      but now that there is a new Level, the Personality
      actually starts again from scratch in filling the baskets
      relevant to that new Level.

      This is similar to living “two lifetimes in one.”

      We say that it is similar, but it is not literal,
      though often it actually does appear to be a distinct line
      that defines that transition and then the lifetime seems to be divided
      into two very different lives.

      When this happens, the Personality will go through a kind of
      psycho-emotional “death” as its completion of 7 Internal Monads,
      and then a kind of psycho-emotional “birth” as it begins the next Level.

      There are 7 Rites of Passages/Internal Monads,
      and we will briefly describe each now.

      Each Internal Monad has 7 Stages within it.
      Each Stage has a Positive and Negative Pole.

      Every process through an Internal Monad will mean entering the Negative Pole,
      then exiting from the Positive Pole for each Stage.

      This means that a “successful” Internal Monad would be completing
      the 7th Stage in the Positive Pole, leaving the entire Monad in the Positive Pole.

      In keeping with the baskets of oranges analogy, a Negative Pole would simply
      be an unfilled basket.

      The 7 Internal Monads are: Birth, Autonomy, Independence,
      Manifestation, Recreation, Comprehension, and Death.

      These may be called by different names through our various channels,
      but the basic information should remain consistent.

      Although each Rite of Passage is associated with various time frames
      represented by the ages of the Body,
      they are not specifically tied to those time frames.

      Different cultures and different societies and different Body Types
      will affect how the process of these Passages go.

      For certain cultures where life spans are only 20 years,
      vs other cultures where a lifespan may be 100 years,
      one can see how the Monads may play out differently.

      Those cultures and societies where life is more condensed tend
      to attract those who are working through Infant, Baby, and Young Levels,
      whereas Late Young, Mature and Older Souls tend toward cultures, societies,
      and bodies that emphasize length of life.

      We include in these differentiations the reference to “society” because social constructs, even within the same culture, may emphasize life at different paces,
      and thus have different time frames relative to the Passages.

      That being said, in general: Birth is obviously at Birth, where Autonomy is usually relative to the individual taking his or her first steps,

      and Independence is relative to an individual separating his or her identity
      and primary resources from the influences of his or her caretakers (parents);
      Manifestation is relative to an individual returning to a sense of innocence
      and personal meaning about the self and life;

      Recreation is relative to an individual freeing himself or herself
      from the momentum of “purpose” and shifts into an emphasis on “enjoying life,”
      or re-creating it; and Comprehension is relative to the onset of whatever
      will end the life, and the individual’s ability to come to terms
      with his or her mortality; and Death, of course, is exiting the Physical Plane.

      Many of our students presume that Birth and Death
      are Internal Monads that are a given, but that is not accurate.

      The successful completion of Birth is indicated by “staying alive.”

      For the most part, this is marked by good health.

      If a body dies before the age of 3, it did not successfully complete the Birth Monad.

      The successful completion of Death is indicated by the impact one’s death
      has on those who remain physical.

      If those who remain are left devastated, deeply attached,
      and profoundly tied to the physical version of oneself,
      then one has not successfully “died.”

      The death, itself, is only the beginning, and the stages involved
      are done post-death, by working with those still incarnated in processing their grief.

      Completing all 7 Rites of Passage within a single lifetime takes practice, effort,
      and commitment to an extent
      that is often not available or an inclination of every Personality,
      so an Essence will remain within a single Level of Soul Age as long as it takes.

      Within a lifetime where the Personality does not complete an early Rite of Passage, such as, say, the 3rd Internal Monad of Independence,
      it means that this person has left that Internal Monad
      paused in the Negative Pole, and every Internal Monad
      attempted beyond that will be locked in the Negative Pole, as well.

      Using the baskets of oranges as an analogy, it would mean that no matter
      how hard that Personality tries to fill baskets 4, 5, and 6,
      they will only be able to fill them to the extent that basket 3 is filled.

      In cases such as this, which are not uncommon, it is possible to “go back”
      and fill the unfilled basket, or to complete the 3rd Internal Monad,
      freeing up the capacity to complete the next.

      This would mean, even if the Personality is in her 50s,
      that she can work through her issues related to Independence, self-reliance,
      and her relationships with Authority, as a means to then work on her 4th Internal Monad, and so on.

      In short, it is a valid and relevant statement that
      “it is never too late to have a happy childhood,”
      as an example for completing incomplete Passages.

      We wish to point out here that while our teaching can be understood
      and made useful at any age,
      it is not until the successful completion of the 4th Internal Monad
      that the full extent of its application can be comprehended.

      This is why you see so few fellow students among you,
      or even that you see so few interested in our teaching, in general;

      it is simply not very interesting or truly applicable to those who
      “do not know themselves.”

      This is not a judgment, but a matter of fact.

      For this teaching to have its full effect, one must be awake,
      and most who have not completed the 4th Internal Monad
      are still in some degree, if not completely, asleep.

      By “asleep” and “awake,” we simply mean the spectrum
      between self-absorption and self-awareness.

      Self-absorption, or being asleep, is marked by a preoccupation
      with the self, such as through defensiveness,
      self-indulgence, presentation, brooding, consuming, etc.

      And self-awareness, or being awake, is marked by,
      for example, valued sensitivity, right intuition, concentric compassion,
      enthusiastic curiosity, a kind presence,
      patient resonance to others, and no defenses or shields.

      Those are examples, but there are others, of course.

      We have covered Birth and Death in terms of successful
      or unsuccessful completion,
      and we will now quickly describe
      the other 5 Internal Monads in terms of the same.

      The 2nd Rite of Passage, which is Autonomy
      and is initiated by the capacity to walk on one’s own,
      is often tied to one’s sense of Confidence.

      To the degree that one is Confident is the degree to which
      this Internal Monad was completed.

      When we speak of “confidence” here, we are not speaking in terms
      of your being able to speak well in front of a crowd,
      but in terms how willing one is in trying anything at all that is unfamiliar.

      This is not a matter of trying what one has no interest in trying,
      but in anything unfamiliar to you that you may have even the slightest interest
      in trying.

      This would extend into even those areas one must do for oneself
      because it is known that it is Good Work,
      even when one does not want to do them.

      For instance, going to an interview for a job that is important to you,
      even as you hate the interview process.

      A successful 2nd Internal Monad would mean that you do it anyway,
      even as you acknowledge the discomfort.

      That is Confidence in this context.

      An unsuccessful completion of a 2nd Internal Monad is often marked
      by classic Co-dependence, the inability to do much of anything
      without a reference to someone else.

      It is the inability to walk on one’s own.

      We do not refer to those who have physical disabilities,
      but anyone, regardless of mobility.

      The 3rd Rite of Passage, which is Independence,
      and is initiated by the process of separation of identity
      from one’s caretakers, and establishing the self as its own authority.

      The successful completion of the 3rd Internal Monad is marked
      by the capacity to provide for oneself. Providing for oneself
      does not mean isolating oneself as the only resource,
      but would include knowing when to ask for help, and how to receive that.

      The unsuccessful completion of this Internal Monad is marked by either having constant combat with anyone suggesting Authority, and/or resigning from the responsibility of caring for oneself.

      The 4th Internal Monad, or Rite of Passage, which is Manifestation,
      is initiated by one’s mid-life assessment as a means to determine
      the meaning of the life lived so far, and then calibrating the life
      to an updated course or path so that Essence may manifest.

      Part of that process and assessment means looking into the past
      as far back as childhood, and in that looking, finding all of the things
      that you determined have defined you, made you happy,
      that have fulfilled you as a child or teen,
      and then nurturing that same innocence in your life as an adult.

      A successful completion means truly liking who you are,
      and embracing the playfulness of your life as you move deeper into it
      as an embodiment of your Essence, or core Being.

      An incomplete 4th Internal Monad is often marked
      by an attempt to replicate the life that was once seen as so innocent,
      locking the person into a state that desperately seeks meaning,
      importance, and purpose.

      The 5th Internal Monad of Recreation is marked by a realization
      of relief from the need for purpose, meaning, and importance, but finds the emphasis being upon those little things that make the life worth living (on your terms).

      The life is literally “re-created” in a way that is a new paradigm,
      free from the burdens of navigation and direction,
      but entirely embracing of wandering, coasting,
      and “enjoying the view,” so to speak.

      The successful completion would often show up as a new enthusiasm
      for a layer of life that was once cluttered
      and clouded by over-eagerness and over-anticipation.

      There is a softness to the life in a way that was never experienced before,
      and a true joy in many things that would otherwise be dismissed.

      An incomplete 5th Rite of Passage might show up as bitterness, regret, anger, resentment, and disgust,
      sometimes concluding that life has no meaning or point,
      and therefore condemning anyone or anything to pointlessness
      and meaninglessness.

      And finally, the 6th Rite of Passage, Comprehension,
      is marked by the onset of that which will be the cause of death.

      This is the only Rite of Passage that can most-often be processed
      in a matter of seconds.

      A successful completion would show up as a surrender to the reality
      of mortality, and a full review of the life
      in a way that brings comprehension
      to the fact that one has lived and one is now dying.

      This can happen in a car crash, or in a long-term illness, etc.
      Time takes on a completely new dimension in this Passage.

      The incomplete Internal Monad here would show up as anything representing a rejection of mortality,
      ranging between resignation, apathy, to delusion, dementia, and denial.

      In instances such as a car crash,
      the individual may actually “re-live” the entire life
      in new ways that account for corrections of betrayals,
      missed opportunities, etc.
      before actually exiting.

      That experience can be a means of review, or as a means of denial.

      We will conclude here, then, in speaking about the 7 Internal Monads,
      and open the floor to the first 5 questions, due to time constraints.

      ****QUEUE IS OPEN****

      We will respond to further questions after this transcript is posted
      in your “TLE FORUMS.”

      [Geraldine] Michael. I still don’t understand how the “two lifetimes in one” works.
      If a Personality has to go through all 6 IMs in the same incarnation
      in order to reach the 7th
      — How does one get all six of those “oranges” in the basket
      by age 40 in order to do an early 7th? (such as AnnH).
      Or my son-in-law who went through this by age 30.
      Especially since neither one would have been considered
      “all in positive poles” at those ages.

    • How would one work with
      “those still incarnated in processing their grief,” if there is no grief?

      Would one’s concurrents processing IMs help
      since we all started our incarnations at the same Soul Level?

      [MEntity] We did not elaborate fully into the “two lifetimes in one”,
      or the transiting of Soul Levels within a lifetime,
      because we had elaborated on this in other transcripts.

      However, we will try to clarify again here.

      If an Essence has 5 or more baskets full, so to speak,
      upon creating a new Personality, then that Personality
      is only tasked with the potential to fill those remaIning baskets.

      However, to get to those baskets 5, 6, and 7, for example,
      the body and Personality must still fill baskets 1 through 4 in its own way
      in order to even get to the 5th basket.

      After baskets 1-4 have been filled multiple times by multiple Personalities
      over multiple lifetimes,
      then each subsequent lifetime/Personality
      has a potentially easier time fulfilling those same baskets.

      Although there are physical counterparts to each Monad,
      which is often associated with age time frames,
      we have also pointed out that they are not tied to those age time frames.

      Beyond the factors of culture and society as influences,
      we can also say that one’s PSYCHOLOGICAL process
      is just as physical a counterpart as one’s physical aging.

      Therefore, when one is transiting a Level within a lifetime,
      that Personality can quickly (by age standards),
      be Born, Walk, Gain Independence, Manifest Essence,
      and then begin the Recreation process, all by the end of one’s teen age years.

      This is because while there are certain physical cues
      that are tied to the Passages, there are also Psychological cues,
      and these are just as, if not more, vital than the more obvious Physical cues.

      This means that rather than having a physical retirement/recreation due to age,
      it happens due to psyche, and rather than physically dying due to accident,
      illness, or suicide, there is a psychological “death”
      that then moves through a “birthing” process.

      Those who transit a Level within a lifetime are now throwing off
      the usual cues that one can more obviously see in terms of one “growing up,”
      so these Personalities can often seem more complicated, difficult, and lacking significant maturing processes that another person might show.

      They do not necessarily appear to be any wiser or more together than any other, and more often, actually, appear not to be particularly wise, and often quite scattered.

      This is because the psyche is not only developing at a different pace
      from the body, but by the time the body is older,
      then the psyche is reborn again in a way that is quite disorienting.

      This complex process is why this kind of transition is rare, except in Older Souls.

      Once the fragment in transition has filled the 7 baskets,
      then the life is marked with a new set of baskets to begin filling,
      which are rarely ever filled beyond the 4th basket in those kinds of lifetimes.

      [Maureen] What “happens” in between IMs
      – for example:

      Having successfully completed the 4th IM
      – one could whiz into the 5th or take a decade
      – If it takes a decade is it like being on a plateau or is it a mix between the 2 IMs ??

      [MEntity] While one is “in” a Passage, there is a definite sense

      that there is living to do.

      When one is “between” Passages, there is a definite sense
      that there is work to do.

      We are using the term “living” here
      to describe the experience of submersion into the life
      that often feels like being underwater,
      then coming up for air, over and over.

      We use the term “work” here to describe the experience
      of finally being on land and moving your way
      over territories of relevance and meaning.

      For instance, during the 3rd Internal Monad,
      there may be waves of great angst, rebellion,
      and constant inner turmoil, mixed with homesickness, deep gratitude,

      and a sense of self emerging as one breaks away from the influences of parents.

      Upon completion of that Monad, then the business of income,
      maintaining an apartment, paying bills, etc
      then comes into focus. It might be more appealing to describe the differences
      between being In and Between Monads
      as “living” and “learning,” as what was lived through the Passage
      is now put into practice before the next Passage.

      [Oscar] Hello Michael =)
      Could you please elaborate a little about how exactly Body Type can affect the process?

      [MEntity] Active Body Types, such as Saturnine, Mercurial, Martial, and Solar
      tend to process Internal Monads “faster”
      than the Passive Body Types of Lunar, Jovial, and Venusian.

      The Active/Positive Body Types of Saturn and Solar being the “fastest”
      while the Passive/Negative of Lunar being the “slowest.”

      We speak of these in terms of “pure” Body Types, so it is wise to keep in mind
      that there are no “pure” Body Types,
      all having a mix of other energies, and influences.

      The reason for their “speed” of processing a Passage is relative to the Primary Glandular System
      that regulates experiences for that Body.

      For instance, the Anterior Pituitary and the Thymus tend to help the body
      process experiences far more “quickly” than that of the Pancreatic system.

      This is because the Anterior Pituitary, for instance, is a stimulus
      for all other glandular systems,
      and the Thymus regulates the overall health/immunity of all systems,
      so their being the primary influence is powerful in these Passages.

      Whereas the Pancreas is insular in its processes,
      even though they do ultimately affect the entire system.

      It is that insularity of the process of consumption and production of fuel
      that contributes to the slower processing of experiences for the body.

      [Karine] How can you “predict” when someone will enter a monad?

      For example, you told me that you think I will begin my 4th internal monad
      near the end of 2012.

      Do Essences plan in advance during the course of a life when a personality
      will enter the next monad?

      [MEntity] We can only see the same things that you can see in terms of Passages,
      though we may be able to see it more clearly. So when we can see a time frame
      for completion of a Monad,
      using the analogy of the baskets, we are basing this on how full the basket is,
      and the pace at which you have been filling it.

      We can then extrapolate from there.

      The same could be said for those that are slated to begin.
      We can look at the previous Passage and the factors that went into entering it,
      filling the basket, and exiting it,
      and how much time was spent between other Passages,
      proportionally speaking.

      That being said, yes, Essence will anticipate a time frame that “looks good”
      for entering a Passage, and we can see those notes,
      if they are there. In the end, whether we use calculations,
      or the notes in your records from Essence,
      it will always be the Personality that decides whether and
      when to enter into a Passage. So we may be very far off in our information in the end.

      [Bobby] In your presentation of the 7th IM, there seems to be far more to it than I realized.

      For instance, I didn’t realize that to transit it in the positive pole,
      if those left behind grieved terribly over your passing it
      could keep you from completing it in the positive.
      I had an aunt who lost a son and never seemed to get over it.
      Would that be an appropriate example of him finishing his 7th IM
      in the negative pole? XXX was his name by the way, if that helps.

      [MEntity] It is not so much in the depth of the grieving, but in the length of time in grieving,
      and yes, to the extent that one has not helped to prepare loved ones and friends for one’s death,
      and to the extent that one lacks the ability to comfort those “left behind,”
      then the 7th Internal Monad is not completed.

      There will always be at least one lifetime/Personality who dies within a Level
      in a way that those who remain physical
      will fully grasp that that Personality had a full life,
      and that death was embraced without surprise or regret or terror.

      Because death is so difficult for even the oldest of souls to experience,
      it takes only one lifetime for this to happen as a means for the Level to be transitioned.

      And if one ponders the 7 Passages for a moment,
      it may become more obvious that one who has moved through each in a Positive Pole,
      may have generated a life and network of relationships that more easily comes to terms
      with that death.

      That is not to say that even the most successful of 7th Internal Monads
      would leave no one grieving.

      Grief is natural and important, and is a process of accepting a profound truth
      that replaces a previous truth.

      In the case of the fragment you mentioned as an example,
      we think that fragment is still working on completing that Monad,
      and remains in the process of support for the one who is grieving.

      Some fragments choose to remain in that process “as long as it takes.”

      We will conclude here. Good evening to each of you.

    • Carol on Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:23 pm
      Two Traveling Angels

      Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family.
      The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room.

      Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement.
      As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.

      When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,

      "Things aren't always what they seem."

      The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor,
      but very hospitable farmer and his wife.
      After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep
      in their bed where they could have a good night's rest.

      When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears.

      Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.

      The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen?

      The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused.

      The second family had little but was willing to share everything,
      and you let the cow die..

      "Things aren't always what they seem," the older angel replied.

      "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion,
      I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall.

      Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune,
      I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it."

      "Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed,
      the angel of death came for his wife I gave him the cow instead.

      "Things aren't always what they seem."

      Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should.

      If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage.

      You just might not know it until sometime later...

      JapA013. What is life?
      It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
      It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

      With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    • THEeXchanger on Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:06 pm
      very nice story Carol, with a great moral to it, thanks for sharing it !!!

    • View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8C-qIgbP9o&feature=share

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka THEeXchanger on Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:51 am

      Did you know?

      You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork
      than by a poisonous spider.

      Fleas have the distinction of killing more people than all the wars
      man has ever fought.

      The "Black Death" plague killed 1/4 of Europe's population
      in the 14th century,

      caused by germs transmitted from rodents to humans by fleas.

      Dr. Alice Chase, who wrote "Nutrition for Health"
      and numerous books on the science of proper eating,
      died of malnutrition.

      When Mahatma Gandhi died, an autopsy revealed that his small intestine
      contained five gold Krugerrands
      (South African gold coins).

      When Thomas Edison died in 1941; Henry Ford captured his last dying breath
      in a bottle.

      In 1845, President Andrew Jackson's pet parrot was removed from his funeral
      for swearing.

      There are over 200 Euphemisms for death in the English language

      The English language contains many euphemisms related to dying and death.

      The practice of using euphemisms for death is likely to have originated

      with the belief that to speak the word "death" was to invite death.

      This may explain why death is a taboo subject in many English-speaking cultures.

      The use of euphemisms often involves metaphors for the person
      moving into another state
      or another place which seems to be more acceptable
      for those dealing with bereavement than using the term ‘dead’.

      Some common euphemisms for death include:

      Fading quickly
      Kick the bucket
      Brown bread (cockney rhyming slang)
      Gone to a better place
      Passed away
      Passed on
      Checked out
      Bit the big one
      Bitten the dust
      Popped their clogs
      Pegged it
      Taken to Jesus
      Met his maker
      Turned their toes up
      Cashed in their chips
      Fallen off their perch
      Given up the ghost
      Gone south
      Shuffled off this mortal coil (from William Shakespeare's Hamlet),
      Run down the curtain and joined the Choir Invisible (a Christian reference to the angels in heaven)
      Pushing up daisies
      Sleeping the big sleep
      Checking out the grass from underneath
      Six feet under
      The last breath
      Paying a debt to nature
      ~ susan lynne schwenger


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger on Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:28 pm
      can you describe this video in ONE WORD ???

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc8ZbVcdHpg

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger on Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:26 pm

      View: http://youtu.be/3nc8xovtP-E

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nc8xovtP-E&feature=youtu.be

      Died from poison 1/3: McCormack: heaven, eternity, light, near death experience

      • Post n°42
      empty. Re: dying ??? Regrets of The Dying
    • - THE 7 passages of LIFE - Reincarnation - The Akashic Records

      empty. Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger on Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:27 pm
      part 2 of 3

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMl4koOprj8&feature=related

      • Post n°43
      empty. Re: dying ??? Regrets of The Dying - THE 7 passages of LIFE
    • - Reincarnation - The Akashic Records

      empty. Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger on Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:28 pm
      part 3 of 3

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0yPOuEbu5Q&feature=related


      Post last edited Sep 23rd 2012

    • Posts: 1116
      Jorgelito - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      Reality is a slippery thing to nail down.. I think (and this is my reality!)
      that it is something we are creating (with the help of others of like mind)
      moment by moment.

      It's far more comfy (but not too exciting) to be blind to a tentative
      and more dynamic view of reality.

      In this view, REALITY is the box we create around the universe It can be quite real.

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      GEET SMALL ENGINE - might save your life
      the plans
      http://geetinternational.com/GEET - Small Engine Conversion Plans[1].pdf

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      this is short of amazing


    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger wrote:
      Did you know?

      You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.

      Fleas have the distinction of killing more people than all the wars man has ever fought.

      The "Black Death" plague killed 1/4 of Europe's population in the 14th century,
      caused by germs transmitted from rodents to humans by fleas.

      Dr. Alice Chase, who wrote "Nutrition for Health"
      and numerous books on the science of proper eating, died of malnutrition.


      Paying a debt to nature

      Nesert / Sekhmet / Sefekh was always double-aspected, and not without "wit".

      She could spread pestilence as well as healing,
      and was the Goddess of the Warriors and the Healers, her symbol was the caduceus.

      The term "healing" appeared in both, the juridical and the medical, process.
      This maybe the reason why so many of the early semioticians were both,
      jurists, and physicians.

      Not based in belief, but in experience.


      "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      Identifying and Attracting Your Support Circle



      (Excerpt from a group session)


      In order for you to have a "powerful" lifetime
      where what you planned to accomplish
      is actually achieved to satisfaction,
      the Universe has developed what is termed a SUPPORT GROUP.

      This Support Group consists of Twelve Positions/Individuals
      playing specific Roles in your life,
      each specializing in a facet of your life
      in order to keep you in a Thirteenth Position
      labeled the POWER Position.

      This is because when your full Support Group
      is in your life and recognized,
      you become incredibly empowered.

      Even Universes are arranged in this system of cooperation.

      The Twelve Positions are labeled and organized into 4 groups of 3,
      taking care of four defined contexts of your life.

      Each of these sub-groups of three allows you to play a fourth position in each,
      creating a Quadrant (group of four) that is very powerful.

      Although there is a non-physical Support Group in a given lifetime
      ("spirit guides"),
      we are speaking today of those physically incarnated
      for the Personality's comfort and support,
      except where indicated.

      It is important here to note that over many lifetimes
      you build a Network of Support
      that extends in circles, or "strings", of strength.

      There are twelve Strings of Support.

      To say whether a person is 1st String or 6th String
      indicates how often
      BUT NOT HOW WELL that Essence plays that Position for you.

      A First String Position is the "strongest" because of time and depth
      of commitment to you,
      but those 11th and 12th Strings are just as effective,
      even if only short-term.

      This system of “strings” was cultivated
      to accommodate conflicting plans between Essences for a given lifetime.

      If the First String Position is not choosing to incarnate for that era,
      or are not planning physical contact,
      then a Second, or Third String, and so on, will always be available.

      If you find any of the Positions "missing", it is in an indication
      that you may simply be unaware of a source,
      or you are imposing that Position on an existing person in your life,
      "forcing" them to play roles
      they are not designed to, or are not willing to, play.

      (We will mention that you truly cannot "force" another to perform
      or behave in any way,
      it will always be his or her choice;
      we choose this word due to its impact and example,
      rather than its accuracy.)

      This imposition can cause great strain and stress
      on an individual coming into your life to play a specific role,
      and then finding they are trying to fulfill a handful of Positions.

      Identifying what a particular person's specialty is frees the relationship from unnecessary expectations and disappointments, creating permission to take full advantage of the gifts the individual CAN offer.

      Make mental notes along the way if you realize you have one person playing multiple Positions,
      and which Position may be the more natural intention.

      The first sub-group of three would be your INTIMATES.

      These are the most directly experienced of all Support Positions.


      Since these are the basic fundamental needs in any given lifetime,
      those who are not open to receive these players consciously are usually dreadfully alone.

      It is NEVER a case where there is no one to play these roles;
      it is always that you are, for whatever reasons, blocking the interaction.

      Despite your blocking the interaction, energy is still exchanged with these Positions,
      most likely unconsciously, but they are a part of you nonetheless.

      In fact, you would physically be incapable of life if these Positions were not in some way fulfilled.
      Isolation and loneliness are such profound delusions in this Universe,
      regardless of your insistence and indulgence in them,
      that to have truly experienced such a state would result in complete self-annihilation.

      There is ALWAYS Love, Knowledge, and Compassion available to any fragment aka soul at any time.

      LOVE: the person playing this position is someone who has unconditionally accepted
      everything about you and loves you completely.
      There is nothing you can do wrong in this person's eyes.
      There is ALWAYS someone, somewhere who loves you and can inspire you.

      The False Personality may not recognize it because of its own limitations,
      but, fortunately, that does not stop you from being loved.
      Acknowledging who is presently your LOVE POSITION can bring great peace.
      Sometimes it isn't who you want it to be, but, again, this is False Personality's perception, not the truth.

      If you choose to recognize that you are loved, and by whom, you may be more capable of attracting the Personality defined "love" relationship,
      which isn't always about being truly loved, but what is stimulating to Personality.

      KNOWLEDGE: this person is your best advisor.
      This person can have ideas bounced off of them and they will tell you with confidence
      what will work and what will not, or help you in coming to those conclusions yourself.
      It is this person you trust the most in your life as an information source.
      The Love Position can inspire you,
      but the KNOWLEDGE POSITION helps put things in perspective like no other Position,
      helping to narrow your choices to what is in your best interest.
      This can range from high-impact life decisions, to just asking the opinion on a new mate or job.
      Without the objective viewpoint of an external source, choices can be made more difficult than necessary.
      You can rest in the hands of this individual's direction.

      COMPASSION: this person is the one who cares enough about you to point out what you are doing wrong,
      or right, in light of your "higher plans", as they support you.

      You may refer to this as "brutal" compassion, since it is sometimes painful to the Personality to face the truth.

      This person can be counted on to tell you the truth about you in any situation.

      This Position is vitally important as it helps you to stay within parameters you might have set for a lifetime's accomplishments.

      You may become bogged down by addictions, depression, procrastination, despair, boredom, even delights,
      or other "distractions", and COMPASSION will be there to help you move through these.
      Not that a lifetime is wasted in any way, even if these "distractions" prevailed,
      since all experience is valid and useful, but COMPASSION can still be there with truth.
      This person will help push you to the limits of who you are this lifetime, since they see past your fears.
      In fact, they refuse to support fear in your life at all.

      As we said, these three Positions are your INTIMATES, since they affect your most immediate reality and,
      therefore, are most important to start with in recognizing.
      Acknowledging what role you play in another Support Group can be as liberating, and we suggest you keep this in mind as we progress.

      Next, we will cover the INSPIRATIONALS.

      These Positions are labeled MENTOR, BEAUTY, and CHILD.

      The theme here is to remind you of the larger perspective of your life.
      They are not necessarily in your life intimately or even personally,
      but they are available at your disposal when the need arises.

      MENTOR: is the person who models most closely the role you want to play in your life.
      They are your teacher.

      This is someone who is accessible to you in some form for guidance in "how they did it" (or "do it").
      The MENTOR provides a framework of plan for the general work you intend to do in life at a given time.

      BEAUTY: is the person who innocently points out the good in life, the beauty in you and your life,
      and generally embodies, themselves, what is beautiful to you.
      This person can take you back out of despair and help you connect with the loveliness of your life's unfolding.
      They help you connect with the loving field that creates the Physical Plane in the first place.
      They remind you of what is perfect in life.

      CHILD: is slightly self-explanatory, for this is the individual you, yourself, provide nurturing for.
      Often it is literally a child, but is by no means limited to that form.
      It is someone who depends on you for care.
      This gives you the experience of your own capabilities to provide and,
      therefore, reminds you of your strengths, however begrudgingly.
      Many people choose Companion Animals for this Position,
      and while this is quite effective, it is a bit more "to the point" when of the same species.
      Many people, when feeling lack of purpose or importance, turn to this Position for rekindling.
      This works, if all other factors are considered, but often False Personality
      then imposes several other Positions on the "child"/animal companion to fill a void.
      Then the gift is rarely truly gained. This turns the CHILD into a source of resentment,
      which is not GOOD WORK.
      This Position is usually easy to spot since it "cries out" for attention particularly from you.

      That completes the INSPIRATIONALS.

      The next triad of Support can be called your CLASSMATES,
      meaning those who help you through your Physical Plane Lessons you've chosen for the lifetime.
      In order to undertake your chosen challenges, you will need HUMOR, ANCHOR, and DISCIPLINE.

      (Notice, as we progress through the Positions, the less intimate and personal they become,
      yet, we assure you, they are just as crucial.)

      It may be obvious why HUMOUR is vital: someone has to cheer you up and make you laugh
      when the "going gets tough", reminding you NOT to take things so seriously.
      A celebrity comedian sometimes plays this for a mass of people.
      Acknowledging the affects of this person in your life carries with it a cleansing,
      putting your energy back in perspective.

      Your ANCHOR reminds you that, "through it all", you have a place to go at ANY time for rejuvenation,
      relaxation, and nurturing. This person has probably been in the same residence all of your life,
      or you, at least, know where they are at all times, and how to be with them, regardless of distance and time.
      This individual would never turn you away if you were in need of shelter, clothes, food, etc.
      This person reminds you of the stability existing in the midst of life; an "oasis" or retreat.
      Parents play this role a lot, but it can be played, of course, by anyone offering consistency on the Physical Plane;
      time and space is never a challenging factor in your relationship.

      DISCIPLINE is defined as the person who heightens the awareness of your decision making process.
      They are not someone who is riding you, forcing you to fulfill plans,
      they simply help create scenarios that bring your awareness to the impact of your decisions.
      Although Knowledge helps define the parameters of your potential decisions with feedback and advice,
      DISCIPLINE helps you see the end results, often far-reaching.
      A sometimes-frustrating relationship, since this person will remind you of your intended track,
      they are nevertheless helping you focus through your procrastination and distractions.
      While Compassion will be truthful through this, and Knowledge can help shape plans,
      DISCIPLINE actually shows you the road and keeps you "awake".
      We feel this helps differentiate the affect of DISCIPLINE from others,
      as it is sometimes hard to spot, or intensely ignored.

      That ends the CLASSMATES definitions.

      Finally, you have your SPIRIT GUIDES.
      We do not mean this term in the typical definition, but rather in the respect of their impact
      on more Spiritual (or abstract) Lessons as opposed to your day-to-day Material Lessons, as you will see.
      These Positions tend to hold more clues to themes that carry over several lifetimes.
      These Positions are especially free to be played by anything, or anyone, physical or non-physical,
      incarnated or not, who exemplify and express the inherent quality.

      First, we will cover the HEALER Position.

      This Position takes care of repairing, mending, or processing the deeper effects of experience.
      Whether Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, or Spiritual
      you will always have available a HEALER for your "pains" and "ailments", or "dis-eases".
      This could be an actual Doctor, or spiritual leader,
      but may also be played by personal, non-physical guides who help you assimilate life.
      The Dream State is where many of you access your HEALER.

      ENLIGHTENMENT: this is a teaching, or teacher, person, or organization that gives structure to your current belief system, or perspective.

      This Position provides you with a framework with which to take in life.
      We, the Michael Entity, play this role for many of you, our Students, but it can be played by anything
      that helps you understand, comprehend, and act in the context of the "big picture" of your life.
      This is where you get a sense of having a "path".

      And, finally, we will cover the MUSE Position.

      This Position is the pure aspiration with which you measure your life against and strive to attain personally.

      The MUSE is the least tangible and namable, although you can usually hint at it in certain phrases,
      such as "Freedom", or "Unconditional Love"; more specifically in "Sexual Freedom",
      or "Unconditional Love of my family".

      Certain people, historically, become a MUSE for masses of people, such as Christ, or Buddha;
      even musical/theatrical entertainers, or political figures, like Madonna and James Dean,
      John F. Kennedy and Princess Di.

      Knowing and acknowledging who personifies your MUSE and being able to identify the quality
      to some extent constructs a sort of "light" ahead.

      The MUSE gives the greatest clues as to why you came to be incarnated in the first place.

      Be as clear as possible in your definition of the MUSE and refrain from confusing the source of the MUSE
      with the Muse itself.

      For instance, our Philosophy may be a MUSE, but we, the entity, act as Enlightenment,
      a vehicle for your MUSE. Another: Madonna's music may be entertaining, but her Personality,
      itself, acts as MUSE for most.

      One more: For some, Seth's Teachings act as Enlightenment, but Jane Roberts acts as the actual MUSE.

      You may have many MUSE to help tend to the different areas of your life,
      though this may be true of any of the Positions.

      Now: Evaluate the people in your lives and what role they play, assigning them,
      as accurately as you can intuit, what String they may be.

      Evaluate what Position you may be most inclined to play on a wider scale,
      and then what role you play in other's lives individually.

      Determine whether you have been playing a Position you are good at or if it has been imposed on you, and vice versa.

      If you find vacant areas in your Support Group,
      recall that you can ALWAYS find someone to fill the Position,
      even if they are not from any of your Strings.

      If you find resistance to a particular Position, start making an agreement upon rising from sleep
      that you are open to examples, so you can "ease" that Position into your life

      . Many resist the Discipline Position in daily life, for example,
      but can still find the experience of that Position's influence at any time.

      An elderly lady in front of you at the check out counting endless pennies and coupons
      can heighten your sense of decision making by forcing you to either surrender to the situation in peace,
      find another check out, or explode with anger.

      Regardless, the impact of your choice will be immediately apparent, thus, Discipline has been experienced.

      Many find it difficult to see their Beauty, so they can decide to allow "glimpses"
      of what it's like by actually listening to that simple compliment from a stranger,
      or acknowledging the sunset you helped create today.

      Rather than being distracted by what a person isn't giving, now you may be able to identify
      the gift that's been there all along.

      Comparing perceptions can also reveal a role you never knew you played for a person so well,
      or didn't suspect was expected of you.

      Rather than wander through life thinking these basic elements of Support are missing,
      ease them in gently, by paying attention to your day.

      The Support has always been there and always will.

      QUESTION: "Can gemstones act as HEALER, because I feel very healed by stones?"

      MICHAEL: Yes, but understand that gemstones are actually a conduit for the Healing source, NOT the Healer Position itself.

      QUESTION: "Are there times when you are naturally more open to your Support Group than at other times?"

      MICHAEL: Yes, of course, since some lifetimes are designed to "go it alone", so to speak.

      It may appear, at those times, a most isolating experience,
      but, since that lifetime would naturally be predisposed to isolation,
      contact may not even be missed.

      Besides, as we said before, but, here will reiterate, even in the most severely isolated experiences,
      it is merely illusion.

      Again, you are always surrounded by Support.

      We will also add that as Soul Age progresses, especially during the Older Soul Ages,
      there can tend to be a kind of "codginess" indulged in that seems to say,
      "I've been through so much over so long a time, I don't need anything I can't do for myself!"

      Old Souls are the most likely to get this bout of prejudice.

      Observe any room of Old Souls and regardless of their understanding and casual compassion,
      there is sometimes a secret labeling of each other as "lunatics".

      So, Old souls can get "set in their ways" and choose to ignore some Support.

      Another delusion of the Personality is that since you are such an OLD SOUL,
      you must express your strength and Spirituality through "individuality".

      In light of all offers for support, you must figuratively turn your head and say, "NO, I CAN HANDLE IT...".

      We do not see who benefits from this act and merely perpetuates your conditions.

      There is NO ONE to judge you, besides you.

      there is no other judge.

      We cannot stress this enough.

      Therefore, making life "easier" would only make sense,
      of course, if this is your choice.

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      [​IMG] Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger on Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:31 am
      giovonni wrote:
      Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The eXchanger wrote:"love is...the end result" - susan lynne schwenger

      Thanks Susan for this [​IMG]

      We ~ who are here now
      ~ can truly gain from these reflective and insightful sentiments
      coming from others life regrets...
      if only
      ~ in always remembering your above statement...
      and may i just add the rest here ~ to this beautiful statement...


      "i would like to thank a friend for this Fable,

      it is one that I love, I feel this story may help people to see that which they need to see.

      Thank you Wind.

      I have changed it slightly from the original story that was told to me by Wind,

      though Wind knows me well, and anyone who knows me, knows I have to add just that little bit more,

      I see just that little bit more that needs to be said or expressed.

      So here you have the fable told to me by the wind.

      This is a fable....
      Anger, Joy, Sadness, Frustration, Despair and more…

      they need to listen to Love......

      and Time comes to love as a stranger...

      and your emotions will lead you to your destiny.

      There was an enchanted island and on that island there lived a tribe of feelings.

      These Feelings had a leader called Wisdom…

      and he read a sign from the Gods, that the island was going to sink beneath the waves…

      so he commanded that everyone make a boat to save themselves.

      So everybody made their own boats…except Love…she wanted to stay with the island until its final moments.

      Frustration and Despair, said they would stay with her, we will help her,

      they both said as they stood next to her, doing nothing, but looking at the waves.

      The water began to rise up to her knees…and she saw Anger coming on a warship, she called out to him…

      “Anger…I have no boat of my own…

      can I get on your ship? And Anger scowled at her and said…

      “go away, you waste of time, you not have been so lazy, you should have built your own boat

      , the same as the rest of us, so go forget you and I hope you die!” and Anger just left her there to die.

      Next she saw Joy coming on a yacht…

      Joy was having so much fun, partying loud and hard, that he didn’t hear Love calling out to him…

      and so he passed her by.

      Next she saw Sadness coming on a junk…

      and she cried out to him (the water was up to her neck now) “Sadness please help me, I have no boat, let me get on your junk”…

      but sadness said “I just want to be alone right now”…

      So the water rose up and the tide came in and Love began to drown…

      Suddenly, there came a stranger on a raft and he reached down to her and pulled her out of the water,

      when he did, the raft began to fly…as the raft began to fly, Love spotted that he had not reached out to take Frustration and Despair with him.

      They both shouted, take us with you! The stranger looked at both of them and told them to answer a question.

      He asked them…

      “What do you have to offer us where we are going?

      What good will you do all of us if I take you on board?,
      they both looked at each other,
      and saw that they had been of no help to Love,
      with one last look at each other,
      Frustration and Despair disappeared under the waves,

      and so the stranger took Love with others, to a new island they called Destiny…

      But love wondered who it was that saved her and brought her there, so she asked wisdom

      And wisdom said that it was Time…

      And loved asked how he knew that …

      Wisdom said… “Because only Time remembers how important love truly is.”

      Posted by Susan Lynne Schwenger


      Hope you don't mind me re-posting this here...
      Blessing Love Always ~ Gio

      thanks gio - YES, this is a good post - and, also a good read
      (always feel free to share)
    • BUT, please just provide links back - so; proper people get credit for good work done

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ4a_Gu49SA&feature=player_embedded

      scientist photographed soul leaving the body in death 2nd part

      actual photos of the human soul Or part of it

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger aka The 13Th Bridge - Posted Sep 23rd 2012


      Reptilians in the Matrix

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WChXnioG0g&list=UUjsIl9TOgkE4AYaCHKM940A&index=19&feature=plcp


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      please be sure to check out this thread on this site: http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t1140-extraordinary-people

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      very interesting story-couple married approx 70+ years
      die approx 1 hour apart - holding hands


    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      top 10
      bizarre death related facts


    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012


      17 facts about death and dying

      quite interesting

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHJVRdOrOHQ&feature=share

      Myth and Reality - Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse Myths pt.6

      Metaphors for dying

      My own near death experience serves to illustrate how I understand mythological lore such as the Siren´s Call,
      the Embrace of Death and the Old Norse fylgjur (personal fate goddesses or guardian angels)

      .All to anwer the question: If male goddess worshippers got to make love to the Goddess in death, what did women get?

      Thre three mythical aspects to my story:
      1. Huldresang, "Song of the Huldra" is like a Siren´s Call heard in the wilderness rather than in the ocean.
      Huldra is the queen of the forest spirits (huldrefolk) in Norwegian folklore. She calls people to serve her in her underworld mound
      . The story I had to leave out for the sake of time-limits on Youtube is this:

      I once watched a man walking towards certain death as if hypnotized.
      People were shouting and screaming at him to make him stop, but he paid no attention.
      I took up my binoculars and watched his face and recognized his emotion as similar to my own when I felt "the call".
      I watched the man die. I talked to a friend who was a native there (Zapotec, it happened in Mexico),
      and she told me that she believed, as everybody there did, that there was a monster living there that sometimes "called" people to their deaths.
      2. Death experienced as being loved, see my previous video in this series
      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFFe_A-QxEc

      3. The Fylgja (pl.fylgjur) is a Norse feminine noun meaning "follower".

      A human being would have a woman fylgja and an animal fylgja that followed him or her through life.
      The followers, both the animal and the woman follower were aspects of that human´s own soul,
      but the woman follower would also be a goddess in her own right, a norn (fate goddess)
      and an aspect of the oldest norn Urdr, (Origin).

      These individual fate godesses ascended from the Well of Origin and appeared at the moment of birth,
      spinning the fate of the individual thoughout his or her life. These fate goddesses were either descended from the dwarf Dvalinn
      (Coma, Sleep, Hibernation) and would be spinning away unconsciously
      , the individual experiencing little control or consciousness about his own fate.

      Other fate goddesses were descended from the gods and would be powerful, or from the elves
      and would be soulful and immortal, the fate of the individual varied accordingly.

      Most people had a sleeping fate, but the fate (follower) could be awakened by those who dared to reach her in the Underworld.
      Other mythologies have similar creatures that guide and steer the individual, they may be called guardian angels and so forth.

      Response to the comment on this website:http://mardallar.wordpress.com/2010/08/15/the-embrace-of-death/#comments

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 23rd 2012

      An Overview of the Michael System


      Long ago you faced a dilemma. You were about to start a grand journey, a new cycle of lifetimes in a human body. In your cycle you would sign on for approximately 10,000 years, or 50-200 lifetimes, in order to learn about the physical plane and about sentience.

      You were told that in order to become sentient you needed to be one of seven personality types, or "Roles": Server, Priest, Artisan, Sage, Warrior, King, or Scholar. Your Role, to be chosen by you, would be your underlying personality type through all of your lifetimes in the cycle.

      You knew this was a big decision, one you'd have to live with for a long time. Should you be a kind, loving Server? An inspired Priest? A creative Artisan? A fun-loving Sage? What about a brave Warrior, masterful King, or intelligent Scholar?

      To make things easier for you, the universal life force or Tao created a system of personality traits called overleaves, to be worn like a cloak over your true Role. You would stay the same Role through each of your lifetimes in the cycle, but every lifetime you would change your overleaves for variety. Overleaves would give you a chance to experiment with the energy of all the other Roles, modify your life experience as needed, and enable you to be complex and sophisticated.

      When you began your first lifetime as whatever Role you wanted to be. You chose a Goal for that lifetime: Re-evaluation, Growth, Discrimination, Acceptance, Submission, Dominance, or Relaxation.

      You also chose a Mode: Repression, Passion, Caution, Power, Perseverance, Aggression, or Observation.

      And an Attitude: Stoic, Spiritualist, Skeptic, Idealist, Cynic, Realist, or Pragmatist.

      You chose one or two Chief Features: Arrogance, Self-Deprecation, Self-Destruction, Greed, Martyrdom, Impatience, or Stubbornness;

      and a Centering: Emotional, Higher Emotional, Intellectual, Higher Intellectual, Moving, Higher Moving, or Instinctive; like a Chinese dinner. Once you completed that first lifetime and learned all you could about that set of overleaves, you went on to another lifetime with another set. Staying your same Role, you chose a new Goal, Mode, Attitude, Chief Feature and Centering.

      Most people choose a partner with whom to share their entire cycle, called an "Essence Twin." Your Essence Twin is one other person who goes through lifetimes just like you do, with varying overleaves, all the while staying their same Role: Server, Priest, Artisan, Sage, Warrior, King, or Scholar. Your Essence Twin is the one person who always "gets" to you, each lifetime, and the person with whom you will develop the most karmas.

      As you progress through your cycle, with more and more lifetimes of experience, you make your way through what are called "Soul Ages": Infant, Baby, Young, Mature, and Old. Eventually you complete your cycle at the end of the Old Soul phase, and unite once again with All That Is, The Tao.

      Each and every person you know is one Role or another, one Soul Age or another, with a chosen Goal, Mode, Attitude, Chief Feature, and Centering for the lifetime.

      For instance, let's pretend your Role is Server. Your Essence Twin happens to be a Scholar. You might be a successful nurse practitioner, an enjoyable, inspiring profession for you. You like serving people by healing their illnesses. Your ability to handle the details of medical treatments comes from the bleedthrough of your Scholar ET's energy, whether or not your ET is in your life. Perhaps this lifetime you have chosen Goal of Discrimination to help you learn discernment, giving you a knack for diagnosis of illness and skill with treatment recommendations. You might have chosen the Mode of Observation which gives you the ability to survey patients quietly, looking for flickers of symptoms otherwise easily missed. In addition, you chose the Attitude of Pragmatist, providing you with a good sense of efficiency on your busy hospital ward. Your Chief Feature or trap might be Greed fixated on snacks from the cafeteria, something of a professional embarrassment as you are supposed to be a role model for a healthy lifestyle. These "overleaves" or layers upon your Server Role give you the personality traits you need to fulfill your life task, that of working within the medical system to heal people.

      But you haven't always had those overleaves. Last lifetime you may have wanted to travel a lot, socialize, be silly, believe in the goodness of the universe, and work on self-karmas. You were still a Server with a Scholar Essence Twin, as you will always be. But you might have chosen Goal of Growth, with Passion Mode, Attitude of Spiritualist, and Chief Feature or trap of Self-Deprecation.

      Next lifetime you might want to go into politics. You may choose Goal of Dominance, with Power Mode, Attitude of Realist, and Chief Feature or trap of Stubbornness. These strong, rather masculine overleaves will support you through the buffeting you're likely to get as a public figure.

      In sum, you are the same Role in each of your lifetimes within a 50-200 lifetime cycle. Each lifetime you grow in Soul Level and Soul Age, choosing a new arrangement of Goal, Mode, Attitude, Chief Feature and Centering.

      Let's start with a description of the seven Soul Ages.

      Soul age

      As you progress through your cycle, you naturally grow in experience. Your world view changes according to a systematic plan, which corresponds to your Soul Age. Soul Age is usually determined by the number of lifetimes you've had, start to finish, however some people are speedier learners than others, and can become Old Souls with fewer lifetimes than the norm. Here are the seven Soul Ages and their attributes:

      Infant: Raw, simple, wild and unmanageable, instinctive, animal-like in some cases, frightened look in eyes, limited frame of reference due to small number of lifetimes. Simple people in tribal cultures, survivalists in the woods, psychopaths, mass murderers. Not too many Infant Souls become famous, but here are a few: Richard Allen Davis (killer of Polly Klaas), David Carpenter (serial rapist/killer), Richard Ramirez (The Hillside Strangler), Larry Singleton (rapist/killer).

      Baby: The phase where people learn to live with people. Can be loving, yet simplistic in thinking; see things in black and white terms, Good versus Evil; like the security of church or political party membership; like to live in small, insular towns without a whole lot going on. Rules make life seem easy to understand. Love big families. Religious churchgoers, God-fearers, evangelists, PTA and NRA members. Examples: Jerry Falwell, Adolph Hitler, Jesse James, Rush Limbaugh, Timothy McVeigh, Mike Tyson, Brigham Young.

      Young: Sophisticated, worldly-wise, like to be rich and famous, to collect things. A karma-building level. Not too deep, love power, worship youth, don't like to look old. Examples: Cher, Sheryl Crow, Rebecca DeMornay, Kirsten Dunst, Newt Gingrich, John Grisham, Nicole Kidman, Ralph Lauren, Bob Packwood, Claudia Schiffer, OJ Simpson, Nicole Brown Simpson, Sharon Stone, Donald Trump.

      Mature: Interested in deep relationships and philosophy, thrive on emotional intensity, learning about their impact on the world, striving for ecological and social balance. Examples: Murray Abraham, Isabel Allende, Maya Angelou, Michael Bolton, Kevin Costner, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Bob Dylan, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Bill Moyers, Sinead O'Connor, Martin Sheen, Gary Trudeau, Robert James Waller, James Woods.

      Old: Retired, relaxed-looking, puttering around, usually happy, not getting excited about too much, unambitious, learning to teach and love, finishing off karmas. Examples: Werner Erhard, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Robert Bly, George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg, James Earl Jones, Dalai Lama, Gary Larson, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Murray, Jack Palance, Ram Dass, Bernie Siegel, Patrick Stewart, Jessica Tandy, Mother Teresa, Alice Walker, Marianne Williamson, Frank Zappa.

      Transcendental: Bodhisattvas, religious leaders, prophets who predict coming of Infinite Souls, represent their cycled-off entity. Meher Baba, Mahatma Gandhi, Pope John XXIII, John the Baptist, Hazrat Khan, Mother Meera, Ammachi, Mohammed, Socrates, St. Francis of Assisi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Zarathustra.

      Infinite: Manifestation of the Tao incarnate, comes about every 2,000 years, can have the flavor of any of the higher planes. Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, Krishna, Lao Tsu, Ra the Egyptian Sun God, the Hindu God Rama. Mother Meera of Germany, currently alive, is looking at signing on for Infinite Soul manifestation.

      Soul level

      Within each Soul Age are seven levels of awareness and lessons. As with any cycle you start out as a beginner, go through the intermediate stages, and end up a pro. Generally you are most comfortable with people who fall within seven Soul Levels younger or older than you are. For instance, if you are 1st level Old, you'll feel comfortable with most Mature Souls and most Old Souls. If you are 3rd level Mature, you'll feel most comfortable around 3rd to 7th level Young Souls, and 1st to 3rd level Old Souls. You may find it difficult but not impossible to relate to Baby Souls or late level Old Souls. Here are the seven Soul Levels within each Soul Age:

      1st: The Ingenue level. You're just beginning your experience at the new Soul Age, and have a delightful innocence about you. You will tend to make friends with people who are older than you within your Soul Age. Examples: Prince Andrew, Sonny Bono, Tammy Fae Bakker, Rodney Dangerfield, Joe Montana, Hugh Grant, Eric Clapton, Macaulay Culkin.

      2nd: The Explorer. At this level you feel more grounded in the new consciousness, and send yourself out in the world. Here you work most strongly on your self-karmas, testing your personal habit patterns and working on your self-discipline. Examples: Jerry Garcia, Barbara Marx-Hubbard, Jay Leno, Mary Kay Ash, James Taylor.

      3rd: The Renunciate. You're solidly into your Soul Age now, and take some time to pull back from your outer growth. You might prefer to live a quiet life where your thoughts can remain undisturbed. Examples: Alice Walker, Greta Garbo, J.D. Salinger, Stephen Hawking, Walt Whitman.

      4th: Full Steam Ahead. You've done your contemplation for a lifetime or two, and now you're rarin' to go. You thrust yourself into outer activity, probably to change the world according to your vision. Examples: Deepak Chopra, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joseph Campbell, Mario Cuomo, Jane Fonda, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Jefferson.

      5th: The Hippie. Your last lifetime was rather suit & tie, working within the system to change it. Now you rebel against authority, and make your own (eccentric) rules. Examples: Bob Goldthwait, Tom Waites, Jimi Hendrix, Wolfman Jack, Pablo Picasso, Truman Capote, Geena Davis, Willem Dafoe.

      6th: The Martyr. An incredibly intense level; you'll want to take more than one lifetime to get through it all. In the Infant, Baby and Young Soul Ages you create more karma at this level than any other. In the Mature and Old Soul Ages you pay off more karma. Examples: Martin Luther King, Marcia Clark, Werner Erhard, Adolph Hitler, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, Mother Teresa, Michael Jackson, The Elephant Man, Elizabeth Taylor.

      7th: Resting Assured. This level is a plateau, a relaxing point after the 6th level storm and before the growth to the 1st level of the next Soul Age. Here you feel self-assured, having mastered most of the lessons of the Soul Age you just completed. You'll probably act as teacher for people still working through the lessons of the Soul Age you're leaving behind. Examples: Lynn Andrews, Meher Baba, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Bob Hope, Ram Dass, Ruth Westheimer, Thich Nhat Hanh, Boutros Boutros-Ghali.


      The Role is the main personality archetype we choose for the entire cycle. We remain our same Role through each lifetime, giving us a basis of experience on which to draw. Our Role sets the theme for the cycle, and indicates something our inner essence wants to learn about. Here are the seven Roles:

      Server: Sweet, service-oriented, soft and luminous, dedicated, loving, heals suffering. Like to be nurses, veterinarians, social workers, office workers, moms and dads. Some celebrity examples: Ingrid Bergman, Phil Donahue, Laura Dern, Mia Farrow, Dalai Lama, Robert MacNeil, Kelly McGillis, Eleanor Roosevelt, Chelsea Clinton, Albert Schweitzer, Queen Victoria.

      Priest: Inspired, visionary, zealous, instigates global or mass healing, leads congregation. Political or religious spokesperson, troubleshooter, preacher, holy man/woman, spiritual teacher, founder of nonprofit organization, wants to save the world. Examples: St. Francis, Joan Baez, Adolph Hitler, Joan of Arc, Timothy Leary, Rasputin, Nancy Reagan, Martin Sheen, Lily Tomlin, Malcolm X, Frank Zappa.

      Artisan: Delicate, airy, vulnerable, unearthly, dreamy, highly creative, artistic, musical, fluid and flexible. Actors, dancers, fine artists, fashion models, carpenters, construction people, architects, musicians, poets. Examples: Nicholas Cage, Kurt Cobain, Macaulay Culkin, Leonardo DaVinci, Johnny Depp, Albert Einstein, Dennis Hopper, Whitney Houston, Kato Kaelin, Mozart, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Christopher Reeve, Jennifer Tilly, Marisa Tomei, Andy Warhol.

      Sage: Funny, jokester, lifts everyone's spirits, likes to make play out of work, lightens up the crowd. Flamboyant actor or actress, delightful ham, salesperson, politician, TV announcer (especially sports and weather), comedian. In negative expression, buffoon. Examples: Dan Aykroyd, Lucille Ball, Sandra Bernhard, Mel Brooks, Brett Butler, Bill Clinton, Tim Curry, Rodney Dangerfield, Danny DeVito, Fran Drescher, Placido Domingo, Whoopi Goldberg, John Goodman, Mick Jagger, Jay Leno, Groucho Marx, Bette Midler, Jack Nicholson, Vincent Price, Mark Twain, Jesse Ventura.

      Warrior: Solid, brave, has valor and strength, good protector of the kingdom. Lawyers, police officers, military personnel, prison guards, run shelters for battered women/children and the homeless, mountain climbers, athletes, professional boxers. Examples: Tom Brokaw, Barbara Bush, Diane Delano, Richard Gere, Norman Mailer, Demi Moore, Martina Navratilova, Janet Reno, Nicole Brown Simpson, Oliver Stone, Mike Tyson, John Wayne.

      King: Natural leader, masterful, regal, solid. Head of country, CEO of corporation, entrepreneur, football coach. Examples: Sean Connery, Mario Cuomo, Queen Elizabeth I, William Randolph Hearst, Madonna, Aristotle Onassis, Ross Perot, Bill Walsh, Orson Wells, Madeleine Albright.

      Scholar: Neutral, research-oriented, collects and sorts information for everyone, likes to study systems whether philosophical or scientific. Astrologers, doctors, scientists of all types, academicians, writers, university professors, legal counsels, mapmakers. Examples: Ken Burns, Carlos Castaneda, Michael Crichton, Galileo, Pee Wee Herman, Lance Ito, John Lennon, Bill Moyers, Faith Popcorn, George Washington, Kenneth Starr.

      Essence twin

      Your essence twin is someone who was cast out from the Tao the very same time you were. You follow each other around lifetime after lifetime searching for each other, obsessed with each other, and sometimes trying to get away from each other. You and your Essence Twin mirror each other like no one else. The intensity you feel and the focusing you do on your Essence Twin causes you to channel his or her energy as a secondary Role expression.

      For instance, if you are a Scholar with a Warrior Essence Twin, you will do the things Scholars usually do (research, compile lists) but will likely use it in a competitive situation, such as a business. If you are a Warrior with a Scholar Essence Twin, you might be a police officer with a penchant for collecting unusual boxes. If you are an Artisan with a King Essence Twin, your career as a rock musician will be successful, since you channel the mastery of your Essence Twin's Role, the King.

      Here are some examples of famous people with their Essence Twins. Note the similarity of "feel," as if it's one person sharing two bodies. As well, see how the flavor of the Role bleeds through to the other Essence Twin: Warrior Ferdinand & Priest Imelda Marcos, Sage Hugh & Warrior Christie Hefner, Artisan Jean-Paul Sartre and Warrior Simone de Beauvoir, King Madonna & Artisan Sean Penn, Sage Mikhail & King Raisa Gorbachev, Sage Richard Burton and Artisan Elizabeth Taylor, Warrior Sam Shepard & Artisan Jessica Lange, Artisan Sylvester Stallone & Warrior Brigitte Nielson, King Jesus & Priest John the Baptist.


      Each lifetime you choose one of seven Goals, themes for the lifetime to focus on. For instance, you might need to learn about leadership, so you choose Dominance. The following lifetime you need to learn how to follow orders, so you choose Submission. Then, wanting to get out and explore the universe, you choose Growth. You can choose any Goal you want, but you will have every Goal at least twice during your cycle of 50-200 lifetimes. Here are the Goals and their attributes:

      Re-evaluation: Likes simplicity, one or two issues for the lifetime, likes to stay in one place. Examples: Albert Einstein, Buddha, Marlin Fitzwater, James Joyce, Edgar Allan Poe, George Shultz, Stephen Hawking.

      Growth: Likes complexity. Typically, 3-6 careers for the lifetime, many relationships, moves a lot. Examples: Tom Hanks, Shirley MacLaine, Steven Spielberg, Dana Carvey, Jerry Brown, Tipper Gore, Tom Hanks, Kevin Kline, Susan Sarandon, Jerry Seinfeld.

      Discrimination: Sophisticated, likes to reject what comes to them, meticulous, analytical, refined sense of taste. Examples: David Byrne, Julia Child, Bob Dylan, Peter Jennings, Jason Alexander, Adam Arkin, Mr. Blackwell, George Bush, Roger Ebert, Ralph Fiennes, Larry King, Miss Manners, Rob Morrow, Gene Siskel.

      Acceptance: Open to things that come to them. Want to love everyone and have everyone love them. Examples: Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Linda Evans, Bill Clinton, Christie Brinkley, Sandra Bullock, Bobby McFerrin, Diane Sawyer.

      Dominance: In positive pole, likes win/ win situations. Developing leadership abilities in the lifetime. Examples: Lee Iacocca, Mike Tyson, Fidel Castro, Newt Gingrich, Maya Angelou, Hillary Clinton, Jodie Foster.

      Submission: Likes to devote self to a cause, family, or group. Examples: Jane Fonda, Dian Fossey, Princess Diana, Mr. Rogers, Oliver North, John Bradshaw, Tom Cruise, Robert Dole, Jaime Escalante, Mia Farrow, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Ralph Nader, Pat Nixon, Tim Robbins.

      Relaxation: Vacation lifetime. Things come easy usually, not a whole lot of struggle. Bottom line: Taking the path of least resistance. Examples: Ringo Starr, George Hamilton, Sheryl Crow,Antonio Banderas, David Crosby, Bhagwan Rajneesh, Louis Rukuyser, Claudia Schiffer, Christian Slater, Dweezil Zappa.


      You choose one of seven Modes each lifetime, which are ways you express your body:

      Repression: Elegant, refined, sophisticated, delicate, self-controlled, look great in a tuxedo or formal wear. Ballet dancers, neurosurgeons, fashion models, ladies and gentlemen. Examples: Lloyd Bentsen, Candice Bergen, Pierce Brosnan, Prince Charles, Princess Diana, David Duchovny, Ralph Fiennes, Joanna Lumley, Priscilla Presley.

      Passion: Bubbly, full of life, vital, enthusiastic, animated. Comedians, stage actors, musicians, bon vivants. Examples: Leonard Bernstein, Sonia Braga, Nicholas Cage, Kathie Lee Gifford, Mick Jagger, Dolly Parton, Sarah Jessica Parker, Dick Van Lesbian, Debra Winger, Weird Al Yankovic.

      Caution: Sensitive, deliberate, careful, cautious, shy, can't be rushed. Cops, librarians, IRS auditors. Examples: Bob Dole,Winston Churchill, R. Crumb, Dan Rather, Suzanne Vega, Vanna White, Humphrey Bogart.

      Power: Generates nuclear power, takes charge, likes control, has intensity and power, charismatic. Organization CEOs, leaders of countries, movers and shakers. Examples: Marlon Brando, Willie Brown, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, L. Ron Hubbard, Raul Julia, Ross Perot, Colin Powell, Rod Serling, Rod Steiger.

      Perseverance: Never gives up, sees project through to completion, digs teeth in, holds on. Researchers, social workers, inventors. Examples: Kevin Costner, Katie Couric, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Elizabeth Dole, Carrie Fisher, John Glenn, Mahatma Gandhi, John Grisham, Pope John Paul II, Jack Kevorkian, Nelson Mandela, Ralph Nader, Martina Navratilova, Jack Palance.

      Aggression: Hard-driving, breaks through barriers, dynamic, likes competition, volcanic, enjoy a good battle. Martial arts experts, military personnel, boxers, lawyers, politicians, large machine operators, athletes. Examples: Tom Arnold, Tim Curry, Willem Dafoe, Judy Davis, Michael Douglas, Bob Hoskins, Michael Keaton, Harvey Keitel, Tommy Lee Jones, Ray Liotta, Axl Rose, Nicole Brown Simpson, Richard Simmons, Tina Turner, Bruce Willis.

      Observation: Look somewhat distanced, neutral, observing the room from an unobtrusive place, look Scholarly. Can slide to the other Modes. Computer programmers, book editors, writers, cultural commentators. Examples: Tim Allen, Larry King, Liam Neeson, Gillian Anderson, Brian Boitano, Eric Clapton, Michael Crichton, Robert Downey, Jr., Robert Fulghum, Bridget Fonda, Jerry Seinfeld.


      Your Attitude is your most basic problem-solving style. It's how you go about handling information, and is your normal mindset. Because it is based on the mind, the Attitude is the one overleaf you can change, perhaps using the other six Attitudes as you go through your day. Here are the seven Attitudes, with their attributes:

      Stoic: Keep emotions inside, handle crises silently and bravely, facial expression doesn't change a lot (can be an asset in wartime or in business). Confidence men or women, diplomats, prisoners of war, soldiers, doctors, First Ladies of countries, poker players. Examples: Marlon Brando, Buddha, Rebecca de Mornay, Clint Eastwood, Al Gore, Alfred Hitchcock, Abraham Lincoln, John Lennon, Colin Powell, Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson, OJ Simpson, Jimmy Smits, Charlie Watts, George Washington.

      Spiritualist: See tragedies as opportunities, soft and watery eyes, dreamily optimistic, seeing God in everything and everyone. Ministers, healers, drug addicts, followers of leaders, holy men and women, artists, musicians. Examples: Lisa Bonet, Nicholas Cage, Geena Davis, Gerard Depardieu, Mahatma Gandhi, Whitney Houston, Magic Johnson, Andie MacDowell, Bob Marley, Julia Ormond, Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson.

      Skeptic: Check things out before believing in them, ask penetrating questions, hard to convince of something. Auditors, critics, debunkers, journalists, lawyers. Examples: Danny Aiello, Jason Alexander, Connie Chung, Marcia Clark, Glenn Close, Katie Couric, Robert Duvall, Roger Ebert, Sigmund Freud, Peter Jennings, Jim Lehrer, Rob Morrow, William Shakespeare, Mike Wallace.

      Idealist: Like to really believe in something (sometimes without checking out the details first), have strong sense of fairness and equality, like to get involved in schemes, start nonprofit organizations around a favorite ideal. Salespeople, TV commercial actors, spokespersons, theory people. Examples: Sonny Bono, Bill Clinton, John Denver, Phil Donahue, Jane Fonda, Holly Hunter, Thomas Jefferson, Diane Keaton, Jack LaLanne, Timothy Leary, Harvey Milk, Sinead O'Connor, Robin Williams.

      Cynic: Acerbic wit, sophisticated sense of contradiction, personally disappointed by whatever is wrong with the world; tendency to see negatively. If sense of humor, can be great comedians. Examples: Sandra Bernhard, Boy George, James Carville, R. Crumb, Willem Dafoe, Bob Dylan, Bob Goldthwaite, Harvey Keitel, Sylvia Miles, Jim Morrison, River Phoenix, Stephen Rea, Lou Reed, Keith Richards, Roseanne, Martin Scorsese, Harry Dean Stanton, Hunter Thompson, Christopher Walken.

      Realist: Objective, weighs all sides, cuts through dross to get to heart of the issue, matter-of-fact. Comptrollers, financial experts, scientists, plumbers, judges. Examples: Tom Brokaw, Elizabeth Dole, Dianne Feinstein, Lance Ito, Katherine Hepburn, Ann Landers, Cokie Roberts, Greta Scacchi, Gene Siskel, Maggie Smith, Judge Wapner.

      Pragmatist: Efficiency experts, know how to cut corners to save time, schedule-oriented, like to make lists. Time management experts, economists, industrial designers, accountants, nutritionists. Examples: Gillian Anderson, Lloyd Bentsen, Cindy Crawford, Joycelyn Elders, Werner Erhard, Bridget Fonda, Lee Iacocca, Margaret Mead, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump.

      Chief feature

      The seven Chief Features arise from what is called "false personality," a symptom of maya or universal delusion. False personality is the inauthentic, delusory part of ourselves, coating the true inner Self or essence with a false cloak of unreal communication. We become caricatures, odd and bizarre, unable to communicate the perfect, illuminated soul essence. That essence is who we really are: a pure, perfect light of consciousness linked to the Tao itself.

      False personality, and thus the Chief Features, have their roots in fear. When we're anxious about not getting enough love, acknowledgement, life force, food, or time to spare from the universe, we get stuck in habitual, nonproductive behavior patterns. These patterns, we think, protect our vulnerability. They ward off our fears and alleviate our anxiety, if only for the moment. But like any adapting device, they don't heal the roots of fear, and become unconscious habits which keep us blind to our own irritating quirks.

      Here are the seven Chief Features. Most people have a primary Chief Feature, and a secondary Chief Feature. This means we all have more than one.:

      Self-Deprecation: Learning lessons of humility for the lifetime, not wanting to appear arrogant. Self-critical, not believing in self, refreshingly humble. Greatest fear is of being inferior. Examples: Bill Clinton, Albert Brooks, Geena Davis, Laura Dern,Gerard Depardieu, Hugh Grant, Dennis Hopper, Chris Isaak, Magic Johnson, Joe Montana, Willie Nelson, Christopher Reeve, Winona Ryder, Donald Sutherland, Daniel Stern, Forest Whitaker, Gene Wilder.

      Arrogance: Proud, self-confident, vain, uppity, secretly self-deprecating. Greatest fear is of being merely normal or mediocre. Examples: Kevin Bacon, John Cleese, Sean Connery, Brian Dennehy, Salvador Dali, Shannen Doherty, Newt Gingrich, Marvin Hamlisch, Val Kilmer, Kevin Kline, Dave Letterman, Madonna, Bob Packwood, Jack Nicholson, Jack Palance, Jeremiah Tower, Denzel Washington.

      Self-Destruction: Hard time adjusting to life, often abused as children, not given positive validation from parents, oftentimes want to die, suicidal. Alcoholics, drug addicts, chain smokers, motorcycle and car racers, anorexics, heavy metal enthusiasts. Greatest fear is of life itself with the pain it brings. Examples: John Belushi, Lennie Bruce, Drew Barrymore, R. Crumb, Jim Morrison, Lou Reed, Keith Richards, Hunter Thompson, Jean Paul Sartre, Andy Warhol.

      Greed: Appetite for life, hungry looking, look like they need a lot of love or money or food or experience, bottomless pits in some cases, voracious, lack of control, zingy eyes. Greatest fear is of starving or being left with nothing (often comes from recent previous life where that actually happened). Examples: Tom Arnold, James Cagney, Jim Carrey, Katie Couric, Jenny Craig, Tim Curry, Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, Adolph Hitler, Graham Kerr, Ricki Lake, Meatloaf, Roseanne, Richard Simmons, Martha Stewart.

      Martyrdom: Selflessness, missionary zeal, dies for a cause. Can make others feel guilty. Greatest fear is of being victimized or taken advantage of by others. Examples: Kurt Cobain, Billy Crystal, Olympia Dukakis, Mia Farrow, Martin Luther King, Pat Nixon, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Regis Philbin, Yoko Ono, Stephen Rea, Mother Theresa, John Turturro, Elie Wiesel, Sean Young.

      Impatience: Daring, tries to do too many things in a short amount of time, hates to be late for anything, intolerant. Type A's, freeway tailgaters, schedule freaks. Greatest fear is of being late, or of missing out on whatever is going on. Examples: Tim Allen, Kathy Bates, George Bush, Danny DeVito, Holly Hunter, Demi Moore, Paul Reiser, Dean Ornish, Rod Steiger, Patrick Swayze, Quentin Tarantino, Marisa Tomei, James Woods.

      Stubbornness: Determined, hard to move, refuses to change, obstinate. Greatest fear is of being pushed around. Examples: Barbara Boxer, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall, Chris Evert, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Fonda, Mahatma Gandhi, Don Henley, Charlton Heston, Ross Perot, Janet Reno, Zecharia Sitchin, Margaret Thatcher.


      Centering adds an interesting angle to the overleaves. It is flexible, in that you pick one favorite Centering and Part of Center for the lifetime, but can use the other Parts of Center in situations when you need them. Your Centering reflects your first response to stimuli; your Part of Center is your second response.

      For instance, you might have Emotional Centering with Intellectual Part of Center. You cry at movies and funerals, keeping Kleenex handy wherever you go. If someone insults you, your first response will be emotional. Later on, you'll use the Intellectual Part of Center to obsess about what they said, what you said in return, what you should have said, what they would have said had you not said what you said, etc.

      On occasion, however, you will slide to the Moving Part of Center from Emotional Center. You'll take up an exercise regimen to help you slough off depression. Or, you'll go dancing to express your emotional joy.

      Here's a short synopsis of each of the seven Centers and Parts of Center, with their attributes:

      Intellectual Center: Born think tanks, rarely losing their cool in emotional situations. You can almost see the gears spinning in their brains. They do well in academia, and the computer and banking industries. With Emotional Part of Center: They think coolly first, then express their emotions later on in private. Examples: Patty Hearst, Katherine Hepburn. With Moving Part of Center: They think first, then act on their thoughts without considering the emotional consequences. Examples: Newt Gingrich, Joseph Goebbels, Lady Godiva. With Instinctive Part of Center: A cool first response which gets funneled through their primal needs. Examples: Hunter Thompson, James Michener, Henry Miller.

      Emotional Center: Compassionate, empathetic, sympathetic, vulnerable. They feel what you feel, and do well in healing professions where a kind word is important. Schoolteachers, therapists of all kinds, artists, musicians, charity volunteers. With Intellectual Part of Center: They like to funnel their emotions through their thoughts, perhaps enjoying writing or talking about their personal crises. Examples: Woody Allen, John Bradshaw, Regis Philbin. With Moving Part of Center: They funnel their emotions through their bodies, enjoying dance therapy, movement-oriented growth seminars, or stage performance. Examples: Paula Abdul, Janis Joplin, Chuck Berry. With Instinctive Part of Center: Panic disorder, phobias, eccentricity, primal sensuality. Example: Edgar Allan Poe, Jeff Goldblum.

      Moving Center: Always on the go, these people seem like perpetual motion machines. They love athletics, dancing, anything which gets them up out of their chairs and moving around. With Intellectual Part of Center: They funnel their perpetual motion through their speech. If athletics-minded, they like prescribed dance routines like classical ballet or aerobics, enjoying the structure of sports rules. Examples: Sandra Bernhard, David Byrne, Cher, Howard Cosell. With Emotional Part of Center: They love freeform movement: Brazilian samba, modern dance, belly dancing. Can be attracted to the emotional intensity of athletics, channeling their rage or depth of feeling into the competitive aspects of the sport. Examples: Bonnie Blair, Brian Boitano, Charles Bronson. With Instinctive Part of Center: Hyperactive or autistic child, sensualist, charismatic actor. Example: Pee Wee Herman, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta, Martin Luther, Jim Morrison, Timothy Dalton. With Higher Parts of Center (Higher Emotional, Higher Intellectual, Higher Moving): The body moves, and the mind is free.

      Instinctive Center: Instinctively centered people are hard to find. Look in their eyes and you get an uneasy feeling, like you're looking into some altered reality which makes you uncomfortable. Many Instinctively Centered people are labeled "schizophrenic," but you can be Instinctively Centered without being mentally ill. Instinctive Center gives anyone a pipeline to their animal nature: scents, sounds, primal survival instincts, sensuality. With Intellectual Part of Center: Experimental surgeon, occultist, forensic specialist, power freak. Example: Leni Riefenstahl, Rasputin, Rod Serling. With Emotional Part of Center: Eccentric actor, uncontrolled angry criminal, survivalist. Examples: Ted Bundy, Curtis Sliwa. With Moving Part of Center: Hunter, soldier of fortune, wild animal trainer, violent charismatic leader. Can be cruel, lacking in emotional warmth or intellectual reasoning. Examples: Pol Pot, Rudolf Hess, Richard Ramirez, Charles Manson.

      Higher Centers: The Higher Centers take us out of our egos, and into a state of merging with the cosmos. These states are rare, and considered to be the goal of all spiritual practice. Because the energy is too strong to hold in the body for a long period of time, most of us get only a taste of it once in awhile, perhaps at an enlightenment seminar, in a peak emotional release, or an intensely transcendent meditation session. People who have higher centering as their primary center have chosen an unusual lifestyle of spirituality with much outer support, perhaps taking vows as a renunciate in a monastery, or leading the life of a guru.

      Higher Emotional Center allows you to channel unconditional love from the higher planes. Founts of this Centering like to take their devotees with them into a high state of divine ecstasy, to share the egoless love all around. Examples: the saints Ammachi, Jesus, Ramakrishna, St. Francis, Mother Mary, Muktananda, Maharishi and Paramahansa Yogananda.

      Higher Intellectual Center appeals to Zen Buddhists, Vedantists, quantum physicists and Western philosophers, all of whom like to sit and think. The goal is to reach a state of pure thought, which is no thought. Once that state is achieved the ego falls away, and pure telepathy is possible. Examples: the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, Lao Tsu, Zen Master Suzuki.

      Higher Moving Center: Here you dance your way to enlightenment with repetitious movements combined with mind-stilling mantras or chanting. Most ecstatic religions use this technique: Shaker, Sufi, Pentacostal, Hindu, Native American, Santeria, and tai chi, which release the ego from condensed daily reality and into divine ecstasy through the vehicle of physical release from contraction. Sexual climax brings in the Higher Moving Center as well, albeit for only a short time; rarely does it transform the soul for more than a few moments. Healers of the physical body, massage therapists, tantra practitioners and kundalini experts often channel this Centering. Examples of saints with this primary Centering: Buddha, John the Baptist, Sri Krishna and the Gopis.

      * * * * *

      Remember, the Role describes personality traits rather than vocations. For example, a King in this system isn't always the leader of a country, but may (like Madonna) choose the field of entertainment; or he may just be your neighbor's gardener. A Scholar isn't necessarily a Rhodes scholar or academician, but might be someone doing a lifetime task as a concert pianist or fashion model. Your local artist might be a Warrior like Picasso. Your Sage butcher might regale the waiting customers with operatic arias.

      It is helpful to remember in studying this system that it is just a shortcut, an abbreviated version of who we really are. Overleaves define only our temporary or false personalities, lifetime to lifetime. In truth we are infinite beings, beyond definition or labeling.

      - This article is an excerpt from Celebrities: The
      Complete Michael Database by Emily Baumbach, Causalworks 1996

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      empty. THEeXchanger on Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:20 am
      i am a 6th level OLD soul, slated to step into my 7th level OLD in this life time - from c1e7
      i am a king cast sage
      i think this is my 311th lifetime AT this the 6th level old level,
      i have a goal of dominance
      and, a mode of power
      and, an attitude of Spiritualist,
      with subdued impatience
      Higher Intellectual centre
      my Essence Twin is a King Cast Priest from C1E1 - 7th level old
      my current Life Partner is a 7th level old scholar cast server, from C1E7 - a cadre/entity mate

      In other grand cycles, i have picked the role of:
      Scholar, Warrior, King, Priest, Priest, King, Sage, Priest, and Artisan as Roles for Grand Cycles,
      respectively, now i am a sage,
      two grand cycles were NOT given, and, will NOT be known until the last one is being completed.


      Post last edited Sep 24th 2012

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      THEeXchanger on Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:15 pm
      THIS COMMENT was in my email box:

      "I worked in the trauma center, of a major, private hospital; on the West Coast... for nearly twenty years... (and, have been semi-retired for nearly... the last forty years)...

      During that time, I had the "experience"; of being "close" to the "beds" of people that had died, or were soon about to die... the doctors and nurses, attending them; and the family members... at times, that "would be in various stages of distraughtedness"...

      They, ranged from: "those, that had been in accidents", of various kinds; to, those, that had "terminal illnesses", and, were now... in the "final stages"... of "end of life"... transition!!!

      Of note... I, myself; experienced "near death", at an early age (17)... in a near drowning accident...

      As a result, I spent ten days in a hospital, and had an "out of body" or "near death" experience; my third day there...

      That "experience", "taught me"... to NOT "fear" death... among "other" absolutes...

      But also, of the "frailty" and "vulnerability"; of the human body, and... the "container" that "protects" and "provides a buffered space"... for, the human "soul"...

      Since that time, I have "read" both Dr. Moody's book "on the near death experience"; and, Dr. Kubler-Ross's book on "death, from denial to acceptance"... and "her commentaries", as well...

      It's given me, a "new appreciation" for life; but also, for death... and, that "it's not"... the "finality" that "everyone's afraid of"!!!

      Having read your posting... (and, my own... "experience", "transference", and "change")... prompted me, to "write a fitting comment"...

      As the song says: "regrets, I've had a few"... But, when "it comes to death"... Whenever, it comes... "mine, shall NOT; be THAT refrain"...

      For, if and when... I'm ready... Having had, a "pre-rehearsal"... to, "erase" ALL expectations and fears... " (withholding their name)

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people are:

      1. They're not dead.

      2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.

      3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.

      4. They were ready to go when they went.

      5. You're not ready.

      6. They finally understand what they were missing.

      7. Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.

      8. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.

      9. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving, here, as they were there.

      10. Life really is all about love, but not just loving those who love you...

      In their own words,
      The Universe

    • Jorgelito - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      Interesting to know what the departed want to impart. Many pet owners, I think, have a concern for about their pets even after death.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      and, surprisingly people live longer who have pets

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      or those that don't seem to understand
      the importance of - one person, can't do everything alone
      i invite you to read a few articles
      posted below this:

      Life Quadrants


      This is the one item on my chart I don't cover in my book.
      I originally heard about it from JP Van Hulle's channeling.
      I had dropped it from my chart because I didn't think it was that important,
      but restored it after my books came out because some scholar clients kept asking for it.

      It's simple: in any group, there are four basic functions,
      and we specialize in one in each lifetime, although we can do the others also:

      Love position initiates. "Let's go to a movie!" for example.

      Knowledge position provides information to the group
      (scholars don't always do this within groups).
      "I know where a good movie is playing and how to get there."

      Power position powers the group to take action. "C'mon everyone, let's get in the car."

      Support position mediates and helps: "I'll get popcorn."

      For the record, the word "quadrant" refers only to the quarter,
      or the part. The word "quadrate," found in Yarbro, refers to a whole that contains four parts.

      JP and Jose have used these same four terms,
      I believe, to refer to the positions in groupings of four specific people who have agreed to work together over several lifetimes on a project.
      It can be expanded: a fifth person, for example, would have the "eccentric" position. I think the sixth person occupies the "compassion" position, and so on, until you get the 12 positions of the support circle.

      i will try to get the other 12 positions
      and, post it separately

      i currently, would be classified in 'the knowledge position' of what i am attempting to do

      sure NOT easy to try to do this alone !!!

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      Also, i am The 13th Position
      - which is the orator
      of the group of 12
      *(of which, the 13th / or thirteenth member speaks on behalf of the other 11 + 1 = 12/13)
      anyway - here is another article:

      Identifying and Attracting Your Support Circle


      (Excerpt from a group session)


      In order for you to have a "powerful" lifetime
      where what you planned to accomplish is actually achieved to satisfaction,
      the Universe has developed what is termed a SUPPORT GROUP.

      This Support Group consists of Twelve Positions/Individuals
      playing specific Roles in your life,
      each specializing in a facet of your life in order to keep you in a Thirteenth Position
      labeled the POWER Position.
      This is because when your full Support Group
      is in your life and recognized,
      you become incredibly empowered.
      Even Universes are arranged in this system of cooperation.

      The Twelve Positions are labeled and organized into 4 groups of 3,
      taking care of four defined contexts of your life.
      Each of these sub-groups of three allows you to play a fourth position in each,
      creating a Quadrant (group of four) that is very powerful.
      Although there is a non-physical Support Group in a given lifetime ("spirit guides"),
      we are speaking today of those physically incarnated
      for the Personality's comfort and support, except where indicated.

      It is important here to note that over many lifetimes
      you build a Network of Support that extends in circles,
      or "strings", of strength.
      There are twelve Strings of Support.

      To say whether a person is 1st String or 6th String indicates how often,
      BUT NOT HOW WELL that Essence plays that Position for you.

      A First String Position is the "strongest" because of time and depth of commitment to you,
      but those 11th and 12th Strings are just as effective,
      even if only short-term.

      This system of “strings” was cultivated to accommodate conflicting plans between Essences for a given lifetime.
      If the First String Position is not choosing to incarnate for that era,
      or are not planning physical contact, then a Second, or Third String, and so on, will always be available.

      If you find any of the Positions "missing", it is in an indication
      that you may simply be unaware of a source, or you are imposing that Position
      on an existing person in your life, "forcing" them to play roles they are not designed to,
      or are not willing to, play.

      (We will mention that you truly cannot "force" another to perform or behave in any way,
      it will always be his or her choice; we choose this word due to its impact and example,
      rather than its accuracy.)
      This imposition can cause great strain and stress on an individual coming into your life
      to play a specific role, and then finding they are trying to fulfill a handful of Positions.
      Identifying what a particular person's specialty is frees the relationship from unnecessary expectations
      and disappointments, creating permission to take full advantage of the gifts the individual CAN offer.

      Make mental notes along the way if you realize you have one person playing multiple Positions,
      and which Position may be the more natural intention.

      The first sub-group of three would be your INTIMATES.

      These are the most directly experienced of all Support Positions.

      Since these are the basic fundamental needs in any given lifetime,
      those who are not open to receive these players consciously are usually dreadfully alone.
      It is NEVER a case where there is no one to play these roles;
      it is always that you are, for whatever reasons, blocking the interaction.
      Despite your blocking the interaction, energy is still exchanged with these Positions,
      most likely unconsciously, but they are a part of you nonetheless.
      In fact, you would physically be incapable of life if these Positions were not in some way fulfilled.
      Isolation and loneliness are such profound delusions in this Universe, regardless of your insistence and indulgence in them, that to have truly experienced such a state would result in complete self-annihilation. There is ALWAYS Love, Knowledge, and Compassion available to any fragment at any time.

      LOVE: the person playing this position is someone who has unconditionally accepted everything about you and loves you completely. There is nothing you can do wrong in this person's eyes. There is ALWAYS someone, somewhere who loves you and can inspire you. The False Personality may not recognize it because of its own limitations, but, fortunately, that does not stop you from being loved. Acknowledging who is presently your LOVE POSITION can bring great peace. Sometimes it isn't who you want it to be, but, again, this is False Personality's perception, not the truth. If you choose to recognize that you are loved, and by whom, you may be more capable of attracting the Personality defined "love" relationship, which isn't always about being truly loved, but what is stimulating to Personality.

      KNOWLEDGE: this person is your best advisor. This person can have ideas bounced off of them and they will tell you with confidence what will work and what will not, or help you in coming to those conclusions yourself. It is this person you trust the most in your life as an information source. The Love Position can inspire you, but the KNOWLEDGE POSITION helps put things in perspective like no other Position, helping to narrow your choices to what is in your best interest. This can range from high-impact life decisions, to just asking the opinion on a new mate or job. Without the objective viewpoint of an external source, choices can be made more difficult than necessary. You can rest in the hands of this individual's direction.

      COMPASSION: this person is the one who cares enough about you to point out what you are doing wrong, or right, in light of your "higher plans", as they support you. You may refer to this as "brutal" compassion, since it is sometimes painful to the Personality to face the truth. This person can be counted on to tell you the truth about you in any situation. This Position is vitally important as it helps you to stay within parameters you might have set for a lifetime's accomplishments. You may become bogged down by addictions, depression, procrastination, despair, boredom, even delights, or other "distractions", and COMPASSION will be there to help you move through these. Not that a lifetime is wasted in any way, even if these "distractions" prevailed, since all experience is valid and useful, but COMPASSION can still be there with truth. This person will help push you to the limits of who you are this lifetime, since they see past your fears. In fact, they refuse to support fear in your life at all.

      As we said, these three Positions are your INTIMATES, since they affect your most immediate reality and, therefore, are most important to start with in recognizing. Acknowledging what role you play in another Support Group can be as liberating, and we suggest you keep this in mind as we progress.

      Next, we will cover the INSPIRATIONALS. These Positions are labeled MENTOR, BEAUTY, and CHILD. The theme here is to remind you of the larger perspective of your life. They are not necessarily in your life intimately or even personally, but they are available at your disposal when the need arises.

      MENTOR: is the person who models most closely the role you want to play in your life. They are your teacher. This is someone who is accessible to you in some form for guidance in "how they did it" (or "do it"). The MENTOR provides a framework of plan for the general work you intend to do in life at a given time.

      BEAUTY: is the person who innocently points out the good in life, the beauty in you and your life, and generally embodies, themselves, what is beautiful to you. This person can take you back out of despair and help you connect with the loveliness of your life's unfolding. They help you connect with the loving field that creates the Physical Plane in the first place. They remind you of what is perfect in life.

      CHILD: is slightly self-explanatory, for this is the individual you, yourself, provide nurturing for. Often it is literally a child, but is by no means limited to that form. It is someone who depends on you for care. This gives you the experience of your own capabilities to provide and, therefore, reminds you of your strengths, however begrudgingly. Many people choose Companion Animals for this Position, and while this is quite effective, it is a bit more "to the point" when of the same species. Many people, when feeling lack of purpose or importance, turn to this Position for rekindling. This works, if all other factors are considered, but often False Personality then imposes several other Positions on the "child"/animal companion to fill a void. Then the gift is rarely truly gained. This turns the CHILD into a source of resentment, which is not GOOD WORK. This Position is usually easy to spot since it "cries out" for attention particularly from you.

      That completes the INSPIRATIONALS.

      The next triad of Support can be called your CLASSMATES, meaning those who help you through your Physical Plane Lessons you've chosen for the lifetime. In order to undertake your chosen challenges, you will need HUMOR, ANCHOR, and DISCIPLINE.

      (Notice, as we progress through the Positions, the less intimate and personal they become, yet, we assure you, they are just as crucial.)

      It may be obvious why HUMOUR is vital: someone has to cheer you up and make you laugh when the "going gets tough", reminding you NOT to take things so seriously. A celebrity comedian sometimes plays this for a mass of people. Acknowledging the affects of this person in your life carries with it a cleansing, putting your energy back in perspective.

      Your ANCHOR reminds you that, "through it all", you have a place to go at ANY time for rejuvenation, relaxation, and nurturing. This person has probably been in the same residence all of your life, or you, at least, know where they are at all times, and how to be with them, regardless of distance and time. This individual would never turn you away if you were in need of shelter, clothes, food, etc. This person reminds you of the stability existing in the midst of life; an "oasis" or retreat. Parents play this role a lot, but it can be played, of course, by anyone offering consistency on the Physical Plane; time and space is never a challenging factor in your relationship.

      DISCIPLINE is defined as the person who heightens the awareness of your decision making process. They are not someone who is riding you, forcing you to fulfill plans, they simply help create scenarios that bring your awareness to the impact of your decisions. Although Knowledge helps define the parameters of your potential decisions with feedback and advice, DISCIPLINE helps you see the end results, often far-reaching. A sometimes-frustrating relationship, since this person will remind you of your intended track, they are nevertheless helping you focus through your procrastination and distractions. While Compassion will be truthful through this, and Knowledge can help shape plans, DISCIPLINE actually shows you the road and keeps you "awake". We feel this helps differentiate the affect of DISCIPLINE from others, as it is sometimes hard to spot, or intensely ignored.

      That ends the CLASSMATES definitions.

      Finally, you have your SPIRIT GUIDES. We do not mean this term in the typical definition, but rather in the respect of their impact on more Spiritual (or abstract) Lessons as opposed to your day-to-day Material Lessons, as you will see. These Positions tend to hold more clues to themes that carry over several lifetimes. These Positions are especially free to be played by anything, or anyone, physical or non-physical, incarnated or not, who exemplify and express the inherent quality. They are HEALER, ENLIGHTENMENT, and MUSE.

      First, we will cover the HEALER Position. This Position takes care of repairing, mending, or processing the deeper effects of experience. Whether Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, or Spiritual you will always have available a HEALER for your "pains" and "ailments", or "dis-eases". This could be an actual Doctor, or spiritual leader, but may also be played by personal, non-physical guides who help you assimilate life. The Dream State is where many of you access your HEALER.

      ENLIGHTENMENT: this is a teaching, or teacher, person, or organization that gives structure to your current belief system, or perspective. This Position provides you with a framework with which to take in life. We, the Michael Entity, play this role for many of you, our Students, but it can be played by anything that helps you understand, comprehend, and act in the context of the "big picture" of your life. This is where you get a sense of having a "path".

      And, finally, we will cover the MUSE Position. This Position is the pure aspiration with which you measure your life against and strive to attain personally. The MUSE is the least tangible and namable, although you can usually hint at it in certain phrases, such as "Freedom", or "Unconditional Love"; more specifically in "Sexual Freedom", or "Unconditional Love of my family". Certain people, historically, become a MUSE for masses of people, such as Christ, or Buddha; even musical/theatrical entertainers, or political figures, like Madonna and James Dean, John F. Kennedy and Princess Di. Knowing and acknowledging who personifies your MUSE and being able to identify the quality to some extent constructs a sort of "light" ahead. The MUSE gives the greatest clues as to why you came to be incarnated in the first place. Be as clear as possible in your definition of the MUSE and refrain from confusing the source of the MUSE with the Muse itself. For instance, our Philosophy may be a MUSE, but we, the entity, act as Enlightenment, a vehicle for your MUSE. Another: Madonna's music may be entertaining, but her Personality, itself, acts as MUSE for most. One more: For some, Seth's Teachings act as Enlightenment, but Jane Roberts acts as the actual MUSE. You may have many MUSE to help tend to the different areas of your life, though this may be true of any of the Positions.

      Now: Evaluate the people in your lives and what role they play, assigning them, as accurately as you can intuit, what String they may be. Evaluate what Position you may be most inclined to play on a wider scale, and then what role you play in other's lives individually. Determine whether you have been playing a Position you are good at or if it has been imposed on you, and vice versa.

      If you find vacant areas in your Support Group, recall that you can ALWAYS find someone to fill the Position, even if they are not from any of your Strings. If you find resistance to a particular Position, start making an agreement upon rising from sleep that you are open to examples, so you can "ease" that Position into your life. Many resist the Discipline Position in daily life, for example, but can still find the experience of that Position's influence at any time. An elderly lady in front of you at the check out counting endless pennies and coupons can heighten your sense of decision making by forcing you to either surrender to the situation in peace, find another check out, or explode with anger. Regardless, the impact of your choice will be immediately apparent, thus, Discipline has been experienced. Many find it difficult to see their Beauty, so they can decide to allow "glimpses" of what it's like by actually listening to that simple compliment from a stranger, or acknowledging the sunset you helped create today.

      Rather than being distracted by what a person isn't giving, now you may be able to identify the gift that's been there all along. Comparing perceptions can also reveal a role you never knew you played for a person so well, or didn't suspect was expected of you. Rather than wander through life thinking these basic elements of Support are missing, ease them in gently, by paying attention to your day.

      The Support has always been there and always will.

      QUESTION: "Can gemstones act as HEALER, because I feel very healed by stones?"

      MICHAEL: Yes, but understand that gemstones are actually a conduit for the Healing source, NOT the Healer Position itself.

      QUESTION: "Are there times when you are naturally more open to your Support Group than at other times?"

      MICHAEL: Yes, of course, since some lifetimes are designed to "go it alone", so to speak. It may appear, at those times, a most isolating experience, but, since that lifetime would naturally be predisposed to isolation, contact may not even be missed. Besides, as we said before, but, here will reiterate, even in the most severely isolated experiences, it is merely illusion. Again, you are always surrounded by Support.

      We will also add that as Soul Age progresses, especially during the Older Soul Ages, there can tend to be a kind of "codginess" indulged in that seems to say, "I've been through so much over so long a time, I don't need anything I can't do for myself!" Old Souls are the most likely to get this bout of prejudice. Observe any room of Old Souls and regardless of their understanding and casual compassion, there is sometimes a secret labeling of each other as "lunatics". So, Old souls can get "set in their ways" and choose to ignore some Support.

      Another delusion of the Personality is that since you are such an OLD SOUL, you must express your strength and Spirituality through "individuality". In light of all offers for support, you must figuratively turn your head and say, "NO, I CAN HANDLE IT...". We do not see who benefits from this act and merely perpetuates your conditions. There is NO ONE to judge you, besides you. YOU MEASURE ALL PROGRESS; there is no other judge. We cannot stress this enough. Therefore, making life "easier" would only make sense, of course, if this is your choice.

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      a summary of the 12/13

      My 13 Position Support Circle

      1. LOVE:
      2. KNOWLEDGE:
      3. COMPASSION:
      4. MENTOR:
      5. BEAUTY:
      6. CHILD:
      7. HUMOR:
      8. DISCIPLINE:
      9. ANCHOR:
      10. HEALER:
      12. MUSE:
      13. POWER:
      Do you know who fills these spots in your life ???

      Post last edited Jan 13th 2013

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012


      a medicine wheel

      9 directions - traditional medicine

      1. EAST: (Path to Illumination) Emotional body
      2. SOUTH: (Physical ~ Early Life) Physical Body
      3. WEST: (Path to Goals) Intellectual Body
      4. NORTH: (Spiritual - Ancestors) Etheric Body
      5. ABOVE: (Access to Dreamtime) Low Astral
      6. WITHIN: (Sacred Space Protector) High Astral
      7. BELOW: (Grounding Influence) Low Causal
      8. LEFT SIDE: (Female Protector) Mid Causal
      9. RIGHT SIDE: (Male Protector) High Causal

      + the upper ones

      10. Higher Self (the seed) (mates to low causal)
      11. The Essence (the core) (mates to mid causal)
      12. The Monad (the crown) (MATES TO HIGH causal)
      13. The Unified/United Blending of Male/Female Female/Male - thru lower 6 + 3 + 3 /12 - thru + 1 (central verical channel) 12/13

      mates also to 13 poles in a teepee /and, 13 colours
      along with 6 lower aspects thru the central vertical channel, and, 6 higher aspects

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      empty. RockyShorz on Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:20 pm
      THEeXchanger wrote:THE eXchanger iS back icon_wink.

      banned from Project Avalon, for doing NOTHING icon_wink.

      PRETTY hard to do something in a ghost forum LOL

      when i discovered that,
      i hit the delete key, to 'the ghost forum'
      and, collapsed 'the threads'

      apparently, what a ghost forum is,
      is, a place; where only your friends on the site,
      can read why you type
      if you are NOT personal friends
      and, if you are NOT subscribed to the thread
      it does NOT google,
      NOR, can anyone read it/or see it

      NOT a very nice way, to treat your #1 poster

      on a side NOTE, i don't think any of the original posters are there any longer

      i suppose, when 'truth' is 'important'
      - sometimes; you must go elsewhere to find it

      the real heart /and, real soul of avalon/and, camelot is definitely NOT there

      is, it here ???

      The eXchanger

      who is looking for good eXchanges !!!

      Hi Susan,

      you are still showing active in my friends list, are you sure you went to Avalon? icon_wink.

      I think the answer to your question is yes, this is a great place to gather...

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      Carol on Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:33 pm
      Hi Susan. I'm so glad you posted the medicine wheel info. Years ago I took my Jr. College Transpersonal Psychology class on a vision quest where they were to make a medicine wheel and spend the night in it. It was a great experience for most of us. One student opted out in the middle of the night.

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      THEeXchanger on Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:37 pm
      i think both avalon/and, camelot
      have NOW reactivated me
      - since, they didn't like
      that i publically told people
      what they had done

      - they will NOT be getting my energy anymore icon_wink.
      THEeXchanger on Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:51 pm
      i'm getting ready to put my own 35 years of work together
      in an understandable format

      unfortunately - i've gotten ill
      with some strange kind of bacteria blood disorder ???
      and, will be in/and, out of hospital - over the next 2-3 days/weeks/or months - who knows ?

      some of my test pilots are here
      although, i need some help from some artists
      do NOT understand why NO one will help me ???
      seems everyone wants answers - without doing any work/or contributing anything towards getting answers
      makes this a very frustrating world to live in

      i successfully calibrated the ancient calenders
      even the mayan experts, have NOT been able to DISPUTE my work
      since, the moon phases - new/and, full back up MY DATES
      also, the math runs thru 9,360,000 kin
      which is 5 cycles - and, you can't fight with the sunrise/and, sunsets either

      i can't help it , that Tony / Thuban - was there, to help me quickly
      prove my theory - and, then - figure out, how it mated with his bible dates

      you know,
      it is such a strange world, this one

      where people with 'real truth' stay as 'hidden ones'
      i wish i understood that aspect of being here on earth,
      there are times, i just wish, i could leave

      i came in as an octarine indigo elder
      - and,have gone 8d/32 to 9D/33 - and, upwards to 12d/36 - or to The 13th Bridge
      ~ which leads to an assortment of places that many people, would refer to, as, going home !!!

      some of my test pilots are here
      (although; some of the info is wrong/or rough)
      need some help from someone, perhaps with scripting etc.,

      anyway - after i get better
      i will likely proceed with things
      having to give up my home, from the cost of telling truth vs; working
      isn't sitting very well with me right now, i am quite disappointed, in a lot of things
      ~which very likely lowered my vibrational rate/and, got me sick

      perhaps, some of you have some suggestions ???
      or, are artists, that can help with drawing things for me !!!

      if you have positive things to add to this thread, please do so,
      if you do NOT, then i ask you,
      to please skip posting to this thread - thank you

      the videos are here:

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywFMiFfQfiY&feature=related

      ~The GOOD GOD SERIES, iT iS TiME part 1 of 3

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_79GASGnino&feature=related

      DREAMING~The GOOD GOD SERIES, iT iS TiME part 2 OF 3

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X_3WONJ0h0&feature=related

      THE 13TH BRIDGE with Susan Lynne Schwenger - NEW MOON 05DEC2010 part 1 of 2

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdtB2VlpVa8&feature=related

      The13thBridge part 2 of 2 05DEC2010

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgpl3HiChr4&feature=related

      THE13THBRIDGE: 1000 points of light -- 12 / 13 aspects

      View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKGXkBib_6s&feature=related

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      giovonni on Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:44 am
      Greetings Susan herz.
      Good to have you back amongst us !

      Don't let this old world get you down...Note we all are presently feeling the effects of this dying paradigm...
      But it all too will pass. Allow yourself now to heal and get stronger and even better than before ~ Then all will fall into place once again icon_cheers.

      blessings and Love ~ Gio

      Thanks for posting your videos

    • SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Sep 24th 2012

      malletzky on Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:43 am
      Susan...I watched some of your videos, great. I'll be watching the other now too.

      But something you said in one of the videos, just hammered upon my head as one of the most powerfull truths I've ever heard in my life:

      "If you do NOT like the consequences, start changing the choices."
    • ~susan lynne schwenger

      Thanks for that. And don't let you get drown down. Just don't.

      Much respect


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