Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. admin

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    empty. Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. rich228 on Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:40 am

    I would like to ask Sirebard Beardris and her so called 'Council of Thuban' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)?....i.e., implants in feet, entities that control your limbs…hands…feet…at times uncontrollably.

    Oh...and why they lie, deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this the Thuban way? Is this legit?

    Why do you use cybernetic drones that act more like ruthless Zetan greys than Christed beings or light beings? I have been quietly suffering for years now. How much longer do I have to suffer for you to ascend??? I would like to reclaim my life and all that has been taken from me.
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    empty. humans and non humans...

    empty. SuiGeneris on Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:54 am


    Dear Rich228,

    tsk tsk tsk... *sighs*

    Ok i wasn't going to answer this at first, but then on second thought....you might need to hear this...

    I don't know who you are or how you've come to this conclusion that what you call the 'Council of Thuban' is doing all that, but let me make it clear to you that it is not Abraxas or our Thuban Coven. If it is in fact a 'Council' who is doing this to you, then it has to be a different Council altogether...but let's try to examine this further...

    The type of "possession" you are describing seems to be the result of a psychic self-attack that originates in the mind of the believer and inevitably expands onto all the rest of the person's bodies (emotional, physical, etc, etc..) causing great havoc in its path and duration. It often arises form a series of half understood religious and pseudo-religious dogmas, conditionings and deeply rooted memeplexes with its often missed but no less dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions.

    Of course you would believe that this entity or entities who are doing this "possessing" are mean and evil because they have more power than you and are therefore abusing you in order to gain something out of it...right? If this is the case then you are seeing yourself as a helpless victim and you are placing yourself exactly right where these so called "entities" want you to be.

    Perhaps one day you would be able to verify first hand if these entities truly exist in the physical and/or ethereal plane...but until then let's just assume they do exist "somewhere out there", "behind the veil" as the Wizard of Oz ok?...as a separate entity from yourself. "How could I stop these attacks?", "Why me?" I bet you asked yourself these questions and more for the past 12 years...yes?

    If you are thinking you are struggling against principalities, against "powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" then you might be closer to the truth than thinking you are struggling against someone, of flesh and blood, found here on this planet that is separate from you, who is somehow remotely sending some of his weird voodoo stuff to you because well...he might have nothing better to do.

    To answer your question..."Is this legit?" What i just said to you about the "powers" is legit. Your misconceptions are not.

    "Is this the Thuban way?" This is not our Thuban way...no.

    "Is this part of the dragonization process?" The struggle is. As it has to be present to some degree in all transformations.

    You see you cannot become a "Dragon" (Starhuman, Superhuman, evolved entity or however you want to term it), by merely sitting there dramatizing about being a victim wishing for an easy way out, for the Et's to land and rescue you or for the rapture to happen. And I am not trying to diminish your pain and suffering either. I am sorry to hear you have suffered so much for so long. I know the pain experienced is real and it is unfortunate that so many millions of people all around the world go through this same type of pain everyday not finding a solution and losing all hope as a result.

    But if you would only just consider that all this evilness is not only found outside of you but also inside, then you would perhaps begin to realize how much you yourself are involved in the creation of all this "unrelenting suffering". Now in these end times it is critical for all who wish to exit this Prison World to first be able to exit the prison of themselves.

    And how do you do that?

    First you need to be able to recognize it. Look in the mirror and really see what reflects back. If you really seek..."it" will choose you and it will try to kill you. Yes...kill you. Just like Neytiri explained to Jake Sully as he was seeking his "Dragon"... Just how the mirror became black and tried to 'eat' Neo alive...and so the real battle begins....

    Rich228 wrote: I would like to reclaim my life and all that has been taken from me.

    The good news is you CAN reclaim your life and all that has been taken from you. The bad news is it is a process...it doesn't happen overnight, so you must choose and act soon.

    Will you take the blue pill or the red pill? take the blue pill and you can continue to believe you are being attacked and there's nothing you can do about it, take the red pill and you can begin to do something proactive for your own benefit, but first you must fundamentally change the way you think. Are you willing to do that? Do you see now why it is a struggle for most?
    .....hell and EVEN IF..the Matrix with its huge oceans of energy being guided by this invisible "Council" ARE coming 'into you' taking possession of your soul, raping you, torturing you, sucking every last bit of energy possible from you...and all the rest of it...the second that you become aware of "IT" it's checkmate, it loses control over you. The all seeing eye is not used to being seen....it likes no competition. Now try to see IT with the same mindset that's been around for the last two thousand years and you'll see how far that will take you.

    Do not be afraid of yourself...for anything that you are afraid of outside of you is really an inner fear found within.

    Know, that the only thing that can truly hold you hostage in your own body are your thoughts and your thought patterns because everything must become manifested through the Mind first. Therefore, seek to know thyself above all so you would then control yourself...fully, that way no one can touch you.

    I also suggest you try to live a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sunshine, listen to music, do what you like, walk in the sand or barefoot on the grass...FALL IN LOVE...you know...take care of the physical body too to the extent that you can, be gentle with yourself...especially if you ever decide to go down the rabbit hole...you'll need a lot of patience, stamina and a good disposition and that's just for starters...

    May the Cosmic Logos guide you on your path.

    In the Vesica,



  3. admin

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    empty. Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. Rok on Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:45 pm

    this rich228 guy is a troll or some deluded love and lighter who would better fit in something like project/camelot/avalon community
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    empty. Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. rich228 Yesterday at 1:07 am

    Dear Sui Generis Xeia Kali Abraxasinas or whoever you are…..

    Ok, I wasn't going to reply this at first, but then on second thought....YOU might need to hear this...

    I’m sure that with you, of all persons, I don’t have to explain how there is an air of denialism regarding extraterrestrial life forms that exists within present day society, especially in the West. The painstakingly slow unraveling of the UFO phenomenon which is now being disclosed by whistleblowers (The Disclosure Project) and the even slower acceptance by certain scientist, researchers, and mental health practitioners have done much to shed light on the so called “phenomenon” in recent years. With the writings of ground breaking researchers like Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Bud Hopkins, Ray Fowler, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. John Mack etc., and now, due to the Freedom of Information Act , fully disclosed UFO files being aired on programs such as “Ancient Aliens,” “Unsealed Alien Files,” “Hangar 1: The UFO Files” seems to have diminished many of the doubts and uncertainties that people previously held about UFO’s and aliens. I’m not saying that I endorse the conclusions that the producers of these programs presents to the viewing public, which is typically an impending alien takeover by beings from outer space, but the mere fact that people are paying more attention to this 'chatter,' taking it more seriously, and not as apt to make jokes about little green men anymore is a significant leap in our collective consciousness, I would say. Any researcher worth his or her salt knows that “UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away,” to borrow a phrase from author, L.A. Marzulli. Polls suggest that about 93% of the population believe that extraterrestrials exist, while 80% of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.

    With that being said, if you (Sirebard Beardris) are a founding member of this “Council of Thubans” as you state you are, you should be well aware of what I am saying here. You should also be very well versed in the long human history of possessions by discarnate entities going back to our earliest history.…. So to even suggest that this “COULD” be something that originates in one’s “OWN MIND” or perhaps some sort of “DELUSION” tells me that you are either uninformed with regards to these well established facts or you are well aware and are merely trying to disinform, which, at this point does not fly with those of us who are “in the know.” Perhaps you yourself (Sui Generis, assuming you are the channeler) are possessed, and are not aware of it, since channeling is a form of possession. After all, aren’t you (Sirebard that is) the one that shares the body of John Shadow, a 53 year old handicapped man, in Queensland, Australia. That certainly sounds like a form of possession to me. Albeit, not quite as hostile as mine. I invite you to read this article which explains almost to the letter the process of how I became a “host” to these entities almost 12 years ago http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/reptiles106.htm

    So, yes these entities do exist. They exist in the real. They exist on the physical plane AND the ethereal plane. But of course, you already know this…or you should. Also, I never said anything about flesh and blood entities on the planet somewhere sending me weird voodoo stuff. That’s your interpretation, however, there may be some truth to that. I’m well aware that these entities are operating from “within.” But in order to get inside, they are obviously entering from “without” first. I see these entities all the time in their shadowy ethereal forms or orbs. Sometimes I can see them entering and exiting my body (in Ethereal form of course). I also see them as they fly around in conventional and unconventional craft all the time. They trail me everywhere that I go. But more importantly, I feel them inside my body as they have slowly reached down into the depths of my soul, within every extremity of my body, like a hand in glove, and with the aid of implants, recklessly jerking, shaking, tugging, kicking, fist balling, toe curling, yuck yucking, jockeying for control and carrying on in some careless, uncontrollable demonic (or reptilian) fashion. As they lie, mislead and deceive on a daily basis… as they play poltergeist games by making personal items disappear…. I can go on and on but I’m sure you get the picture. Yes, this phenomenon is real and Yes, they have claimed to be part of the Thuban Council, The Council of 9, the Sirian High Council, Pleiadians, The Galactic Federation, the Ashtar Command, Cmdr Hatonn, Lady Athene, Djwhal Khul, and other Ascended Masters, Ra, Seth, the Elohim, Greys, Nordics, you name it and they have claimed it. Perhaps if you do a little more digging you (Sui Generis) will find that there is more to these entities then they are presenting to you. Here is another site I would like for you to take a look at with regards to beings from Alpha Draconis, which by the way happens to be the home star system of the Thubans, http://www.orionmindproject.com. Pay particular attention to the sections on Reptilians, Possessions and Demons. I would be curious to hear your take on all of this. Thanks for your attempt at answering my post. Goodby for now.

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    empty. Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. Rok Yesterday at 12:12 pm

    the only thing in the air these days is a stench of unfounded baseless beliefs, based on rumors and even more....rumors, empty claims, blowing, "expert" testimonies... it is no different from blind religious beliefs

    mind you here, richy, no one denying the existence of life outside this planet. no one is saying any potential life "out there" is by default benevolent OR malevolent. the mere fact that people are paying attention to the chatter is a problem, like you richy, you are part of that problem. the chatter is exactly what the word says, the word you so felicitously picked.

    when you say "researcher", do you refer to people who can use google and do "online researching" or do you maybe refer to people who are "in contact" or have "etheric sight" and such ? or maybe, do you refer to those who like to play with words, thinking they are linguistic experts and over use their imagination, linking things together which do not belong together as they go along, mixing facts with fiction and repeating themselves for over two decades?

    the only people worthy of being called a researcher are those who actually went and gathered data from sources which can be scrutinized by others to see if they can validate it or not and there is very little to none of such actual research out there. mostly that is since there is no material out there which could offer undeniable proof, or if there is, it is out of reach and thus...just more speculation and nothing else.

    The rest are like you...empty talk....and MORE empty talk...

    Xeia is not Sierbard Bardis... (no neither am i)

    When you speak of "well established facts"...i mean really....i wonder where the original template of your little speech here came from...but you will not get far faking/trying to come across in such an "informed and intellectual manner"

    just seeing you using the words "in the know" reminds me about tons of useless "witness testimonies" which are stinking up the "(non)disclosure movement"

    reading your lines here, richy, i get the feeling you in fact are still very much possessed and i should know this, for it was i who was some time ago blatantly accused to fire electromagnetic (or something) weapons at some just as deluded individual as you are, he is called lionhawk and he is the dragon slayer!!! that very much showed me the reality of delusions. but to be honest with you richo i do wish at times i had something to aim/hit peoples heads with, hoping it would sober them up.

    i was also accused by george kavassilas (another fraudster) right hand monkey to be an agent from galactic federation something...he believed it so much he claimed he felt pain.... Amazing what people tune their minds in...all the way to inflicting self harm.

    i can go on but i am sure you get the picture...

    go to some love and light forum, i am sure you will get all the sympathies and the much needed external validation you are so desperately after

    i am not familair with spongebob, but space heroes looks a bit like clicker heroes - http://www.clickerheroes.com/

    maybe you can tune one of your implants to speed click it for you
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    empty. Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. rich228 Yesterday at 7:57 pm

    Just as I thought…. another pompous, arrogant, conceited, pig headed, overbearing, bombastic, cocky, (HOW AM I DOING ON BIG WORDS Roky boy?!!!) bloated, self-important, patronizing, loudmouth, pontifical, vain, ego tripping, pretentious, puffed-up, know-it-all, marshmellow (ALL FLUFF, NO SUBSTANCE), who doesn’t know a damn thing!!

    Unfortunately for kids like you Roky boy….these experiences are unrelatable to you because you have had NO DIRECT EXPEIRENCE. And even when credible or multiple credible witnesses relay their stories, there will always be A-Holes like you, who, just because they HAVE NOT had a DIRECT EXPEIRENCE, or “Seen it with My Own Two Eyes,” will forever be naysayers. And, until you have such a genuine experience yourself, which, apparently you’re not worth any entities time to bother with, good or evil (except your little Thuban friends of course) you will only be able to relate to these matters in abstract terms. Which simply doesn’t thrill small minded P-brains like yours which require sooooooooooo much more than that.

    Check yourself before you wreck yourself kid. At least my experiences are real. You seem to be on some other kind of acid trip. But, don’t worry, your day may come sooner than you think before you too become a Blabieber…excuse me….you’re already that….I meant a BELIEVER. Oh by the way…here is a great clip for Blabieber’s, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9EDkJ7Isc0. Later Beavis…or are you the other one?…so much for your love and light nonsense.
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    empty. Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. Rok Yesterday at 8:41 pm

    you did nothing to disprove any of my points. nothing! your best argument was "just because it has not happened to you does not mean it is not real"...which well...is a fail argument.

    you were and still are just words...just trolling or delusional

    whatever you make yourself believe to be true is true, but just for you

    what makes who credible? a good story? take a dozen of witness testimony videos and tell me if all of them combined together have a pinch of credibility and why? oh wait...does it resonate with you?

    option 1:

    make an x-ray (or some other tomographic method) of you implants, i want it to be dated and marked with all the necessary information. it has to be a new x-ray. with it i want to see a detailed doctors opinion about the implants (for each image/implant) in english and/or latin. the x ray has to be scanned with at least 600dpi, anything written with 300dpi. i want the name of the hospital/clinic and address and dates to be clearly seen, same goes for the name of the doctor and any other medical staff participating in the examination. i also want high resolution, clearly visible (300dpi, 24bit depth) pictures of the parts of your body, under which the alleged implants reside.

    once you have that i can provide you with upload/my contact information.

    after that you can also provide further proof about who or what got them in there...depends also on doctors comments about the alleged implants and after the medical establishment and its personnel will be contacted to confirm the images.

    option 2:

    i get your demented ass or just a good lying piece of garbage on video...you take care of the poor me yada, yada, yada...i do the technical side of things....at the end we pin a donation button and split the profits from morons who will fall for it.

    what i admit i do not understand is the video you linked, but i am somehow glad to be ignorant of such things, you on the other hand do not seem to be
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    [​IMG] Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    [​IMG] rich228 Yesterday at 10:39 pm

    Sooooo, I’m to provide you with ALL OF THIS “proof” and also ‘WHO DONE IT’ just for you to do what???…stand there with GAPING EYES and DROPPED JAWS saying “WOWZY WOWZY WOO WOO,” you prick! I don’t think so. Look dick breath….go back to doing what you enjoy doing most and stay out of conversations that puny-minded people like you know nothing about. YOUR IN OVER YOUR HEAD. It’s as simple as that. You don’t even know what to believe. YOUR CONFUSED!!

    Let me get this straight… you believe that your communicating with Thubans, from Alpha Draconis, and their representative Sirebard Beardris who is 19.11 billion years old and resides in the 12th dimension, who, along with her other Council members, will enter this universe through a black hole in the Earth’s center which, afterwards will reglue or reconnect itself in rendering the 'inside-outside' higher-dimensional spacetime matrix from two-sided to one-sided….AND…shares the body is John Shadow, a 53 year old handicapped man, born in Queensland, Australia…AND…comes from very highly respected Royal Dragon Council…AND…are us in the future…AND…are here preparing for the Harvest…AND…YOU WANT ME TO PROVIDE YOU WITH PROOF???!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

    You know, at first I thought, this poor man must be a holdover from Neanderthal man which mostly died out 60,000 years ago, but now I’m thinking maybe you’re more of an offshoot from the 'Old World Monkeys' that Sirebard talks about in her transmissions. I tell you what, when you provide me with proof of your far fetched beliefs, I’ll provide you proof of what I KNOW to be a fact. Until then, stay out of ‘grown folks’ conversations. It was never intended for you, it was intended for Sui Generis, cornball. Go back to your ‘Going post Genital’ nonsense and leave me alone YOOOU NANCY-BOY!!!!
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    empty. Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??

    empty. Rok Yesterday at 10:54 pm

    omg what insults and zero amount of actual content...i am...shocked...

    this is it rich228... i am CALLING THE MOTHERSHIP


    u have no idea what my assertions on things are or what my beliefs are. for example, i am not communicating with alpha draconis...

    i did not come to you making claims, making accusations, acting as if i know it all... you did that...u came here doing that....

    backup your words grandpa

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