Dozens Of Mps Also Collecting Government Pensions

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 28, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dozens of MPs also collecting government pensions

    Last NameFirst NameProvincePartySource of Pension
    Jones YvonneNewfoundland and LabradorLiberalMembers of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador Pension Fund
    Kent PeterOntarioConservativeGlobal Communications
    Lamoureux KevinManitobaLiberalManitoba Legislative Assembly
    Lauzon GuyOntarioConservativeGovernment of Canada
    Laverdière HélèneQuebecNDPGovernment of Canada
    Leslie AndrewOntarioLiberalCanadian Armed Forces
    MacKenzie DaveOntarioConservativeOMERS
    Maguire LarryManitobaConservativeManitoba Legislative Assembly
    McCrimmon KarenOntarioLiberalCanadian Armed Forces
    McKay JohnOntarioLiberal
    Government of Canada

    Last NameFirst NameProvincePartySource of Pension
    McLeod MichaelNorthwest TerritoriesLiberalGovernment of the Northwest Territories
    Mihychuk MaryAnnManitobaLiberalManitoba Legislative Assembly
    Morrissey RobertPrince Edward IslandLiberalGovernment of Prince Edward Island
    Motz GlenAlbertaConservativeSpecial Forces Pension Plan
    Mulcair ThomasQuebecNDPQuebec National Assembly
    Oliver JohnOntarioLiberalHealthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
    Pauzé MoniqueQuebecBloc QuébécoisGovernment of Quebec
    Plamondon LouisQuebecBloc QuébécoisCARRA
    Rioux JeanQuebecLiberalGovernment of Quebec
    Robillard YvesQuebecLiberalGovernment of Quebec
    Last NameFirst NameProvincePartySource of Pension
    Samson DarrellNova ScotiaLiberalNova Scotia Teacher Union
    Sangha RameshOntarioLiberalIndian Air Force
    ShieldsMartinAlbertaConservativeAlberta Teachers Pension
    Stetski WayneBritish ColumbiaNDPGovernment of British Columbia
    Wong AliceBritish ColumbiaConservativeCollege Pension Plan of British Columbia

    Dozens of MPs also collecting government pensions

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