Did You Know That Unwounded Oysters Do Not Produce A Pearl / Or Pears

Discussion in 'Death, Past Lives, Rebirth and Reincarnation' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 18, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "Did you know that an unwounded oyster does not produce pearls?

    Pearls are a healed wound.

    Pearls are a product of pain, the result of a foreign
    or unwanted substance entering the oyster,
    such as a parasite or a grain of sand.

    The inside of an oyster shell is a shiny substance called nacar.

    When a grain of sand enters, the nacar cells go to work
    and cover the grain of sand with layers
    and more layers to protect the defenseless body from the oyster.

    As a result, a beautiful pearl is formed!

    An oyster that has not been wounded in any way does not produce pearls,
    because a pearl is a healed wound."

    ~Imali Ngumntu Wam

    #HealingIsBeautiful #healing #beauty #beautyinthpain #mindfulempowermentcoach #pearls #scars #perspective #empowerment #embrace #love #beautiful #thelighthousewithnicole
    Nicole Menchaca

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