Did The "white Hats" Use A Psyop That Spark An Awakening ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 19, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1f449_1f3fc. necessary clarification 1f448_1f3fc.

    >>> Q is a white hat psyop that was designed to spark
    the population into thinking for themselves
    and combating the mainstream narrative.

    Q's main mission was already accomplished.

    There is now an army of people who dig on the elite
    and expose corruption like never before.

    All warfare is based on deception.

    Meaning that many of your favorite white hats are not always going to come out
    and say everything that they actually think because they are currently engaged in the war.

    They are not stupid & neither are you. You just saw Trump play the song
    I am Q and WWG1WGA behind his speech.

    He's giving us enough to keep us encouraged but he's still in the battle.

    One day, perhaps, we will see total public vindication.

    Anons were right about Q and about so much.

    But until that day comes, don't let the psyop shake you too much.

    The fog of war may be thick but we are getting enough breadcrumbs to keep us going.

    There is no way back.

    Only forward.

    The world is waking up and a "psyop" is playing a major role.

    The whole world is going to go Military ...

    > It's all part of the PLAN to activate

    > Fast approaching is the next phase

    > civil unrest

    >Martial Law ...

    >>> Those who created & colluded will all be ARRESTED



    The collapse of the CABAL and Mockingbird World [ they] created

    Spiritual awakening hurts…

    Spiritual awakening will leave you feeling alone at times…

    Spiritual awakening will test you to your limit…

    Spiritual awakening will often break you before you can put yourself back together…

    But spiritual awakening is worth it … 100%

    If it wasn’t, nobody would continue on the path to shattering their old illusions
    and embracing new paradigms and more authentic ways of living…

    #WWG1WGA #Q #Anons #NCSWIC

    REMEMBER—we are here to help, support and answer whatever questions we can…


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