Prepper group in australia , maybe global Delta Star Global Delta Star Global - About Us Freedom or Tyranny... it is up to ALL of us !!! The solution looks very simple: Transfer the 99.9% Wealth & Power from the 13 mega-rich families of the corrupt Cabal to "We the People". The solution IS very simple: "We Have The Power!" The Cabal control of global wealth & power will disappear as soon as we REFUSE to comply in EVERY situation. We REFUSE to work for them. We REFUSE to pay their taxes. We REFUSE to buy anything from them. We REFUSE to deliver anything to them. We REFUSE to use their manipulated currency as money. Simply REFUSE their every demand. Their empire crumbles. Too easy !!! We will succeed by building our own community for "We the People", based upon: TRUTH - JUSTICE - FREEDOM With Freedom Comes Personal Responsibility With Community Comes Social Justice and Rule-of-Law Consider your own human body: You have trillions of cells working together to ensure your survival. There is no reason why billions of citizens cannot work together to ensure our own survival. Human cells cooperate on a MICRO level to achieve results on a MACRO level. We need pro-active citizen cells working in small-scale local groups to achieve large-scale global results for humanity's survival. The odds are excellent! Recent global protests show that 25+% of the community will take positive action. The Delta Star design copies exactly the growth of a BOTTOM UP community structure. Let's learn from our mistakes of the past. 1. Representative government is too easily corrupted by rampant intimidation, black-mail and bribery. 2. Vast accumulation of money and power destroys the integrity of political, religious and corporate leaders. 3. Greed and desperation from lack of money creates a lot of violent crime within all communities. 4. Lack of money causes citizens great misery from isolation, loneliness, poor education, poor health and crime. "We the People" must change our existing government structure from TOP DOWN "élite" rule to BOTTOM UP "self" rule !!! This is THEM telling US BIG DIFFERENCE This is US telling THEM SELF RULE by We the People is the Answer !!! "We the People" must remove the power & influence of the Cabal by replacing money with a Global Resource EXchange!!! "We the People" must encourage civic duty in all responsible citizens according to their own individual capabilities. We Welcome Your Feedback Please let us know [here] about any improvements we can make to any aspect of our website. Your constructive criticism is much appreciated. - Delta Star Global Check out some of our most popular sticker designs below... SIGN UP FOR THE LATEST NEWS Email Address +61 439 528 186 INFO@DELTASTARGLOBAL.COM