Cygnus - Swan Constellation By: Steven Jd Beattie

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 3, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Steven JD Beattie
    03 nov 2022






    Steven JD Beattie

    The Northern Cross is a very distinctive cross which is contained in the constellation Cygnus (The Swan). Cygnus is a picture of a swan which represents the first and second coming of The Messiah. The bright star Deneb, one of the Summer Triangles means “The Lord Comes”. Other stars Azel, “Who Goes and Returns Quickly” and Sadar “Who Returns in a Circle” show the coming and returning of The Messiah.
    The Northern Cross is home of an enigmatic object known as X-1 Cygnus. Astronomers studying X-1 Cygnus found that it was one of the strongest X-Ray sources in the sky, but was also very small. Later researchers showed that the X-Rays are generated by a stream of plasma drawn off of a nearby star (known as HDE 226868) near to the mysterious object. Finally astronomers identified X-1 Cygnus as a “Black Hole”, or an object of such high density and gravitational pull that not even light can escape from it. We are told that black holes are formed when a star at least 3.2 times larger than our own sun becomes a super nova and its gravitational pull causes a collapse into a black hole. If an object the size of Earth was collapsing into a black hole, by their scientific measure it would be only one centimeter in diameter.
    Ancient Chinese astronomers also studied X-1 Cygnus. In the Spring of 5 BC they recorded a “Guest Star”, or Nova, located in the longitude of the Lunar mansion containing the Bright Star Altair. From another group of astronomers we know that the latitude of the Nova was about 32 degrees North. These two observations confirm that the Nova observed in 5BC was X-1 Cygnus.
    We called this, the Star of "Bethlehem".
    Bethlehem means House of Bread.
    The second group of astronomers were known as “Magi” , or Wise Men, who journeyed to the biblical lands of Br'itain to see the birth of The Messiah, the Seed of Woman ( because they knew the signs of His advent in the Sun, Moon. and Stars in Cygnus/The Cross ---the only sign visible throughout the Earth in its Northern and Southern versions, was to be the instrument of the “Bruising of the heel” of the Seed of Woman. And X-I Cygnus, the Star of "Bethlehem," is located on the portion of the Northern Cross where the heel would have been nailed.

    The Northern Cross is a beautiful binocular constellation, with many star clusters, although the companion Star to X-1 Cygnus is a 9th magnitude telescope object. Remember X-1 Cygnus, the Star of "Bethlehem," and the most significant celestial object you’ll never see. And remember that the other message of Cygnus is that The Messiah is coming back to His native lands - and by the looks of it, very soon.
    So be like the Wise Men and watch for the signs of His return in the Sun, Moon, and Stars - as it tells us in Genesis 1 - "established as signs in the heaven ....signs and seasons" Research The Northern Cross - it IS the one and ONLY cross referred to in The Scriptures, The Northern Cross/Cygnus is the TRUE Cross of Christ. Any other idea of a "cross" was introduced by the EL-ite to throw us off the signs in the heavens. It's all hidden in the "mystery Religions" (secret societies) if you look hard enough - Ancient and Accepted - Scottish Rite?? PACMAN. .......

    Steven JD Beattie

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Steven JD Beattie
    57m ·




    Steven JD Beattie

    Cygnus The Swan in Eastern and World Astronomy
    In Hinduism, the period of time (or Muhurta) between 4:24 AM to 5:12 AM is called the Brahmamuhurtha, which means "the moment of the Universe"; the star system in correlation is the Cygnus constellation. This is believed to be a highly auspicious time to meditate, do any task, or start the day.
    In Polynesia, Cygnus was often recognised as a separate constellation. In Tonga it was called Tuula-lupe, and in the Tuamotus it was called Fanui-tai. In New Zealand it was called Mara-tea, in the Society Islands it was called Pirae-tea or Taurua-i-te-haapa-raa-manu, and in the Tuamotus it was called Fanui-raro. Beta Cygni was named in New Zealand; it was likely called Whetu-kaupo. Gamma Cygni was called Fanui-runga in the Tuamotus.
    Deneb was also often a given name, in the Islamic world of astronomy. The name Deneb comes from the Arabic name dhaneb, meaning "tail", from the phrase Dhanab ad-Dajājah, which means “the tail of the hen”.
    Cygnus The Swan in Western and Greek Astronomy
    In Greek mythology, Cygnus has been identified with several different legendary swans. Zeus disguised himself as a swan to seduce Leda, Spartan king Tyndareus's wife, who gave birth to the Gemini, Helen of Troy, and Clytemnestra; Orpheus was transformed into a swan after his murder, and was said to have been placed in the sky next to his lyre (Lyra); and the King Cygnus was transformed into a swan.
    The Greeks also associated this constellation with the tragic story of Phaethon, the son of Helios the sun god, who demanded to ride his father's sun chariot for a day. Phaethon, however, was unable to control the reins, forcing Zeus to destroy the chariot (and Phaethon) with a thunderbolt, causing it to plummet to the earth into the river Eridanus. According to the myth, Phaethon's close friend or lover, Cygnus, grieved bitterly and spent many days diving into the river to collect Phaethon's bones to give him a proper burial. The gods were so touched by Cygnus's devotion that they turned him into a swan and placed him among the stars.
    In Ovid's Metamorphoses, there are three people named Cygnus, all of whom are transformed into swans. Alongside Cygnus, noted above, he mentions a boy from Tempe who commits suicide when Phyllius refuses to give him a tamed bull that he demands, but is transformed into a swan and flies away. He also mentions a son of Neptune who is an invulnerable warrior in the Trojan War who is eventually defeated by Achilles, but Neptune saves him by transforming him into a swan.
    Together with other avian constellations near the summer solstice, Vultur cadens and Aquila, Cygnus may be a significant part of the origin of the myth of the Stymphalian Birds, one of The Twelve Labours of Hercules.
    A very large constellation, Cygnus is bordered by Cepheus to the north and east, Draco to the north and west, Lyra to the west, Vulpecula to the south, Pegasus to the southeast and Lacerta to the east. The three-letter abbreviation for the constellation, as adopted by the IAU in 1922, is "Cyg". The official constellation boundaries, as set by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined as a polygon of 28 segments. In the equatorial coordinate system, the right ascension coordinates of these borders lie between 19h 07.3m and 22h 02.3m , while the declination coordinates are between 27.73° and 61.36°. Covering 804 square degrees and around 1.9% of the night sky, Cygnus ranks 16th of the 88 constellations in size.
    Cygnus culminates at midnight on 29 June, and is most visible in the evening from the early summer to mid-autumn in the northern skies.
    Normally, Cygnus is depicted with Delta and Epsilon Cygni as its wings. Deneb, the brightest in the constellation is at its tail, and Albireo as the tip of its beak.
    There are several asterisms in Cygnus. In the 17th-century German celestial cartographer Johann Bayer's star atlas the Uranometria, Alpha, Beta and Gamma Cygni form the pole of a cross, while Delta and Epsilon form the cross beam. The nova P Cygni was then considered to be the body of Christ.

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