Cut Vs. Uncut ~ Circumcision Is A Form Of Spiritual Warfare And Physical Bondage

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 17, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    interesting STATS from WHO !!!
    seems 70% of the world's men have escaped this horrible practice
    however, from the stats !!!
    i do NOT think the root of it;
    is found in 'jewish' practices
    it is the cut of THE BEAST, on THE SLAVEs !!!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Reasons parents choose to circumcise their sons and why they're incorrect:


    1. "Its cleaner." - Actually no, its not. The foreskin is fused to the glans until puberty leaving nothing to clean whatsoever until 10-12 years old. When it does detach around that time, you wash it like the rest of your body.

    2. "It reduces the risk of uti's." - The risk reduction is LESS than 1%. Not significant enough to amputate healthy functioning tissue. Not to mention, that reduction only applies to infancy. Not adulthood. As adults, intact and circumcised males have the same risk of developing urinary tract infections.
    *Allowing a circumcised bleeding penis to heal in a diaper full of urine and feces increases risk of infection.

    3. "It reduces the risk of penile cancer." -Aside from the fact that the American Cancer Society has already spoken out about that not being true, let's pretend for a minute that it is. Penile cancer is already so rare, that your son has a better chance of developing breast cancer than he does of ever developing penile cancer. Penile cancer includes the shaft and glans. The foreskin makes absolutely no difference.

    4. "It reduces the risk of STDs and HIV" - The only thing that prevents STDs are CONDOMS.

    Not circumcision.

    In actuality, the foreskin has been shown to have cells that act as part of the immune system in protecting against STDs.

    5. "His penis should match his dad's." - Ew. No it shouldn't.

    Your son will never notice a difference in his and his dad's penis unless your family
    is keen on whipping it out at thanksgiving and comparing.

    6. "Circumcised penises just look better." - All penises look the same when erect, intact or not.

    Aside from the fact that the glans on a circumcised male is keratinized and "dried out"
    therefore looking smaller than it really should. Not to mention pushing your sexual preferences
    on your son's body is pedophilia.

    Now let's look at the facts:
    A baby boy dies every 2 days as a direct result of a non medically necessary circumcision.
    Thousands of men will suffer long term complications including meatitis, erectile dysfunction, painful erections, diminished sexual pleasure, rough jack-hammering sex on their partners to achieve orgasm and more.
    Over 250,000 men in the US are currently restoring their foreskin and wish they had been left intact from birth.
    Countless men as adults have sued their parents and practitioners for performing their circumcision without their consent as babies.
    The lack of foreskin will affect every circumcised male and their partner's intimate life. The glans is supposed to be moist and covered, not dried out and keratinized.
    Still think it's a good idea? If anyone has any questions and would like more information, feel free to message me.
    This post is not meant to shame circumcised males or parents that made the decision to do so. It is meant to raise awareness & inform others of the risks. You can regret making the decision and share what you have learned so the cycle stops.
    Most women and men are screaming women’s right but yet cutting off their little boys body parts, where are their rights? Who will stand up for them?
    As a mother of boys, and for all little boys, I will be their voice!

    PROPS TO David Candela for this amazing graphic he created!
    if you look at the chart i posted
    - of the 30% of the world's men who are cut
    - 70% are uncut
    - but; out of the group of cut ones
    - almost 70% are muslim :(
    this is an 'act of war' against the male penis !!!
    and; it is NOT done for hygiene !!!
    THE GREAT SPiRiT of GOD created the penis
    and, didn't make any mistakes
    - all of this cutting penis etc., is for milking you of money,
    it is also a ritual and a sacrifice
    -the cutters are satans army and,
    they all laugh at you, because they cut you...
    ironic, but, they do NOT cut themselves !!!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    "It was my idea to use fMRI and/or PET scanning to directly observe
    the effects of circumcision on the infant brain.

    Analysis of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to significant trauma.

    The greatest changes occurred in the limbic system concentrating in the amygdala
    and in the frontal and temporal lobes.

    A neurologist who saw the results postulated that the data indicated that #circumcision
    affected most intensely the portions of the victim’s brain associated
    with reasoning, perception and emotions.

    Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery
    indicated that the child’s brain never returned to its baseline configuration.

    In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain
    of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery."
    — Paul D. Tinari, PhD

    Circumcision Permanently Alters the Brain – Circumcision Resource Center

    Your Whole Baby: A Community for Learning

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    from link in post 3

    Circumcision Permanently Alters the Brain

    The surgery subjected the infant to significant trauma

    Two of my physics professors at Queen’s University (Dr. Stewart & Dr. McKee)
    were the original developers of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for medical applications.

    They and a number of other Queen’s physicists also worked on improving the accuracy
    of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for observing metabolic activity within the human body.

    As a graduate student working in the Dept. of Epidemiology,

    I was approached by a group of nurses who were attempting to organize a protest
    against male infant circumcision in Kingston General Hospital.

    They said that their observations indicated that babies undergoing the procedure
    were subjected to significant and inhumane levels of pain
    that subsequently adversely affected their behaviors.

    They said that they needed some scientific support for their position.

    It was my idea to use fMRI and/or PET scanning to directly observe the effects
    of circumcision on the infant brain.

    The operator of the MRI machine in the hospital was a friend of mine,
    and he agreed to allow us to use the machine for research after normal operational hours.

    We also found a nurse who was under intense pressure by her husband
    to have her newborn son circumcised, and she was willing to have her son
    to be the subject of the study.

    Her goal was to provide scientific information that would eventually be used to ban male infant circumcision.

    Since no permission of the ethics committee was required to perform any routine male infant circumcision,
    we did not feel it was necessary to seek any permission to carry out this study.

    We tightly strapped an infant to a traditional plastic “circumstraint” using Velcro restraints.

    We also completely immobilized the infant’s head using standard surgical tape.

    The entire apparatus was then introduced into the MRI chamber.

    Since no metal objects could be used because of the high magnetic fields,
    the doctor who performed the surgery used a plastic bell with a sterilized obsidian bade to cut the foreskin.

    No anesthetic was used.

    The baby was kept in the machine for several minutes to generate baseline data
    of the normal metabolic activity in the brain.

    This was used to compare to the data gathered during and after the surgery.

    Analysis of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to significant trauma.

    The greatest changes occurred in the limbic system concentrating in the amygdala
    and in the frontal and temporal lobes.

    A neurologist who saw the results postulated that the data indicated that circumcision
    affected most intensely the portions of the victim’s brain associated with reasoning,
    perception and emotions.

    Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery
    indicated that the child’s brain never returned to its baseline configuration.

    In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain
    of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery.

    Our problems began when we attempted to publish our findings in the open medical literature.

    All of the participants in the research including myself were called before the hospital discipline committee
    and were severely reprimanded.

    We were told that while male circumcision was legal under all circumstances in Canada,
    any attempt to study the adverse effects of circumcision was strictly prohibited by the ethical regulations.

    Not only could we not publish the results of our research, but we also had to destroy all of our results.

    If we refused to comply, we were all threatened with immediate dismissal and legal action.

    I would encourage anyone with access to fMRI and /or PET scanning machines
    to repeat our research as described above, confirm our results, and then publish the results
    in the open literature.

    Paul D. Tinari, Ph.D.
    Pacific Institute for Advanced Study

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma

    Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma

    How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All

    Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.

    Foreword by Ashley Montagu, Ph.D.
    320 pages • 576 references • illustrated • bibliography • index • Vanguard Publications, trade paper ISBN 0964489538
    Order Now
    CIRCUMCISION: THE HIDDEN TRAUMA is the first intensive exploration of the unrecognized psychological and social aspects of this increasingly controversial American cultural practice. The book has been endorsed by dozens of professionals in psychology, psychiatry, child development, pediatrics, obstetrics, childbirth education, sociology, and anthropology.
    Without much knowledge, the American public generally assumes that our cultural practice of circumcision is a trivial and benign procedure. As discussed in CIRCUMCISION: THE HIDDEN TRAUMA, plain facts and recent research results conflict with these beliefs and raise questions. Dr. Goldman’s application of psychological and social research coherently explains both the tenacity of the practice and the contradictory information and beliefs about it.
    After a review of the surprising abilities of infants and their responses to circumcision pain, the long-term psychological effects of circumcision are examined from the perspectives of both traditional and more recent, innovative psychological theories. We learn that circumcision has potential effects not only on men and sexuality, but also on mother-child relationships, male-female relationships, and societal traits and problems. The text is supported with clinical reports, interviews, surveys, and thorough documentation.
    CIRCUMCISION: THE HIDDEN TRAUMA identifies an overlooked source of early pain and simultaneously points us in the direction of both healing and preventing this pain. It is of particular interest to men who seek to explore their sexuality and deepen self-awareness; women who want to understand men better; parents and children’s advocates; childbirth educators and allied workers; and mental health, medical, and academic professionals. The book has wide appeal because, more generally, it is about trusting our instincts, questioning some of our cultural values and assumptions, and reflecting on who we are and who we can be as individuals and as a society.
    Ronald Goldman, Ph.D., is a psychological researcher, educator, and executive director of the Circumcision Resource Center in Boston, a nonprofit educational organization. He gives lectures and seminars on the psychological and social aspects of circumcision and provides consultation to expectant parents and circumcised men. Dr. Goldman has been a featured guest on local and national radio and television shows and has been cited in numerous newspapers and periodicals.
    Find out what professionals and readers are saying!
    Order Now


    Foreword by Ashley Montagu, Ph.D.xiii


    Introduction: Controversial Questions1

    1. Infant Development and Response to Circumcision6

    Changing Views of Infants; Sensory Response; Other Abilities and Qualities; Pain
    Response During Circumcision; Behavioral Response Following Circumcision;
    Comments from Professionals

    2. Why Parents and Physicians Choose to Circumcise Infants29

    Mental Factors; Emotional Factors; Male Attitudes Toward Choosing Circumcision;
    Behavioral Factors; Communication Factors; Language Factors; Defense Mechanisms

    3. Social and Cultural Factors Perpetuating Circumcision in America57

    Historical Context; Circumcision in Other Countries; Sexuality, Denial, and Normality;
    Conformity; Female Genital Mutilation; Science, Medicine, and Cultural Values

    4. Long-Term Psychological Effects of Circumcision:82

    I. Early Trauma and Memory
    Reasons for Lack of Investigation; Birth as Trauma in Psychoanalysis; Infant
    Neurological Development and Memory Capability; Clinical Experience with
    Body-Oriented Therapies and Research on Birth Impact; More Reports of Perinatal
    Memories; Circumcision Memories; Circumcision as Trauma; Circumcision of Older

    5. Long-Term Psychological Effects of Circumcision:103

    II. Adult Emotional Impact
    Men’s Attitudes Toward Their Own Circumcision; Psychological Impact of Circumcision
    on Men; Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Shame; Neurological Effects; Discovering
    Circumcision; Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Circumcision;
    Sex-Related Effects of Circumcision

    6. Circumcision and the Mother-Child Relationship124

    Maternal Anxiety; Mother-Infant Interaction; Loss of Trust; Mothers Who Observed

    7. The Impact of Circumcision on American Society139

    Effects of Low Male Self-Esteem; Avoidance of Intimacy in Male-Female
    Relationships; Unnecessary Surgery; Control of Female Sexuality; Attitudes Toward
    Pain and Stimulation; Passivity; Reduced Empathy; Antisocial Behaviors;
    Interrelationships of Social Problems; Warfare

    8. The Lessons of Circumcision176

    Infants Are Real People; Circumcision Trauma and Effects on Adults; Circumcision
    and Disrupted Bonding; American Motivation to Circumcise; Science and Medicine;
    Ethics and Medicine; Cultural and Social Perspectives; Hope for Healing

    Appendix A Sample Hospital Circumcision Information205

    Appendix B Questionnaire215

    Appendix C Personal Account of FGM216

    Appendix D Jews and Circumcision220

    Appendix E Research Considerations222






    Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Men Circumcised as Adults

    “After the circumcision there was a major change. It was like night and day. I lost most sensation.

    I would give anything to get the feeling back.”

    Only men circumcised as adults can experience the difference a foreskin makes.
    In the Journal of Sex Research, Money and Davison from the Johns Hopkins University School
    of Medicine reported on five such men.

    Changes included diminished penile sensitivity and less penile gratification.

    The investigators concluded,
    Erotosexually and cosmetically, the operation is, for the most part, contraindicated,
    and it should be evaluated in terms of possible pathological sequelae.​
    Other men circumcised as adults regret the change:
    I play guitar and my fingers get callused from playing. That’s similar to what happened to my penis after circumcision.
    After the circumcision there was a major change. It was like night and day. I lost most sensation.
    I would give anything to get the feeling back. I would give my house.
    [This man’s physician persuaded him to be circumcised by warning he could otherwise get penile cancer.
    When the man complained of the result, the physician replied, “That’s normal” and would not help him.]
    Slowly the area lost its sensitivity, and as it did, I realized I had lost something rather vital.
    Stimuli that had previously aroused ecstasy had relatively little effect. . . .
    Circumcision destroys a very joyful aspect of the human experience for males and females.
    The greatest disadvantage of circumcision is the awful loss of sensitivity when the foreskin is removed. . . .
    On a scale of 10, the intact penis experiences pleasure that is at least 11 or 12;
    the circumcised penis is lucky to get to 3.
    The sexual differences between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis is . . .
    like wearing a condom or wearing a glove. . . .
    Sight without color would be a good analogy. . . .
    Only being able to see in black and white, for example, rather than seeing in full color
    would be like experiencing an orgasm with a foreskin and without.
    There are feelings you’ll just never have without a foreskin.
    After thirty years in the natural state I allowed myself to be persuaded by a physician
    to have the foreskin removed—not because of any problems at the time,
    but because, in the physician’s view, there might be problems in the future.
    That was five years ago and I am sorry I had it done. . . .
    The sensitivity in the glans has been reduced by at least 50 percent.
    There it is, unprotected, constantly rubbing against the fabric of whatever I am wearing.
    In a sense, it has become callused. . . .
    I seem to have a relatively unresponsive stick where I once had a sexual organ.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Circumcision Affects Female Sexual Pleasure

    Female ratings: genitally intact men 8.03, circumcised men 1.81


    Women who have only had sex with circumcised men may not know what they are missing.

    According to surveys in the medical literature, women reported that they were significantly
    more likely to have vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised men than genitally intact men.

    A medical journal survey of women who had comparative sexual experience included 138 responses.

    Other things being equal, on a scale of ten, they rated genitally intact men 8.03 and circumcised men 1.81.

    With circumcised partners, women were less likely to have one or multiple vaginal orgasms,
    and their circumcised partners were more likely to have a premature ejaculation.

    Circumcision was also connected with vaginal discomfort.

    Women were less likely to “really get into it” and more likely to “want to get it over with”
    if their partner was circumcised.

    The results can be explained.

    The foreskin is a movable, double-layered sleeve. (See Functions of the Foreskin.)

    During intercourse, it glides up and down the penile shaft, reducing friction and retaining vaginal secretions.

    Without the foreskin, the skin on the penile shaft rubs against the vaginal wall, resulting in friction
    and increasing the need for artificial lubrication.

    The circumcised man has less sensitivity and requires deeper
    and harder thrusting to try to compensate, further increasing the friction.

    With circumcised partners, surveyed women were more likely to feel unappreciated,
    distanced, disinterested, frustrated, and discontented.

    When their partners were not circumcised, women were more likely to feel intimate with their partners,
    relaxed, warmth, mutual satisfaction, and “complete as a woman,” and the greater sexual satisfaction
    benefited the relationship.

    To be clear, this does not mean that women cannot have a satisfying emotional
    and sexual relationship with a circumcised man.

    Other things being equal, it means that such a relationship may be likely
    to be even more satisfying if the man were not circumcised.

    Circumcision Affects Female Sexual Pleasure – Circumcision Resource Center

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i do NOT know of any man, who would willingly want a 'shorter' penis ?

    interesting STATS from WHO !!! seems 70% of the world's men have escaped this horrible practice however, from the stats !!! i do NOT think the root of it; is found in 'jewish' practices it is the cut of THE BEAST, on THE SLAVEs !!!

    snip1. snip2.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    cut1. cut2. cut3. cut4.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    uncut1. uncut2.

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