Crop Circles & Dates Of Eclipses, Etc.,

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    beautiful pictures are developed
    from negatives in a dark room...
    so if you see darkness in your life
    be reassured
    that a beautiful picture
    is being prepared...
    ONE that will spark you
    back into full awareness
    through The 13 Keys
    or The 13 Key Lines of Spirit...


    you will never find roses
    where there are NO thorns"
    susan lynne schwenger
    11 November 1987
    Related Works of
    Susan Lynne Schwenger
    13 ~ THiRTEEN
    The eXchanger aka White Lotus Star
    Talks with Thunder with Thunders
    with respect to:

    The Cosmic Encodings of The Gaian Energy Matrix

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Chualar Farm 30 DEC 2013 -California Crop Circle - December 30th, 2013

    Crop circle



    Published on Jan 1, 2014
    The recent California Crop Circle of 12-30-13, is ritually coded in a manner that affirms existing coded dates and numbers previously identified and discussed. As such, this video shows how the Chualar Farm Crop Circle, is encoded with a NWO change mandate, to reverse, code 23, back to 12-21-13. This change ordered by the NWO is in my opinion an effort to FIX something or an effort to USE something associated with the date 12-21-13, that will assist the NWO in their quest for the one time line that assures their future one world govt.. The Crop Circle is the code. The Crop Circle points us back towards 12-21-13 and in doing so, exposes what the NWO currently seeks to use or fix regarding that date. The puzzle unravels, one finding at a time.

    Links to California Chualar Farm Crop Circle Background.

    AIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material. The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners.

    I am making such material available in an effort to educate and advance understanding of the content contained in the film selection & musical accompaniment. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. The material in this video is distributed without profit and is for informational, research, and educational purposes only.

    For more information go to:





    The Chualar Farm 30 DEC 2013 California Crop Circle



    The recent California Crop Circle of 12-30-13, is ritually coded in a manner that affirms existing coded dates
    and numbers previously identified and discussed.
    As such, this video shows how the Chualar Farm Crop Circle, is encoded with a NWO13.
    This change ordered by the NWO13, that will assist the NWO in their quest for the one time line that assures their future one world govt13
    and in doing so, exposes what the NWO currently seeks to use or fix regarding that date.
    The puzzle unravels, one finding at a time.

Links to California Chualar Farm Crop Circle Background.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material.
    The use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owners.

I am making such material available in an effort to educate and advance understanding of the content contained
    in the film selection & musical accompaniment. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107
    of the US Copyright Law, in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.
    The material in this video is distributed without profit and is for informational, research, and educational purposes only. 

For more information go to:



    This guy Mr. Cati is on the right track, regarding the covert operations of the ptb.
    There is indeed a 42 code, as can be seen in the 84=42+42=41+43 encoding of the 3½ times of scriptural prophecy.
    His interpretation of linking this code to American presidents etc so is valid, but peripheral with respect to the deeper cosmic agenda.
    It is true however, that the ptb are attempting to 'undo' something, that has occurred since the December 21st, 2012 date
    also deeply interwoven with April 24th, 2011 and July 3rd-4th 2012.


    9Nania is attempting to recreate the timeline above and she has discerned the 2014 year correctly.





    Thanks for posting part 2 of 2 :)
    and, for your other posts too
    best regards


    By Jonah Lustig
    Dec 31, 2013 3:24pm

    An unexplained crop circle in Salinas, Calif., has captured the curiosity of alien enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists across the nation.

    The patterns were noticed by aerial photographer Julie Belanger, who told ABC News she was shocked to discover them during a flyover on Monday.


    Aerial images show bizarre markings in a field in Salinas, Calif., Dec. 31, 2013 (Credit: 111th Aerial Photography & Video)
    (Credit: 111th Aerial Photography & Video)

    Adding to the mystery is a video posted on Youtube that shows two friends coming across the patterns after seeing green lights emanate from a field.

    A representative from local Echelon Security Co. told the San Jose Mercury News he was hired to protect the land from rowdiness, but could not provide the identity of the landowner. A spokesperson for Echelon declined to provide further comment to ABC News.

    (Credit: 111th Aerial Photography & Video)

    (Credit: 111th Aerial Photography & Video)



    CHUALAR, Calif. —The tiny farm town of Chualar attracted a curious crowd after a giant, mysterious crop circle appear in a remote farm field of barley Monday. The field's landowner hired armed security guards to keep gawkers wondering if aliens landed in the Salinas Valley from climbing over a barbed wire fence.
    VIDEO: Crop circle plowed under
    Word of the crop circle on Chualar Canyon Road spread all the way to Fairfield, New Jersey, where braille transcriber Debra Falanga lives.
    Falanga said her jaw dropped when she saw a photo of the crop circle because in its center there is a braille inscription.

    PHOTOS: Intricate crop circles appear in Chualar
    "It's fascinating. I don't know what it means, but it's readable," she said. "Those dots are in very specific order. It's so perfect it's almost like a machine did it. They are not off in any way, shape, or form."

    Braille is a system of dots that enable blind people to read and write through touch. Falanga said the dots form three lines and translate in braille as:

    192 192
    B 192 1
    192 192

    Orchestra conductor Carl Christensen of Monterey said he works with blind music students and agrees that it reads 192.

    "Now we just need to follow the 192 clue!" Christensen said.

    The only way to definitively know "192" was meant to convey would be to ask the crop circle's creator. No one, terrestrial or extra-terrestrial, had come forward to claim responsibility as of Tuesday.

    A YouTube video uploaded by an anonymous videographer Monday claims to document two friends who drove down Chualar Canyon Road just before sunrise. The video shows green bursts of light flashing over the field just before dawn, and the friends run with their camera through the field until they stumble into the circle. YouTube: Watch it here

    Locals are highly skeptical of alien stories swirling around their town. Jim Gillott, of Chualar, said he saw extension ladders and a crew of 30 people in the field last week.
    "Every time I drove by I saw them walking around," Chualar resident Jake Gavin said. "It looked like they had little GPS's or something."

    No one realized how intricate the crop circles were until professional photographer Julie Belanger flew in a helicopter over the field by coincidence while on her way to Carmel Monday morning and shot aerial photos.

    "It was beautiful. Quite beautiful," Belanger said. "I believe it's possible that aliens exist, but I don't know if they would bother making a crop circle to give us a message."

    The field's property owner, farmer Scott Anthony, 58, of King City, was out of town on vacation when the incident happened. Anthony had planted barley between cash crop harvests to add nutrients to the soil, and the circle creator did not damage anything, he told CNN.

    Anthony ordered a crew to plow the entire field back into the earth Tuesday. By 1:30 p.m., the circle was destroyed -- but not its mystery.

    VIDEO: Chualar residents skeptical of crop circle
    VIDEO: Mysterious crop circle found in Chualar




    Salinas Crop Circle Discovery - Monday, Dec 30, 2013


    A friend and I were driving on Chualar Canyon Road south of Salinas, California before sunrise, and THIS happened. Needless to say, pretty wild, but we slipped away and it's too good not to share. Created this account since I don't want this tied to me. Still not sure what to make of it.

    Crop Circle Appears in Salinas, Calif. Field

    Residents of Salinas, Calif. were baffled and amazed by a mysterious crop circle discovered in a field Monday morning.As seen in the photos above, the design is highly detailed, but the locals still have no idea who created the masterpiece, according to a Sky News report. The crop circle was carved into a barley field just east of Salinas, and the Monterey Herald reports the creation spanned nearly an acre of the field. The report also mentioned the owners of the farm hired security guards to monitor the property, but reporters were escorted to see the masterpiece up-close.

    "I don't know what it is supposed to be ... but it is beautiful," said Julie Belanger, who spoke to NBC News afterflying over the design to take pictures. Whether created by human or extraterrestrial, weather conditions for the circle-carving were nearly ideal, with clear skies and cool temperatures, according to senior meteorologist Jon Erdman.

    Salinas crop circle: hoax, or what?

    Perhaps aliens got lost on the way to Area 51. There is an elaborate crop circle in a field about six miles southeast of Salinas - yet where it came from is still a mystery. Security guards from San Jose-based Echelon Security were outside the property Monday morning. They said they could not reveal their client, only that they had been hired to stop the area from "becoming a circus."

    minute YouTube video posted Monday morning, two men appear to drive along Chualar Canyon Road before sunrise and see flashing lights in a field.

    They get out of a compact car, hop a fence and enter a pushed down area of weeds on a cultivated field. "Dude," says one man, "are you seeing this?" The Monterey County Sheriff's Office said they have not heard any reports of a crop circle. Despite some rumors, the California Highway Patrol said there were no road closures in the area. Employees at Salinas Municipal Airport around 11:30 a.m. said they have yet to hear about the crop circle, and Mondays are generally a slow day at the airport.


    (CNN) -- The intricate design etched into a field of barley two hours south of San Francisco was spotted Monday morning by Julie Belanger, a photographer, as she and her husband were flying over. Source:

    "What is it?" was her first thought, she told CNN affiliate KSBW.

    Whatever it was, "It was beautiful, quite beautiful," she said, adding that they came upon it by chance but that she was skeptical that the crop circle was evidence of something otherworldly.

    "I believe it's possible that aliens exist, but I don't know if they would bother making a crop circle to give us a message," she said.

    Still, the news spread quickly. The field's owner, Scott Anthony, had just returned from vacation to his home when he got a call from one of the employees on his 2,000-acre farm outside the tiny town of Chualar, 10 miles southeast of Salinas.

    "He said, 'Hey, there's a buncha stuff out in the middle of the field,' so when I went up there I go, 'Ohhhh, shoot!'," the 58-year-old farmer told CNN Tuesday in a telephone interview.

    What he saw was an elaborate design sculpted into one to two acres of his barley field: a crop circle -- more precisely, a lot of squares and rectangles within a large circle.

    "To me, it looks like a computer chip, or something like that," said Anthony, who added that he had no idea what may have caused it. "To be that intricate in design, it kind of baffles me as to how that was done," he said about the flattened grassland. "It didn't look burned to me, it just looked like it was pushed over."

    Soon, the news vans showed up, followed by the curious, some of whom stood on fences to get a better view. Anthony called security agents to keep people from crossing onto his farmland, where he also grows broccoli, snap peas and lettuce.

    "It's a food-safety issue," he said.

    That hasn't stopped the roadsides from filling with the curious, many of them self-appointed experts.

    "It looks like aliens to me," Manuel Madrid of nearby Gonzales told KSBW.

    "Definitely pranksters," said Brandon Brooks of Chualar, who added, "This is kind of a strange place to have anything out of the ordinary happen."

    The latter theory got some support from Jim Gillott, who told KSBW that he had seen 20 to 30 people with ladders in the field in the days before the design was discovered.

    And Jake Gain said he too had seen evidence that humans were involved.

    "Every time I drove by, I saw them either parked over there," he said, pointing, "or people in the field just walking around, and it looked like they had little GPSes or something," he said.

    And someone identified solely as "Cannot Say" posted a 2½-minute video on YouTube that shows green flashes of light emanating from what appears to be the field before dawn on Monday. "Dude, this is a crop circle," says one of two men in the video as they clamber from their car into the field.

    The founding publisher of Skeptic magazine was unimpressed.

    "It looks like a couple of kids did this," Michael Shermer told CNN. "Short of having a video of it, it's hard to prove that kids did it. So, in that case, we have to make a choice: what's more likely? That aliens landed in Chualar, California, or that a couple of pranksters made it?

    "We have zero evidence of aliens landing anywhere; we have lots of evidence of pranksters hoaxing."

    Such circles can be made by simply dragging a rope attached to a board over the grass, he said.
    Still, he noted, such stories are attractive to many. "People seem less intrigued by pranksters than they do by aliens, so it's a compelling story for people to think that we're not alone."

    Farmer Anthony said he was out of town during the week before the discovery, so he saw nothing that might have tipped him off that pranksters were at work. But whoever -- or whatever -- caused the circle has caused him no lasting upheaval -- financial or otherwise. The barley was planted between cash crops to add nutrients to the fields; he is planning to plow it -- and the crop circle -- back into the earth on Thursday.



    'Mysterious' intricate crop circles 'discovered' in California by 'friends who saw green flashing lights'


    Crop Circles On Ca
    California Farm In Salinas Valley

    No one, terrestrial or otherwise, has claimed responsibility for the mysterious phenomenon on a California farm.


    Unexplained Crop Circle Found on Chualar Farm
    The crop circles take up about an acre of the field


    [2:52:37 AM-Thursday, January 2nd, 2014 +11UCT] Shiloh: Good night Julienne
    [2:52:59 AM] Shiloh: They think the California cc was a prank
    [2:53:02 AM] Allisiam: thank you for talking with me
    [2:53:19 AM] Allisiam: yes, well even so it had interesting timing
    [2:53:45 AM] Allisiam: did you see the video of the flashing green lights?
    [2:54:00 AM] Allisiam: i guess that could of been photo-shopped also
    [2:54:12 AM] Shiloh: I dont know
    [2:54:32 AM] Shiloh: Maybe maybe not youtube is unreliable, as is mainstream
    [2:54:53 AM] Allisiam: yes well the symbolism still counts you know
    [2:54:57 AM] Shiloh: Too many clowns trying to be smart in faking things
    [2:55:07 AM] Shiloh: Of course
    [2:55:14 AM] Shiloh: I am not dismissing it
    [2:55:20 AM] Shiloh: I just dont know
    [2:55:31 AM] Allisiam: yeah i dont know how authentic it is either
    [2:55:51 AM] Allisiam: but i did see the video with the flashing lights and it felt possibly real
    [2:56:20 AM] Allisiam: i don't trust youtube much though either
    [2:56:35 AM] Allisiam: with CGI and photo effects they can do anything these days
    [2:56:51 AM] Allisiam: but the subconscious speaks to me
    [2:56:54 AM] Allisiam: the symbols
    [2:57:01 AM] Allisiam: those are real and can't be faked
    [2:57:43 AM] Allisiam: i see them as 'artifacts'
    [2:57:55 AM] Allisiam: appearing in the fabric of the story
    [2:58:13 AM] Shiloh: Yes I agree
    [2:58:21 AM] Shiloh: I did not see the lights
    [2:58:27 AM] Shiloh: The video did not load
    [2:58:32 AM] Allisiam: oh it was on one of the links
    [2:58:45 AM] Allisiam: there is one on youtube i think
    [2:59:02 AM] Shiloh: CNN did not load, youtube most likely will
    [2:59:25 AM] Allisiam:



    [2:59:31 AM] Allisiam: try that
    [3:00:16 AM] Shiloh: Working
    [3:01:54 AM] Shiloh: Seems genuine
    [3:02:07 AM] Shiloh: Amateur video
    [3:02:13 AM] Allisiam: yeah that is what i thought
    [3:02:29 AM] Shiloh: And Dec 30 is potent
    [3:02:33 AM] Allisiam: yes
    [3:03:45 AM] Shiloh: The green lights could be the 'making mechanics' see that?
    [3:03:55 AM] Allisiam: anyhow that is why i shared it because it seemed to fit the timeline pretty well
    [3:03:59 AM] Allisiam: yes
    [3:04:05 AM] Shiloh: This is the 84+84 Logos timeline
    [3:04:18 AM] Allisiam: and in genuine crop circles they see these lights appear
    [3:04:25 AM] Shiloh: Miniaturising and focusing the 3½
    [3:04:46 AM] Shiloh: The subsequent debukings then could be the obfuscation
    [3:05:11 AM] Shiloh: Why did this farmer destroy it so quickly?
    [3:05:17 AM] Allisiam: the other peoples testimony of seeing people in the field ect could be field workers getting equipment ready to harvest the field, which it was on a very late crop and was harvested after this
    [3:05:26 AM] Allisiam: exactly, why
    [3:05:35 AM] Shiloh: This was was made me suspect it as fake
    [3:05:53 AM] Allisiam: well it is california and they do get late crops like this
    [3:06:00 AM] Allisiam: so that part is possible
    [3:06:10 AM] Shiloh: But looking at it it is too elaborate for pulling ropes along with wooden planks in a short timespan
    [3:06:23 AM] Allisiam: it seems really precise
    [3:06:30 AM] Allisiam: a lot of precision involved
    [3:06:46 AM] Shiloh: What are those green flashes?
    [3:07:08 AM] Shiloh: It could be the magnetic higherD way of making those things
    [3:07:38 AM] Shiloh: Recall the ufo is a 4d light shadow from a higherD dark energy object source
    [3:08:04 AM] Allisiam:
    [3:08:17 AM] Allisiam: well they finally added it to cropcircleconnector
    [3:08:23 AM] Allisiam: yes
    [3:09:53 AM] Shiloh: 192+192=384=400-16 as the 1260 - gestation in 401-17=384
    [3:10:11 AM] Shiloh: They double the 192 and so the 3½ as the WOC
    [3:10:39 AM] Shiloh: 384+7=391 which is the Euphrates Code
    [3:11:09 AM] Shiloh: 195.66+195.66=391+1/3
    [3:11:20 AM] Allisiam:
    [3:11:25 AM] Allisiam: did you see this page too?
    [3:11:32 AM] Allisiam: this is the comments
    [3:11:53 AM] Shiloh: Which is just this timeframe from September 10-11-12th, 2013 to December30th, 2013 to March 25th to June 17th, 2014 to October 5-6-7th, 2014 in 195+1+195 with 84+1+84 in 1260/15=84 and the master code of 3½ times for a 'time'=360 days as the circle-cycle-degree-Platonic Great Year
    [3:12:09 AM] Shiloh: So the timing COULD be perfect
    [3:13:22 AM] Allisiam: yes and if done by human hand, do they know the codes? no
    [3:13:36 AM] Allisiam: it just seemed so weird to me
    [3:13:44 AM] Allisiam: a crop circle on dec 30th
    [3:14:22 AM] Shiloh: As said and I edited the chart just because of this 195.66 doubling at the time this was made
    [3:14:29 AM] Shiloh: So perfect synchro
    [3:14:54 AM] Shiloh: And I did not associate any cc with this just the scripture codes
    [3:15:25 AM] Shiloh: You understand this 3½+3½=7 as the middle week dont you?
    [3:15:42 AM] Shiloh: March 22nd-25th-28th, as the Mirror of the Logos

    [3:16:22 AM] Shiloh: 3+1+3
    [3:16:53 AM] Shiloh: 192+3½+3½+192 then becomes this braille signature
    [3:17:01 AM] Shiloh: I know little about braille
    [3:18:02 AM] Allisiam: yes i do since you explained it to me
    [3:18:30 AM] Allisiam: what do you think the B and 1 are?
    [3:18:47 AM] Allisiam: sorry i had to go to the bathroom
    [3:19:28 AM] Shiloh: B=8=oo=Infinity
    [3:19:37 AM] Shiloh: em=ME=WE
    [3:19:43 AM] Shiloh: 3e=e3=E3=3E=B
    [3:19:48 AM] Allisiam: yes this is what i was thinking too lol
    [3:20:02 AM] Shiloh: 1 Eternity
    [3:20:08 AM] Shiloh: Doubled
    [3:20:17 AM] Allisiam: i see the 5 trees in paradice also
    [3:20:23 AM] Shiloh: But this is guesswork and ad hoc
    [3:20:24 AM] Allisiam: and the two candlesticks
    [3:20:37 AM] Allisiam: sure lol
    [3:20:42 AM] Allisiam: we speculate
    [3:21:20 AM] Allisiam: can it get any more bizarre lol
    [3:23:03 AM] Shiloh: From this date onwards some cosmic energies will be rather intense and focused
    [3:23:20 AM] Shiloh: Something novel and unprecedented
    [3:23:58 AM] Shiloh: We should put this on Operation Scrambleweb
    [3:24:04 AM] Allisiam: yes and also it was reported in the news today that a Finnish drug company has reported some startling research on a cure for AIDS. They think that they have found a vaccine that will erradicate it.
    [3:24:16 AM] Shiloh: Nice
    [3:24:40 AM] Shiloh: As said the human science is to be preserved, but not much else
    [3:25:05 AM] Shiloh: Rational thinking and deductive reasoning is an ET characteristic
    [3:25:35 AM] Shiloh: Well human creativity in the arts is fine of course as well
    [3:25:37 AM] Allisiam:
    [3:25:53 AM] Allisiam: it was on the local news here
    [3:25:59 AM] Allisiam: i just found this link

    Chualar, Salinas Valley, California USA. Reported 30th December.
    Updated Wednesday 1st January 2014


    My attention has just been drawn to the Chualar Farm CC by a friend viewing your site. In order to get a perspective perhaps your readers may wish to consider the following and I refer to my article on the CGI page of Cropcircleconnector.


    In this article I relate to a 2013 human made and witnessed broad daylight CC event...a relatively small CC as they go which is the point here. You will note this event was timed at nearly 9 hours to construct by x3 experienced workers and occupied an area of approx. 4,900 sq. ft. The new CC at Chualar Farm is evidently estimated to occupy an area of approx. one acre I believe (43,560 sq. ft.) If this is indeed the fact do the simple math...on this basis this CC would take a team of three men in daylight 8.88 days to complete assuming it was of the same simplicity as the one I witnessed, which it is not. To state the obvious I suggest this event would have been noticed in it's making even around Christmas time.

    It is important people are aware of these factors in order to draw their own reasoned conclusions. An appeal for some good ground shots of the site would be very useful obviously.

    Let it be known I have not commented on this event prior to this note to you now so a quote on your site including the word "tricksters" is quite false. This is a word I would not normally use and certainly not in relation to this CC of which at this time of writing I remain quite open as to it's origin.

    Paul Jacobs.

    Report on Eye-Witnessed Event at Salthrop, Wiltshire.

    [I felt compelled to write this article as there doesn’t seem to be much out there on this topic which I find curious. This topic would seem to me to be the bottom line. Anyway, here goes and I hope it will help to clarify and reassure.]


    Finally, the crew put a drone in the air to do some movie ‘takes’ of the work and I’d suggest any tell-tale features/flaws moving at that height would not be clear. However, they seemed to pay particular attention to one area that I believe had been prepared/dressed for the take.
    Anyway, I patiently waited until all was done, time noted 7.30pm. The crew were there the best part of 12 hours in all. Please remember, the planking started at about 8am. and took nearly 9 hours…finished 4.50pm! This is important to remember especially as all was done in broad daylight and in perfect weather conditions. At this time of year there are only around 5 hours of good darkness so it really does beggar the question, and this is the crux… “If it took them, allegedly the most skilled and experienced people in the business nearly 9 hours to do this relatively small, and as it turned out, a relatively simple pattern, how on Earth could a much larger and far more sophisticated one, and one containing biophysical anomalies and positioned in an inaccessible field/location, maybe on uneven ground requiring topographic adjustment and at night, be done and in less than 5 hours?” This would commonly be the case with many CCs. Just use common sense here… please. I watched the painstaking way in which these people paced and measured with a tape and a stick. Attempting to construct a more complicated pattern using this technique at night with time restraints and threat of discovery borders on the absurd…no, IS TOTALLY absurd!


    So, quid’s in, Mr Farmer! Personally I have no problem with farmers taking people’s money that are stupid enough to just come along and hand it over for some lame exercise such as this. Far better price than the going rate for barley which I believe was running at about £200 ton at that time. That laid area was probably worth about £50 max. Farmer laughing all the way to the bank as they say! However, I am under no illusion whatsoever as to what the film maker’s motives were here. Perhaps the farmer’s fee will be under review next season! Interesting thought that. We shall see.


    Anyway, the planking stuff was all done by about 4.50pm. having started at around 8am. They all went off looking pretty exhausted (one guy who I think was referred to as ‘John’ just perched on the five bar gate directly in front of me for a while sweating and looked totally knackered!...thought he might actually fall off at one point!) Hard to imagine this bunch (or any ) pulling a stunt like this off in a paddy field in Java or Sumatra (CCs there in 2011 I think) with humidity running at 80% with the risk of indigenous running around with machetes or somesuch! All the dogs would have been going nuts!

    And then…at about 6pm… on came the official ‘Mr. Farmer’ representative. Well, well, well, a chap I recognised from Yatesbury two seasons ago.


    I must tell you that I found this whole business both fascinating and most entertaining…great fun!

    Now, the farmer about to be interviewed was the very same farmer who would have us all believing his Yatesbury CC two seasons ago was made by a bunch of kids from a local youth club. Amazingly due to the misinformation and propaganda exercise going down at that time, he had the most gullible believing him…including, incredibly some well known so called ‘researchers’!!! But that’s another story. (I personally submitted undeniable photographic evidence and field report to the contrary in terms of biophysical anomalies much to his and his cohort’s annoyance I dare say! You can see the photos on CCC ) But from my point of view seeing him here was the perfect opportunity to cross-reference, identifying this guy as one who supports the human-made approach, likes being in the limelight and actively involved in debunking campaigns it would seem. Many farmers as we all know support the human made position but few go the extra mile by getting involved to this extent…they’re too busy for one thing! Anyway, I watched this guy pacing up and down for ages with a bit of paper (all absolutely true) rehearsing his lines in preparation for his staged ‘performance’…the farmer interview slot. The whole thing seemed like a bit of a farce to me but that’s probably because I had the advantage of witnessing it directly. To the gullible, naive and uninformed, when viewing the actual film it will probably all seem quite plausible no doubt. I don’t know how many times it took for him to get it right but it felt like an age…take after laborious retake…quite tedious.


    Finally, the crew put a drone in the air to do some movie ‘takes’ of the work and I’d suggest any tell-tale features/flaws moving at that height would not be clear. However, they seemed to pay particular attention to one area that I believe had been prepared/dressed for the take.
    Anyway, I patiently waited until all was done, time noted 7.30pm. The crew were there the best part of 12 hours in all. Please remember, the planking started at about 8am. and took nearly 9 hours…finished 4.50pm! This is important to remember especially as all was done in broad daylight and in perfect weather conditions. At this time of year there are only around 5 hours of good darkness so it really does beggar the question, and this is the crux… “If it took them, allegedly the most skilled and experienced people in the business nearly 9 hours to do this relatively small, and as it turned out, a relatively simple pattern, how on Earth could a much larger and far more sophisticated one, and one containing biophysical anomalies and positioned in an inaccessible field/location, maybe on uneven ground requiring topographic adjustment and at night, be done and in less than 5 hours?” This would commonly be the case with many CCs. Just use common sense here… please. I watched the painstaking way in which these people paced and measured with a tape and a stick. Attempting to construct a more complicated pattern using this technique at night with time restraints and threat of discovery borders on the absurd…no, IS TOTALLY absurd!


    The location itself was perfect for access as literally right next to the road and there were no worries regarding ‘discovery’ as they worked with the full knowledge of the farmer who they were required to pay a considerable sum of money for the privilege. Well done Mr. Farmer! ( Mr. Farmer is ‘cottoning on’….English term for ‘getting wise’) [I know the precise amount but it would seem indiscreet to reveal it here]. My guess was the ‘doers’ who are recognised I believe as… “The most experienced there are”, were paid for the task by the film company/sponsor who also paid the farmer. If the planker’s vehicle was anything to go by I really don’t think these guys would have toiled away at this job all day long for zero gain…they looked like they needed a few quid and were clearly not getting much work!! Think about this. I thought to myself later after going into the CC…”Well, if these guys are the best in the business and this is the best they can do in these favourable conditions then case closed as far as I’m concerned.”

    Once all were away and gone I went over to the CC and did an appraisal of their work, a rare opportunity to use it as a ‘control’ sample, a comparison from a CC 100% known to be made by human beings (as opposed to people’s ‘claims’ and stories which do not count I’m afraid ) to countless others visited believed to be of mysterious/unknown origin. My first impression was…”Umm, not that bad I suppose.”


    However, to an experienced eye the differences were simply obvious. Then I thought…”Bless them, they have done their best and had been at it for over 8 hours in good daylight”. At this point I remembered something. After the three plankers had finished this other guy came on the scene and spent a considerable length of time going systematically around the pattern adjusting and tidying, or that is all I can think he was doing, stooped down, moving slowly and methodically most likely making it look as smart as he could. What a long winded and time consuming business I thought.

    So to continue, I started to walk around with a more critical eye. The most obvious point to me was lack of finesse …it just didn’t have the ‘feel’. It’s like the auctioneer knowing the difference between the cheap reproduction and the valuable aged antique…you get to know and recognise your craft… the qualities. Evidence of foot tread was just about everywhere as you would expect, something not seen first thing in mysterious CCs obviously.( I am commonly 1st. person into new CCs and indeed have discovered CCs on the ground due to my camping in the landscape during the season so I’m in a position to compare.) No ‘machine-like’ quality, as I call it, about the lay at all. Nothing appeared tight and certainly no features I recognise from many other CCs like, still-standing flower/other species or single stem standing in otherwise laid areas…every plant was pushed down. Certainly nothing like ‘energy leak’ or tracking/pathing, underlayering, multilayering, barley ‘waterflow’ effect/contraflow, or unnecessary/’irrelevant’ design features…I could go on. (They’ll probably read this and think…”Umm, we must remember to include those next time”… Ho! ho!) But seriously, it didn’t do it for me at all, in fact to be honest it made me feel a bit depressed. The very thought of the lengths and expense some will go to and for what? Well, the closest I got to an answer was from one of these planking characters that when finished he came over to where I was parked, I felt in a little bit of an attempted intimidatory and arrogant manner (unsuccessful) and taking photos of me and my van. I said to him… “Why do you do this film”? ( literally nothing else). He replied…”It’s for you lot!!” and pointed his finger at me in a rather unnecessary way let’s say. Ok…. We left it at that.

    [As a footnote, you may be interested to know that the so called ‘Engagement’ pattern publicised and confirmed as human made end of last year (2012), and again as I know the farmers personally, I can tell you that it too took about 8 hours to construct and a fee was charged by the farmer for compensation and inconvenience. Farmer told me they started about 9pm and finished at about 5am the following morning…so all without daylight on this occasion. (Why they chose to do it under the cover of darkness is a mystery since it was done with the farmer’s consent.) The farmer told me they said they were not happy with the final result as the… “Edges weren’t good”… for one thing. Interesting. The reality was that the image seen on the internet was nowhere near a true representation of the actual ground work. The image was enhanced and made to look tidy and neat by the use of vector lines, no question. All we could see from the air was the impression of a circumference line once it was harvested. This event was planned to happen and actioned literally just before the crop was due to be harvested. Perhaps they didn’t want to be watched. I believe this was deliberate so there was no chance to inspect the ground lay by other parties! So big point again, not forget, 8 hours to construct only 5 of which good solid darkness.

    The way things are going, it will take a very brave man indeed next season to try anything unauthorised. But of course this won’t happen anyway. However if anyone did get caught by a farmer attempting CCs unauthorised they will be dealt with to the full extent of the law I understand. But I dare say we will still get the usual claims and stories I was telling you about.]
    So, very educational day in all.

    After a very hot and interesting day, I was packing up and the farmer’s wife popped by to say hello and showed me her new clutch of chicks together with proud mother hen she had in the back of her 4x4 vehicle. Brilliant...I loved that.

    Now, that bit made so much sense…very grounding; the other, well, I’ll leave you to fathom all of that out!

    Happy Circling, Paul Jacobs. (CGI)

    Actually, my skepticism relates to testimony from people who had witnessed people on Saturday with boards and tape measures. However, I am still excited about the content, as well as very pleased that the local news tonight revisited the story (with footage of the barley being mowed down). Many onlookers we present. The fields owner was out of town, but apparently had nothing negative to say about it. But the south county folks loved it and were sad to see it go. BTW a friend in the ag business explained that barley is not a crop for sale, its what they call a "feed field" which helps the winter soil while providing cattle feed.


    Now here's the interesting follow through from the local news: A woman in New Jersey somehow responded to the first report, perhaps due to youtube, or word of mouth regarding the apparent Braille in the center of the square. She apparently is one of the few folks out there that can read braille with her eyesight. She says the the image reads like this:


    I should mention that the numbers were each preceded by a braille indicator of "a number follows" symbol (looks like an inverted "L" to our eye) and that the letter "B" may indicate "Braille" and that the "1" may orient the position of a clock face or degree of a circle.
    The news reporter mentioned that there might several reasons for 192: an IP address, a pointer to the UK (I don't remember why), or even a reference to the hands on a clock. I noticed that 192 is an abundant number with 14 divisors (2014?) but then it dawned on me that it 192 are the number of circles in August 2001 (if I remember that correctly) the one near Stonehenge!

    The point is that the seriousness of the report was in no way concerned with the "authenticity" of the circle, but rather the message. It is taken seriously by virtue of its novelty, and thankfully, its not a blatant advertisement.
    For those who study the phenomenon, they find this is man made (as are most) but not all! If the message is that others are unexplained, even if this is, then its all good. An openness to the possibility that we don't know what we don't know is very healthy for the status quo.
    In my view, Its especially cool that there is a winter canvas and palate for circle makers of any kind - and also that the local reaction was so outspoken and positive! You never know how that goes until it happens, and for the dead of winter, that was an enthusiastic outpouring of people, especially for south Monterey County (Chualar) which is sparsely populated, involving a commute for the onlookers.
    I should also mention it was the TOP STORY tonight on the 6 pm news, and was an accurate, non condescending story, with a positive tone. It did not criticize or hype aliens or kooks, nor did it belittle circle makers or their admirers or the message. It referenced "experts in the field" (sic) of circularity and spent no time arguing the merit or validity of such a wonderful, creative, and mysterious expression. The skeptics around here do not feel compelled to piss on the parade, so far. Nobody likes a cereal killer (yuk yuk)
    Perhaps it was a slow news day, and the reporters LOVE a local story that PHOTOGRAPHS well !!
    I think everyone can agree its definitely WORTH LOOKING even if it was not made by little green men.... Or was it?
    The crop circle is the thing, the "who?" and "why?" and how really don't matter to the spirit of the event.
    As I type this the San Francisco TV station now shows air footage of the circle, and the plow, and mentions that no one has taken credit for the circle. That's the 3rd day in the news!
    Bob Aronson
    PS FYI - Gilroy had a small circle years ago (reported on your site), and KORN had a circle appear near bakersfield for a music video several months ago.



    The last weekend of 2013, NVIDIA
    set out to create an iconic piece of art to celebrate the hard work of the engineers who created the Tegra K1 mobile processor
    -- a crop circle in Chualar, Calif., near the city of Salinas.
    Learn about why we did it, where we did it, and how we pulled it off. It certainly got the attention we wanted, and then some.
    Many thanks to the people of Chualar for being a part of it!




Learn more about Tegra K1 at


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1st Crop Circle of 2011 - 22 APR 2011

    missing images


    find pics and repost
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Comet ELENIN 2011-07-09 to 2011-07-11 - Latest Telescope Images


    [11:05:28 PM] THE13THBRIDGE:

    Comet ELENIN 2011-07-09 to 2011-07-11 - Latest Telescope Images


    MOVED into event dates

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2002 Alien Face Crop Circle

    The 2002 'Alien Face' Formation

    Paul Vigay takes a preliminary look at the 2002 'Alien Face' formation.


    Click here to see the original entry in
    The International Crop Circle Database


    On Thursday 15th August 2002 I first heard that there had been an 'impressive' new formation discovered just to the west of Winchester (Hampshire, UK). Lucy Pringle immediately flew over the formation, confirming its location at Crabwood Farm, between Pitt and Sparsholt (SU 445295) and emailed me some initial photos - which as you can see are immediately recognisable as an 'alien face' with a circular grid containing some kind of binary data sequence.
    The initial style of construction is very similar to that of the Chilbolton formations of last year (see my report on the Arecibo formation). Indeed, as the crow flies, the location is only about 8½ miles to the southeast of last years Chilbolton formations - and the similarity doesn't end there. Immediately to the east of the formation are some more radio masts.

    First Impressions

    My first impression of the formation was that it was incredibly elaborate - again, how you would construct a 2D pattern on the ground in order to give a 3D visualisation from the air is very impressive by anybody's standard. However, I couldn't help 'feeling' that it's an elaborate and well constructed hoax. I just didn't get any initial 'wow' factor from it, despite it's undeniably impressive design. This is an entirely subjective viewpoint, but I'm sure people who have been into crop circles and witnessed particular designs get an immediate 'hunch' or 'knowing' about certain formations - difficult to describe, but I'm sure you know what I mean.


    I don't feel happy with the design of the face. It feels too Hollywood or 'Star Trek' to my personal liking, which I don't think is indicative of the true circlemaking force. In fact as soon as I saw the image of the alien, the first thought that came into my head was that I recognised it from somewhere. Pondering over this for a few moments made me remember some old episodes of Star Trek - the original series, with Captain Kirk etc. In one episode (called the Corbomite Manoeuvre) a character known as 'Balok' from the I.S.S.Fesarius constructed a fake dummy for communicating with the U.S.S.Enterprise. This dummy was actually featured on the end credits of several episodes and was the first thing that entered my mind when I saw the crop formation.
    Having located a picture of the Balok dummy though, I'm not entirely convinced, but there is a vague resemblance. It doesn't strike me as representative of the typical 'grey' alien either though. It almost has a 'too malevolent' expression about it, and the typical image of a grey has large eyes with no visible pupil.
    Either way, there is something 'not right' about the alien itself.

    From a pure design point of view, the frame around the alien is not that accurate. There is too little space on the left hand side of the face, and the bottom corners are not 90 degree angles. This makes it slightly sloppy from an artistic point of view. However, something like this could theoretically be constructed with the aid of computer controlled GPS equipment - so it's possibly not as difficult to produce as it initially looks. Also, a helicopter was heard by a local witness at 2am on the night the formation appeared. This could indicate an organised disinformation effort.

    The 'circular grid' design looks interesting though and the inquisitive, enquiring side of my brain took over and thought "this might be worth investigating". Because I'm personally unimpressed with the formation from a crop circle research point of view (it's very impressive from a design and construction point of view though!) I was aware of wasting my time investigating what I believe to be a distraction from the real circlemakers. However, not being one to pass by an intriguing looking code, and also because I endeavour to keep my research impartial from personal opinion, I decided to investigate further....

    The Circular Grid

    My first thoughts on the circular grid pattern was that it was similar to the old Victorian disc music boxes, which consisted of metal discs with notches on them which struck a pin as they rotate. This would produce musical notes. In fact, the music box appears to have been introduced by Antoine Favre, a Swiss watchmaker, in 1796. However, the disc player was introduced in the latter part of the 19th century and were the predecessor of phonographs and modern records. I wondered what the 'notes' in the formation would sound like if I wrote some computer software to simulate a Victorian music box and 'play' the formation as a notched disc. This might be the topic of a future research project, especially as it fits in with my ongoing research into musical tones and harmonics.

    On closer examination of the 'disc' (more detailed photos coming soon), it would appear to be a single spiral of 'pixels' expanding out from the centre, rather like the groove on a vinyl record. The obvious assumption to make here is that it contains another binary code sequence, like the Arecibo message formation. However, although the disc looks familiar to me (perhaps I've subconsciously remembered seeing something similar in a science fiction movie?) I've been unable to locate a close match in my reference library.

    There are a number of possible avenues to research in order to decode any data which may be contained within the disc. It could be some form of cymatic mandala. I've been researching cymatics since about 1992 but for those who aren't familiar with this aspect of my research, I hope to upload some more articles on this topic in the near future. Cymatics, or the study of music and its shape-forming potential was begun around 1800 when the German acoustical physicist and amateur musician Ernst Chladni began experimenting with sand on vibrating metal plates. He discovered that by sprinkling sand on a round metal plate and then drawing a violin bow vertically along the plate's rim, the musical tone produced would move the sand particles into mandala shapes.

    Chladni's 'Cymatic' diagrams

    Another area of interest is that of planetary grid systems. I've also been interested in this research for some years and was intrigued to find out that there is actually an international harmony based upon a music of planetary grid systems. This is currently the subject of some ongoing research projects I'm involved with, but suffice to say, after a brief search through my reference library I located a diagram of a planetary grid system based upon a Lambdoma Matrix originating at one of the poles.
    Again, this looks as if it might be worth researching further.

    Diagram showing a Lambdoma Matrix

    Thinking in 3D again!

    Those of you who are aware of my previous research (see articles in Enigma will know that during the past 12 years I have been investigating three dimensional geometry systems based around crop formation designs. One of the first things I do when examining new ideas and concepts is to 'think outside norm' and examine things from all angles, indeed all dimensions. To this end, I can also visualise the circular grid portion of this crop formation in terms of a three dimensional sphere. If you then superimpose a binary sequence over the surface of this sphere, you start to get into some very interesting research; The Entropy of Black Holes.

    According to theoretical physics the amount of information that can be hidden in a black hole is finite and not infinite as some scientists believe. We can actually start to calculate the amount of information stored in a black hole by a single, clear number, or the so-called entropy of a black hole. This entropy is a pure number and is known as the Bekenstein "nat number" and is exactly the surface area of the horizon of the black hole, divided by four times the elementary quantum of area. This allows us to find an amazing connection between pure mass - black hole mass - and information.

    This is all quite advanced research, and I hope to expand upon this topic, in laymans terms, in future articles - but for the time being, it's a taster of current research projects and thinking processes.

    Indeed, irrespective of the origin of the crop circle, we again find ourselves questing for knowledge and information that is outside the normal paradigm of everyday life. This is what I continue to find amazing about the message in the crop formations. What other subject enables you to wake up in the morning and within minutes can inspire you to learn about Victorian music boxes, cymatics, planetary grid systems and theoretical physics concerning black holes?

    Again, crop circles have taught us about things we may have had no previous knowledge of, and certainly didn't learn about at school - and if we did, it definitely wasn't so much fun! Crop circles are a fun and inspirational guide to seeking and learning new information.

    I hope this brief article has given you some food for thought and perhaps helped trigger some other thought processes inside your brain. I hope to expand on a number of the ideas and theories shared here, but in the meantime, wanted to write something quickly in order to put down some of my initial thoughts and ideas regarding this particular formation. It may not be from what I could call the 'genuine circlemakers', but none the less, I'm sure it has a wealth of new knowledge it can teach us - if we remain open-minded and enquiring.
    Paul Vigay, 17th August 2002
    Photos: (21st Aug 2002)

    I visited the formation on Sunday 18th August and took a large selection of photos from ground level. These are available on a separate page.


    Analysis Update: (20th Aug 2002)

    Sorry for not uploading more information, but as you can imagine, things are rather hectic at the moment. I spent the weekend in Wiltshire and only returned home last night, to about 500 emails. I'm working through these and I also took a number of photos of the formation on the ground.

    Initial analysis tends to indicate that the disc contains around 153 groups of 7 bit binary data bytes. I've not had a chance to key it all into the computer yet - which should allow for a much more variable analysis as I can vary the bit data between 7 and 8 bits and also shuffle the bit data back and forth to see if any close matched are given.

    Analysis Update: (21th Aug 2002)

    I've done some more analysis myself this afternoon, mainly because I wanted to satisfy my own curiosity and see if I could verify the various decoded messages other people are obtaining - and I can independently verify Eltjo's findings, yielding the message "Beware ...."

    Using a detailed closeup image of the disc, kindly taken by Lucy Pringle, specifically for helping to decode the binary sequence, I was able to construct small squares or 'pixels' and superimpose them on the image. Then, starting from the centre and spiralling outwards, we get a 1 if the crop is standing and a 0 if the crop is flattened. Every 9th position is a small tuft of standing crop which is smaller than the standard 'pixels'. This I, along with several other researchers, interpret to be some kind of divider between digits. Between each marker digit are 8 'pixels', which conveniently corresponds to the standard 8 bits per byte notation that us computer programmers use. By using 8 bits we can represent anything from 00000000 which is 0 in decimal right up to 11111111 (ie. all 8 pixels 'on') which is 255 in decimal.

    In order to represent numbers and letters of the alphabet, computers use a set of 128 characters which comprises what is known as the ASCII character set. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and was devised by the ANSI corporation back in the 1960s. The original ASCII set comprised of 7 bits in order to represent 128 unique characters. However, modern computers use an 8 bit character set which can display 255 different characters. The 'upper' 128 characters are usually reserved for special characters such as accented foreign characters and things like the Euro symbol.

    Going back to our spiral of binary digits in the crop formation disc, we obtain an initial grouping of 01000010 01100101 01110111 01100001 01110010 and so on, spiralling out from the centre. (see diagram). We can translate these binary sequences into their decimal equivalent and thus look them up in the ASCII character set to see what letters they correspond to.

    Doing this for the whole 'disc' we get the message "Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)". This was originally decoded by an anonymous visitor to Linda Moulton-Howe's web site. Although I've yet to verify the entire binary sequence I got as far as the first couple of words and it did indeed read as above. I have no reason to assume the Linda's guest made a mistake, but I will continue decoding it when I have time (update - see below).

    What does it all mean then?

    I wouldn't really like to interpret the message itself as it could either be interpreted as some dire warning from extra-terrestrials or be intended as such by devious hoaxers. Indeed, the timing coinciding with 'malevolent aliens' in the recent "Signs" movie seems rather suspicious, especially if we're about to see a media campaign portraying aliens as negative entities.

    Certainly using ASCII code to encode the message seems rather strange if coming from a genuine extra-terrestrial intelligence. This is not a universal 'sign of life' such as composites of prime numbers, the harmonic signature of hydrogen, PI or other irrational numbers etc etc. ASCII is purely the invention by a few computer scientists back in the 1960's. Of course, some true believers might use this to claim that the aliens have advanced sufficiently in their understanding of homo-sapien life that they feel comfortable communicating with us in our own language - but - ASCII is not a standard. What gives Western computer users the monopoly on communication with ET? Why not use Cryllic or Chinese encoding methods? Yes, I know the formation appeared in the UK so could justifiably use a UK encoding system, but ASCII is hardly universal!

    Of course this discussion can go on and on. There are numerous points to support all kinds of perspectives on the origin of the formation. I remain of the opinion that it is hoaxed and indeed the physical construction on the ground is technically less impressive than the Chilbolton formations of last year. It's comprised of lines as opposed to individual pixels which would be easier to construct using GPS distances from the bordering frame.

    I think we need to remain logical and rational when we examine and research controversial crop formations, especially those which inspire strong emotions in people. I've received a huge number of emails in response to my initial analysis, some agreeing and some disagreeing with my conclusions - but we must not get carried away by the media and film hype. It could be the most significant indicator of extra-terrestrial contact yet, or it could be part of a national disinformation effort such as the Doug and Dave expose. However, I believe that if it's genuinely ET and they want to make contact, they will find other ways and times in order to attract our attention if we're confused by this formation. If, on the other hand, it's a disinformation project by persons unknown then it could set back serious, academic research into crop circles by ten years.

    To this end, I urge everyone to be vigilant and examine all possibilities.
    Paul Vigay, 21st August 2002
    Analysis Update: (22nd Aug 2002)

    I've completed my decoding of the binary code within the 'disc' and with help from Frédéric Lebois, I can confirm the entire message as given above.


    I've also tried to piece together the damaged word in the middle of the message. This would appear to be either a mistake in the encoding in the formation or some additional code which I'm not familiar with. By clicking on the small thumbnail (shown right) you can view an enlarged view of that section of the disc. According to my own decoding the word says EELIJ?E where the ? is a letter that I can't decode, due to it having 11 (or possibly 12) bits. I shall assume it's 11 bits because if it was 12, the leading bit is a 0 so can be safely ignored in terms of decoding the numeric value. The bit pattern as far as I can make out is 10101010110 (don't forget to read in an anti-clockwise fashion because it's still spiralling out from the centre). This translates to 1366 in decimal. Being ruthless we can convert this into ASCII by performing a modulo 256 arithmetic, which will yield 86 or V. This would spell out EELIJVE - which still doesn't make sense to me.

    Of course, if the formation is indeed a hoax, the confusion here could be simply due to a constructional error when making the formation, or a cryptic code in the middle. I notice that this word is separated from the main message by two fullstops, so it's difficult to tell what the maker of the formation intended.


    To aid additional research, I've made available another one of my 'work in progress' diagrams (see right). This shows a close-up of my 'pixels' that I've been adding in order to clarify the decoding process. I've shifted the 11 confusing pixels to the right slightly so that you can see if you can do your own analysis and compare with my interpretation.

    Clicking on either of the small thumbnail images will open a larger image in a new window. I've saved the images in PNG format so that there is no loss of quality (as there would be using JPEGs) but this does mean the images have bigger file sizes.

    Unless any major breakthroughs occur I will probably leave my analysis of this formation and return to my other research. This is mainly due to my remaining scepticism about this formation and also because I don't think there is much left to decode. I will however, continue to periodically review this page and update/add to the links below if new information becomes available.
    Paul Vigay, 22nd August 2002

    Stop Press: (22nd Aug 2002, 4.15pm)

    I've just received an email saying that the corrupt word could be BELIEVE. This would certainly make sense in the context of the decoded message. The only two mistaken letters would be the initial B and the E before the V. On re-examining the aerial photos what I interpreted to be a J could possibly be re-interpreted to become an E (by reading an extra space in the middle and dropping the last space), but examining what would be B definitely gives an E so again this could indicate an error in the physical construction


    Changing the corrupt word to BELIEVE doesn't quite work...

    General Introduction and the Universal Currency of Exchange


    The two most important Crop Circles Decoded.mp4
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation

    Paul Vigay looks at the Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation of 2001 and compares it with the original SETI transmission.


    On Tuesday 21st August 2001 two new crop formations were reported near Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, UK. Both were very impressive looking and consisted of a large number of small 'pixels', which when viewed from the air formed a recognisable shape - unlike many other crop formations.

    One represented a 'human face' and the other resembled a radio transmission that SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) sent from the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974. This latter formation will be examined in this article, in which I hope to not only describe and explain the original transmission, but also to examine and decode a number of significant changes occurring in the crop formation.

    After speaking to witnesses, it would appear that the 'Arecibo' formation was created on August 20th. Although I could roughly make out the binary pattern of the formation from aerial photographs, some aspects were not quite clear enough to discern individual 'digits'. Therefore I visited both formations myself (they are about 200m apart in the same field) on Saturday 25th August 2001.

    The Arecibo message

    First, I will give some background to the original message sent from Arecibo, back in 1974.

    Arecibo is on the northern coast of Puerto Rico and contains a natural disc-shaped hole in the rock. Inside this bowl was constructed the world's largest radio-telescope, with a diameter of 1000 feet.

    In 1974 a number of modifications had been carried out to the transmitter, enabling it to broadcast signals at a power of up to 20 terawatts (1 terawatt = 1 trillion watts) and as an inaugural test of these improvements it was decided by SETI to transmit an encoded message to the heavens. This signal was aimed towards the globular star cluster M13, some 25,000 light years away and consisting of some 300,000 stars in the constellation of Hercules.

    The message was actually transmitted on November 16th 1974 and consisted of 1679 pulses of binary code (0's and 1's) - which took a little under three minutes to transmit. It was transmitted on a frequency of 2380MHz (which is significant later).

    Why 1679 digits?

    The reason for this is down to mathematics. 1679 is the unique product of two prime numbers; 23 and 73. Any sufficiently intelligent lifeform would no doubt look for unique, universal constructs - such as prime numbers, chemical element frequencies and binary digits. Don't forget that because we could be trying to communicate with an intelligence completely different to our own, we cannot talk in terms of 'human' systems, such as centimetres, feet, decimal numbers etc.

    Because ONLY the two prime numbers 23 and 73, when multiplied together, produce 1679 there can only be a single way to arrange the signal, if you were converting it into a matrix grid - 23 squares by 73 squares.

    The original binary code is shown in figure 1.



    Binary coding....

    In order to fully understand the message encoded in the transmission, it's essential to understand the binary code. This is actually much simpler than our base 10, decimal system. Whereas in base 10 we count from 1 to 9 and then carry 1 into the 10's column and start again in the units column, until we've got 9 in the 10's column and 9 in the units column. Then we have to carry 1 into the 100's column and start again in the 10's and units columns, and so on and so on.

    In binary each column goes up in powers of 2, hence the columns are units, 2's, 4's, 8's, 16's etc. Because we can only deal in 1's and 0's, we rapidly move up through the columns - because as soon as we exceed 1 we carry into the next column. For an example of counting in binary, see the table to the right.


    To go back to the original transmission of binary pulses (fig.1), by converting it into 23 columns of 73 rows we get the matrix shown in figure 2 (left).

    You can now see a graphical pattern depicted by the 1's and 0's of the code. For clarity I've converted this into black squares (representing 1's) and white (empty) squares (representing 0's). You can see that viewing it like this, makes the actual message a lot clearer, as shown below, in figure 3.


    This is where a slight puzzle becomes visible. By performing the steps described above, the literal translation of the original pulses is on the left of figure 3. However, the image printed in a couple of my books is that shown on the right of figure 3. This is an exact left-right mirror image of my decoding. I suspect that this is possibly an error which went un-noticed when the book went to print - although I have checked two books which both depict the same pattern as shown on the right of figure 3.

    The pattern which occurred in the Chilbolton crop field, is the same image as shown in the books (ie. the one on the right of fig.3 and the mirror image of the original decoding). This could imply that IF someone hoaxed the formation, they copied the incorrect pattern printed in a book. Alternatively, I may have converted the original pulses by mapping left to right when converting into a 23x73 grid, instead of going from right to left - which personally doesn't seem correct to my interpretation of the original binary sequence.

    If anyone can explain this discrepancy, I would love to hear your comments. However, for the purposes of the rest of this article I shall refer to the pattern physically laid in the crop field. The results are the same because the actual code remains unchanged irrespective of whether it's the original or a mirror image anyway - as the binary coding remains unaltered.


    Decoding the original message

    The original message was comprised of several 'sections', each depicting a particular aspect of 'our civilisation'. At the top are binary representations of the numbers one through to ten, interestingly showing the numbers eight, nine and ten as two columns. This shows anyone decoding the message that we can specify that numbers too large to be written on a single line can be 'carried over'.

    The next section contains the binary values 1,6,7,8 and 15 which indicate the atomic numbers of the primary elements for life on Earth; Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorus respectively.

    The larger section of three rows, represents the formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of DNA. Beneath this is a graphical representation of our DNA 'double helix' either side of a 'straight vertical bar' which indicates the number of nucleotides in DNA.

    Directly below the DNA double helix is a small representation of us - humans - with a body and two arms and two legs (like a little stick man). On the left is a binary value of the population of Earth. This can be calculated as roughly 4.29 billion, which is roughly the population of the world, back in 1974. On the right of the humanoid form is a binary code for the height of humans. Because we cannot communicate in 'human' measurements (such as feet and inches) the height is represented in 'wavelength units'. As mentioned earlier, the actual message was transmitted on 2380MHz. To convert this into a wavelength we divide into 300, to obtain a wavelength in metres. 300/2380 = 0.12605042m = 12.6cm. This is our 'wavelength unit'.

    From the code for the height of a human, we can see that the value is 1110 in binary, or 14 in decimal. If we multiply 14 by our wavelength unit (12.6) we get 176.4cm, or roughly 5'9" - the average height of humans.

    The next section is a simplified representation of our Solar System - where we live. It shows the sun and nine planets, roughly representative of size. By moving the third planet up slightly it highlights that something is significant about the third planet from the sun - Earth.

    The last section depicts the origin of the message itself - the Arecibo radio telescope, which is the curved structure. Underneath this, as the last two lines of the message, is another binary number. This time it's 100101111110 (split onto two lines in the centre) and equates to 2430 in decimal. Again, using our universal 'wavelength units' we get 2430*12.6cm which is 30618cm - or approx 1000', the diameter of the Arecibo radio dish.

    What's different in the Crop Formation?

    After extensive analysis I have discovered nine major discrepancies between what we see in the crop field at Chilbolton and the original message that we transmitted to the stars in 1974. I shall leave any interpretation until later, but for now just highlight the differences. The exact detail of these changes couldn't be confirmed until I actually visited the formation on the ground, in order to accurately check the binary code - reading flattened crop as a 0 and standing crop squares as 1's.

    Rather than point out the differences in order of importance or anything, I shall merely start at the top of the pattern and work downwards.


    The numbers 1 to 10 appear exactly the same in the formation.

    However the atomic numbers indicating the prevalent elements making up life on Earth, has an additional value inserted into the binary sequence. This is precisely added in the correct location, and in the original binary code (therefore it can't be a mistake). Decoding from the crop formation, this additional element has an atomic number of 14 = Silicon.

    Moving down, the next change is an obvious one - consisting of an extra strand on the left side of the DNA double-helix. Another, less obvious, change is in the binary coding of the number of nucleotides in DNA itself (in the center). If you look in the diagram above, I've highlighted the changes more accurately on the right, by using red squares and outlines to indicate which 'digits' have been changed in the crop formation.

    There are quite significant changes to the shape of the humanoid, which becomes almost 'alien-like' and to the diagram of the Arecibo dish. For clarity, I've not bothered going over these in red because the differences are easily apparent.

    Either side of what is now an ET, there are changes to both the 'population' figure and also the height value. The latter is now 1000 in binary, or 8. If we multiply this by the original 'wavelength unit' we get 8*12.6cm = 100.8cm which is roughly 3'4" - interesting, because this would correlate with ET witness accounts.

    Below this we notice additional changes to the Solar System chart. The third planet from the sun is not the only one 'highlighted' now. The fourth and fifth are as well. The fifth even appears to be emphasised even more, with three additional 'pixels'.

    Lastly, what was representative of the Arecibo transmitter in the original message is even more cryptic and would imply a diagrammatic version of the formation which appeared in the same field at Chilbolton last year, in 2000. This can be viewed in my database, reference uk2000ee.

    The binary code for the size of the transmitter is also altered. I'll leave the reader to work out the new value....

    What does it all mean?

    I am hesitant to make too much of an interpretation myself, preferring to share the research and information with which to enable readers to continue the search for answers and further their own knowledge.

    However, there are some fairly obvious implications from the crop formation. First, and quite obvious from the aerial view is the shape of the ET figure. This clearly has the little stick-like body with two arms and two legs, but has a much larger head and two distinct eyes. This is almost reminiscent of the 'Greys' of popular UFO culture. Indeed, the modified 'height' code corresponding to just over three feet would also confirm this aspect.

    If you decode the 'population' binary sequence in the actual crop formation you get a value of approx 21.3 billion - a lot bigger than the original transmission, and indeed Earth's current population? Perhaps this is the population of their own planet, or even the combined human and ET population of Earth - if you believe, like some researchers, that Earth is already populated by an unseen ET contingency?? If you assume that the alterations to the 'Solar System' section in the crop formation refer to several planets, then this could also indicate the combined population of inhabited planets somewhere. I leave this for the reader to decide.

    There is also some indication of a change in the basic DNA structure of ET. The additional (third) strand shown on the left and also a change in the number of nucleotides indicates a different DNA to ours. It seems quite similar to ours, so perhaps it's a genetic alteration or even a mutation of ours?

    The difference in the Solar System information could indicate one of two scenarios; Either it still refers to our own Solar System, but in addition to highlighting Earth is also highlighting the fourth and fifth planets - Mars and Jupiter. Of course, the additional highlight on the 'fifth planet' could actually refer to the asteroid belt which lies between Mars and Jupiter and is in reality the 'fifth element' from the sun. Alternatively, it might not correspond to our own Solar System at all, but to the ET's own solar system - which would also appear to consist of nine planets. The sun is also depicted in the crop formation as slightly smaller. Could this be their smaller sun, or could it be supposed to represent some point in our own future - perhaps when the sun has become smaller and we've populated the other planets? This latter idea, although highly speculative, could even indicate the DNA modification through increased genetic experiments....?

    The representation of last years formation in place of the Arecibo dish is possibly the most difficult to interpret. It could indicate a number of things, or merely indicate that ET saw the formation of last year and saw that as representative of the home of the message - ie Chilbolton.

    However, if you look at the whole message on a more philosophical level, it's all centred around communication - and notifying the heavens of our existence. Could the representation of a crop circle (the shape, merely chosen because it was the one at the same 'home' location of the message) be to indicate that crop circles are indeed a form of communication? Irrespective of the origin of this formation, you cannot dispute the fact that people the world-over are communicating more because of their crop circle experiences!

    Lastly, one significant difference that I also find very intriguing, and which I can exclusively reveal for the first time, concerns the table at the top containing the atomic numbers. The crop circle has an additional column added. However, as mentioned above, it's not an error because it's re-encoded and inserted in the correct sequence. Silicon? Could this be an additional pointer to the physiology of ET? Perhaps ET is a silicon based lifeform instead of carbon based, like us?

    I haven't fully explained every discrepancy, merely because I'm deliberately keeping a couple of subtle aspects back so that we can ask for further explanation, should anyone claim it as a hoax.

    I should point out at this point that the actual quality of the formation on the ground was remarkably good. However, it did appear to have been flattened in terms of a grid - ie. going across the formation and down the formation. The nearby 'face' formation was more elaborate in terms of the ground lay, as each individual circle appeared to have been swirled separately to the rest of the formation, indicated by a smooth swirl of crop around each circle, instead of being brushed across the formation, forming pathways between each circle.

    However, both formations would represent an immense effort required in order to portray what we see in the field and from the air. To create either within the constraints of a few hours of darkness is extremely impressive irrespective of their origin; terrestrial or extra-terrestrial.

    Again, irrespective of origin, both have taught me personally a great deal about SETI, human physiology, binary encoding and more importantly - communication, both in transcribing this for you the reader, as well as academic conversations I've had with people as a result of doing this analysis.

    While reading this, I hope that you feel the sense of wonder and learning that I felt whilst writing it.

    As always, comments and feedback are welcome.
    Paul Vigay, 26th August 2001

    Footnotes: (added 2nd September 2001)

    Predictably, I've received a huge volume of emails in response to this article. Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has contacted me in the past week or so, and offer my apologies for any delay in replying. I always endeavour to reply to all emails, but the sheer volume I've received mean that it could be a few days before I get back to people.

    I've also received numerous very interesting theories and additional information regarding this formation and possibly implications that can arise from it, if indeed it's genuine (personally I'm undecided!). However, I'm intending to paraphrase some of the feedback I've received, perhaps into a followup article which might in turn promote further discussion and understanding. Watch this space for further announcements.

    Other links: (updated 11th Aug 2002)
    General Introduction and the Universal Currency of Exchange


    The two most important Crop Circles Decoded.mp4
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    3 JULY 2010 - Golden Star Crop Circle - St.Martin's Chapel,near Chisbury, Wiltshire, UK

    Amazing Statistics, World Wide Phenomena !

Over 4000 Crop Circles and 1250 Different Types of messages with them. In over 50 Countries WorldWide !!

    Over 1000 plus hours of Video, 40,000 Photos !! , and 10,000 Documents written and being studied by Government Agencies and still there is no official word with regard to this worldwide phenomena. 
"This is about Raising of Human Consciousness" - Colin Andrews.


Crop Circle Golden Star appeared at St Martin's Chapel, near Chisbury, Wiltshire, UK.
Reported 3rd July 2010. 

There perhaps is a huge meaning and substance to this.
Notice the size of the formation relative to the people laying in it.



    another good crop circle for the movie
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    29 july 2010 crop circle - 13 aspects

    This circle, is being researched


    crop circle reported July 14, 2011
    New Warren Farm nr Lane End, Hampshire, UK






    Crop Circle July 29, 2010
    Aug 8th, 2010 by causeyourlife

    A crop circle was reported July 29, 2010 in East Field, near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire England.
    This formation changed over the course of three days; additions occurred on days 2 and 3, as seen in the pictures below.
    Photos by John Montgomery and Patrice Marty.

    Day 1, Copyright John Montgomery

    Day 2, Copyright Patrice Marty

    Day 3, Copyright John Montgomery


    very important
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    193 crop circles in one - 28 JUNE 2010

    Mysterious new crop circles at UFO capital of Britain in Wiltshire

    Nearly 200 crop circles have appeared in just one formation not far from Warminster, Wiltshire, known as the UFO capital of Britain.


    An amazing 193 crop circles have appeared in just one formation in Wiltshire
    The circular 90m (300ft) design, believed to represent the passage of the Moon and Sun,
    contains 193 rings, including six key circles and a seventh in the centre.

    Crop circle expert Karen Alexander said: ‘This is the most complex circle so far this year.’
    The formation, near the village of Mere, is the first in the area since 1997.


    1 + 6 + 6 = 13


    AND, FROM my friend Dee

    THIRTEEN blocks due north of the very center of THE WHITE HOUSE, the Masonic HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE
    HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE=193, 1+9+3=13
    THE WHITE HOUSE=166=13
    NINE=42 (6)
    42+9=51 (6)
    51+9=60 (6)
    42x3=126 (ONE TWENTY SIX=193=13)
    ONE+TWO+SIX = 144
    NINE IS THE KEY = 144
    13x2=26 (number of letters in Roman/English alphabet)
    by Gary Val Tenuta

    See: Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

    These numbers are also connected to the hand dangling at the end of your arm.
    See: Ancient Hand Signs




    This pattern of 37 larger circles in the hexagon is identical (apart from from the two sizes of circles)to the fourth regular polygon belonging to the set of seven regular polygons that theoretical physicist Dr Phillips has proved is the inner form of the Tree of Life:

    This is a hexagon whose sectors are Pythagorean tetractyses.

The 168 small circles exhibit the factorization 7x24, where 24 = 1x2x3x4 = 6x4. The number 168 has been shown by Dr Phillips to characterize holistic systems possessing sacred geometry.

    He has shown that it is the number of circularly polarized waves in half a revolution of a standing wavethat circulates around each of the ten closed curves making up an E8xE8 heterotic superstring, three of these composing a up or down quark.

    The number 168 appears in almost every research paper listed at:

    What this crop circle depicts therefore is the 168 automorphisms of the Fano plane representing the multiplicative algebra of the seven unit imaginary octonions that have been shown to form the basis of E8, the rank-8 Lie group of symmetries governing superstring forces. The 168 automorphisms are grouped into seven sets of 24 automorphisms. These are the seven sets of 24 small circles. See



    It appears, the number of 24 ~ 12 tribes, + a sister = 13, a very important number
    plus the sister created + 12 tribes & 12 + 12 = 24 = god = dog



    ARTICLE 15
    Stephen M. Phillips

    Flat 3, 32 Surrey Road South. Bournemouth. Dorset BH4 9BP. England.

    In their search for M-theory, some physicists have recently linked the Lie algebra of E8, the rank-8, exceptional gauge symmetry group governing superstring interactions, to the 8-dimensional, division algebra of octonions. This algebra can be represented by the Fano plane, which is the simplest projection plane. Its group of automorphisms is SL(3,2), which is isomorphic to PSL(2,7), the group of 168 automorphisms of the Klein quartic equation. This number appears in the description of the basic units of matter given 108 years ago by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, who claimed to use a yogic siddhi to observe highly magnified images of atoms and subatomic particles. 168 is also the number value of Cholem Yesodeth, the name assigned in Kabbalah to the most physical, cosmic aspect of the Tree of Life, which it regards as the universal blueprint governing how God manifests in all things. This article will demonstrate remarkable connections and correspondences between beautiful mathematical ideas, a scientific theory of matter, paranormal descriptions of the latter, the Jewish mystical tradition and the Pythagorean basis of music. As well as providing convincing support for Besant’s and Leadbeater’s claim, these links give clues to the holistic nature of the ideas that underlie M-theory

    1 Introduction

    108 years ago, the two Theosophists Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater claimed to undertake a series of investigations into the nature of atoms, using one of the siddhis, or paranormal abilities, that can, according to yogic tradition, be gained intentionally or unintentionally through meditation. Called ‘anima’ in Sanskrit and discussed over 2000 years ago in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, this supposed ability to experience highly magnified images of microscopic objects has been given by the author the modern name of ‘micro-psi.’ In parapsychological terms it is a type of ‘remote viewing,’ although a more accurate term is ‘clear cognition,’ as the objects being scanned need be only a few inches from the micro-psi observer, who does not need to have his eyes open because he does not ‘see’ with them. Besant & Leadbeater published their observations of atoms in 1908 in their book Occult Chemistry.1


    All the material that had accumulated over 38 years of intermittent study finally appeared in 1951 in its third edition. According to Besant & Leadbeater, atoms are ultimately made up of indivisible units that they called ‘ultimate physical atoms,’ or UPAs.


    They had two forms (Fig. 1). Each consisted of ten closed, non-intersecting curves that spiralled 2½ times around the axis about which the UPA spun, maintaining parallel paths, and then twisted 2½ times in tighter spirals upwards through the core of the UPA, each curve completing its circuit at the top. In the ‘positive’ variety, the curves, or ‘whorls,’ spiralled clockwise when viewed from the top; the ‘negative’ type spiralled anticlockwise. For the purpose of the present discussion, the most important details that Leadbeater gave

    2 about the UPA were:
    1. each whorl in either type was essentially a closed, helical coil (Fig. 2) with 1680 turns. Leadbeater meticulously checked this number by examining 135 different UPAs. It was the same whatever the element whose atoms he thought he was observing;
    2. each whorl made five revolutions about the axis of the spinning UPA, twisting 2½ times in an outer spiralling movement and 2½ times in an inner circuit. This means that a whorl coils (1680/5 = 336) times each time it completes one revolution, that is, 168 times in every half-revolution through 180°.
    By analysing self-consistently the many thousands of details recorded in Occult Chemistry for 111 purported atoms, the author proved2 in a model-independent way that the UPA is an as yet undiscovered constituent of the up and down quarks making up the protons and neutrons in atomic nuclei. He also pointed out features of the UPA that are consistent with their interpretation as closed superstrings. This article will focus on those features listed above in order to establish rigorous mathematical contact with group-theoretical aspects of the unified superstring force and their connection to octonions, the Fano plane and the Klein Quartic, an equation well-known to mathematicians. Through the pivotal role of the number 168, it will establish mathematically the ten possible links between the following five subjects:


    Their validity does not depend on the invoking of dubious, metaphysical ideas or speculations based upon some untested model or theory other than superstring theory itself. Reference to the Jewish mystical doctrine of Kabbalah will make use only of mathematical aspects of the Tree of Life diagram at the heart of its teachings. This article represents work in progress and does not offer any final ‘theory of everything.’ Rather, it provides a few paving stones for the path that will lead to it.
    1. Octonions
    In 1878 and 1880, Frobenius and Peirce3 proved that the only associative4 real division

    algebras are real numbers, complex numbers, and quaternions. Adams5 proved that n-dimensional vectors form an algebra in which division (except by 0) is always possible only for n = 1, 2, 4, and 8. Bott and Milnor6 proved that the only finite-dimensional real division algebras occur for dimensions n = 1, 2, 4, and 8. Each gives rise to an algebra with particularly useful physical applications (which, however, is not itself necessarily nonassociative), and these four cases correspond to real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions, and Cayley numbers, respectively. The Cayley algebra is the only nonassociative algebra. Hurwitz7 proved in 1898 that the algebras of real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions, and Cayley numbers are the only ones where multiplication by unit "vectors" is distance-preserving. These most general numbers are also called “octonions.” The mathematical fact that n-dimensional, division algebras are allowed only for n = 20 = 1, 21 = 2, 22 = 4 and 23 = 8 gives meaning to these powers of 2 on one slope of the Platonic Lambda (Fig. 3).


    It is a powerful example of the ‘Tetrad Principle’ formulated by the author8 wherein the fourth member of a class of mathematical object (in this case, even numbers) has fundamental significance to physics (in this case, the relevance of octonions to superstring theory). In the musical context of Plato’s cosmological treatise, Timaeus, the numbers of his Lambda generate the musical proportions of the Pythagorean musical scale, successive octaves of which have pitches 20, 21, 22, 23, etc. This demonstrates the archetypal role played by these powers of 2, for they define not only successive musical octaves but also the dimensions of the four possible division algebras. It intimates a connection between the Pythagorean basis of music and octonions and therefore with superstring theory, as was discussed in Article 13. This will be explored in Section 7

    An octonion has the form:
    N = a0+ a1e1 + a2e2 + a3e3 + a4e4 + a5e5 + a6e6 + a7e7,
    where the ai (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) are real numbers, the unit octonions ei (i = 1-7) are

    imaginary numbers:
    ei2 = -1 (i = 1-7)
    and are anticommutative:
    ei ej = -ejei (i ≠ j)
    Shown below is the multiplication table for the 8-tuple of unit octonions: (1, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7):


    It comprises (8×8=64=43) entries, of which eight are diagonal and real (8 = fourth even integer) and (64–8=56) are off-diagonal and imaginary (28 on one side of the diagonal and 28 on the other side with opposite signs due to their anticommutativity). 28 is the seventh triangular number, where 7 is the fourth odd integer and the fourth prime number. There are 36 entries with a positive sign (one real and 35 imaginary) and 28 entries with a negative sign (7 real and 21 imaginary). 36 is the sum of the first four even integers and the first four odd integers:
    36 = (2+4+6+8) + (1+3+5+7).

    This illustrates how the Pythagorean Tetrad (4) defines the properties of the octonion multiplication table. The 35 positive imaginary entries consist of five copies of each of the seven imaginary unit octonions and the 21 negative entries comprise three copies of these, that is, the multiplication table contains (ignoring their signs) eight copies of each imaginary octonion. Multiplication yields seven new copies, that is, (7×7=49) imaginary octonions made up of 28 positive in four sets and 21 negative in three sets. Multiplication also generates seven, new, identical, negative numbers -1, so the 56 new entries comprise equal numbers with positive and negative signs (four positive sets of

    seven and (3+1) negative sets).
    As the realisation of the most general type of numbers showing neither associativity nor commutativity, the eight unit octonions are the mathematical counterpart in the Tree of Life of Daath and the seven Sephiroth of Construction:


    The differentiation between the non-Sephirah Daath and the Sephiroth of Construction corresponds to the distinction between the real unit octonion 1 and the seven imaginary octonions. The 1:3:4 pattern of new numbers created by their multiplication in pairs (see
    previous paragraph)


    corresponds, respectively, to Daath, the triangular array of Chesed, Geburah and Tiphareth and the quartet of


    Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth situated at the corners of the tetrahedron at the base of the Tree of Life (Fig. 4).


    The multiplication table for the seven, imaginary, unit octonions (e1-e7) (Table 2) has (7×7=49) entries, of which 42 are imaginary (21 in three positive copies and 21 in three negative copies of the set) and seven are real (-1). As (-ei )×(-ej ) = (ei )×(ej ), the multiplication table for the negative, imaginary unit octonions is the same as Table 2. This 7:42 pattern conforms to the tetractys, the Pythagorean archetypal pattern of wholeness, for the following reason: the set (e1-e7) can be assigned to what the author calls the seven ‘hexagonal yods’* of the tetractys (Fig. 5), the sets (e1, e2, e3 ) and (e4, e5, e6)

    * So-called because they are located in the tetractys at the corners and centre of a hexagon.
    being located at the corners of the two intersecting equilateral triangles forming a Star of David, whilst e7 is at the centre of the tetractys because it corresponds to Malkuth, which the rules of correspondence between the Tree of Life and the tetractys require to be the central yod of the tetractys. The tetractys of the next higher order (Fig. 6) contains
    85 = 40 + 41 + 42 + 43
    yods, of which 15 (the fourth triangular number after 1 and the sum of the first four powers of 2 in the Lambda) are corners of tetractyses and (85–15=70) are hexagonal yods. The seven hexagonal yods of the tetractys now become (7×7=49) such yods belonging to their corresponding seven tetractyses. The 49 entries of the multiplication table for the seven imaginary unit octonions can be assigned to them in a way consistent with their 7:42 pattern. The set (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) corresponds to the central set of seven hexagonal yods, the three sets (e1, e2, e3, e4 ,e5, e6, e7) correspond to one triangular array of seven yods and the three sets (-e1,-e2,-e3,-e4,-e5,-e6,-e 7) correspond to the other triangular array of seven yods. The original set of seven octonions, represented by the Pythagorean symbol of wholeness, yields on multiplication another pattern that is really just a more differentiated form of the latter: unity remains unity as new levels of complexity emerge.
    1. Fano projective plane
    In mathematics, a projective plane consists of a set of "lines" and a set of "points" with the following properties:
    Given any two distinct points, there is exactly one line incident with both of them.
    Given any two distinct lines, there is exactly one point incident with both of them.
    There are four points such that no line is incident with more than two of them.
    The last condition simply excludes some degenerate cases.


    A projective plane is an abstract mathematical concept, so the "lines" need not be anything resembling ordinary lines, nor need the "points" resemble ordinary points.
    It can be shown that a projective plane has the same number of lines as it has points. This number can be infinite (as for the real projective plane) or finite. A finite

    projective plane has (n2 +n+1) points, where n is an integer called the order of the projective plane. A projective plane of order n has (n+1) points on every line, and (n+1) lines passing through every point. For all known finite projective planes, the order is a prime power. The existence of finite projective planes of other orders is an open question. The smallest possible projective plane has only


    seven points and seven lines. It is often called the “Fano plane,” and is shown in Figure 7. The seven points are shown as small blobs, and the seven lines are shown as six line segments and a circle. However, we could equally consider the blobs to be the "lines" and the line segments and circle to be the "points" — this is an example of the duality of projective planes: if the lines and

    points are interchanged, the result is still a projective plane. The Fano plane with seven points therefore has genus because 22 + 2 + 1 = 7.
    The Fano plane is known to generate the multiplication table for the seven imaginary

    unit octonions if they are assigned to its points in the way shown in Figure 8. The multiplication of two units is the third on the same straight or curved line provided that their multiplicative ordering follows the arrow on the line. Their product is minus the third if multiplication is opposite to the sense of the arrow. For example, e5e2 = e3 and e1e2 = e4. But e6e4 = -e4 and e1e4 = -e2.
    Having pointed out earlier that a fundamental correspondence exists between the seven imaginary octonions and the seven Sephiroth of Construction of the Tree of Life, it should come as no surprise that the geometry of the Fano plane representing the algebra of octonions is implicit in the construction of the Tree of Life from identical circles overlapping centre to circumference (Fig. 9). They are inscribed by the same circle. It is a simple exercise in trigonometry to prove that the straight line passing through the two points of intersection of the black and red overlapping circles shown in Figure 9 meets the larger circle at a point such that the middle point divides the straight line in the Golden Ratio 1:φ = 1: 1.618… . The path joining Chesed to Geburah is the base of a Golden Rectangle whose sides are collinear with the Pillars of Mercy and Judgement and extend slightly above the path joining Chokmah to Binah. The dashed lines in Figure 9 are the upper side of the Golden Rectangle and the sides of the squares adjoining its vertical side. It is of great significance to the relevance of octonions to elementary particle physics that the Golden Ratio, which appears in the growth patterns of many living things, should be so naturally present in the geometry of the representation of these numbers. It is evidence that, as the fourth and last class of division algebras, octonions are nature’s numbers.


    Each line in the Fano plane joins three octonions that form a 3-tuple (ei , ei+1, ei+3), where the index is defined modulo 7. Each of these seven 3-tuples (Fig. 10) is a quaternionic triple, obeying the same algebra as the three quaternions I, j & k:
    {i, j} = {j, k} = {k, i} = 0
    and ij = k, jk = I and ki = j, where i2 = j2 = k2 = -1. A 3-tuple has seven combinations:

    A.ei, ei+1, ei+3 
    B.eiei+1, ei+1ei+3, ei+3ei(6 permutations)
    C.eiei+1ei+3(6 permutations)
    Associated with each 3-tuple are (3+6+6=15) elements that are made up of the three original octonions (A), one copy of them and their negatives (B) arising from anticommutativity of pairs, three 1’s and three -1’s (C), that is, 12 new elements. The seven 3-tuples have (7×7=49) combinations of their 21 elements, among which are three of each octonion from all the 3-tuples, that is, two new copies of the seven octonions, so that there are really (49 – 2×7 = 35) distinct combinations. Seven of these are the octonions themselves and 28 are new combinations (three pairs and one triple for each 3-tuple) generating (7×12=84) new elements made up of 42 imaginary numbers and 42 real ones, or alternatively, 42 positive elements (21 real, 21 imaginary) and 42 negative elements (21 real, 21 imaginary). They are made up of 16 distinct elements: (±1, ±e1, ±e2, ±e3, ±e4, ±e5, ±e6, ±e7).
    As ei+3ei+1 = -ei = (-ei+3)(-ei+1), (-ei+3, -ei+1, -ei ) is a 3-tuple. This means that there are 35 distinct combinations:

    A.(e1), (e2),(e3), … (e7)
    B.(e1)(e2), (e2)(e4), etc(7×6 = 42 permutations)
    C.(e1)(e2)(e4), (e2)(e4)(e1), etc(7×6 = 42 permutations)
    with (42+42=84) permutations of two or three octonions, and 35 distinct combinations:

    A.(-e1), (-e2), … (-e7)
    B.(-e4)(-e2), (-e2)(-e1), etc(7×6 = 42 permutations)
    C.(-e4)(-e2)(-e1), (-e2)(-e1)(-e4), etc(7×6 = 42 permutations)
    with (42+42=84) permutations of two or three negative octonions. There are (35+35=70)


    combinations of one, two and three octonions from the two sets of seven 3-tuples with (84+84=168) possible orderings of the pairs and triplets in them. As 1/ei = -ei , each 3- tuple in one set is the inversion of its counterpart in the other. Both set of results may be summarised by saying that there are 84 permutations of pairs and triples of octonions obeying ei ej = ek and 84 such permutations for the inverse octonions obeying (1/ei )(1/ej ) = 1/ek, that is, ei ej = -ek, where the indices i, j & k are in cyclic order. The seven 3-tuples and their inverses display (84+84=168) permutations of their members. The octonion algebra can be represented by the Fano plane because SL(3,2) the simple group of automorphisms (incidence-preserving bijections) of the latter is of order 168.

    Figure 11 shows the isomorphism between the outer and inner forms of the Tree of Life. Constructed from 16 triangles, the outer form contains 70 yods when these triangles are turned into tetractyses. 35 () yods belong to the sequence of the first four simplexes: point, line, triangle and tetrahedron that constitute the ‘trunk’ of the Tree of Life, leaving 35 () yods belonging to the 11 other triangles. The inner form of the Tree of Life is two identical sets of seven regular polygons: triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, decagon and dodecagon. They are enfolded in one another and share the same ‘root edge.’ The 14 polygons possess 70 corners, 35 of them being associated with one set of seven polygons and the remaining 35 corners being associated with the mirror image set of seven polygons on the other side of the root edge. We see that both the outer and inner forms of the Tree of Life have 70 degrees of freedom represented by yods or corners of polygons and that these are divided up into two sets of 35. This 35:35 division corresponds to the octonions in the seven 3-tuples having 35 combinations and their inverses also having 35 combinations.


    The analogy is once more evidence that the mathematics of octonions is an intrinsic aspect of the cosmic blueprint of the Tree of Life.

    The same 35:35 division is displayed by the first six polygons, each set of which has 35 triangular sectors (Fig. 12).


    When the latter are converted into tetractyses, one finds that there are 168 yods on their boundaries outside their root edge, 84 creating the edges of 35 tetractyses on one side and 35 forming the edges on the other side. So the 12 polygons with (35+35) sectors have (84+84) yods on their edges outside their shared edge. The tetractyses in one set of polygons symbolise distinct combinations of octonions in the seven 3-tuples, their 84 boundary yods signifying the possible permutations of two and three octonions, whilst the tetractyses in the mirror image set of regular polygons represent combinations of the seven inverse (negative) octonions, all their 84 boundary yods denoting corresponding permutations of two and three such octonions.

    Each 3-tuple (ei, ei+1, ei+3) forms three pairs with six permutations and one triplet with six permutations, i.e., a total of 12 permutations. Similarly for each inverse 3-tuple (-ei+3, -ei+1, -ei). A 3-tuple and its inverse provide (12+12=24) permutations. All seven 3-tuples and their inverses create (7×24=168) permutations of two and three octonions. That this number includes permutations of the inverses of imaginary unit octonions reflects the fact that every automorphism of the Fano plane must have its own inverse because PSL(3,2) is a group. As will be discussed later, the factorisation 7×24 is of fundamental significance to the structure of superstrings.
    According to Kabbalah, everything is the coming into being of the perfection of Adam Kadmon, or ‘Heavenly Man,’ as symbolised by the ten ‘divine qualities,’ or ‘Sephiroth,’

    of the Tree of Life. There are four great stages in the physical realisation of this universal blueprint. They are the ‘worlds’ of Atziluth (archetypal level embodied in the divine names), Beriah (archangelic level), Yetzirah (angelic hierarchies) and Assiyah (physical universe). Every Sephirah exists at each level as the Godname, Archangel, Angelic Order and Mundane Chakra, which is its cosmic, physical manifestation. The Mundane Chakra of Malkuth, the outer, physical form of Adam Kadmon, is Cholem Yesodeth (“breaker of the foundations”), traditionally referred to as the four elements of earth, water, air and fire. In the ancient practice of gematria, numbers were assigned to letters of the alphabet in order to identify words or phrases in religious texts that have hidden connections because they have the same number values. Table 3 lists the 27 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and their associated numbers. The


    sum of the values of the letters of Cholem Yesodeth is 168 (Fig. 13). Had this been any of the 39 other number values of the Godnames, Archangelic Names, Angelic Names and Mundane Chakras of the ten Sephiroth, its appearance might plausibly be attributed to chance. But the Mundane Chakra of Malkuth signifies the most physical, cosmic aspect of the Tree of Life. So a number that characterises the Fano plane representation of the


    algebra of octonions and which may be related to the group theory of superstrings is found to be the gematria number value of the Kabbalistic term for the most appropriate level of the most appropriate Sephirah!

    Confirmation that this is not coincidental but indicative of the transcendental truths contained in Kabbalah is the fact that the sum of the letter values of Malkuth is 496 (Fig. 14). This is the very number discovered in 1984 by physicists Michael Green and John Schwarz to be the number of non-abelian gauge fields transmitting the unified force between 10-dimensional superstrings if it is free of quantum anomalies9. Again, it is not merely that this number appears among the number values of the Kabbalistic words for the manifestations of the ten Sephiroth in each of the four Kabbalistic worlds. Given that there are 40 such numbers, this, arguably, could be coincidental on purely statistical grounds. What makes the presence of the number 496 so highly significant is that this dynamical


    parameter of superstrings refers in the context of physics to the most appropriate Sephirah, namely, Malkuth — the physical universe of subatomic particles and their forces.


    Had it been the number value of any other Sephirah or of its aspect in one of the four worlds, it would have been difficult to argue the case for its appearance being non-coincidental. The joint association of 496 and 168, which we pointed out in Section 1 is the structural parameter of superstrings, with the most apt Sephirah is amazing evidence for the mystical doctrine of Kabbalah possessing scientific truths.
    As each 3-tuple obeys the multiplication rule:
    eiei+1 = ei+3,
    the seven imaginary, unit octonions, when assigned to the corners of a heptagon, form

    seven triangles whose corners are the members of each 3-tuple (Fig. 15). Successive clockwise rotations of a triangle by 2π/7 turn it into triangles representing successive


    3-tuples. The fourth (green) triangle is the turning point in the 7-fold cycle of rotation because the last octonion e7 is at its corner and further rotation generates triangles that include the octonions that started the cycle.

    Divided into tetractyses, a heptagon contains 42 yods surrounding its centre (Fig. 16). In other words, starting from unity symbolised by the central yod, 42 ‘bits of information’ and degrees of freedom express the 7-fold differentiation of unity. Each tetractys represents a 3-tuple and the six yods per tetractys symbolise the six permutations of products of imaginary unit octonions within each 3-tuple. With each sector divided into three tetractyses, a heptagon contains 106 yods,* that is, 15 per sector surround its centre. We saw earlier that multiplication of the octonions in each 3-tuple generates 12 permutations of pairs and triplets, so that a 3-tuple can be associated with (12+3=15)

    * An n-sided regular polygon with its n sectors divided into three tetractyses has 15n + 1 yods.
    elements. The seven 3-tuples therefore possess (7×15=105) elements. Amongst these are three copies of each octonion. Assigning the real octonion 1 to the central yod, Figure 17 demonstrates that an isomorphism exists between the yods within each sector of the heptagon and the octonions within each 3-tuple and their permutations. The octonion indices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 follow the sequence of colours of the rainbow, starting with red. To every one of the 91 hexagonal yods in the heptagon there corresponds an octonion, a pair of octonions or a triplet of octonions. The 49 coloured yods denote singles or pairs and the 42 white yods denote triplets.
    Work by the author reported in previous articles proved that the inner form of the Tree of Life encodes the self-replication of the latter to span 91 trees. They comprise the 49 trees that map the 49 subplanes of the cosmic physical plane and the 42 trees that map the 42 subplanes of the six cosmic superphysical planes. Figure 16 is their tetractys representation, coloured triangles signifying subplanes. A remarkable parallelism exists between this 49:42 pattern and the 49:42 pattern of octonions and their pairs and triplets:


    It exists because the seven imaginary unit octonions are the algebraic counterpart of the seven Sephiroth of Construction, which define the seven planes of consciousness and their seven-fold division into subplanes. Thought by physicists untilrecently to have no relevance to subatomic particle physics, these constructs of the largest possible division algebra are the mathematical realisation of the seven-fold objective nature of God. Their grouping into seven 3-tuples represented by the Fano plane is another manifestation of the seven Divine qualities. We have shown how 168 — the kernel of the number 1680 — the number of circularly polarised oscillations that Leadbeater counted in a whorl of what the author interpreted as a superstring constituent of quarks — is the order of the symmetry group SL(3,2) of the Fano plane representing the imaginary octonions. What, if at all, is the octonion basis of 1680 itself? Imagine the number 1, the real octonion, at a point directly above the centre of a heptagon to whose

    corners the seven imaginary octonions are assigned. It is shown in Figure 19 connected by dotted lines to these corners. The number of combinations of four octonions from the set of eight is [84] = 70. They comprise [73] = 35 combinations of three imaginary octonions and the real octonion 1 at the corners of a tetrahedron, as well as [74] = 35 combinations of four imaginary octonions at the corners of a quadrilateral in the plane of the heptagon. Each combination of four octonions has (4!=24) permutations. The 70 combinations of four octonions have (70×24=1680) permutations. In terms of graph theory, there are 1680 ordered 3-simplexes made up of (35×24=840) ordered simplexes in the plane of the heptagon and 840 non-planar, ordered 3-simplexes. In fact, there are 70

    3-simplexes in a 7-simplex made up of eight points and therefore 1680 ordered 3-simplexes. Notice the appearance once again of the number 70 and its split into two 35’s, one providing 840 permutations of the set (1, ei, ej, ek) (i ≠ j ≠ k) and 840 permutations of the set (ei, ej, ek, el) (i ≠j ≠k≠l), just as we found earlier that the seven 3-tuples have 35 distinct combinations with 84 different permutations and the seven 3-tuples made up of the negative octonions have 35 combinations with 84 permutations. But now the inclusion of the real octonion 1 and the consideration of permutations of any three or four octonions instead of just the seven 3-tuples have replaced the factor of 7 by 7×10. In other words, there are five times as many combinations of three octonions as 3-tuples and five times as many combinations of four octonions. Compare these results with the following details about the UPA:
    1. each whorl has 1680 turns;
    1. each whorl makes five revolutions, 2½ times in an outer spiral and 2½ times in a tighter, inner spiral;
    2. a whorl makes 1680/5 = 336 turns in one revolution, that is, 168 turns in half a revolution;
    3. a whorl makes 840 turns in its outer 2½ revolutions and 840 turns in its inner 2½ revolutions.
    Each helical turn is therefore the space-time manifestation of a permutation of four octonions. Permutations including the real octonion result in either the outer or the inner revolutions. Which one can be determined by deeper analysis that will be presented elsewhere. The analysis presented here is obviously not a complete explanation of the spatial structure of the UPA. It serves, however, to demonstrate how the octonions have the potential to provide a natural explanation for the micro-psi description of the UPA, as, indeed, one would expect if they are nature’s numbers. It may be argued that, because this number might have explanation in terms of not octonions but another set of eight mathematical objects. But this misses the point, which is that the Fano plane representing the algebra of octonions has 168 automorphisms, which makes it implausible in the extreme that it is merely coincidental that Leadbeater counted 1680 turns in each whorl of the UPA, given the established connection between the Lie algebra of E8 and octonions and the evidence that the UPA is a superstring. Notice also that the 168-element group PSL(2,7), which is isomorphic to SL(3,2), is the central quotient group of SL(2,7), the 336-element group of 2×2 matrices with determinant 1 whose entries are elements of the finite cyclic group Z7 of order 7. This will be discussed in the next section. Compare this with the fact that each revolution of a whorl has 336 turns. So it is not one but two numbers implicit in Leadbeater’s description whose connection to octonions would have to be coincidental. This is even more improbable. Finally, the fact that 168 is also, aptly, the number value of the most physical manifestation of a Sephirah — the Mundane Chakra of Malkuth — would have to be a matter of chance as well! The reader must decide whether the highly improbable possibility of coincidence is more acceptable an explanation than what may be just as hard to believe, namely that over a century ago Leadbeater described with micro-psi features of subatomic particles that conform qualitatively not only to the general picture of superstrings but also quantitatively to mathematical concepts that are beginning to be

    seen by some physicists to underlie M-theory.
    1. Encoding of 168 in Tree of Life
    We found in Section 3 that the Fano plane representation of the octonions implied the factorisation:
    168 = 7×24,
    where 7 is the number of 3-tuples and 24 is the number of permutations of pairs and triplets within each 3-tuple and their negatives. This may be expressed more precisely as:
    168 = 7×12 + 7*×12*,
    where ‘7’ is the number of 3-tuples (ei, ei+1, ei+3), 7* is the number of 3-tuples (-ei, -ei+1, -ei+3) and 12 and 12* are their respective numbers of permutations. Therefore,
    336 = 2×168 = 14×12 + 14*×12*,
    where 14* = 2×7*. This factorisation of 336 is encoded in the inner form of the Tree of


    Life in the following way: the dodecagon is the seventh and last of the regular polygons making up this inner form (see Fig. 11). Transformation of the 12 sectors of each dodecagon into three tetractyses generates 181 yods, that is, 169 yods other than their corners. There are therefore 168 yods associated with each dodecagon sharing one side, 14 per sector* (Fig. 21). This is the


    factorisation given above. Hidden within the pair of dodecagons sharing one side are 336 new degrees of freedom revealed by their construction from tetractyses — the template that builds sacred geometry.

    That this is not due to chance is proved by the construction of all seven enfolded polygons from the higher-order tetractys shown in Figure 6. This is what the author has called the “2nd-order tetractys,” the 1st-order one being the well-known tetractys and the 0th-order tetractys being the mathematical point. When each of their 48 sectors are turned into this type of tetractys, one finds that they contain 3360 yods, that is, the number of yods in 336 tetractyses (Fig. 22). The very order of SL(3,2) or PSL(2,7) is embodied in the sacred geometry of the inner form of the Tree of Life! Moreover, as the UPA is made up of 1680 turns in each of its ten helical whorls, which revolve five times around its axis, the number of turns in each revolution of all ten whorls is 10×1680/5 = 3360. What this is telling us is that one revolution of the UPA constitutes a whole in
    • Of the 15n + 1 yods in an n-sided polygon with its sectors divided into three tetractyses, n are corners, leaving 14n + 1 yods, 14 per sector surrounding its centre.
    some sense that is repeated five times but that this whole is itself a doubling of a basic pattern characterised by the number 168, itself quantifying another whole. In terms of group theory, this is simply the fact that SL(2,7) is the double cover of PSL(2,7), which is isomorphic to SL(2,3), the group of automorphisms of the Fano plane.
    We found earlier that there are 1680 permutations of the 70 sets of four octonions that can be selected from the eight octonions, each set having 24 permutations. The factorisation:
    1680 = 70×24
    is geometrically realised in the pair of dodecagons. The 2nd-order tetractys contains 85 yods, where
    85 = 40 + 41 + 42 + 43.
    Surrounding its centre are
    84 = 12 + 32 + 52 + 72
    yods. We saw earlier that this is the number of permutations of octonions belonging to



    the seven 3-tuples. As 13 yods lie along each edge of a 2nd-order tetractys, there are (71n+1) yods in an n-sided polygon surrounding its sectors when they are turned into 2nd-order tetractyses, that is, (71n+1–13=71n–12) such yods outside one edge. A dodecagon (n=12) has 840 such yods and two dodecagons sharing one side have (2×840=1680) yods outside it surrounding the centres of their 24 sectors (Fig. 23). Once again the number 1680 is found to be associated with the number 24, 70 being the average number of yods per sector surrounding its centre (average only because counting yods outside the shared edge means that the two sectors sharing it do not have the same number of yods as the 22 other ones). Another association of the number 168 with the number 24 will be discussed in the next section.
    1. The Klein Quartic
    The mathematician Felix Christian Klein (1849–1925) is well-known to mathematicians for his work in group theory, function theory, non-Euclidean geometry and on the connections between group theory and geometry. The one-sided, closed surface called


    the “Klein bottle” is named after him. In 1878, he discovered that the curve
    x3 y + y3 z + z3 x = 0
    has the 336-fold symmetry of the group SL(2,7). This curve is known to mathematicians as the “Klein Quartic.” It is a specific occurrence of a quartic curve, whose general form for two variables x & y is
    Ax4 + By4 + Cx3y + Dx2y2 + Exy3 + Fx3 + Gy3 + Hx2y + Ixy2 + Jx2 + Ky2 + Lxy + Mx + Ny + O = 0,
    where the letters are real numbers. The “Klein surface” is the Riemann surface of the Klein quartic (Fig. 24). Klein showed that it is mapped onto itself (hence “automorphisms”) by 168 analytic transformations. Schwarz10 proved at the end of the nineteenth century that the automorphism group of a compact Riemann surface of
    genus g≥ 2 is finite. Hurwitz11 showed that this surface has at most 84(g-1) automorphism and the same number of antiautomorphisms. A Riemann surface with the maximum number of automorphisms is called a “Hurwitz curve of genus g (g≥3). A


    Hurwitz curve of genus 3 has (84(3–1) = 84×2 = 168) automorphisms. The Klein curve is the Hurwitz curve with the smallest genus g = 3. Accola and Maclachlan12 found a lower bound for the number μ(g) of automorphisms for a surface of genus g:
    8g + 8 ≤ μ(g) ≤ 84(g-1)
    More recently, Belolipetsky and Jones13 showed that, for every g≥2, there is a compact arithmetic Riemann surface of genus g with at least (4g-1) automorphisms, the least value of g attaining the lower bound being g = 24.
    Macbeath showed that there is an infinite number of Hurwitz curves.14 No curves other than the Klein curve with g = 3 and one with genus 7 have equations known to mathematicians.15 The Riemann surface of the Klein Quartic. It can also be represented by the Klein Configuration (Fig. 25). It has 168 coloured, hyperbolic triangles and 168 grey triangles. Each of the 14 slices shown numbered has 12 coloured triangles. They can be grouped in groups of seven, each group forming one of 24 heptagons:


    This composition can be represented as:
    168 coloured triangles = 7×24,


    The numbers within each bracket denote the triangles in the two slices of each sector of the Klein configuration. Each sector is made up of two different slices, each with 12 triangles, i.e., the 168 triangles can be sorted into 84 from one type of slice and 84 from the other type. This 84:84


    division is the same as that shown in Figure 12 to be embodied in the first six polygons of the inner form of the Tree of Life. It is mirrors the 84 permutations in the seven 3-tuples, 12 per 3-tuple, and the 84 permutations of the negative octonions, 12 per 3-tuple. In other words, the triangles correspond to permutations of octonions, the two slices of each of the seven sectors corresponding to a 3-tuple and the 3-tuple of its negative octonions. An exact parallel exists between the permutation properties of the octonions and the automorphisms of the Riemann surface of the Klein Quartic. This is, of course, simply because the former belong to the group SL(2,3) and the latter belong to PSL(2,7), which is isomorphic to SL(2,3).

    Because the Klein Quartic is a Riemann surface of genus 3, it can be realised as a regular map in an orientated 2-manifold of genus 3, i.e., the 3-torus (Fig. 26), either with 24 heptagons, three meeting at each of its 56 vertices, or with 56 triangles, seven meeting at each of its 24 vertices. According to the Heawood Conjecture, the maximum number of colours sufficient to colour a map on a surface of genus g is

    where [​IMG] denotes the floor function.* Ringels and Young proved in 196816 that this

    * The floor function is the largest integer less than or equal to x.
    number is also sufficient except for the sphere (and plane) and the Klein Bottle. Nine colours are needed to colour maps on the 3-torus.
    1. Connection between Klein Configuration and E8
    Let us now examine the 14 slices of the Klein Configuration in more detail and compare the composition of coloured triangles with the root structure of the Lie algebra of the superstring gauge symmetry group E8. The 168 automorphisms of the Klein Quartic represented by the 168 coloured hyperbolic triangles of the Klein configuration are:

    168 = 7×24 = 7×[(1+2) + (4+3) + (4+3) + (4+3)]
    = 7(4+4+4) + 7(3+3+2) + 7(3+1)
    = (28+28+28) + (56+28) = 84+84.

    Seven slices of one type have 84 triangles made up of 28 red, 28 yellow and 28 green triangles and the seven slices of the other type have 84 triangles made up of 21 yellow, 21 green, 21 red and 21 cyan triangles. The roots of the E8 algebra can be described in terms of eight orthonormal unit vectors {ui}. Eight zero roots correspond to points at the centre of the root diagram and 240 nonzero roots all have length √2. They are given by


    The 240 non-zero roots of E8 comprise 168 made up of four sets of 28 and one set of 56, one set of 70 and two single ones. There are as many sets of 28 and 56 in the 168
    non-zero roots as there are groups of 28 and 56 coloured triangles in the Klein configuration. This is not a coincidence, for the 168 automorphisms of the Klein Quartic are in one-to-one correspondence with the group of 168 automorphisms of the Fano plane that represents the 8-dimensional octonion algebra, which in turn is connected to the 8-dimensional Lie algebra of E8. It, too, may not be coincidental that E8 has 168 more non-zero roots than E6 (240 compared with 72) because E6 is an exceptional subgroup of E8 that has been shown to accommodate the Standard Model of particles and their interactions other than gravity.
    1. The octonions & Pythagorean octaves
    Compare the eight notes of the Pythagorean musical scale:
















    with the eight unit octonions:








    Although it is tempting to make the correspondence between the tonic with tone ratio 1 and the real octonion 1, this is incorrect because the first seven notes correspond to the seven Sephiroth of Construction,17 the octave C' being a musical repetition of the

    Table 4. Table of tone ratios of the notes in the seven church modes.


    sequence that they underlie, whilst, as was pointed out earlier, the real octonion corresponds to Daath in the Tree of Life and the seven imaginary octonions correspond to the seven Sephiroth of Construction. Hence, note C corresponds to e1, D corresponds to e2, etc. Each type of church mode18 has five tone intervals and two leimmas. They are generated19 by starting with successive intervals of the Pythagorean scale until one completes the cycle of seven intervals by returning to the first sequence:
    2. TLTTTLT     
    3.  LTTTLTT    
    4.   TTTLTTL   
    5.    TTLTTLT  
    6.     TLTTLTT 
    7.      LTTLTTT,
    where the Pythagorean whole tone ratio T = 9/8 and the Pythagorean leimma L = 256/243. Table 4 shows the tone ratios of the (7×7=49) notes of the seven modes. Similarly, successive rotation through 2π/7 of the triangles shown in Figure 15 moves through the seven 3-tuples, creating (7×7=49) elements:


    Just as each mode has eight notes separated by seven intervals, i.e., it comprises 15 notes and intervals, so each 3-tuple is associated with three octonions, six permutations of pairs of them and six permutations of all three, i.e., 15 elements. The 3-tuples can be regarded as the octonion counterpart of the seven Greek musical modes, the seven combinations of octonions within each


    3-tuple being analogous to the seven notes of its corresponding mode. Figure 27 compares the seven notes of the Pythagorean musical scale and the seven imaginary octonions.
    We saw earlier that the Klein Configuration factorises the 168 automorphisms of the
    Klein Quartic as 7×24. We also saw that the 8-tuple (1, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7) has 70 combinations of four octonions with (70×24=1680) permutations. The number 24 appears in the Pythagorean musical scale as the tenth overtone (Table 5).


    The Pythagorean significance of the number 10 is that it is the fourth triangular number — the tetractys.


    This overtone is also the 33rd tone, where
    33 = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! = 33,
    that is, it is the sum of the permutations of 10 objects arranged in the pattern of a tetractys. In other words, starting from the number 1, the sequence of successive integers: 1, 12, 123, 1234 has 33 permutations such that the 33rd one 1234 for which the integers are monotonically ascending has the value 24 when the integers are multiplied by one another. That this is not just a coincidence but an indication of deep connections between the Pythagorean basis of both music and superstrings is the fact that the ten overtones and 22 fractional tone ratios up to the perfect fifth of the fifth octave shown in Table 5 correspond precisely to the 10 Sephiroth and 22 Paths of the Tree of Life (Fig. 28), whilst we saw in Figure 11 that the Tree of Life has 16 triangles which, when turned into tetractyses, contain 70 yods. In other words, the geometry of the Tree of Life embodies both the factors 70 and 24 of the number 1680 — the number of circularly polarised oscillations made by each whorl of the UPA. What this remarkable correlation between Pythagorean tone ratios and the structure of the Tree of Life is indicating20 is that, as the tenth overtone and the 32nd note, the tone ratio 24 must have physical significance because it corresponds to Malkuth, which is the tenth and last Sephirah, as well as the 32nd Path in the Kabbalistic sense. The number 24 certainly does have such significance in the context of the octonions underlying the superstring gauge symmetry group E8 and in the context of the Klein Configuration. A spinless string in the 26-dimensional space-time predicted by quantum mechanics for such strings can oscillate in 24 orthogonal directions that are transverse to its length at any point. These 24 vibrational degrees of freedom in the bosonic string field are known to play a role in heterotic superstring theory. Their full significance for M-theory awaits elucidation. The musical counterpart of the number 24 as the tenth overtone would indicate that the 10-fold Tree of Life paradigm becomes fully realised in space-time with the generation, relative to the vacuum ground state of a string (the first overtone of one full oscillation) of 24 independent waves. Each oscillation creates a non-abelian gauge charges of E8 in a way that generalises to the non-abelian context Kaluza’s identification of oscillation along a circular, fifth dimension with the electric charge of a particle. The 240 such charges, which are spread as separate oscillations along the ten string-like projections of a certain brane21 into 4-dimensional space-time, 24 to a string (namely, the ten whorls of the UPA), would then correspond to the 240 non-zero roots of E8.

    A continuous chain of mathematical connections has been established between the group E8 describing superstring interactions and the number 168 implicit in the paranormal, 108-years old description of the building blocks of matter by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater. Remarkable confirmation that this number is a structural parameter of the superstring is provided by the Kabbalistic system of knowledge, whilst the fact that the number value of the very Sephirah signifying the physical universe is the very dimension of a gauge group describing anomaly-free interactions between superstrings removes any doubt that the Kabbalistic appearance of 168 could be a coincidence.
    E8: rank-8 exceptional group describes superstring forces
    Octonions: eight unit octonions form a division algebra isomorphic to E8
    SL(3,2): group of automorphisms of Fano plane representing
    octonions is of order 168
    PSL(2,7): group of 168 automorphisms of Klein Quartic is isomorphic to SL(3,2)
    One half-revolution of the whorl of UPA has 168 turns
    The form of the UPA reflects the holistic nature of the M-theory currently being sought by many theoretical physicists throughout the world. As the author has proved22 that the UPA is not a quark but its subquark constituent, their search is being hampered by their placing false constraints on M-theory, namely, to find a theory that not only unifies the five superstring theories and supergravity but also predicts the existence of three generations of quarks with interactions that conform to the gauge symmetry of U(1)×SU(2)×SU(3). But neither quarks nor this gauge symmetry are fundamental , and the correct M-theory will make this revolutionary prediction. This article has discussed some of its ingredients, particularly, octonions, the Klein Quartic and PSL(2,7).

    1 Besant, Annie, and Leadbeater, Charles W. Occult Chemistry, Theosophical
    Publishing House, Adyar, Chennai, India, 1951.
    2 Phillips, Stephen M. Extra-sensory Perception of Quarks, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Ill. USA, 1980; Anima: Remote Viewing of Subatomic Particles, Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Chennai, India, 1996; ESP of Quarks and Superstrings, New Age International, New Delhi, India, 1999.
    3 Mishchenko, A. and Solovyov, Y. “Quaternions.” Quantum 11, 4-7, and 18, 2000.
    4 An associative algebra is one for which a(bc) = (ab)c. If this is untrue, it is non-associative.
    5 Adams, J. F. “On the Non-Existence of Elements of Hopf Invariant One.” Ann. of Math. 72, 20-104, 1960.
    6 Bott, R. and Milnor, J. “On the Parallelizability of the Spheres.” Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 64, 87-89, 1958.
    7 Hurwitz, A. “Ueber die Composition der quadratischen Formen von beliebig vielen Variabeln.” Nachr. Königl.
    8 Phillips, Stephen M. Article 1: “The Pythagorean Nature of Superstring and Bosonic String Theories,” (WEB, PDF).
    9 Green, M.B. & Schwarz, J.H. “Anomaly cancellations in supersymmetric d = 10 gauge theory and superstring theory.” Physics Letters, B149, 117.
    10 Schwarz, H.A. “Ueber diejenigen algebraischen Gleichungen zwischen zwei veränderlichen Grössen, welche eine Schaar rationaler, eindeutig umkehrbarer Transformationen in sich selbst zulassen.” J. reine angew. Math. 87, 139–145; Ges. Math. Abh. II, pp. 285–291 (1890, reprinted Chelsea, 1972).
    11 Hurwitz, A. “Über algebraische Gebilde mit eindeutigen Transformationen in sich,” Math. Ann. 41 (1893), 403-442.
    12 Accola, R.D. “On the number of automorphisms of a closed Riemann surface.” Trans. Amer. Soc. 131 (1968), 398-408; Maclachlan, C. “A bound for the number of automorphisms of a compact Riemann surface.” J. London Math. Soc. 44 (1968), 265-272.
    13 Belolipetsky, Mikail and Jones, Gareth. “A bound for the number of automorphisms of an arithmetic Riemann surface.”
    14 Murray Macbeath, A. “On a theorem of Hurwitz.” Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 5 (1961), 90-96.


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