Cosmic Egg ~ Zeus Drury

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 25, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Zeus Drury
    22m ·

    The People think they want the Truth
    But they cannot handle the Truth-not even the littlest glimmer of it;
    because to acknowledge one truth means you will thereby acknowledge
    all the truths and this will undo countless childhood myths
    NPC (non-player characters) just want a better lie so they can feel like they’re a part of it all . . .

    In video games NPC are pre-programmed characters that your main character encounters
    - in real life they are your friends, family an respected community members
    that simply ‘buy into’ whatever the MSM is pushing
    or what they’ve been indoctrinated into per the College Institutions
    per their ego certification that tells them they know this, that or the other thing.

    In a Controlled Video Game environment NPC’s that follow the program
    fair better than ones that do not that said

    -if you are the ‘player’ and an NPC crosses the line in a video game what do you generally do?

    Here’s an analogy: There’s (4) mystery schools fer sure active on our Realm.

    The so-called bloodline families rule loosely here an the Red been in total control
    for way too long

    - each school is different white, red, black n’ green

    - the gold mastered all (4) schools.

    These bloodline family members are the real ‘players’ here and yeah it’s a lot like Hogwarts.

    We are the ‘Muggles’ the ‘Players’ aka Wizards do not come with birth certificates

    - they are not foot stamped circumcised cargo.

    When the wizards come here from the Outer Realms or inner maybe Islands like Terramor?

    it’s all fun & games like that show ‘West World’ they can do whatever
    they wilt an care to do with us ‘Muggles’ and they do . . .

    The Red Wizards are the Satopuff’s your Mamma warned you about

    - they actually go outta their way and do the craziest most absurd shit
    to appease a talking black cube 1f602.

    That why they are all about the ‘Black Goo’ and the bio bot agenda
    - it’s literally to appease a talking squawk box 1f4e6. 1f602.

    I digress - it just flabbergasts every time
    I think about how Inverted they deceived themselves;

    Of course you will go insane over time if you become ‘Undying’ via ‘Science’ . . .
    while there is alchemy involved to Ascending fully in Divine spirit
    fused to body temple an become an ‘Eternal’
    it must be done properly via Universal Law an discipline, going the plug 1f50c.
    in route is highly counterintuitive.

    We are all technically NPC’s until we are not
    Played Pin the Tail on the Donkey as a child

    We had no reason to not believe what we were told
    Or did we . . .

    Only the Knight Errant truly seeks the truth

    And only a Knight Errant can handle the whole truth of knowing without going mad . . .

    The Knight Errant is the only sane chess piece 265f. on the ‘current’ playing field
    aka the true 1%
    A Sovereign Chess piece of sorts;

    that can literally do anything an create anything
    but tends to get system wide NPC interference (or did?)

    all Knight Errant are fairly immune to the AI frequencies that most Ping an dance too

    Everything you’ve ever been told has been a fucking lie literally everything
    The Moon 1f31d. is a Ancient Satellite 1f4e1.

    Our Realm is a Cosmic Egg an vast beyond belief above an below,
    there are innumerable Cosmic Eggs.

    Each is like a cell in the body of the whole an each can be accessed
    via varying methods most outer realmers are humanoid in general characteristics,
    green, blue, red, black, white skin (not a coincidence)
    our blood our ‘Muggle blood’ is actually the displaced true ‘bloodline families’
    and for thousands upon thousands of millennia our Realm
    was glorified Rape Camp for our DNA

    The Flat and Round Earthers are both wrong and right
    - research Cosmic Egg

    We the Eternals we cannot die we are the Creators
    that’s why the imposters used the Archons to soul trap us
    on the Halodeck aka the Matrix aka the Black Mirror Realm

    It’s time too take back the Crown of Creation

    Look at the Moon 1f31d. it’s Artificial Sweetener

    You are not alone in the universe you have never been alone.

    Do go to the white light upon passing do not linger

    Go directly to the Golden Hall Ray of Light

    Get your Recall and remember that you know

    - Zeus Drury

    Carrie-Anne Fields ·

    Wow wow wow! Truly brilliant. Your depth of how this realm & the game works is next level 1f44f.

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