Conversations from our Thuban Coven...

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Avalon' started by admin, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Conversations from our Thuban Coven...

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    empty. Conversations from our Thuban Coven...

    empty. SuiGeneris Yesterday at 9:36 pm

    To all the "simple lonely boys" out there...

    You know it seems like from my experience with talking with so many people especially so called spiritual people it is just different variations of psychosis trying to find a common ground to work from. me and you mesh so well for example in that you love my friendship and the rawness I once showed you and the mystery I once possessed whereas I love your femaleness and your nature and find you quite sexy (in terms of attraction). but for most others it is like two speeding bullets hitting each other and bouncing off. my particular psychosis for example is always involving me believing I am more than I am using various characters from both myth and more standard modes of story telling. But truly I am but a simple lonely boy with but few secrets to share and a desire for life marred by an equal desire for death. So really it all boils down to especially in the case of spiritual people, does your bs mesh with their bs...

    How do you feel about this?

    This craziness you call psychosis is more than understandable at times like these, it is excusable and perhaps even necessary.

    Necessary to be able to carry forward all these waves of quantum energy in the form of new patterns of thought, or at least to be able to hold them while the 3d world goes through its physical transformations.
    Something that a conformist mainstream old world mentality would not be able to handle simply because it is not "crazy" enough to imagine anything out of the norm; so new energy can't find a reliable anchor in those vessels.

    Yes, many lose themselves in trendy ideas only to later realize that maybe they went too far or it could be that they would never see that they did, or they find themselves way too comfortable to sway from what they started...they find a cozy nook with like minded people and close their search because in that group-mind they think they have found the truth...or at least what they consider enough of it.

    And you could find really crazy people even if there wasn't any new age....and within it, within this new mental environment some may become truly psychotic, specially if they had a predisposition for mental illness, but i would dare say that is not often the case...
    But so long you stand in your own truth, that which comes from your heart as well as your mind or heartmind, you should be ok.

    You mustn't think you are "losing it" or label yourself psychotic or anything else that carries a negative connotation because then you would only be feeding the doubt that inevitably always lies somewhere hidden inside of you.

    Instead, always give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

    You don't want to send the wrong message to all of those cells in your this you have to be very careful, since you don't want to incept yourself with notions that may eventually...if left unchecked...could stagnate you into numbness and despondency.

    Why not give yourself enough leeway to at least dream the dream?...if you feel that maybe you are not ready to try to live the dream yet. Specially if you feel with all your heart that "your story" is real....why kill it at its inception? why sabotage something that not even you know for sure that it is not real?

    How could you create your life if you don't first visualize it and see it as you wish it to be?
    how could you live in a world of instant manifestation, if you do not first practice how that is done in a world where the slow passage of time allows this to be?

    So how could you ever know for sure if you are this...who you think yourself to could you ever become it, if you do not even allow the possibility for it ever to become mind? and even more so, what if you already were this, and you are only being set up to remember yourself little by little?

    If you come across an idea that you heard from someone or you read it somewhere or you dreamt it, it doesn't matter, and it ignites a "spark" in you, an image or a remembrance or even if it's just a feeling...if it speaks to you not just dismiss it thinking it is impossible for it to be associated to you or it sounds too crazy or whatever...and much less if it is someone else who is telling you that it cannot be for you or you cannot be so...

    Just listen to your gut feeling and keep it stored somewhere, it may be that if it is relevant to your evolution, in time you will make the connections needed to understand it fully, and if it isn't, in time you will simply not remember it...your mental computer has the capacity to do that and of course so much more.

    It is to your own benefit then to be open to all the information that you come across that makes sense to you, no matter how the state of your current conditioned mind or your "sane mind" might want to judge it or how much it may want to fight you to destroy it.

    This is a practice that the older generation for example has a much harder time with because of all the years of indoctrination and them living within this group mind for so long...unlike the younger generations, who are already born say mentally 'upgraded' and have no problem with considering something that makes sense to them as viable and true.

    Maybe you can agree that having self doubts is a natural thing, and some call it healthy and yes maybe to a certain degree in certain is, it is inevitably a part of life for sure; but when it comes to something you inherently inner gnosis, there is no room for doubt. when you are just coming to an understanding of who you are and what you are, doubt tends to dissipate progressively as your experiences gradually show you more and more of exactly what you want to find out.

    A day will come when you stand firm in your own truth and you will no longer doubt who you are, and it will be then and only then when you will feel strong enough to remake yourself anew according to your own wishes and desires.

    You will be the master, you will own the will be both the painter and the painting and you will no longer ever believe that you are 'more than you are', since you will finally realize that there are truly no limits to you and what you can become.

    Myth is real, and you can use all modes of story telling to make yourself a story that in the end will be worthy of you.

    Perhaps you feel as a simple lonely boy now, but the mere fact that you thought about these things shows your keen self awareness, and this is a lot considering the state that humanity is in right now.

    Hold on to your desire for life because therein lies hope, the Fire to keep moving forward and to never stop searching; and let your desire for death be...the death of everything that you know does not belong, everything that would stop you from reaching your goals...everything that would keep you from imagining yourself as you want to be.

    No matter what happens, never stop dreaming...

    In the Vesica,


    Jorgelito likes this.
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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 1:38 am
    In my religious-background "Witches", "Covens", "Dungeons", and "Dragons" raise "Red-Flags". A few weeks ago -- an attractive complete-stranger told me they had been accused of being "Witchy" -- to which I replied "Being a Witch Isn't Necessarily a Bad-Thing! It Just Depends on Which Witch You Happen to Be!!"


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    empty. Pendragon Witches

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 2:57 am
    You mean a bad witch vs a good witch? are you afraid of witches oxy? lol
    Red flags? Yeah definitely religions like to raise fear for everything anti religious...Why do you think that is? What if you have a witch and she can be both bad and good just like everybody else depending know...what happens, the situations...what life decides to throw at her? her own choice?
    Would you still be scared holding your red flag over your head only because you were taught to do so? and for what? self preservation? hehe

    If you are afraid then you will never experience a witch, bad or good, and if you never do, then you will never know them, and if you do not know them, then you cannot talk about them. I mean you could talk about them of course, but it will be all speculation, theories...fantasizing...not first hand knowledge. Same goes for Dragons, Covens etc, etc... icon_wink.

    Kiss Kiss,



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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 4:54 pm

    I'm wary of "demonic-entities" who hate "human-beings". I try to be as eclectic and multidisciplinary as possible (so as to avoid being nefariously controlled and manipulated). I even stopped attending church when I "smelled a rat" -- or was it a "dead church-mouse?"
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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    i_icon_minipost_new. B.B.Baghor Today at 1:43 pm
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    To all the "simple lonely boys" out there...

    You know it seems like from my experience with talking with so many people especially so called spiritual people it is just different variations of psychosis trying to find a common ground to work from. me and you mesh so well for example in that you love my friendship and the rawness I once showed you and the mystery I once possessed whereas I love your femaleness and your nature and find you quite sexy (in terms of attraction). but for most others it is like two speeding bullets hitting each other and bouncing off. my particular psychosis for example is always involving me believing I am more than I am using various characters from both myth and more standard modes of story telling. But truly I am but a simple lonely boy with but few secrets to share and a desire for life marred by an equal desire for death. So really it all boils down to especially in the case of spiritual people, does your bs mesh with their bs...

    How do you feel about this?

    This craziness you call psychosis is more than understandable at times like these, it is excusable and perhaps even necessary.

    Necessary to be able to carry forward all these waves of quantum energy in the form of new patterns of thought, or at least to be able to hold them while the 3d world goes through its physical transformations.
    Something that a conformist mainstream old world mentality would not be able to handle simply because it is not "crazy" enough to imagine anything out of the norm; so new energy can't find a reliable anchor in those vessels.

    Yes, many lose themselves in trendy ideas only to later realize that maybe they went too far or it could be that they would never see that they did, or they find themselves way too comfortable to sway from what they started...they find a cozy nook with like minded people and close their search because in that group-mind they think they have found the truth...or at least what they consider enough of it.

    And you could find really crazy people even if there wasn't any new age....and within it, within this new mental environment some may become truly psychotic, specially if they had a predisposition for mental illness, but i would dare say that is not often the case...
    But so long you stand in your own truth, that which comes from your heart as well as your mind or heartmind, you should be ok.

    You mustn't think you are "losing it" or label yourself psychotic or anything else that carries a negative connotation because then you would only be feeding the doubt that inevitably always lies somewhere hidden inside of you.

    Instead, always give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

    You don't want to send the wrong message to all of those cells in your this you have to be very careful, since you don't want to incept yourself with notions that may eventually...if left unchecked...could stagnate you into numbness and despondency.

    Why not give yourself enough leeway to at least dream the dream?...if you feel that maybe you are not ready to try to live the dream yet. Specially if you feel with all your heart that "your story" is real....why kill it at its inception? why sabotage something that not even you know for sure that it is not real?

    How could you create your life if you don't first visualize it and see it as you wish it to be?
    how could you live in a world of instant manifestation, if you do not first practice how that is done in a world where the slow passage of time allows this to be?

    So how could you ever know for sure if you are this...who you think yourself to could you ever become it, if you do not even allow the possibility for it ever to become mind? and even more so, what if you already were this, and you are only being set up to remember yourself little by little?

    If you come across an idea that you heard from someone or you read it somewhere or you dreamt it, it doesn't matter, and it ignites a "spark" in you, an image or a remembrance or even if it's just a feeling...if it speaks to you not just dismiss it thinking it is impossible for it to be associated to you or it sounds too crazy or whatever...and much less if it is someone else who is telling you that it cannot be for you or you cannot be so...

    Just listen to your gut feeling and keep it stored somewhere, it may be that if it is relevant to your evolution, in time you will make the connections needed to understand it fully, and if it isn't, in time you will simply not remember it...your mental computer has the capacity to do that and of course so much more.

    It is to your own benefit then to be open to all the information that you come across that makes sense to you, no matter how the state of your current conditioned mind or your "sane mind" might want to judge it or how much it may want to fight you to destroy it.

    This is a practice that the older generation for example has a much harder time with because of all the years of indoctrination and them living within this group mind for so long...unlike the younger generations, who are already born say mentally 'upgraded' and have no problem with considering something that makes sense to them as viable and true.

    Maybe you can agree that having self doubts is a natural thing, and some call it healthy and yes maybe to a certain degree in certain is, it is inevitably a part of life for sure; but when it comes to something you inherently inner gnosis, there is no room for doubt. when you are just coming to an understanding of who you are and what you are, doubt tends to dissipate progressively as your experiences gradually show you more and more of exactly what you want to find out.

    A day will come when you stand firm in your own truth and you will no longer doubt who you are, and it will be then and only then when you will feel strong enough to remake yourself anew according to your own wishes and desires.

    You will be the master, you will own the will be both the painter and the painting and you will no longer ever believe that you are 'more than you are', since you will finally realize that there are truly no limits to you and what you can become.

    Myth is real, and you can use all modes of story telling to make yourself a story that in the end will be worthy of you.

    Perhaps you feel as a simple lonely boy now, but the mere fact that you thought about these things shows your keen self awareness, and this is a lot considering the state that humanity is in right now.

    Hold on to your desire for life because therein lies hope, the Fire to keep moving forward and to never stop searching; and let your desire for death be...the death of everything that you know does not belong, everything that would stop you from reaching your goals...everything that would keep you from imagining yourself as you want to be.

    No matter what happens, never stop dreaming...

    In the Vesica,



    What a complex sense of almost.....? seemingly? non-identity, this man shows in his message, it reminds me
    of someone present here. And also what honesty and a genuine pondering, SuiGeneris, in the way you both go about it.
    The quote and your response to it is interesting to me, for this reminds me of the male and female way of dealing with
    our life, those different approaches to work out how to deal with questions and the dreaming and creation of our reality.

    To maybe, one day, leave the polarity consciousness, we're always trapped in, as physical bodies in separation of the
    other half.... so to speak. And to find out how to join those two sides of a coin as one, finding that place or sense of
    unity, of wholeness, by one's own efforts or in a relationship. Or both.

    The first image that popped up in my mind, while reading this post, is that there's a point when all words are superfluous
    and worthless. Only a human being with great love, courageous, in resonance with such a man, expressing these quoted
    words, can quench such thirst, in worldless ways, by being present in his life.

    For to me, that thirst is a great longing for the silence that is present behind all words, expressed in our existence,
    as human beings with a mouth, to make them heard. But not always understood and acknowledged, reading between
    the lines. The peace so greatly desired, seems to be coming only from a human being capable of showing the way, to
    that silence.

    In the meantime, in between and nevertheless, all bs and water under bridges flows always, through and
    around this quest, I think. To me, it's the acceptance of both being human with all shades of psychotic ideas and acces-
    sing the place of the observer within, learning to not give in to that, always comparing, side of being human.
    But seeing where this madness comes from, for to me, at the roots of it lays the cause and remedy for such psychosis.
    Waiting to be healed by unconditional love in the most simple expression of it, no pink clouds and church bells required.

    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor


    For truth is not a thing to me, it's a personal experience. When my truth of today has bided its
    time and I need to step up to a greater truth, that process is proof of the truth always in motion.
    Or... is it me, moving?
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    i_icon_minipost_new. B.B.Baghor Today at 2:47 pm

    icon_surprised. Only now I've found who it is, behind that quote in your post, SuiGeneris, I could've known..... anyway,
    I'm happy that I wrote my response in a general sense, not knowing what I know now. For objectivity 854501.

    icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor


    For truth is not a thing to me, it's a personal experience. When my truth of today has bided its
    time and I need to step up to a greater truth, that process is proof of the truth always in motion.
    Or... is it me, moving?
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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. mudra on Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:05 pm

    We in our human form seem always to thrive for that point of equilibrium where everything will settle as if our happiness , the idea we have of our worth was dependent on this.
    The life pulse itself as it unfolds through the creation and decay cycle finds it essence in a constant unbalance allowing things to unfold pretty much as the back and fro swing of a pendulum.
    Those zero points when the pendulum 's movement reaches balance are so fleeting that we rarely notice them.
    For life to manifest the pendulum needs to swing indeed. In that constant movement lies our hopes, our successes, our failures and losses on and on for everything changes always.
    The way to stop the alienation this creates is to give room for change to take place. We can no stop the swing but by allowing it to be we, by recognizing this is life's inherent pattern we can step out of being swayed and find that quiet space of confidence where Being is the Static, where Love is all there is .

    Love Always


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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. B.B.Baghor on Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:57 pm
    mudra wrote:
    We in our human form seem always to thrive for that point of equilibrium where everything will settle as if our happiness , the idea we have of our worth was dependent on this.
    The life pulse itself as it unfolds through the creation and decay cycle finds it essence in a constant unbalance allowing things to unfold pretty much as the back and fro swing of a pendulum.
    Those zero points when the pendulum 's movement reaches balance are so fleeting that we rarely notice them.
    For life to manifest the pendulum needs to swing indeed. In that constant movement lies our hopes, our successes, our failures and losses on and on for everything changes always.
    The way to stop the alienation this creates is to give room for change to take place. We can no stop the swing but by allowing it to be we, by recognizing this is life's inherent pattern we can step out of being swayed and find that quiet space of confidence where Being is the Static, where Love is all there is .

    Love Always

    These are wise words, coming from your heart, sister mudra, and beautifully expressed, thank you 934918. .
    The quenching of that thirst isn't a destiny, to me. Once tasted, it's an experience that never leaves our memory,
    an anquor to hold on to and one of the things that makes life worth living.


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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. THEeXchanger Yesterday at 1:31 pm

    what is your definition of a 'pendragon' ?


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    empty. Pendragon... a war leader

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 3:19 pm

    Uther Pendragon literally means ‘the Head Dragon’

    "The Pendragon was the name of the war leader for the early Britons after the Romans removed themselves to defend their homeland in 410AD. It means ‘great leader’ and implies a combination of brains and brawn. The provenance of the dragon is uncertain but some researchers claim its origins were in Persia. The mythical beast then moved to China and from there it moved, with the migrating plains tribes, across the Steppes to reach the Eastern end of the Roman Empire which is how the symbol reached Wales where it remains on the Welsh flag to this day.


    These are some explanations of pendragon, that I've found online, Susan. I've read the Mists of Avalon by Marion Bradley,
    around 1980, I think, and I've been much inspired by this work and Arthur Pendragon, with the Celtic bardic druid codes alive
    in the soil of that part of the world, where I've been many times, since 15 years. It's part of my motive, to plan my move to
    Devon UK and live there soon 854501.

    I'd like to hear what pendragon means to you, Susan.

    A link to the story of King Arthur


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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. THEeXchanger Yesterday at 5:08 pm
    i am a real pendragon
    ...Constantine Waredwr "the Deliverer" ap Selyfan, King of Britain is my 41st great grandfather

    Birth: 375
    Death: 443 (68)
    Immediate Family:
    Son of Salomon I ap Gradlon, King of Brittany and Flavia (42nd great grandparents|)
    Husband of Wife of Constantine
    Father of Ambrosius Aurelianus;
    Uther Pendragon ap Custennyn, King of Britons;
    Constans ap Custennin and Alda verch Constantine
    Brother of Audren/Aldraenus 4th King of Brittany, ruled 445-490;

    You Susan Lynne Schwenger
    → XXXXX
    your mother
    → James aka Jim Edward Handy Jr.
    her father
    → James aka Jim (Ruthven) Handy SR.
    his father
    → Marion aka Marrian Ruthven - Handy - Satchell
    his mother
    → Alexander (Thompson) Ruthven
    her father
    → Robert (Wotherspoon) Ruthven, Sr.
    his father
    → John (Henderson) Ruthven
    his father
    → John (Peadie) Ruthven
    his father
    → John (Hutcheson) Ruthven
    his father
    → George (Reid) Ruthven
    his father
    → William Alexander (Clerk) Ruthven
    his father
    → William (Gray) Ruthven
    his father
    → Sir William (Halyburton) Ruthven
    his father
    → Janet Halyburton, Lady Dirletoun
    his mother
    → Patrick Halyburton, 5th/6th Lord Dirletoun
    her father
    → George Halyburton, 3rd/4th Lord Dirletoun
    his father
    → Sir John Halyburton, 1st/2nd Lord of Dirletoun
    his father
    → Marjorie Douglas, Countess of Atholl
    his mother
    → Joanna Moray, Lady of Drumersgard
    her mother
    → Joan de Menteith
    her mother
    → Helena of Mar
    her mother
    → Gartnait MacDomhnaill, 7th Earl of Mar
    her father
    → Elen ferch Llywelyn
    his mother
    → Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd
    her father
    → Margred of Powys
    his mother
    → Susanna verch Gruffydd
    her mother
    → Gruffydd ap Cynan
    her father
    → Cynan ap Iago
    his father
    → Iago ap Idwal
    his father
    → Idwal ap Meurig
    his father
    → Meurig ap Idwal ap Idwal, Brenin Gwynedd
    his father
    → Idwal Foel ab Anarawd
    his father
    → Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr
    his father
    → Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn
    his father
    → Merfyn Frych ap Gwriad
    his father
    → Gwriad ap Elidir
    his father
    → Elidir ap Sandde
    his father
    → Sandde ap Alcwn
    his father
    → Alcwn ap Tegid
    his father
    → Tegid Ap ap Gwair
    his father
    → Morgause (Anna) - my 39th Great Grandmother
    his mother
    → Uther Pendragon ap Custennyn, King of Britons - my 40th Great Grandfather
    her father

    Place of Burial: Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
    Birth: circa 430
    Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, England
    Death: circa 496 (66)
    Cornwall, England
    Immediate Family:
    Son of Constantine Waredwr "the Deliverer" ap Selyfan, King of Britain and Wife of Constantine
    Husband of Igerna ferch Amlawdd
    Father of Elen (Anna) d'Anaumide;
    King Arthur Pendragon ;
    Morgause (Anna);
    Madog ap Uthyr; Wife of Percival .
    Verch Uther;
    and Cador Duke of Cornwall
    Brother of Ambrosius Aurelianus; Constans ap Custennin and Alda verch Constantine


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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 5:17 pm

    Good for you. Were you waiting for a chance to share this with us, Susan, by first asking others about it? icon_wink.
    Now, one day later, I apologize for the sliver of sarcasm in my initial comment, Susan. I myself felt it present in it, see?
    What I find interesting is, to hear from you, if you like, how being a pendragon, works out for you, in your life now.
    How do you experience being a pendragon?

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : the need to come back at it)

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
  7. admin

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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. THEeXchanger Today at 4:57 pm

    it was Sui who mentioned
    "pendragon witches"
    ...and, my inititial question was aimed at her
    when i asked about 'pendragon' witches

    however, you answered the question with your pendragon information
    ...and, we responded to it

    your question, how has it worked for us ?

    we have NOT attempted to make it work for us

    should we ?
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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 5:45 pm
    THEeXchanger wrote:
    it was Sui who mentioned
    "pendragon witches"
    ...and, my inititial question was aimed at her
    when i asked about 'pendragon' witches

    however, you answered the question with your pendragon information
    ...and, we responded to it

    your question, how has it worked for us ?

    we have NOT attempted to make it work for us

    should we ?

    I presume your question "What is your definition of a pendragon" wasn't meant for me, but for sui, Susan?
    I think mine is less complicated than it's understood by you, Susan. I was interested, for pendragons
    are a favorite subject to me, due to my connection to the Arthurian history of Britain. I wondered if you could
    share here, how you experience yourself as a pendragon, in your own life, now.

    With "making it work for you" I mean "work" as similar to "process. Änd how it's experienced, how you feel
    about that, being a pendragon. I guess "embody" is close to what I mean with "work", see what I mean?
    By becoming aware of who you are, I presume you use that also to make it "work" for you as in using
    an ability or skill, to your benefit. Or that of others, or both. For why should it come to the surface, other than
    becoming immersed, and through that, expressed in your life? Or am I on a different track from yours,
    in my reasoning?
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    empty. Re: From our Thuban Coven...

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 5:42 pm
    THEeXchanger wrote:

    what do you perceive your connection to pendragon is BBB ???

    ancestral dna ? study in school in this lifetime ? memories of being there ?

    My connection to pendragon and how I perceive that, isn't consciously known to me, Susan, I can tell you that the book
    "The Mists of Avalon" intrigued me hugely in the eighties. I felt a longing and a familiarity with the content of that book.
    Also Celtic and druid subjects in books and drawings, those intricate patterns of knots, hearing the Gaelic language spoken,
    the runes, my 15 years of holiday visits to Ireland and England are part of that feeling of familiarity.

    Once, in 1989, I've had an unusual experience on the Westcoast of Ireland, the Burren. I stood on the irregular basalt rocks,
    black, old and cracked. It was almost twilight, I stood near the sea and looked out over the Atlantic Ocean in quietude.
    Suddenly, a deep sadness and longing overwhelmed me and it seemed as if a far cry went from me and came to me, across the
    water "Where are you?" I was in tears and I had a vision of a group of women, in a long forgotten place, now on the ocean's floor,
    dedicated to a way of life in connection with nature and sacred practice, applying knowledge of the earth and healing.

    I stayed in Tintagel YHA, the north of Cornwall and visited the impressive copy of Arthur's temple in the museum of Tintagel
    village and the cave of Merlin, at Tintagel's coast, a magical place to me, with a waterfall, accessible only when the tide is low.
    My visits to places connected to Arthur and Guinevere, like Glastonbury Abbey, the Chalice wells and the Tor, they're all dear to me,
    due to that feeling. Avebury is my favorite stonecircle and walking on the red soil of Devon makes me feel at home and happy.
    I'm told that the druids and bards have left Devon later than the other parts of the UK. To me, that's tangible.

    This photo, with lots of green man masks, I've made in Alciston UK.

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