· Meredith Shippam · This is what real healing looks like folks! “I’m on day 40. In FULL gut rehabilitation. This is what a lifetime of Monsanto foods do to our guts friends. The long part is mucoid plaque buildup. This is OLD toxic food that crusts into the intestinal lining. It blocks nutrients from being absorbed. Which is why everyone is tired and sick. The balls are biofilm, which is a gooey puss of mucus buildup that disables the immune system and generates diseases like autoimmune or throws lymph out of whack and causes hormone dysregulation. From here we fail to pass toxins properly. I’m probably going to do four rounds of this protocol until my intestines are entirely clean. And then use herbs to rebuild the gut lining wall.” - Caitlin Woolery Caitlin and I have designed a protocol combining Zencleanz and special herbs to create the ultimate healing cleanse. Get in touch with us when you’re ready and we will be here for you every step of the way. Group experience coming soon. Hide 20 Replies Denise Reinas Suzi Rogers it's actually parasites. You can't see it. Even if you're in the colon. Doctors can't see it. No doctor has ever told us we have parasites. But we all do. We are all dying. You have to kill the parasites which we basically have all had since birth. Once you kill the parasites then the damage that they were causing will start to be expelled from your body. This picture is totally feasible. And to know that you work in colonoscopies and can't see this is quite enlightening. It actually reaffirms that the doctors have no idea that this is happening. This is basically what is happening to people who have been diagnosed with every single autoimmune disease, cancers, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism, and more. Because you are medically inclined I would love for you to download the telegram app for your phone. Find dirt road discussions and listen to live broadcast on Sunday night. There is a protocol that people are following and thousands of lives are changing. You as a medical professional, actually can save many more lives if you just listen to One live show on Sunday nights from 7:00 to 10:00.... Call me nuts, call me whatever you want, but I am healing from an autoimmune disease. I see results for the first time in years. And I didn't get anything from my doctor. I just listened to the show. I also know people first hand whose symptoms and sicknesses are going away. Everything... Please listen just to one show.... Annette Zangenberg Pedersen ND Suzi Rogers Most of the stuff in the picture is from the small intestine. No colonic goes there. Aislynn Burke Denise Reinas is there a way for you to invite me to that group on telegram? When I search for dirt road discussions nothing comes up Dawn Borris Suzi Rogers it takes a minimum of 21 days of fasting to starve the parasites. They're very real and we all have them. Ive removed about 3 long worms with coffee enemas alone. The Drs are not trained to look for parasites on purpose since they cause practically all diseases and a cured patient is a lost customer Denise Reinas Aislynn Burke https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/1342 T.ME Dirt Road Discussions Dirt Road Discussions Denise Reinas Smart lady! Best of life to you Suzi Rogers Denise Reinas my ex did this cleanse and had great results as well- and even if I don’t see parasites- I just haven’t seen stringy bites coming out. Everything from the small intestines has to come through the large intestine - so I would think I would see something similar at some point- I realize that ppl have all different sorts of reasons for gut health issues- but the drs I work with in Canada have 2-3yr wait lists- they don’t care about “customers” - if the govt cared, they would ban alcohol & gluten as they are both major factors in bad guts. Aislynn Burke Denise Reinas thank you Suzi Rogers Annette Zangenberg Pedersen ND - a colonic and a colonoscopy are 2 different things - and everything from the small intestine passes through the large intestine - and we do go into the terminal ilium - Parasites are looked at in stool samples by the lab- we are looking for abnormalities like diverticulitis, crohns, colitis etc. I do think there are parasites that prefer the small intestine to large intestine tho- that is where the nutrients are!! Denise Reinas Suzi Rogers the method I'm talking about is not actually a cleanse. I mean it is because you're being more healthy, but there's no starving yourself... With this method some people see the actual parasites, and some people don't. This method does not just push them through. It kills them off. Then your body, your organs, your brain, all starts to rebuild where the damage was from the parasites. Your brain starts firing again sending the right signals to the right body parts because there's no longer parasites blocking up communications. Just listen to this guy if you can download telegram I promise you, you can change lives. The problem is that everything that doctors can't identify or fix they call an autoimmune disease or deficiency. These things can all be fixed. All the professionals can say this is not true. But thousands of people will testify that it's true for them. https://t.me/DirtRoadDiscussion/1342 T.ME Dirt Road Discussions Dirt Road Discussions Denise Reinas Aislynn Burke no... thank you. It's nice to get a normal response from somebody who actually wants to learn how to heal themselves and the ones they love. The people who brush this off will still be sick. I just want other people to feel better. So thank you for listening... Paulina Peace Suzi this is not an over 12 hrs cleanse. The colonoscopy cleanse has nothing to do with bowel cleansing, it merely empties it so the scopes can pass through and visualize. What is cleaned over a period of weeks through various bowel cleaning protocols is deposited plaque from the bowel walls! The herbs pull the plaque, the hardened squished deposited tarry rubbery like substance you see in the original post, into the lumen of the bowels and fiber and fluids helps pass it. It is life changing. Talk about cravings going away, skin clearing, nutrient absorption increasing. Suzi Rogers Thank you for explaining it in more detail - I will def check it out. I do not have gut issues currently - but I know my adhd is better when I fast regularly so Iam interested in looking at alternative ideas to help my brain function Paulina Peace Suzi an annual or semi annual bowel cleanse prevents cancers, Diverticulitis polyps And many bowelissues down the road. Suzi Rogers Paulina Peace I have tried to order - I’ll try again - Cindy Queen Denise Reinas is there a way to listen to tge Sunday shows if we dont catch it live? Denise Reinas Cindy Queen yes absolutely! All of his shows are on his page on telegram. It's mixed in with a lot of other posts, but after every live show he puts it up on his page. At the top of the page there is a place that says pinned messages. Those are the most important ones. His story is in there. The protocol and methodology is in there. There's a lot up in the pinned messages ... Best of life to you Cindy Queen Denise Reinas thank you. Challenged in all forms of media/computers but will try and figure it out or seek daughters assist. Denise Reinas Cindy Queen it's my pleasure. I promise you will find this is the best decision you could possibly make... I didn't find it easy to download telegram, but it's the only forum where he can tell his truths without being censored so telegram is what it is... But it's changed my life and if I can help one other person feel better than I've done well... Carol Schinkel Dawn Borris I agree with you but I'd like to rephrase something you said: Doctors, as individual people, are often well-intentioned and earnest in their desire to help people. BUT, the medical system has been rigged to help the Pharaceutical Companies make big money and not to heal people! This power and corruption is what is now being exposed and will continue to be exposed in the coming years. We are moving into a new paradigm, a fancy way of saying we are moving into a different way of understanding and practicing health and self care. Suzi Rogers Ummm I’m not too sure about this - I work in colonoscopies and ppl who take citramag cleanse and no solids that day can clean out their colon in 12 hours. I don’t see this type of thing stuck on the colon even when ppl have done a bad job of following instructions and still have poop - What is intestinal lining? Just wondering if I missed something in anatomy and physiology?? Renata Csizmar-Banov Kangen water will clean out the intestines really fast. I don’t know if there is any other medical device that does that… Kimmy Wd Renata Csizmar-Banov I have a Kangen. They claim disease can’t live in alkaline conditions. I developed diabetes in March, had a bowel bleed the year before , my autoimmune issues got worse and I just overcame a neurological health condition almost dying. All while drinking 3 litres or more of this water daily. It made my bowels worse. Renata Csizmar-Banov Kimmy Wd things get worse before they get better!!! The problems you got didn’t get there over night… more like 20-30 years? When u start drinking you’d system starts cleaning out the bad stuff… just don’t stop drinking Renata Csizmar-Banov =AZW4z6Ld8XGcBD1NXGS8TUWaKWXIjHxtb9q6U7eSRr4-KFQl7TeTZE0r2KD1jz2k4cpbwbp2eG4nbwP5g91-KSBAtRcPP6mTfcEw3CnWN3HxAofzy6hSFdENUSmW67GWIxeveiqxFXvvuzDC2jn6AN16zgy7J2pRRPOkut0zQLBN_rm2_grfUFDML0yb5c6cx2Y&__tn__=R]-R'] Denise Reinas Evyn Surrency wow... Evyn Surrency Denise Reinascheck this out. Sylvia Smith Yikes Shannon C Moylan So they crapped this out? Creepy. I would try this cleanse, if you do it first of course lol. Paulina Peace Oh yes. Colonix did the same for us. It was epic! Ryan Potter could surgery do the same? Christine Snyder Please add me to the list. I did a parasite cleanse like this years ago… it’s past time. I’m in Carol Schinkel This is amazing work you are doing for yourself and the planet! Thank you!I I have been doing daily, plain coffee enemas for the last three months. This is what I've noticed so far: small, brown feckle-like spots on my neck have almost completely disappeared. A "knot" in my transverse colon has disappeared. I'm releasing lumps of hard stool which I interpret to mean old stuff. My skin is clearer in some places and spotty in other places as toxins clear from different parts of the body. I am waaaaay more comfortable with the back end of my body and the enema process. I would highly encourage people to investigate coffee enemas and Meredith's technique and learn to incorporate them as ongoing lifestyle/self-care practices! Greg Pesemeo Just a note, I just forwarded on this post I saw elsewhere. Emily Edmonds I would love more information on this Susan Lynne Schwenger i wonder if like an ultra-sound, one could drink so much coffee they have to pee ; like drinking water for the ultra-sound - and; if that would also have cleansing benefit s - how hot of water; do you use for a 'butt flush' ? ( i once when and had colonics done mon/wed/fri - for 3 weeks; and; it was quite amazing) esp; watching the tube of all the old crap come out of you