Chiron/anubis Will Be Retrograde Until December 23, 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 19, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    ABSM Wise
    Ruby Falconer


    Ruby Falconer
    Chiron Stationary, turning retrograde July 19, 2022, 11:21 am EDT,
    Aries 16°26’.

    Chiron is our core wound.

    Everyone has one
    - a wound originating in childhood that in some way
    defines our expectations of the world.

    This wound involves an abandonment,
    a betrayal that is almost too much to bear.

    The process of becoming a mature human being
    requires an unwinding and releasing of this wound.

    In Greek myth, Chiron was a centaur
    – half human/half horse.

    Chiron’s mother was a human raped by a centaur.

    When she realized her baby was a centaur, she fled in horror.

    Chiron crawled into a cave, searching for comfort.

    A group of wood nymphs took pity on him and bought food
    to the mouth of the cave.

    Everyday Chiron would crawl forward, eat,
    and then retreat back into the darkness.

    Eventually he became too big for the cave and emerged,
    giving birth to himself.

    In Egyptian myth, Chiron is Anubis, also an abandoned child.

    Anubis was born of a secret tryst between Nephthys and Osiris,
    sister and consort to Isis.

    Nephthys could not take her baby home to her husband
    and so left him alone on the desert floor.

    Watching this was Isis who rescued Anubis and raised him as her own.

    In their youth, both Chiron and Anubis are deeply affected
    by their abandonment.

    Eventually they must decide; they can remain attached
    to their wounding or release it and step into their greatness.

    Both were destined for great things
    – Chiron became a teacher, physician,
    and advisor to Zeus.

    Anubis becomes the Way Shower,
    guiding newly deceased souls into
    and through the underworld
    where they undergo the renewal of their hearts.

    If this transit is strong in your chart,
    this is an important time in your own process of healing.

    Collectively, this is a tender time.

    We have all been abandoned.

    Can we see the pain of another and recognize them
    as a reflection of ourselves?

    Chiron/Anubis will be retrograde until December 23, 2022

    July 18, 2022, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.

    Art: Anubis by Fiona Hsieh
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #ChironStationary #Anubis

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    30m ·

    The distinctive archetypal Healing & Resurfacing The Shadows Of Aries/Libra ♈︎/♎︎ Axis
    & Energies for 156 days from now on all the way to December 2022.

    Here Comes The Wounded-Healer - Chiron Retrograde In Aries ♈︎ At 16° 2648. 26’
    - From 13 July To 23rd December 2022 270d. 1f64f. 1f494. 1f525.

    An opportunity to regroup, rehealed, & interpersonal “Healing”
    & personal growth for the old generations to get HEALED
    (For Approximately, 156 days Of Retrogradation In The Sign Of Ram/Aries)

    Retrograde At 16 ARIES: Number 16 indicates the matters which are related to the Ancestry
    & Ancestral Belonging & The Nurturing Mother, Femininity, Emotions & Relationship
    between Child & Parents, also love & attachment towards “Homeland”
    & Roots of the family & Country we born & raise as well…

    Lessons Of Chiron

    – The Wounded Healer: The Guidance To Help ARIES through Wounds,
    Psychological pressure, Traumas & Grief Since The Childhood

    The soul usually knows how to Heal itself, the key is to recognize the Wounds
    & Traumas first, and then it would reveal the actual challenge to recognize the hidden energies
    to heal those old wounds by channelizing the energies through Psychological
    , compassion & other affirmations which leads towards self-realization
    so that you can unlock the utilization of those energies into the better constructive ways…
    (Aries rules energies & channelization of Actions
    into constructive ways are key to success in the journey towards “HEALING”)…

    An Interpersonal Healing For Pluto & Saturn in Libra Generation
    & The Younger Aries Generations: Saturn & Pluto in Libra Generations Alert!!!

    An opportunity to heal yourselves through compassion, partnerships,
    and recognizing the negligence towards the sectors; “I, Myself & Others”,
    so go & improve your shadows.

    Read the full article on my blog below for complete insights about the influence
    & how Chiron Retrograde works, especially at the age of 50

    Full Article:

    May you all get healed & become better creative, open-minded, humble
    & supportive towards humanity during the 156 days of the interpersonal
    Or Personal Healing journey coming through this "Retrograde Chiron In Aries" phase...
    Regards, 270d. 1f64f. 1f494. 1f525.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #chiron #aries #chironinaries #retrogradechiron #chironretrograde #Libra #pluto #wounds #woundhealing #healing #astrology #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #Saturn #saturnretrograde #generation

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