Chipchat - On The Horizon - Part 1 Of 2 (unverified Info)

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Part 1 of 2
    “On the Horizon”
    What are we to expect in the coming days?

    These are my “projections.”

    I have no Intel to legitimize their inevitability.

    I am trying to access all the information I have at this time.

    Let’s get right to it.

    It appears that all signs are pointing to some type

    of “arrest”of Trump by the White Hats

    using the January 6 Insurrection as the basis

    for this though he may not ultimately be arrested.

    This may possibly occur anytime from tonight through the weekend.

    I know Trump has a Rally this Saturday.

    [If] this arrest occurs, it will not be known to the public

    until he is already released

    so as not to cause panic among the Patriots who are not

    in the know as we are.

    They are the ones who who will most likely be upset

    not understanding the Plan.

    The Trump haters will be celebrating.

    It won’t be for long.

    When this occurs, it will set off a series of events

    that will begin the Reveal.

    I think this will be the time the elections are canceled

    and hopefully the time of the SCOTUS announcement,

    military involvement, and the EBS/EAS.

    Believe it or not, we have been under

    military Martial Law for some time.

    This is how the arrests have been legally made.

    The military is the absolute and final authority

    and has been extremely active

    as of late strategically placing troops in key areas.

    It was reported by SGAnon that hundreds

    of military flights are in the skies mostly in the central part of the US.

    Something huge coming.

    It is true that much has been happening behind the scenes.

    Many arrests.

    Most of the people you are seeing in high profile positions

    of authority are all in disguise.

    Gitmo traffic has increased dramatically

    as was reported by Monkey Werx. Biden,

    I believe, will be gone soon.

    Trump will be back January 20, 2023.

    Military and possibly an interim President in the mean time.

    I would imagine that the QFS and NESARA will kick in.

    The RV has apparently begun and has been activated.

    This is a very confusing subject, but one thing it is doing is that

    if one country’s money value is 1000 dollars to equal one dollar (inflation),

    they will not get 1000 dollars of the new currency.

    That would not be fair.

    If you have 1000 U S dollars, then you will get 1000 new currency notes.

    You will trade in your fiat dollars for the new currency.

    That is at least how I understand it.

    The RV will also be able to detect illegal drug money so that the billions they have in cash will not be able to be exchanged.

    The fiat currency will be rendered worthless.

    I would imagine that your money will have to show some type of original and legal legitimacy.

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