Channelings On Covid / Cornavirus Etc.

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 23, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Michael Teachings
    March 24, 2020 ·

    Here's new channeling about the Coronavirus. Of course, always get your medical advice from health authorities. The information contained here is more of a big picture perspective.
    Click LIKE at the site if you found the channeling helpful.


    The Coronavirus (Channeling)
    Read a special edition of Michael channeling about the Coronavirus.

    The Coronavirus (Michael Channeling) (

    The Coronavirus (Channeling & Resources)

    Channeled by DAVID GREGG
    The Michael Teachings


    Q: Please share what you would like Michael students to know about the Coronavirus.

    A: A discussion about the coronavirus (which can cause COVID-19 illness) is, from our perspective, not so much a look at the biochemistry of this microscopic organism or the lethal implications of how it may infect hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of people around the world, but more importantly, a close examination of how your species rises to the challenge of this pandemic, setting aside any self-interests in favor of working with a unified purpose that evolves the current state of humanity as a whole.
    The raids you have seen on your stores, the panic-driven binge-buying that exceeded all notions of supply and demand and left your shelves bare of essential goods, was an instinctive-centered, gut-level reaction to the stress and anxiety created by the uncertainty of the virus — in many ways, the equivalent of a modern-day plague. This is not an unexpected reaction to an unknown peril, and perhaps even an understandable one given the fear generated.
    As cooler heads prevail, though, the next logical progression to these events would ideally include more strategic planning from the intellectual center. In other words, think before taking action. What is the long-range strategy? Is there a moral imperative to consider?
    When the instinctive center is the sole purveyor of reactions to a crisis, fear-based motives become the common denominator. Instead of a society that works together on a single goal, the overall perspective quickly devolves into a divisive paradigm of “every man for himself.” Much of your current society is built around this paradigm, a Darwinist view where the capitalistic mantra of “the survival of the fittest” separates the weak from the strong along both social and economic lines. This rugged individualism that has served as a bedrock principle in your country since its inception could, in some ways, bring the end to your society as you know it.
    The virus, of course, is just a virus. It has no great lesson to teach or moral instruction to give. It is simply an assembly of genetic material comprised of proteins and lipids, with the sole purpose of replicating itself in the cells of animals and plants. Technically, viruses are part of the biological and chemical continuum, but they are not alive in the sense that they have an intention or a self-sustaining mechanism. They must use a host cell to replicate and do not require the consumption of energy to survive. The average virus is more akin to ancient genetic machinery rather than a living organism that is self-animated. In general, most viruses are of primordial origin, where they once developed in plasmic conditions before the existence of the common cell.
    A greater lesson, however, may be derived from this unique opportunity to look deeper at the structure of your society and discover that the foundation your country has long stood upon is now woefully inadequate and no longer meets the needs and demands of the people in your country, or the entire world.
    A more evolved nation, if that is the desire, includes the needs and aspirations of the collective body, not just those that practice antiquated notions of the before-mentioned rugged individualism.
    In this new paradigm, there is a rise of the working class. Individual pursuits still matter but the society becomes a more unified organism, so to speak, similar in respect to the unity or collective purpose seen in the cadres and entities discussed in the Michael teaching. This doesn’t mean idealistic differences will no longer exist, or negative socialistic enterprises from the past will return to run rampant, but that the auspices of the greater good take precedent and occupy center stage.
    Your nation’s current symptoms of inconsiderate shopping, stockpiling goods, and not thinking about the needs of others is the real virus that is spreading throughout your country. And it could quickly become a stranglehold if the lesson to work together and support each other is not properly learned and taken seriously.
    Your current paradigm is a house of cards that could eventually collapse. The lesson this virus presents to you is to rebuild the foundation from one that is flimsy and unstable to one where every citizen in the societal bedrock of your country is a necessary and vital component in the structure. In short, in this evolutionary model, people matter.
    Q: What is the greatest danger that this virus presents to the world?

    A: Complacency. More specifically, the complacency by individuals who feel that following strict health guidelines is not necessary for them. "Let other people take precautions. Not me." This harkens to the rugged individualism mentioned earlier that is undermining the growth and overall potential of your country.
    Your own president [Donald Trump] modeled this complacency to an entire nation, not taking appropriate action when strong leadership was needed, and only altering this tone after the virulent nature of the virus became apparent. Complacency is the choice to be willingly (or sometimes irresponsibly) unaware.
    This virus, however, still presents the opportunity to define those nations that unite in a common goal, where the crippling effects of the illness are eradicated through the affirmative channels of partnership, coordination, and a vision to preserve the dignity of all.
    Q: Is the Coronavirus Airbourne?

    A: No. Not in the classic sense. Infected individuals, however, through normal exhalation, create their own viral weather system that briefly circulates within a six to eight foot radius around them like cloud vapor, dependent on the amount of turbulence in the air. The act of sneezing or coughing obviously projects these viral particles even further. Thus, the science of social distancing touted by medical professionals is real.
    Currently, the most likely spread of the virus comes through close contact with people who are infected, usually family members or friends. In cultures where families are close-knit, and exposure to expectorations is higher, the virus is more active. In short, wear a mask.
    Poor hand hygiene is also a danger in the spread of the virus. The virus can remain active on various surfaces for hours, and cleaning these areas is certainly helpful, but wearing a mask could have the most dramatic effect on reducing further transmissions.
    Q: What can we do about the Coronavirus?

    A: The precautionary guidelines provided by your health authorities are recommended. Devoting time each day to eating nutritionally, with the goal to boost your immune system, would also be beneficial. And limiting exposure to the onslaught of the media, with its sensationalist headlines and bleak forecasts, would offer favorable perks toward achieving better mental health.
    A brief discussion about fear, and it's numerous outcroppings, is another important issue to address.
    Fear, in all of its guises, is the greatest obstacle you face in any national or personal crisis. Of course, fear often serves the self well during events that call for an immediate response to a personal threat, but if allowed to fester like an unhealed wound, fear can become as infectious as the worst viruses and microbial invasions currently encountered in your world.
    When fear invades the body, most, if not all access to essence is shut off and false personality (or the ego) becomes the liar-in-chief. And fear is the greater fabricator in society. It spins misinterpretations or outright falsifications of the truth that generate unwarranted animosity and distrust between individuals, as well as rendering all attempts at seeing clarity in a situation, impossible. Fear is a disabler of reason.
    During a crisis like your current national response to the coronavirus, it is advisable to recognize all occurrences of fear as onerous obstacles to the greater good of humanity.
    It would be wise at this point to observe which negative poles are activated by the events encountered over the next couple of months. These are your vulnerabilities laid bared and much growth could be achieved by taking mental snapshots of these as they arise, noting their presence, and becoming neutral to their negative influence. As mentioned before, fear can sometimes be appropriate in certain situations, but when it causes you to become less than you are and less than your authentic self was intended to be, a course correction is needed to check your reactions and behavior and treat others with the kindness and tolerance they deserve.
    Q: Will the coronavirus become endemic (or seasonal)?

    A: Current probabilities lean in favor of the virus becoming endemic. This could change if attempts at global suppression are successful and testing is widespread.
    In general, areas in the world where the population density is greater will see higher death rates. Cultural differences, where large families live together and commune more frequently, are also susceptible to a greater spread of this virus.
    At present, your world is at a tipping point. Probabilities suggest the global death rate could become much greater than expected, with fallout that borders on an economic depression or shift in the opposite direction, with a lower amount of casualties and a global economy that bounces back quickly -- due in part, to concerted efforts to suppress the virus. A more grim reality, however, could transpire if the failing economies in the world are saved at the expense of the masses, where a statistical level of collateral damage is allowed per year in total loss of life. This would certainly constitute a new form of daily existence where the chips are allowed to fall where they may, but it might also implore the general public to become more discriminating about the public servants they choose to trust and vote into office.
    In terms of probable costs in either direction, this is a dangerous pathogen that should be taken seriously.
    All things considered, given the slow incubation period of this virus, stringent testing of the populace (to minimize the spread) and the immediate quarrantine of infected individuals is the most productive means of supressing further outbreaks without the devastating costs of shutting down whole economies. The development of effective anti-virals and the eventual release of a safe, functional vaccine will reduce the loss of life further (if probabilities prove favorable).
    Q: Could anything positive arise from the coronavirus?

    A: An aspect of the coronavirus that has mostly gone unnoticed is the opportunity for greater empathy with the suffering of those afflicted -- due in part to the mass media coverage -- and to sense a greater connection with those souls and the life struggles that besiege all living beings during an incarnation.

    The lesson, if one views it in such terms, is that this heightened experience of empathy and understanding, this shared suffering on such a mass level without the usual indifference that separates humanity, could lead to a collective awakening on some fronts.

    In fact, a pandemic of this magnitude can bridge people together in ways rarely seen in everyday life, reminding others on a global scale that they have more in common than that which sets them apart.

    This bridging of the gap which we have addressed before, is not only an opportunity for more fruitful alliances with neighboring countries but a foundational concept of a world nation where resources, innovations, and global achievements would be shared freely without the constraints of political posturing and petty struggles for power. The greater benefit to the world becomes the new priority in this view, and advances created by one nation are shared as a gift to all.

    This inspirational perspective, of course, may be seen as utopian babble but as your world continues to struggle with an invisible foe and eventually adopts solutions from countries that only seek to serve the greater good of humanity, this could forge more positive alliances in the future where the interest of the world outweighs the self-serving pursuits of rogue nations that reject the needs of others in favor of their own preoccupations.

    We are not suggesting that a world nation is in your immediate future, but the groundwork could indeed begin during this current global crisis. The seed has certainly been planted. Time will tell when the tree bears fruit.

    Important Information about the Coronavirus from Trusted Sources

    Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may appear two to 14 days after exposure and can include:
    • - Fever
    • - Cough
    • - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    Other symptoms can include:
    • - Tiredness
    • - Aches
    • - Runny nose
    • - Sore throat
    • You should call your medical provider for advice if you experience these symptoms, especially if you have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or live in an area with ongoing spread of the disease.

    • ✓ Wear a mask. ✓ Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. ✓ Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. ✓ Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. ✓ Avoid close contact with people who are sick. ✓ Stay home when you are sick. ✓ Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. ✓ Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
    In hopes of encouraging Michael students to seek medical advice from trusted health authorities, the following links were compiled to provide a helpful resource.

    Coronavirus Resource Center (Harvard Health)

    Helpful List of Coronavirus Articles (CNN)

    How to Protect Yourself (CDC)

    Is it Allergies, the Flu, or the Coronavirus?

    People Who are Sick (CDC)

    The Do's and Don'ts of Handwashing (IMPORTANT)

    How to Keep Your Home Free of Coronavirus Germs

    Household Products that Kill the Coronavirus

    ● When and How to Use Hand Sanitizers (CDC)

    ● How to Sanitize Your Smartphone

    Stay Safe from Coronavirus on Planes, Trains & Buses

    What You Need if Quarrantined at Home

    How to Pay for Coronavirus Testing

    ● Common Myths About the Coronavirus (Myth Busters)

    A Slow Burn: Coronavirus Symptoms Often Linger Before Worsening

    Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Conrad David says:
    Interesting that even on the other side of the veil there is a diversity of opinions.
    Yeshua (Jesus) agrees with Michael on the need not to fall into egoic fear
    and also that the virus presents opportunities for human evolution.

    However rather than advising obedience to all social rules he emphasizes more the risk
    to guard against losing human rights, hints that the data are not 100% honest
    and highlights that breathing in one's own carbon dioxide is poisonous to one's own health.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jody Bower
    The Michaels said years ago that many souls had manifested to watch the global tip-over from young to mature soul age, and then there would be a bunch of natural disasters that would enable many of these souls to exit . . . including pandemics. But I haven't seen any recent channelings that address this.

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    • 8iuTX4LlGZO. Author
      Michael Teachings
      I don't recall anything about a mass dying off and I wouldn't view it as a productive use of a lifetime. There's an incredible amount of work and coordination that goes into setting up a life.
      I did channel something about the mature soul shift a year or so ago. You can find that here:

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    • 8iuTX4LlGZO. Author
      Michael Teachings
      Some of the topics you cite, David Bolton, are not under the scope of the Michael teachings. And I have a long list of other things I need to complete first.
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    • David Bolton
      Jody Bower Nor have I. Let's put it plainly: the world is in a more dangerous situation today than at any time since WWII. Perhaps on the verge of WWIII now; America TOTALLY divided; massive censorship: attempted vax mandates, and general bullying, that violate ALL TEN of the statues of the Nuremberg Code; An inoculation campaign that is in part criminal, governments pressuring to mass inoculate children, who are in practically NO danger of dying of the disease, extremely high inflation; all-cause mortality rates soaring; the economy heading for a total crash, etc., etc. Would it not be desirable for Michael to weigh in deeply on each and every one of these topics? How can it be explained that (as far as I have seen) practically NONE of these issues are being addressed to Michael for comment? I think we Michael followers have every right to ask these questions, and I see no reason why Dave should not ask Michael, and give us his (their) answers. Yet now, when people desire, and NEED answers more than ever, practically ALL of these issues are going unaddressed. Strange, is it not? We deserve an explanation, do we not?
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    • Jody Bower
      Not what I meant at all
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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Mature Soul Shift

    Channeled by DAVID GREGG
    The Michael Teachings


    When a soul age shift occurs on a planet, such as the impending shift from young to mature soul that now looms on the horizon in your world, this means the greater part of the population resonates with mature soul consciousness, with a couple caveats to be discussed later.
    Every soul age shift is preceded by a series of stages, seven to be precise, that roll out over a span of 70 to 100 years after the majority in a population reaches a tipping point. These waves often arrive each decade prior to the shift, or some crests pile up in the shallows, so to speak, and roll in much faster. In reversals of fortune, where the political climate stunts the spread of greater awareness, progress is delayed.
    Each stage represents a shot across the bow, marking a gathering storm of shifts in consciousness, building with strength and intensity as the gap between one majority is overtaken by another. It brings a significant transformation in social values, those behaviors and attitudes that support and shape the foundation of your communal structure. This new perspective then goes viral, to borrow a social media term, and launches an alternative ideological position into a population that quietly advances until the sheer numbers involved create a collective voice the majority can no longer suppress.
    * Curious about your own soul age? Take our test: How Old is Your Soul? *​
    Why Seven Stages?

    Reasons why the seven stages unfold during a soul age shift mostly involve laying the groundwork for the dramatic ideological change that lies ahead. The stages work like a buffer, cushioning the blows during the transition so they do not happen all at once. You see them coming. Cultural shifts that potentially reform the social, economic, and environmental outlook of a nation (or the world) can overwhelm and frighten the populace. Wars may start. These shifts are never taken lightly, and they coincide with real-world issues in need of change for the betterment of humanity.
    To offer some preliminaries, each stage begins with a cultural crisis of conscience, often resulting in acts of violence and civil unrest. There is a polarity here, although not classic in the sense of the negative and positive poles, but the contrast is similar, where a negative situation escalates until the uproar results in a fair and positive outcome.
    The start of the first stage can seem like a series of random fires across society that appear unconnected at first, but eventually coalesce into a more cohesive and culturally relevant demand for change. The second part of the stage comes later with an increased scrutiny regarding what went wrong and what remedies would solve the problem. Much of the political correctness that captured the media’s attention during the 1990s, for example, exemplify the second part (or that need for problem solving).
    While the stages during a soul age shift build in momentum, we see lulls on occasion, usually during radical societal changes in political power and ideology. This does not mean the shift in soul age ceases to progress in the population, but societal transformation coming from a soul age group that's under represented in the population, gets swept under the rug in favor of those in power.
    A shift comprises two factors: the mathematical accumulation of one soul age perspective over another, and a shift in consciousness that validates the perceptions of the soul age majority. It's never preordained that a soul age shift in the majority will immediately result in a change of the collective consciousness. It never happens over night. The conscious awareness in early mature souls needs to be awakened before the societal benefits of the shift are fully realized.
    A child born, for example, as a first level mature soul is generally not a game changer in society, at least in terms of the new soul age perspective. The earlier levels of a soul age stage may fall back to the ideology of their old stomping grounds. Hence, a first mature soul might embrace the values of the young soul; they’re not that far removed from their former perspective. Although, any mature soul surrounded by more consciously aware peers can awaken to the values of their true soul age. It often depends on a combination of childhood and institutional imprinting.
    Another point to consider is that a shift may apply to other soul ages, as well. It’s not improbable that certain segments of baby and young soul disposition might adopt the new ideology if it doesn’t trigger their fears. This, in effect, can infuse a society with a mature soul value system before a mature soul majority is even attained.
    In general, though, the mature soul shift on a planet rarely conspires without a fight. The values between young soul consciousness and the mature soul in particular, couldn’t be more at odds. This is a clash of seismic magnitude and the teeth-gnashing and snarls are real and should be observed with caution. Revolutions have erupted over such conflicts in countries — or in smaller segments, religious groups or political factions. It can appear as the destruction of a way of life, where former beliefs and values are uprooted, livelihoods seem threatened, and the future is uncertain. The fear this generates may incite violence from groups unwilling to accept the change or who are desperately trying to return things to the way they were.
    It’s a difference in ideology. Young souls often astound us with their technological innovations and entrepreneurship that benefit a nation. They live in an outer world where things get done, but don’t give as much priority to honoring the inner life of what it means to be human. The mature soul stage, however, brings awareness to this side of humanity.
    With a mature soul shift, expect a change in how technology, social institutions, and the environment impact the world. Measuring everything by how it affects the equality of others becomes the priority. Racial equality, gender equality (including the LGBTQ+ community), equality in the workplace, and so on, all factor in. Governments will be unaccountable at their own peril, and all environmental initiatives will be judged on the basis of their earth-friendliness. The old emphasis of using people as a means to an end is replaced with how people in all walks of life are empowered.
    None of these objectives get accomplished without a fight, and some solutions may lead to the inevitable overreach, where overreactive and extreme measures taken to correct a wrong, sometimes do more harm than good. This typically happens in the early stages of a shift.
    The Stages in the US

    We think it might be instructive to show how these stages have played out thus far in the United States.
    A chronicle of shifts in conscious awareness is well documented in US history, where attention to the plights of those repressed and marginalized in that country were addressed. Of interest, mature soul consciousness has not marked all instances of societal change. Some late level young souls, weary of the gender inequalities during the turn of the 20th century, became actively involved in leading the cry of freedom and reform.
    In the 1950s, though, following the historic Brown vs Board of Education decision, the first stage toward the mature soul shift was underway. Equal opportunity in schooling regardless of race became a matter of national record. This was the before-mentioned shot across the bow, and constituted an early shift in consciousness.
    In the early 1960s, the work of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement, aided in part by the support of John F. Kennedy (a young soul) was a continuance of the first stage, mobilized by the rallies, the marches and the emphasis on non-violent resistance. The protests and social uproar surrounding the Vietnam War was another offshoot of this shift in consciousness, and for all intents and purposes, consider Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society reforms the culmination of the first stage.
    The election of Richard Nixon brought a setback in the outward expression of the shift — although as the population numbers increased, more mid-level mature souls were born, laying the foundation for changes to come in the future. Minor victories could still be found in pockets of your society, with the momentous Roe vs Wade decision impacting the rights of women across your country. But the second stage of the shift didn’t take hold until the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.
    Stigmatized as a disease from gay communities, AIDS ravaged the US in its death toll and gave birth to a homophobic level of discrimination that marginalized and incited acts of violence against men and women. The political correctness movement seen during the Clinton administration in the 1990s was the second part of this stage and attempted to right the ship. This continued for another two decades, with more setbacks and opportunities for increased mature soul understanding put on the chopping block during the Bush administration. It’s not that movements for change did not exist, but as we’ve said already, during periods where an imbalance in political power exists, the ability to gain traction is diminished.
    Perhaps surprisingly, the end of the second stage didn’t come until the election of President Barack Obama, and this was felt on many emotional levels as a culmination of the work done, and a celebratory review of what had been accomplished. There was a sense of hope and pride in the air, but it would be short lived. Almost half the voting populace seethed with hatred and sought the downfall of the first black president.
    During the presidency of Donald Trump, the third stage began, and in keeping with Michael math, as you call it, the stage loosely resonates with an energetic three-ness, which hovers between enterprise and versatility, and also reverberates to a degree with warrior energy. Although, these are approximations only.
    Your nation currently finds itself embroiled in the first part of this stage, with the Black Lives Matter movement, the riots, the bitter acrimony that divided your nation during the pandemic, the contentious election, the raid on your Nation’s capital, all examples of the confrontations that come when two disparate ideologies in a country pit themselves against each other.
    Four more stages remain until the US shifts from young soul majority to mature. Based on the probabilities available, we estimate this could take another seventy years or longer. Other countries in the world are already ahead of the US in this transition, but there are also enough stragglers that we don't see a mature soul shift encompassing the entire world for at least another hundred years or more. A shift toward mature soul consciousness, in terms of societal values, however, could be realized much sooner. The value system of a society does not always correlate with the percentages of soul age in a population. An exact estimate is tricky due to the variability involved. As mentioned earlier, not every mature soul will manifest their true soul age or be consciously aware enough to make a difference.
    Some channels have declared the shift as complete and they are correct by a technicality, as the mature soul shift has begun an unalterable slide toward its point of no-return. But the finish line has not been crossed yet.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    @Mdbussiere1 says:
    on 23 Aug 2022
    'We are Coming for you....and every CEO of Every Company and Lab that had Anything to do with this"...

    Remember - gain of function = bioweapons :(

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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