Caution Cat Owners - Do Not Use Plugin Fragrance Wall Diffusers

Discussion in 'HEALTH AND WELLNESS' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 27, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This was shared on facebook, by someone who doesn;t want to see
    anyone else injure their cats or dogs; or other pets...
    The horrors we went through for the past 3 weeks

    We first noticed drainage coming out of her right nostril.
    It was mostly clear in nature and she was sneezing quite a bit.
    We took her to our vet and they thought
    she had an upper respiratory infection.
    We gave her antibiotics and went on our way.

    One week later, the drainage had increased
    and turned bloody and her appetite was starting to decrease.

    We called the vet again and they had us come in
    and pickup another antibiotic/immune boost to add to her food.

    That Sunday, she stopped eating, stopped drinking,
    was isolating herself and I noticed she wasn’t going
    to the bathroom as much.

    At this point, nothing was helping.

    She was dying and we knew it.

    All day Friday I cried and kept thinking
    about what we had done differently around the house
    and that’s when it hit me.

    About a month ago Adam found these really good smelling plugin fragrance wall diffusers.

    I immediately unplugged them, opened windows
    and turned on the fans.

    By Friday evening Mit Meow was able to walk to us.
    Saturday morning she woke me up at 4:45 am meowing
    and hungry.

    Her nasal drainage had stopped, she was eating,
    her balance was improved and she wanted attention.

    After further investigation we learned that several
    of these diffusers are toxic to animals
    and that they have more severe reactions to cats
    because they are at nose level to them.


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