Capricorn New Moon - Sacred Beginnings - 23 Dec 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Planet News by Zoe

    55m ·

    1:1 Capricorn New Moon: Sacred Beginnings [Dec 23]

    The richly rewarding Capricorn New Moon is exact
    on Friday, December 23, 2022.

    Dec 23 activates the Royal Star of the Lion number
    which we’ll fully experience in 2023.

    At 1° Capricorn the new beginnings factor for this new moon
    is particularly strong!

    Jupiter’s arrival at 00° Aries – the first zodiac sign
    – makes a powerful connection to this New Moon at 1° Capricorn.

    In fact, Jupiter begins a new 12-month cycle right now in conjunction
    with the Solstice and the New Moon, truly an auspicious Star Code activation!

    Jupiter governs joy, trust, optimism, growth and abundance.

    Enjoy expansive, fresh starts and a deep sense of trust in Source,
    Creator to just go with the flow…

    Jupiter’s powerful connection to the New Moon
    gives you a lot of FAITH.

    Love Light Blessings,

    Tania Gabrielle
    1889_n.?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=-lOeMtL3FBMAX9TYAVB&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1. cqp

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The last newmoon of the year before 2023.

    It's important to set healthy boundaries in order to restructure your life under your own terms

    but also learning from the skills and wisdom of experts, mentors and teachers around you.

    Take time to check in with yourself regularly to avoid being burnt out.

    New moon, new intention, new timeline, new consciousness, new manifestations,
    new alignment, and a whole new vision. 2764. 2728. 1f319.

    Myra 2665.
    #newmoon #newreality #abundance #manifestation #energyupdate #newmoonritual #energyshift #magic #ascensions #newbeginning #higherfrequency #miracles #healing

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Art by Sophia Goldberg


    Well, I’ve been putting this off but its time to tell you of the huge energy change today which we will all feel…

    I had been SO enjoying Jupiter in Pisces for the last two months or so I have found it easier to be more creative
    and also to access my higher mind and dreams, even if a little lazy at times or procrastinating …

    Now Jupiter is moving back into Aries until Mid May and that means action once more…

    This is NOT a bad thing as we get go ahead with plans
    and/or what had been our focus before Jupiter went Rx
    and also during the Rx in Aries period before he returned to Pisces.

    Aries is my Solar money zone and I spent far too much in the last month so I get a chance to build up my bank account again.

    Jupiter is very much at home in Aries being a fiery planet and ruler of a friendly sign to Aries.

    And bearing in mind that Mars will be OOB until
    March this is a lot of fiery even radical energy.

    We WILL get things done but there may be some conflicts to come.

    This is probably a good thing as a lot will get sorted in the political arenas and
    those in high places who have made certain promises and/ or threats will be forced
    to put their money where their mouth is and follow through.

    So there is the positive and negatives with this.

    Sagittarians will be especially ready to act on what their plans and dreams have been. Aries most definitely.

    The rest of us will use this energy in the best way we can but once more we need to temper action or re –action ,
    with calmer periods and pace ourselves, try not to be accident prone or react with short fuses.

    Those born at the beginning of the sign of Aries are going to have a real boost of energy
    in the coming days and maybe lots of luck as well.

    I cant forget those born in the last days of Pisces who would have the same the last few days.

    To emphasise this, tomorrow the Sun in Capricorn will square Jupiter in Aries which is a double influence
    of all of the above so Capricorns will feel
    the energy too and Leos of course but Capricorns in particular,
    as the Sun moves into their sign for the month ahead to shine light on all these earthy
    ambitious people who always know how to improve on just about everything,
    to the point at times they appear controlling or demanding, but its just
    them being the Goats that they are wanting to climb ever higher in life.

    And Capricorns have their new beginning for the year ahead, the day after, the New Moon on the 23rd, 2022
    so they will be in their element especially the female goats as Kali conjuncts the North Node
    bringing the most powerful feminine power into its own .

    For any of us who want to call on this powerful Kali energy on the New Moon, this is the time to collectively ask
    for the unveiling of all that’s been hidden from us in the last few years that’s been inhibiting positive progress
    into the New Age, plus more about our purpose for being born at this
    time in history and how this relates to past incarnations, as I have touched on this in the last few posts.

    Everything that’s happened in December is bringing more pockets of information on our past and our futures , s
    ome of which will be revealed in the months ahead.

    It should be a year of great surprises and newfound knowledge ahead,
    and skills for each and every one of us if we are open to the same.

    Kali power can awaken the feminine power within to an extreme degree whether we are male or female
    so we are empowered to act in ways we may
    not normally act, so there will be a lot of retaliation
    and a collective need to destroy that which has enslaved us,
    tormented us or harmed us coming
    from the past patriarchal system.

    Chiron will go direct in Aries at almost 12 degrees Aries, an energy which will support our ability
    to call on our own deeper wisdom on how to heal self (as everyone has it within them to heal
    their own ailments or issues), and also to help others do the same.

    And all this near the Perigee Moon (closest to the earth) so again there will be a few larger than usual earthquakes
    to remind us of Mother Earths
    magnetic connection to the Moon , Sun and other planetary bodies.

    A New Moon near Perigee often acts like a Full Moon with regard to our emotions and deeper feelings coming to the surface.

    All this sets the trend for the month ahead so there is a lot of fiery power around to enthuse us,
    bring out our most powerful creator, active energy to
    fight the good fight that is so needed at this time…

    Art by Sophia Goldberg

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Helen Nicholas


    23rd December: Chiron Direct 11 degrees 56 Aries at 8.31 am AEDT

    Release from spirit wounds

    The phoenix awakens and is fired by the new spirit emerging from within: Regeneration is the role of the phoenix!

    And so we rise from the battlegrounds of past wars and conflict where we’ve been held by the memory banks living and re-living our history,
    the history of our ancestors, humanity and the planet.

    It’s been a challenging few months with Chiron bringing up wounds around identity from the past so we can attend to the pain
    held within our physical bodies and our spirits. Back to present time and reality.

    Mental and physical wounds of the past have been the focus:

    Chiron is very connected to physical health and wellbeing ruled by Virgo the sign of healing and the mind/Mercury body connection
    being paramount in the healing process.

    This has intensified and added to the focus of Mars retrograde in Gemini.


    During retrograde but may still emerge as we enter the recovery ward

    Chiron can bring out old war wounds, spears, darts, arrows, bullets, clubs etc as well as chains and ropes used on captives in war.

    These ‘wounds’ may well manifest on the skin as marks or unidentifiable aches,
    pains or resistance in the physical body.

    They can appear after any kind of body work or energy work as they release from the physical.

    Lungs respiratory system, nervous system and heart:

    Chiron ruled by Virgo/Mercury

    Consider release from grief held in lungs, breathing mechanisms and heart.

    Gas chambers of war and poison gases in warfare can also find release.

    Chiron is known as the ‘speaking’ cure with Mercury as co-ruler of Virgo:

    Providing the guidance to speak up in safe environments to trusted confidantes about the past ‘wounding’.

    Sometimes it’s just enough to have the attention of a loving person to hear the wounds spoken about as so
    often we bottle up old hurts and grievances.

    It’s often the first step in coming to some understanding of the basis of the pain and to come to reconciliation
    with that moment in time as well as understanding and accepting our core wound as an opportunity for
    growth and expansion of consciousness of the big picture.

    The following quote from Seth captures the essence of the power of the spiritual warrior:

    Time to step out into divine power on the road to recovery

    From Seth:

    "A cure of any kind will never depend upon any given treatment.

    It will in all cases depend upon the belief on the part of the sufferer that he can be cured.

    It will depend upon his desire to be cured.

    It will depend upon the strength of the purpose that an illness serves.

    It will depend upon, in the last analysis, the individual’s own ability to mobilize his own energies, for only these will effect a cure."

    The Early Sessions Book 4 Session 159 June 2, 1965

    New post

    21st December Jupiter enters Aries

    21st December: Moon goes out of bounds at 6 degrees Sagittarius

    21st December: Mercury returns from out of bounds

    22nd December Sun enters Capricorn

    The Solstice
    23rd December Chiron Direct

    Song for Chiron moving direct:
    ‘Where have all the Flowers Gone? Peter, Paul and Mary


    (spiritual wounds of war/warrior)

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